SEGA leaker here

>Fist of the North Star (Preorder starts on the same day, comes out a week later. Similar to Yakuza 0 last year.)
>Yakuza 3+4 HD for Fall & late 2019
>Persona 5 Classic for early 2020
>Sakura Wars Steam announced

Attached: HTDV1d0.png (1432x778, 597K)

Other urls found in this thread:

sooooooooooo fucking boring. shitty persona 5 trash and endless yakuza rehashes shit out every season of the year. what a sad fucking fate for sega

Larp leaker here

We are overweight

>>Persona 5 Classic
This alone makes me think you're for real, given how stupid it is

>Persona 5 Classic
Im not buying incomplete games you stupid niggers. Give me Royal or get royally fucked

Royal isn't canon

I wonder if they consider porting over any of Vanillaware's stuff sometime. It might be the easiest cashgrab stuff to port.

Do you really believe I make my purchases based on what is canon rather than what gives me more content?

>Fist of the North Star and Sakura Wars on PC
Sounds like bullshit but I want to believe.

>persona 5 classic
go fuck yourself

all trash

>Preorder starts on the same day, comes out a week later. Similar to Yakuza 0 last year
pretty sure Yakuza 0 took months to get on PC, it was announced at E3 but took until August


I know you're larping, but i still want to believe.

FotNS and Sakura Wars are what catch my interest.

>persona 5 classic
Unless it's the latest Persona 5r thing then that's a pirate for me.

That's great and all, but I'll wait till I see a shaky still frame of your image with those titles.

>Fist of the North Star (Preorder starts on the same day, comes out a week later. Similar to Yakuza 0 last year.)
>Sakura Wars Steam announced

Attached: bullshit.jpg (570x558, 87K)


Yeah, Kiwami 2 was the one that got announced along with Steam page.

Thats a pretty safe bet desu, not so sure about persona.

>Persona 5 Classic
Try harder.

>Yakuza 3+4 HD for Fall & late 2019

Yass qween slay

2 months isn't that long

I don't really trust you on these but you almost got me at Persona 5 Classic (due to how Catherine was released as Classic on PC).

>Persona 5 Classic for early 2020
just use rpcs3

Attached: 1556857957920.png (494x429, 417K)

just pointing out that his shit is fake if it wasn't already obvious enough

Why the fuck wouldn't the expanded game be canon
user don't fuck with me, I've been waiting for yakuza 3,4, and 5 news for months

Who in the blue fuck is going to buy "classic" Persona 5 when Royal is a thing. Stop being dumb as fuck Sega I'm buying Royal, not a gimped version on PC.

SNOY faggot seething.

Imagine the Lyn___ mods........

Project Diva fucking when??

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Where the fuck is miku?

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>believing in "leaks"
Who do you think we are? Nincels?

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>Sakura Wars Steam
The first one or the new game?
Happy regardless

I just want Project Diva REEEEEEEEEEEEE

But Sakura Wars is actually on PC user

I forgot about Yakuza 3 and 4 HD
Thanks leaker-kun

>No Border Break
Fucking gay

require proof

PC gamers = Switch Owners

>>Persona 5 Classic for early 2020
Just port P3Fes and P4G to PC already.

>>Persona 5 Classic for early 2020
Wait, does this mean Persona 5 on PC? Because if so: You have my money.

the Persona one is much more skeptical than those two.

>insufferably annoying
>constantly portbegging
>subsists only on scraps and indie crapware nobody else gives the time of day
>mostly irrelevant to gaming as a whole
all checks out

When is FOTNS supposed to come out? Sucks that Y5 isn't included.

>that's a given at this point
>highly doubt that
>won't surprise me

Yeah but honestly I don't give a fuck while the other 2 I would love it, the only thing I belive will happen is the HD versions of Y3/4/5

Based. nintendo and pc suck ass. Xbros and psbros have to get over resolutions and exclusives and team up to make those faggots shut up forever

All the relevant console have to do is keep getting actual games, the rest will take care of itself

big if true

fug off until you gibs more sanic and project diva

Atlus had it right. Their premium HD games last gen (catherine and p4a) were on 360 and ps3. Sega also had it right. Phantasy star universe was ps2 and 360. Sonic unleashed got a good version on 360/ps3 and a bad one on ps2/wii. Vanquish was 360/ps3.

And now both companies merged. It should be so simple but its not. Instead we have to deal with switch and pc autists begging for ports in every single thread, article, comment section, forum, discord, social media for ports to their crusty antique platforms

Judge Eyes PC when tho?

>>>>>>>>>>>releasing a now outdated game when the update is coming

Would have bought royal, not even gonna bother pirating classic

Never for filthy pckeks

>be inferior platform
>complain when your betters deign to throw you something old and moldy to get you to stop begging and whining
Ungrateful piece of shit.

Get fucked you cuck

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>just buy a $3k PC and play at 20fps
fuck off shitter

why no Persona collection HD?
who would want to start with a 5th game?

