So now that the dust is starting to settle... which one was a more insulting ending?

So now that the dust is starting to settle... which one was a more insulting ending?

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I never had any hope for Mass Effect to have a good ending, even before Mass Effect 2 happened. I don't understand the idiots who thought BioWare could actually deliver.

I haven't played The Witcher (?).

>The Witcher (?)

don't even know what the bottom thing is

and i'll echo this response, after mass effect 2 it was already known what they were doing was nothing to have hope for

I don't know what game it is. It looks like the Witcher guy.

It’s game of thrones
I obviously don’t watch it as I’m not an NPC, but there’s bee a huge buzz over its ending recently

It's BTS from the latest episode of GOT. Have you been living under a rock?

Attached: arya.webm (1280x720, 1.55M)

ME. ME3 had lots of bad stuff in it, but generally the main story flow was acceptable. The biggest mess was in the last mission. Without it the game would be redeemable for most of the people.

GoT had gone to shit the moment they've decided to drop Martins plot and go with their own scenario. So it wasn't a surprise really after the last season. Still a shame tho. Blu boys deserved more.

I don't watch Game of Thrones. I watched season 1 and I saw "the shocking wedding scene" in season 3 or 4 I think. That's all. I don't care.

Neither. Both are complete trash but there isn't one that really does worse than the other.

>muh edgy soap opera
Nobody cares.

7.5 seasons just to be used as fodder for someone to gain a numbers advantage AND he died like a bitch

that's a weird table for a show about... what is the show about, dragons or something?

i haven't watched tv since stargate went away

Who thought this was a good idea? Why are dumb and dumber such hacks?

Yea Forums

Lmao that monster design is so fucking bad.

>hype up the white walkers for 7 full seasons
>hype up Jon Snow as the guy who's gonna save everything
>even comes back from the dead
>hype up Bran's stupid I CAN SEE FOREVER psychic powers for like 4 seasons
>all of that thrown out the window so a little girl who shouldn't even be there can one shot the big bad instantly out of nowhere with no foreshadowing
I wasted days of my life on this shit.

>8 years of wait just for hollywood hack screenwriters to fuck everything up.

>weird table
user, it’s a prop
He’s jumping off it so he can stab the witcher guy

>one shot the big bad instantly out of nowhere with no foreshadowing

Nigga plz, that dagger's been itching for action since season 1. also they foreshadowed that shit with melisandre ages ago

the shows ending is effectively just fanfiction based off books that havent been written yet so in the long run i guess it doesnt matter. mass effect 3s ending is completely canon.
fuck me3.

>like omg, got is so totally important

The books are going to be written by some hack. GoT is tainted forever. Martin dies in less than two years.

I thought that's the witcher too, but when you laughed at him I reconsidered that it might be sekiro
same, I watched season 1 and season 2 was already weak so I dropped it

edgy sopa opera can be good vide: Rome

The books were dropping in quality after the third one. Its ok.

After reading fantasy series such as malazan, GoT felt lacking in retrospect

Lmao TV shows must suck ass these days if people think this and most of the shit from Netflix are amazing. BCS is one of the few shows even worth watching these days.

The first book is so good, it strikes a great balance between descriptions, narration and dialogue that feels natural and helps you learn tons about the worldbuilding without ever feeling too expository.
Halfway through the second one he forgets to do this for some reason and the quality of writing starts a constant decline.
Time is a bitch.

>goblina ruins everything once again
Maisie was a horrible mistake.

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Still the second one was my favourite, because it felt like a big buildup towards the climax, attack on kingslanding. The house of undying was also great and was completely ruined in the series. Never took the series serious anymore after that fuckup.

Mass Effect 3, no contest.

I have no idea why you'd willingly subjugate yourself to this shit after season 4-5 happened

ME3 was built on a foundation of interactivity and player agency, the implication that all your choices in the series would come together to provide a sense of closure unique to what you had done

But then absolutely nothing mattered and you got to pick a colour

Oh yea, TV is trash, nowadays most TV shows legit have worse writing than fucking anime.

ME3 you absolute basedlet

I'm glad I'm not the only one that compares ME3 ending to GoT S8E3. If you think about it, both series have alot of parallels. Shepard and Jon Snow both face a thought-fictious enemy early in the series, nobody listens to them until it's mostly too late, they both die and are reborn, they both go on quests to gather allies. And in the end, ME3 ended with a Deus Ex Machina with nothing Shepard did mattering, and GoT made Jon useless in the fight against the NK, with Arya being the Deus Ex Machina.

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