Can you recommend me some deckbuilding games?

Can you recommend me some deckbuilding games?

I have an itch to scratch and played GOAT Slay the Spire too many times already.

Also discuss Slay the Spire and other deckbuilding games, I guess

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the pokemon TCG game on gameboy


Already cheesed the hell out of every strat there. Good suggestion, though.

Never heard of it, will check it out, Thanks user!

To prove my complete mastery of the genre, here is me beating the Awakened One without killing the two cultists

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I just checked it out but I never cared for the Witcher universe, and I disliked Gent. Why did you recommend Thronebreaker?

I've heard good things about Steamworld quest,has anybody here played it?

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>block build
The most reliable one. 0 cost dead damage equal to block and 1cost double your block is absolutely broken.


Attached: DeadOrAlive6.jpg (1920x1080, 115K)

Thronebreaker is good, its a much deeper version of Gwent and you asked for card games and that's one of the best singleplayer ones like Slay

Also recommend Deck of Ashes

You are playing Ironclad its not special. Lucky ironclad can 2-3 shot bosses. I remember a run with 3 limit break and a 6 passive strenght. 1 heavy blade= dead boss.

card quest.
its fucking great.

>Steamworld quest
it's out already? I have so much steamworld stuff to catch up on

Steamworld quest is pretty good, but it's more a JRPG with deckbuilding mechanics so it probably won't scratch that STS itch if you're like me.

I'm probably going to get trials of fire on steam today because that looks more like what I want.

Wasn't STS way too random? Like one run stomping everything and the next losing at the first boss.

This and

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Attached: Vereth 9.jpg (2563x1484, 1.3M)

what the hell is wrong with some people
I just want to play some cards goddamnit

I don't think StS is too random because you can consistently get through the game if you know what you're doing.

The worst thing about StS rng-wise is you not knowing what the last boss will be even though some can completely hard counter some decks.

pics or it didn't happen

I wouldn't say it's too random. Yes there is RNG, but a run only lasts like 1 hour, so it doesn't matter if you get unlucky sometimes.
Also once you get familiar with the game you recognize there are strats that are more high variance than others. So you often get to decide whether you play it safe or go for the high-risk high-reward plays.

Ascension 4
Git gud scrub

I'm hearing a lot of macho words but seeing very little proof of the pro players of Yea Forums so far.

Well for someone who claims they have mastered the game, you're pretty baby tier, regardless of how the good the other faggots are at the game.

at least my baby tier is better then u


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Save & quit then try the boss fight again.

user that is literally cheating

tough luck man. I hate the velvet choker with a passion

Don't listen to this dude those are pussy strats. Own up to your defeat and let it make you stronger

The worst was the "in combar RNG" some times. No matter the build, you could always draw all your blocks when you didn't need them and have none when you did.
You whole run broken in one round of bad luck.

no, you can win like 200 times in a row at the base difficulty level if you get good.
at the highest difficulty level, ascension 20, you might have a point, but I think A15-20 were designed with difficulty more in mind than balance

you save your potions for turns like that

So is there a way to kill the heart or not?
what do i do after i beat the game with all 3 characters?

play this one whatever the hardest difficulty is though
don't think I ever lost a normal battle

Did you notice that there's an "Ascension" thing on the bottom of the screen when selecting a character? Start going up ascension stages until you can fight the heart.
You can also try the mods on steam workshop, they're very fun.

after you beat it with all 3 you start finding the 3 colored gems, if you collect all 3 in one run you unlock act 4

also, you unlock ascension levels which make the game harder

If you have a phone (of just use an android emulator) try Meteorfall and Night of the Full Moon.


Deckbuilders I played, not including adaptations:
>Fate Hunters
Meta progression is one of the major points. It's a balancing act with adding the treasures you need to unlock stuff to your deck, which are cards that are dead weight or some with good effects that consume it. Good but grindy.
StS with boobs. Pretty fun.
>Blood Card
Your deck is your HP and Death is chasing you. Beating Death wins the run. Currently prone to easy infinites, but still fun.
>Deck of Ashes
Garbage. Too much resource management outside of the fighting. It's like Klei made this game.
The battles are more like Clash of Clans, so really it's more of a deckbuilder CoC. Not bad if you don't mind real time mechanics.
>Royal Booty Quest
Clearly a ripoff, but hey it's free and has 3 more characters

That's it for now. There's also a bunch where the enemies use cards like you do, like Monster Slayers.

Thronebreaker sucks bc Gwent is horrid.

If you don't mind mobile, night of the full moon is actually really good. It started as a shameless Chinese ripoff of dream quest with better art but it's been constantly updated to the point where it's genuinely it's own thing.

How do I fight the heart now? Its been a while since I played, on accesnion 9 atm if that matters.

Also I miss perfect strike being """good""". It seemed to be consistent as hell on base and lower accensions but at some point it just started falling flat for me.
Is this it?

yep. I didn't know it was getting a steam port.