When will FotNS release?

i'm guessing before the PS3 yakuza ports since it will take them a while to redo the old shit localizations

>t. Seething so(n)yboy
Nobody cares about ps4 anymore lmao. imagine losing all games

>Seething because SEGA can make games that aren´t forced to pander to manchildren

>redo the old shit localizations
god no please

Attached: l9m2sa8cwky11.png (1280x720, 1.18M)

The old localisations absolutely had shit even worse than this, especially if you look at Y1

>persona 5 classic
who cares? shits been fully playable RPCS3 for a while

800$ 2 years ago was enough though.

Stop believing this retarded fake shit

You forgot to censor your post sonybro.

The only unlikely part is Yakuza 3/4 HD, the rest is a safe bet

not enough when you're getting massive fps drops, with a native PC port you could play at fucking 200fps with a decent PC, plus mod support, just because you can emulate it, doesn't mean it doesn't need a PC version you retard

Attached: 123.jpg (1300x780, 194K)

>Sega port
>mod support

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>t. brainlet

a PC game doesn't need an official support from the devs to get mods, you retard, any fucking non online game is modable

Seething sonnigers. Your console is becoming more irrelevant with every month

If it's not official it's not "supported" brainlet, you have no way to know if the game end up easy to mod or not then.

It was already irrelevant as soon Sony went woke.

Huh? Sony is the getting most of that, especially Yakuza.

I get that you're trying man but try a bit harder with your insults, they're not even sensible

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Does Sakura Wars even have a western PS4 release yet?

>plus mod support
PS3 version already has mods, what mods do you even want?

any PC game gets modded to death if it's popular enough, nobody is talking about fucking official mod tools or whatever, I was talking about PC version just being modable from the very beginning, you underage retard with no reading comprehension

>console modding

you can mod the emulated PS3 version on PC, so modding is not a potential selling point for a PC port.

God i hate fatlus fags begging for their shit games while classic SEGA dreamcast/saturn/og xbox games are dying

haha, what? the ps3 mods on emulated version? how many mods do you have, 5?6?
jesus, how can anybody be this fucking stupid?

What do you think fan translations are?

Are people working on a classic music mod for Kiwami 2? Did the PS4 version get one?

Attached: yakuza-kiwami-2-review.jpg (1000x580, 89K)

The guy behind the others said not to expect it because they're busy on Kenzan and the Dragon Engine modding is a lot more complicated than the older engines. See . I don't believe he made one for PS4 either.


>Did the PS4 version get one?
Nah, western version can't be cracked yet due to higher software requirements. Also patch user said he won't have time in near future or so.

Virtua fighter when

probably either making a new mirai for the switch or ps5

There's VF2 in Kiwami 2 and VF5 in Y6.

What mods are there?

How long is FOTNS ? Are there side missions in it?

>>Yakuza 3+4 HD for Fall & late 2019
Sega almost autistically follows a schedule for their PC ports, there's no fucking way the 3 and 4 remasters of all things are coming to Steam before they get localized for PS4.

>Seething snoyniggers
I hope all Japanese devs choose PC as their base platform because of the snôy censorship fiasco.

>Persona 5 Classic for early 2020
The fuck is this?



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Fist of the North Star on PC? I assume you mean the Yakuza-like one? Guess ill wait instead of getting it on the basedstation sale.

>Fist of the North Star
Literally reskined Yakuza running on an engine with already two releases on PC, free money
>Sakura Wars
Made by VC devs since CS3 and CS2 merged, I believe they do PC versions themselves so no need for outsourcing

>I believe they do PC versions themselves so no need for outsourcing
VC4 port was made by internal Sega Europe studio.

There is a way and it would explain why they released Kiwami 2 before E3 and so close to it. They're clearly going for simultaneous PC/PS4 announcement and want old games out on PC so they can start putting the new ones close to PS4 release.

>still no miku
Who fucking cares.

The other ones were made and published by KT, why would someone working at Sega have any info on them?

They're not going to announce the ports till after 5's port gets released in Japan.

Good and believable lineup. The only thing I'd like to be included is P4G and/or other Atlus PS2 or 3DS titles.

I don't fucking know or care who made any earlier games. The only reason i give a shit in the first place is due to the yakuza style gameplay.

Y5 comes out in June in Japan which is when E3 happens.

>not for manchildren
Pick one

it's not for manchildren, it's for actual children.

>Lyn nude mods
Yikes. Fuck pc gamers and their obsession with little girls.

Catherine: Full Body PC when?

He's prolly right
Persona 5 was listed in the internal doc as one of the IPs that should get ported and sold on more platforms to increase revenue due to stagnation
Sakura wars was there too

Children don't play fucking consoles these days. They either watch youtube letsplays or gamble on mobileshit.

Come on, where's Miku?

if you think persona 5 classic will happen or thought P5S would be similar you are mentally challenged

What did you expect?
They don't give a flying fuck about these games beyond using them for console war bait.

It comes out after E3.

They can't start portign until after translated build is ready. They'll start development in August at the earlier and depending on how much of their work on P5 port carries over it will release somewhere in 2020.
This is of course a scenario where a decision to port it to PC happened.


So what? They announced Sakura Taisen for the West before it came out in Japan. Same with P5R.


