Should I play this game?

Should I play this game?

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If you can handle the slow battle speed then yes.

it's okay. It's kind of a shame that it has one of the most vocal fanbases who portray it as peak FF. Don't go in with huge expectations and you'll be fine.

It's slow as shit though

I enjoyed playing it when it was still relevant... 19 years ago. I can't imagine it having aged well. The art and music is memorable... the characters may as well have been nobodies... and the story.. can't even remember what it was.

Anything before 10 is a safe bet. after 9 is a gamble.

YES. Im serious. I've come to prefer it over 7 these days. The sidequests are some of the best in the series too...Chocographs and Terra Master, too fucking fun. Final boss kinda sucks, but otherwise the story is amazing.

>Chocographs and Terra Master, too fucking fun

its a good game, play it on Steam with the Moguri Mod and enjoy, remember that you can turn off the camera panning around the field of every battle, makes things faster.
Best FF is subjective, but its definitely the most comfy.

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This. Like FFVIII, disc 1 is god-tier, 2 is ok, 3 is dogshit and 4 is great since it's finishing. Also, slow as fuck battles kinda ruin the experience. There are 2 characters that aren't relevant at all and the development of some characters is suddenly left behind.
That said, it's a good FF. 40-50 hours more or less and a good comfy setting. The first characters you meet are the best ones and you are going to have a good time with them. Play it, at least until the ending of CD2 (after Lifa tree IIRC).
Basically, it's a game that would enormously benefit if it got the remake treatment. Make it action RPG with KH3 graphics and it would be enough for everyone.

One thing I will add though...It is kind of easy. At least as far as enemies and boss fights go. As far as Final Fantasies, I would go as far as to say that its probably the easiest to clear of the entire franchise.

Yes play it.
It really baffles me how someone can even consider skipping one of the PS1 final fantasies.
Man these are some of the most loved, soulful, cherished, influential and best games ever made.
The PS1 trilogy is probably the greatest trilogy of games ever made.
Ever wonder why people STILL talk about these games? why they are not ever forgotten?

I literally can't play this game again without the fast forward

9 is the ideal FF just for being the only 3D one tha's not an MMO, Nomurashit, or Star Wars.

Vivi is the best character in the entire series, it's worth playing for his story alone. That said, be sure to play in an emulator where you can speed up battles. The Steam port is just a port of the iOS version, and the updated character models aren't worth how blurry they made the backgrounds.

I love Freya

>The Steam port is just a port of the iOS version, and the updated character models aren't worth how blurry they made the backgrounds.
True, but there is something called the Moguri Mod, which upscales and cleans up the backgrounds very nicely, I've been using it and there has been very little issue, just be sure to tick off widescreen, sometimes it looks nice but other times it just makes scenes look off.
I believe there are mods to make the UI more like the original too, just to top it off.

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You tell us OP.
Pirate it if you aren't sure it's worth your money.

>we will never get a release of FF9 with the backgrounds in their original resolution because Square just threw them out

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>just play the PS1 version you stupid asshole

I actually do, it has the most soul

Actually someone recovered the original assets a long time ago and posted them on neogaf, shame I have to leave for work in 5 mins or I'd dump all of them.

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I do too

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it's good

Top tier atmosphere and designs, some good side quests, slow and plain battle system, fun chocobo minigames, decent characters and story. That's the long and short of it. It was the last truly good mainline FF game.

1-3 were good and set the groundwork. The remake versions hold up better than you'd think.
4-6 are top fucking tier 2D game, but sadly only 4 has had a nice remaster.
7-9 are very different games, but all still great in their own unique ways and all must-plays.
10 and 12 were okay, but with some big problems. Yea Forums jerks off 12 much more than it deserves, and Japan's love for 10 will always baffle me.
13 is one of the worst games ever.
15 is a massive letdown.

Also, I heard original assets for 9 were lost so we'll never get a proper remaster. I swear to god, Japan has a fetish for letting original assets for games and anime gets destroyed in fires and floods.

It actually has a really good story but you won't catch all the details unless you read some supplementary info.
The only thing I truly hate about this game is the Excalibur 2 bullshit. Pisses me off that I'll never get it.

cute rat

>The only thing I truly hate about this game is the Excalibur 2 bullshit. Pisses me off that I'll never get it.
>missable bullshit weapons
I hate these, but I've gotten used to them.

