Any suggestions on what MMO's are alright right now? i'm just looking for something that's got a decent community.
MMO crave
FFIXV is on a fantastic spot right now. I became addicted to it not long ago just because of the casino.
>Decent community
Just play osrs or some shit
I'd suggest giving UO Outlands a shot
Honestly and unironically there are no good mmos, and I find that you can only have fun with them if you used to play them years back. Anything new is just boring.
I wanna fuck a female Orc
shit combat and the community is tranny cringe
Only post that makes sense here
Archeage alpha was probably the most fun I've had in an mmo. I heard the devs were making it a lot less p2w and banning botters, might get back into it.
this is a genuine answer. The players are optimistic and well cared for. Prolly the best choice.
TESO is in a good spot too, but don´t fall for that f2p crap, playing without that resource bag from eso+ is cancer.
Fuck, meant to link to FFIXV is good, right now, if you like Animuu faces
I agree with you but end yourself anyway
Black Desert is probably the best looking and has great action combat with an interesting combo system, but lack of raids, dungeons, "free" costumes turns many people off,
I've heard from a friend that the Final Fantasy MMO shit and TESO are good. Number one is obviously OSRS but every year there's more shitty retarded content than good content being added so it won't take many years before it's not worth playing
Anything but ffxiv, it's the woke mmo that's pandering to the far left and it's full of fucking trannies.
Unless you're a tranny ofc, then it's exactly what you would want
shut the fuck up
Unironically Oldschool Runescape
MMOs are a trash genre. Play some real fucking games instead.
this. recently made a new character, pretty enjoyable so far
Been a while since I quit but TESO was fun. Leveling was cool and the end game stuff was also fun and challenging, vet dungeons actually made you think when you were doing them.
In my 900 hours of FF14 solo play I haven't met a single blatant tranny or faggot. Just don't talk to people. Ezpz.
>Just don't talk to people. Ezpz.
people like you are the reason MMOs are glorified collectathons and barbie dressup games
End your life normalfag.
you first, asocial loser.
>"i'm mad at the trannies in this game"
>"don't talk to people then"
>"fuck off you ruin MMOs"
Buy a rope and make the world a better place by hanging yourself.
>asocial loser
Where do you think we are?
>everyone on this website is as big of a loser as me
Can we fit your big headass in the noose too nerd?
get to that rope faggot
he's right though, literally no point playing an MMO if you're going to play it like a single player game
and you know more than one person can participate in any given conversation here right?
Guild Wars 1 still worth playing? The complete collection is pretty cheap, so I’m tempted to dive back in.
There is no point in MMOs anymore.
You're obviously the biggest worthless asshole in this thread so I'd suggest you kick the bucket first
OSRS, GW1, and PoE
There's a small community still playing and the discord is alive. It's in maintenance mode but there are a couple of devs ironing out bugs and adding requested features.
not even 2 is worth playing
Cannot agree more that ESO is pure dogshit without the crafting bag. Even with the sub I couldn't handle the constant bag management.