Let me guess, P3FES and P4G aren't either.

I would've bought this only if there were news regarding Catherine Full Body on PC at least as DLC.

But then it fell apart like Fist of the North Star releasing next week after pre-orders start (Sega usually happily take your money at least a full month before they release their ports)

The point is that they aren't doing simultaneous releases

>Catherine Full Body on PC at least as DLC
They can't release it as a DLC because Full Body runs on a completely different engine. Besides, DLC would get much less exposure than a new release.
They also won't announce anything regarding PC version of Atlus game until it's already out on consoles since they need a finished translated build to port.

Jet Set PC When
Sonic Unleashed PC when?
Super Monkey ball PC when?
Fuck Persona

And my point is that they're clearly trying to change that, as laid out in their financial reports.


Attached: sneed'o toole.gif (635x640, 3.28M)

What about Persona 5 on Xbox One? You guys where considering it some time ago right?

>They can't release it as a DLC because Full Body runs on a completely different engine.
Wouldn't that imply they had to remake Full Body from scratch? What?

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Thank you, based Sega for not abandoning us on PC. I am happily playing Shenmue natively on PC right now and I'm still shocked that it happened.

tfw playing Jet Set Future on PC right now but it's fucking disappointing

Attached: Cxbx 2019-05-03 14-42-54.jpg.jpg (1920x1080, 2.15M)

>Wouldn't that imply they had to remake Full Body from scratch?
Yes, that's why a shitty remake took them so long to develop. That + the usual dose of Atlus' incompetence.

That's not how it work


Attached: eIhFBW.gif (320x180, 1022K)

good screenshot

>small brain
atlus shit, platinum shit, sonic shit
>average brain
yakuza shit, jet set radio future, skies of arcadia
>big brain
virtua fighter, afterburner, sakura wars
>patrician brain
panzer dragoon, shining force, otogi, dark savior, nightshade


Attached: lucymad.png (496x700, 818K)

On PC means emulation, so Xbox emulation is now at least stable enough to handle this?

>M2 will never develop the perfect Saturn emulator and release games for it
feels bad

It sucks in general but works very well for JSRF.

>Fist of the North Star
Awesome. Ever since I've seen they have a Yakuza-esque game I've been wanting it.

>Persona 5

lol keep crying

Anything about TWW3?

I feel you. I never liked those Dynasty Warrior knock offs. I am excited for Yakuza Kenshiro.

>Persona 5
hard pass not starting a franchise from the 5th game

Attached: 1539366945058.png (623x622, 427K)

>Best of SEGA
>No Virtua Fighter
Your post stinks, OP.

Most based post in this thread.

There's literally VF2 in Kiwami 2.

you can emulate the entire series you absolute braindead mook.

>Persona 5 Classic for early 2020
It's honestly funny because this both completely illegitimizes everything you say because of how stupid it is... and almost confirms it as completely real because of how stupid it is.
Thanks Atlus.

Attached: 1556103575938.png (237x292, 165K)

Can't emulate P4G.

>he doesn't know

Outside of the boosting effect being weird and having to jump through quite a lot of hoops to get the game to run in widescreen unofficially (which kinda break some of the hud), it's working very well.
I'm just gonna finish it like that, I waited far too long for ultimately a worse game than JSR.

Attached: Cxbx 2019-05-03 14-44-13.jpg (1920x1080, 2.04M)

Capped. Take a look at the catalog around early June.


spoken like a true retard

It looks very pretty tho, also i prefer JSRF soundtrack

>buy lost planet
>few levels in, enjoying myself
>checking out rest of the sale
>there's a fucking upgraded edition not even mentioned on the original store page, and no upgrade option

God fucking damnit, why even offer the shitty one?

I don't see why you'd want to, personally

Based. I love console warring and posting wojaks like true gamers.
Fuck off faggot

Extreme Conditions is better than Colonies. It doesn't have GFWL, the online is dead anyway so those additions in Colonies are useless and the few new SP modes are not worth the hassle.

GFWL still exists? Shit. Thanks for erasing my regret, user.

>Persona 5 Classic
>not royal
they only had one job

You mean just deleting half the substories talks time.

>Persona 5 Classic for early 2020
why must you play with my emotions OP

Attached: 26047110_888573561318781_2420117541783860774_n.jpg (480x481, 25K)

1) the 60 fps "patch" fucking sucks, hell you can see it in this screenshot with the chatter bubble
2) I get better FPS than this fucker on my 1600 at stock which is $120 on newegg right now, not that you would pick this over a 2600 for a damn near similar price and more perf
P5 is piss easy these days in RPCS3

This is to say nothing of the TSX secret sauce Intel has to pull out way ahead of Ryzen. I doubt that guy's config with an 8700K, or maybe not look at performance numbers which are 9 months old.

Fuck that where are the sega ages of games they've never rereleased.

Just like Catherine Classic which is still receiving support updates to "unlock" the framerate?

I was fine with it on launch at native FPS, but clearly they didn't actually unlock it and have since been trickle patching it in. Persona 5 is a 30 FPS game through and through, I'd love to see it above that but I'd rather keep my expectations in check.