>time limit to get to the end of the game in a fucking jrpg
This was absolutely fucking retarded.

It's one of the best videogames ever created so yes.
By far the best crafted story in the videogame medium.
Combat system is love or hate, but it's objectively not great.

>4-6 are top fucking tier 2D game, but sadly only 4 has had a nice remaster.
It must be said that 4's story is retarded though.
How many Saturday morning cartoon-tier fake deaths do you need?

>It must be said that 4's story is retarded though.
4 had too many fakeout deaths. That doesn't make the whole story bad, or make character interactions bad.

no, play X, it's the best final fantasy that has been ever made

I'm currently playing it, and as of the end of disc one I'd be happy to say I've enjoyed my experience. Even without finishing, I can say I could quit and say this was worth playing. Of course, I fully intend to play to the end, but what I've already done was full worth it.
That being said, the switch version seems to suck fat dick. As I notice it seems to load fights slower than the PS1 version which I'm playing on a vita. The PS1 release definitely still holds up with the only barrier to appreciation being the battle framerate, which was not addressed in any way in the remaster. It's something that is fine really, could be better and it's jarring when you first see it but really it's fine in a game that's so far, pretty damn good.

On the combat system, yes it moves slower than FFVII but on max speed it isn't unbearably slow or anything unless you literally have ADHD.
A major flaw though is auto-regen + slow battle speed + any lengthy spell animation basically amounts to free healing.
But the combat system is still customizable enough to be fun and engaging.

If you want to.

Play it on PS4 or Switch, it's incredibly slow otherwise.

Idk. I like FFIV but the story felt quite hokey to me.
I would say I enjoyed the game b/c of its atmosphere and not really its story.

Don't listen to this thing, it is a tranny homosexual. They should not be trusted.

It's okay that you didn't enjoy it. Nothing you think matters.

Lol your life must be shit.

It has abysmal dialogue and the mini-game is real bad. It hasn't aged well.

I'd say otherwise, the switch feels slower.
Here's the load on the first fight on switch
Compared to the PS1
That load on switch is just abysmal for what it is. Even the PS1 outperforms it.

The mini-games are shit but the dialogue is great.

Garnet is a whore who only fucks Zidane's monkey cock

X is good after about 4-5 hours in. The first few hours after the prologue are such a drag.

Yes. Use a turbo mode for battles - it's not bad early game but turns into a slog mid game once enemies start casting spells.

> 5 second pause while game loads up animation.
> Watch enemy spell cast animation for 10 seconds.
> Spell animation for 5-10 seconds.
> Game pauses for another 2-3 seconds before your ATB gauges start moving again

Repeat this for 3 consecutive enemy attacks and you literally spend minutes where you are just watching the game crawl along.

I just checked this and it's this delayed on every single encounter, random ones included. By the time the PS1 is able to move the Switch is just finishing loading. If you play the switch version you will be staring at a blank black screen much much longer than the PS1. Don't play the switch version, because if you care about actually playing the game instead of looking at a black screen, you'll be better served by a literal 20 year old release.

Try maybe like 2 seconds.
Everyone knows the combat system is relatively slow there's no need to hugely exaggerate it.

The PS4 and PC release seem to load faster than the PS1 after looking it up. Basically the switch version is actually the worst possible version of the game, the others are up to debate, I'm not going to argue if the remaster is better or not.
Just don't get the switch version, it's the worst version.

For the love of god play it with a fast forward option. Game's unbearable with the battle speed and loading times otherwise.

yeah its a solid 9/12
the battles are slow af though, cannot stress that enough

Not exaggerating anything.

Go time the following:

> Time any random enemy encounter starts until ATB meters start to fill up.
> Time ATB meters stop until spell casting animation starts.
> Time of spell casting animation
> Time spell casting animation stops until ATB meters start moving.

Each alone is only a few seconds but the entire loop adds up to over 30 seconds, and most of that is spent with loading times.

Again, in the early game with mostly physical attacks, basic spells which have shorter animations, and shorter enemy animations it's not bad. Once you start fighting enemies who cast more advanced spells or special attacks more frequently it starts to really bog down.

This is how I feel about IX.

IX isn't the best pre-MMO FF, but it's still good. It's worth playing for Vivi's story, a good romance plot, and Garnet's thigh gap alone.

