Games where an unlikely hero ends up defeating the villain?
Games where an unlikely hero ends up defeating the villain?
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How would that change anything isn't tumblr already 90% porn
>he doesn't know
Imagine thinking a website was your adversary. Lol
Tumblr is dying after the higher-ups decided porn wouldn't be allowed anymore.
Tumblr killed porn last year
Have you been living under a rock? About a year ago they banned all porn on tumblr via a shitty AI (that banned even the examples of "acceptable" art) in the interest of making it more family friendly.
>brings back the fucking porn
Buddy do we have news for you
they are thinking about selling tumblr simply because the sjws won and forced tumblr to outlaw pornograhic content on their site which lead to tumblr stocks pretty much becoming worthless over night
>Can you feel ze Schadenfreude?
why do SJW hate cartoon porn so much?
literally doesn't even make sense
It wasn't SJW but corpprates suits.
I don't necessarily care that tumblr banned porn but where did it go? Did all that T&A just disappear forever?
SJW want real porn where the queen vagina takes all the black cocks and a little white dude is paid to cry behind the couch. They also want kids to actively consume porno online so they can pray on them easily in real life
All those T&A will be lost in time, like... tears in rain. Time to die.
>trannies and furries and pedos.
>not liking cartoon porn.
Fucking underage cartoon animals is where east meets west in terms of SJW and incels (since both groups are usually unfuckable).
A lot gone forever. Others split between 100 sites
its more like
>tumblr is basically a money pit
>'we've gotta sell it'
>'but its filled with pornography'
>makes pornography against the rules, create some halfass AI to delete pictures and even accounts
>doesn't actually get all the porn
>still can't sell it off, instead causes a huge user exodus
what porn was on tumblr I couldn't easily find somewhere else
Tumblr banned porn because of fears about child pornography, primarily shit like 15-16 yesr olds setting up personal porn blogs. If pornhub buys it it'll just end up with even more frey area cp because pornhub doesnt care
You could follow artists. And there was a time when you didn't even need an account to view NSFW tumblrs.
Landwhales mad that people prefer drawings over them.
They literally can't allow people to enjoy something they don't because it's oppressive or discriminatory somehow.
all the tumblrfags went to twitter and have meltdowns anytime someone draws porn of a character that doesnt look 40
don't you sickos realize that you're going to harm the mental well being and development of that drawing if you make porn of her before she's 18??
> Remove Ban
> Bring back porn
> Update searching for shit to actually work good
Love (Porn) can really change the world
The amount of pornbots will explode tho...
They don't.
The common ground between SJW (left) and SJW (right) is both groups jerk off to cartoon kiddie porn.
Removing this shit caused an exodus of users to leave Tumblr.
A lot moved to Twitter and pixiv. Of the two, I prefer pixiv because Twitter is a fucking horrible site for hosting art
>tumbrl shuts down
>all my favourite DDLG and Asian slave/race play blogs vanish in an instance
>nowhere to migrate to
The type of people who used to grow up puritan now grow up as progressives.
Flags change, people don't.
Most of Yea Forums are Tumblr crossposters anyways.
Nobody on Tumblr actually wanted the porn gone. It's corporations
wasn't actually the sjws this time
it was corporate being completely fucking braindead in their attempt to ban cp
literally every other social media platform has better restrictions in place than tumblr does
I thought they got rid of porn because of Verizon and now they want to sell it again after basically killing it with that retarded decision?
t. lyin' nigga
Verizon were the ones who decided porn needed to be moved off the platform, after the app got taken down from the Apple Store for having CP.
900 pound women are upset that people would rather fap to Pokemon taking it in the ass than their fat rolls.
>Asian slave/race play blogs
got a link to some
It's complicated, the different cartoon tribes were at war with each others and it was often done through flagging the porn of the others to "send a message".
Like when Polyle got his account banned because a SUtrash reported it, screencapped it and came brag about it on /trash/ using "we"
>SJW (right)
He's lying : They banned porn because it became too big and countries like Indonesia wanted to ban tumblr.
The SJW actually like the porn.
