Can we discuss how badly Diablo fans have been fucked over the years?
Can we discuss how badly Diablo fans have been fucked over the years?
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No, because Diablo is a brainless hack n slash point and click RNG loot simulator and Blizzard did nothing wrong by putting that trash on the platform where it belongs.
They played Diablo 3 so fuck them. They fucking deserve what they're about to get
Diablo was the worst blizzard ip until Overwatch came out. Fuck that braindead repetitive cancer. ME FARM ME SEE BIGGER NUMBERS ME HAPPY
>about to get
>I only played diablo 3 and can't see why people think its a bad diablo game
Diablo II
Path of Exile
Can we discuss art instead?
who wants to play Diablo 2 LoD i play USWest but can start on USEast if you prefer
Based as fuck
Diablo has always been clicky clicky clicky clicky collect the cookie crumbs shit even though I enjoyed it, I understand that it's been well surpassed in the ARPG genre
Releasing anything substandard now that we're in a post Demon's Souls/Dragon's Dogma world I will not accept
>inb4 Path of Exile shills
Literally doomed to failure at some point because it refuses to push the boundaries and insists on the same shit that held Diablo back and that's the focus on the NUMBERS GIT BIGGUR gameplay instead of actually improving combat, control, and various other shit the genre is now lacking
>buh buh its the genre
No it fucking isn't. A top down, loot based game with a vast variety of weapons, animations, movesets, hitbox, dodging timing and gameplay greatness can be made.
See: Nioh
The day someone literally makes a top down Dark Souls with character create and proper builds and real variety and actual multiplayer instead of just KILL DA MOBS Blizzard and GGG etc are done forever
>Path of Exile
Maybe five years ago, Path of Exile today is no different than Diablo 3, screen clearing as fast as possible with a billion different AOE and passive procs zapping anything coming close to you and a fucked drop table that encourages you to run over and over again for a single piece of gear that gives +5.5% something and a new AOE.
Y-you guys have phones, right!?
Just look at this framing, wow. The lone man. Red, angry. Defiant. Art imitates life
What could have been...
I've only played Diablo 1 and 2. Playing 2 felt like playing an offline MMO, it was the most repetitive offline game I've ever played, it got boring after 2 hours and it kept dragging on and on, I don't understand the praise it gets at all. At least 1 was short and ended before it got excruciatingly boring.
meme magic is very real
Fuck off
that's not an example of meme magic
Red and blue shirt dudes
Someone edit them to look like Dante and Vergil (dmc3 or 4)
Where were you when you realized Diablo 2 has aged like milk?
Casualties are a part of war...
I fucking hate how the Diablo3 fags infest Path of Exile with their bullshit
when I learned it existed
He's not wrong, exalt is like Warframe's plat. It's a shitty way to get people to grind forever in their neverending feedback loop
Glad to see I'm not the only one who thinks that.
>company is literally called Grinding gear games
>makes a game where you grind for gear
boggles the mind it does
crafting high end items is a game in itself.. I'll usually craft stygian belts early in the league and easily triple my investment and then I'll craft enchanted helms for a chance at a big payoff. Last league I'd buy 2ex helms and then sell em for 6ex+
You can plunk 10c into a belt and quicksell it for 60c. Don't need exalts at all to craft something usable.
God I hated how people reacted to synthesis crafting
We have builds that can kill uber elder with 10c budget, let people have something to grind and make absolutely broken items you faggots
Not everything has to be accessible for people who only play for 3 hours every weekend
They see something someone worked hard to get and they want it themselves. They don't want to grind for it, which is the purpose of the game, they just want it.
We are all fucked.
At the recent investors' meeting Activision Blizzard announced that they are preparing more products oriented for mobile market with f2p model.
They are going to invest more money into Warcraft and Diablo franchises and make it more appealing for casual mobile gamer audience.
So expect to see WC3 Reforged ported to tablets, more news about Diablo immortal and new f2p projects in Warcraft universe where they would want you to pay a lot so you won't play comfortable for free.
You're retarded to the core. Literally every single one of brainless japshit game button mashing game do not have the build depth of Diablo-likes. Shit even decades later the nips still can't make an ARPG where you summon literal hordes of monster and sufficient ladder tournament.
I've seen at least 4 franchises I loved die within the past year alone
get real and let them go
>Playing 2 felt like playing an offline MMO
Why are those who criticize Diablo 2 always retarded casual who either never played MP or fuck didn't even played HC Hell.
That's what you get for selling your soul to the chinks.
>Jay starts speaking
I miss the kino old days
it looks exactly like what the game was like in 2012, if a tad slower
>you're not allowed to criticize my game because you didn't do this specific thing!
Yeah ok blizzdrone
Diablo 2 is still my favourite game. I loved everything about it.
>grimdark edgelord aesthetic
>demons and angels and shit
>tearing up hordes of undead/demons
>all the loot
>trying out whacky class builds
Diablo 3 ruined it for me, I hated the cartoony aesthetic and the reliance on story to push you forward. The gameplay wasnt fast enough either.
They pulled it back a bit with the DLC but it was still beyond saving at that point. Hopefully the next game will be the grimdark piece of shit we all deserve.
what a retarded post. You win the the most retarded post award. gratz boy
>diablo fans
Did you miss the actual skill trees
the lack of actual character builds is honestly the biggest reason why D3 is bad. There's zero room for meme builds or experimentation in general, everything revolves your class's sets and the sets dictate what builds you can do.
>Literally doomed to failure at some point because it refuses to push the boundaries and insists on the same shit that held Diablo back and that's the focus on the NUMBERS GIT BIGGUR gameplay instead of actually improving combat, control, and various other shit the genre is now lacking
Mobas already did that, just make a singelplayer campaign in league of legend and done
Blizzard's idea is about everyone having the same fun. So if everyone has roughly the same builds then no one will feel left out. Smiles and happiness ensured.
what a retarded post. You win the the most retarded post award. gratz boy
Half the fun of Diablo2 was logging in online and seeing some behemoth absolutely destroying everything in sight and wondering how to git gud like them.
Obviously looking back on it they just bought perfect gear from chinese item farmers, but it was a simpler time.
Diablo 3 killed the genre for me
I can't even play another hack and slash without being reminded of that atrocity of a game.
I fucking hate you so much Blizzard.
>You will never slave endlessly through the catacombs, finally open the wooden double doors and walk down the corridor toward andariel just to be one shotted ever again
why even live? diablo 2 was the best fucking game ever
holy mother of reddit spacing what the shit are you doing
Based AF