You're a fucking faggot

oh you

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It's slow

No, you just have ADD
Stick to fortnite kiddo

4 is good but it begins to fall apart towards the end, most of the deaths had weight to them, but by the end, you go on a giant space whale airship to go fight an alien on the moon, then need to fight a giant robot and it turns out everyone was alive, then you go back to the moon, learn Cecil is a half martian and...ugh, it was just a mess, at least the ending is nice enough to take your mind off it.
A true classic that I love, but even I thought the ending stretch was ridiculous.

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amen brother

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>Make it action RPG
Fuck you, retards like you ruined the franchise.

>Garnet is a whore
>but only for Zidane
sounds hot

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What do you cunts gain from shitposting like this?

I'll agree turn based is better than the half baked bullshit we've had. 14 is particularly bad because of latency mixed with a UI that is unresponsive to begin with.
At the same time, turn based is a stagnant point. FF had been doing good to keep it interesting through swapping out jobs, characters, intrinsics and extrinsics, but there's a point where it becomes stagnated and disinteresting, where if you wanted to play the latest turn based rpg you're better just playing the ones that are already out and much more worth playing, even if you've already done it. I don't know if action was the answer, but they were already trying way back with stuff like chocobos dungeon to mix it up. Either way action was an inevitability. I wish they'd fucking stop though, jesus they can't do action. Maybe if they did something like valkyrie profile or resonance of fate, but they're gonna contine with lowest common denominator shit tier action as long as it sells now

there's no need to be upset, I just like sharing cute art

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That one is cute, but the one with the monkey fucking homo isn't

Yes. It is comfy and still an ok FF.

Jesus Christ. Why are you so mad that the leading girl is in love with the MC of a game?

well now that's just rude, Zidane's a sound lad!

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She's not in love with him, he's a sexual deviant and a rat fucker and he died at the end of the game because he went to go fuck Kuja because he couldn't resist being a disgusting homo even if it kills him.
All the vines killed him, the ending is him hallucinating he's with garnet, the end credits are his life flashing before his eyes and then he dies.
No he isnt

there's no need to be upset, Zidane's a good boy who just wants to help people!

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Hello garnetfag how have you been

No he's not he's a rat fucker, a homo, and a rapist
I'm always good, it's a waste of time having a bad day even with all these jealous fags trying to ruin my relationship it doesn't matter they've been doing this everyday for almost a year now, it still hasn't stopped me

>almost a year
I just checked, apparently it's been going on since 2017, and you fags still try to ruin my relationship everyday

You're pretty deluded, even for an insane waifufag. Garnet and Zidane have lots of lovey dovey sex. She probably even asks him to put his tail in her butt while they're doing it.

like I said, there's no need to be upset, here, have cute art

Attached: Final.Fantasy.IX.full.1067175.jpg (700x700, 127K)

1. Sodomy is a crime
2. No she doesn't

That's not cute, it's disgusting.

I disagree, but there's nothing wrong with that, I'm quite fond of it myself

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Yeah because you're a faggot cuck, imagine if I drew your wife with another man. Oh wait you don't have a wife because you're a loser who shitposts all day trying to ruin my relationship
Get a life

Man, imagine being so messed up in the head that a story actually having a happy and conclusive ending where the main characters get together makes you upset.

No retard, it's canon that he died
Watch any other Final Fantasy games ending credits, they always show what happens after the main game.
Final Fantasy IX didn't, they just show flashbacks throughout the game, that's Shitstains life flashing before his eyes while he's dying

hey, I just like posting cute art, like I said, there is no need to be upset
I'm not, I like how FFIX ended

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It's not cute
And I like it too, because Shitstain died

>It's not cute
like I said, feel free to disagree, I like it!
>because Shitstain died

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>he actually thinks he's in a relationship with a fictional character
Having a waifu is one thing but ishygddt

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Hmm, remove the "I" from "IX" And you have a game worth playing

Yes he did retard, it doesn't matter how many fake drawings you post
I don't think, I know I am

>it doesn't matter how many fake drawings you post
glad to hear it! I'm happy to post more

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You can keep posting your fake ass fan art all day, it won't ruin my relationship you shitposters have tried for the last two years it's not gonna work

>it's canon
Oh shit, you have some sort of director or writer interview or actual game event that confirms it as canon to show that you aren't just pulling the generic "it was their last dying dream" thing out of your ass?

>I'm not, I like how FFIX ended
I know. I was referring to the other guy. The art you're posting is adorable and an accurate representation of the canon events in the story.

>You can keep posting your fake ass fan art all day
you got it! glad to see you finally come around!

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These guys are right.

glad you like it!

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If you have any with a lot of Japanese text (or any short comics) feel free to dump them and I'll translate them.

I didn't pull anything out my ass, but Zidane did pull his cock out Kujas before he died because the vines finally got him
That's why they don't show or explain how he escapes, he doesn't he just dies he hallucinates
What if someone posted images of your waifu like this? Oh wait you're a faggot cuck who would get off on that

Hey garnetfag, I've been masturbating to your wife for almost 15 years now, how do you feel about that?
I'm pretty sure if she was real she would cuck you with me anyway.

I think you're a loser who needs to get a life

not sure what I got, will have to go out soon, but I will take a look!
I'm just posting cute pictures user, as I said, there is no need to be upset!

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>I'm just posting cute pictures user,
People who post fanfic tier fag shipping pics are cancer, but posting art of canon couples together is admirable. You're doing god's work.

They're not cute, Zidane is a rat fucking, homosexual ape and a criminal as well.
Imagine if I made a picture of Paul Bernardo with your sister

Steiner and Beatrix are cute too!

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happy to post more Zidane and Garnet!

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It's my favorite FF. I felt like the ones before it were getting too stupid and serious and grimdark, so this one felt comfy and had great characters with tons of personality.

It's not perfect, but the environments were gorgeous, and the minigames were a ton of fun. Great game.

I've been mulling over a replay of IX for quite a while now, and you may have convinced me to do it.

Yeah except this fanfic shipping art is complete nonesense because not once does Garnet show attraction to Zidane, throughout the entire game Zidane wants to prey on Garnet and rape her but he's distracted by other women and Kuja so he doesn't get the chance, but if he survives Steiner would have had him executed

>They're not cute
I think they are!
>Zidane is a rat fucking, homosexual ape and a criminal as well.
nah, he's a sound lad!

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>he play games without custscenes

It's my favorite Final Fantasy and the first JRPG that I played all the way through to completion. I replayed it last year and except for the slow battles it holds up really well. The music alone is 10/10 so if you don't end up playing it definitely look up the OST.

>not once does Garnet show attraction to Zidane
Did you play some awful translation of the game that removed random dialog and cutscenes?

glad to hear it! will you playing one of the ports or the PSOne original?

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Keep being delusional

I'll buy it on the PSN because I don't own a Japanese copy of the game yet.

I played the original PS1 disc in English

>Anything before 10 is a safe bet
this is one of those moments where i'm pretty confident that i'm writing this without a hint of nostalgia when i tell you fucking yes i agree 110% with this.

>Steiner would have him executed
but Zidane and Steiner are buddies after Zidane saves Garnet from Brahn in disc 2, he even said he would follow Zidane no matter what in Castle Pandemonium
Steiner is a mad lad, but he's a good guy

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Yeah whatever faggot

But I have a real girlfriend, how does it feel knowing you will never love or be loved and will never feel the warm hug of a woman, instead you'll keep pretending you're in love with a fictional character while you toy and seal your fate as a forever kissless virgin.

Fair enough, I hear the UI was made better for that release, do enjoy!

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>i'm pretty confident that i'm writing this without a hint of nostalgia
I've played most of them multiple times throughout my teenage and adult years. Pre-10 are all worth playing. 10 and 12 are okay. After that is shit.

Keep being delusional mate, my wife is real it might be beyond your comprehension but that doesn't change the facts. Garnet is real and I'm married to her okay?

afraid I must leave for now, glad you all enjoyed the art dump! I enjoyed posting it!

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Whats even more ludicrous is that it doesnt even teach Steiner any special move that he doesnt alreeady either have or is already capable of getting from the other weapons...And with decent enough stats, all his attacks like Shock, Climhazzard and Stock Break go for 9999 with Ragnarok just as well....So all that extra attack stat Excalibur 2 grants is really all for naught at that points. Its silly

okay last one, peace all!

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Is the Switch port any good?

You must have it rough buddy, I pity you.
I honestly wouldn't spend one single second of my life on Yea Forums if a fictional character came to life and decided to be wife, don't you think?

What does having the Hammer with you in your inventory change about the ending cutscenes? I always have Hades synth it for the Tin Armor, so I've never seen any other ending than the usual. I've heard keeping it adds some scenes at the end.

Nothing important, really.

Agree with you on the 10 point.