I miss tumblr porn. I hope it comes back.
Let them ban it. People who want to view will find a way
This. Yea Forums and Tumblr are basically the same when it comes to traps and cartoon porn.
I liked this one, but I mostly just searched for "asian+slave" and browsed different ones
>buy boat
>drill big hole in hull
>sell boat
How fucking out of touch is Verizon?
one side want to fuck kids to express their freedom of emotion and love, the other want to fuck kids because it's a juicy market and money is way enough to educate the kid to like it.
More like strip the whole hull off the boat, fucking retards.
It was Verizon and their suits that got rid of porn, retard. SJWs are the ones that got into a hissyfit over porn getting banned and left tumblr in droves.
But I'm right. Both sides are full-on social justice with the express purpose of wanting to diddle kids and change genders, and fuck cartoon dogs, it's just a different motivation.
Nah, the cultural left wants to fuck kids because they can't get a hard on unless their partner is unthreatening and weak. That's why they have romanticized the idea of a muslim-tier meek dumb women that stay in kitchen and never say no to their husbands. They are so insecure that they legitly get anxious unless the partner is a total subject, a doll to their desires. Add the common neetsoc tendency for sadistic violence, and you get a subculture of loser betas with the attitude and desires of Frank Booth.
I liked the vintage-porn tumblrs, interesting look into the past AND tittilating.
Grandmas and grandpas used to be into some real weird shit in their youth.
>SJWs wanted the porn gone
Apple, wanted the porn gone. Verizon has an autistic obsession with keeping the app on the App Store and was forced by Apple to remove ALL pornographic images or get the app terminated.
You might not realize it but a good amount of that porn was made by the evil SJW menace you're so afraid of, and they were pissed too.
Lmaoing at all the self righteous niggers so thirsty to hate SJWs they're replying to this post
*right, I meant cultural right
>Both sides are full-on social justice with the express purpose of wanting to diddle kids and change genders
Ah yes, those famed right wing SJW's that promote fucking kids and trannies.
I thought they banned porn because of the large amount of CP on tumblr.
bro you're dumb as fuck
They're all over Yea Forums thirsty for pedo porn and being turned into trannies from discord paratroopers and talking about fucking traps.
What an argument.
I feel like I've seen this same "headline"' verbatim like 2-3 years ago.
Am I just on some dejavu shit or did someone just make another article about it again?
they exist. You tribe cut the sound from the other side, but when you are neutral you see the whole picture, and it's basically spy vs psy
Nigger I'm not even going to touch this delusional shit.
>I take shitposting seriously
Ah, that explains it.
How do explain the weird obsession that the right has with being cucked by blacks though?
it makes less sense that way.
See the second part of
You're completely delusional. Good to know.
Those of us in reality know that Yea Forums is crawling with pedos.
It's like in the Vampire masquerade, Sabbat want to normalize it, Camarilla says they're fiercely against it but all their people in power are hardcore into it and do it all the time secretly.
>radical centrist coming through
>both sides want to fuck kids
The right wants to promote an ethnostate with white nuclear families as its most basic unit.
The left wants everything that disrupts this i.e you being a degenerate who fucks kids, being gay, miscegenation, suicide, being a weeb,
You're either muddying the waters or are just plain uninformed and confused.
>Yea Forums is right wing
Okay lol
Go over to /his/ and tell them that
We're talking about the zeitgeist of online shitposters, what fucking leaders would be hardcore into it.
You call it shitposting, I call it a weird trend. I've seen nothing but the biggest boom in cuck porn start about 2015, I could shake it off as being a coincidence but people are actually watching this shit. It's joining light incest porn as the most watched category.
T. Anontalk
>those famed right wing SJW's that promote fucking trannies.
trans girls are very popular with /pol/-tards actually. we often have a lot in common in our worldviews due to many of us being social outcasts and growing up with Yea Forums. i'm gonna marry a mild /pol/-tard soon although he calls me a liberal and hates my politics
It's literally to bait reactions from people disgusted by it as well as a few into it, but that's the minority same with trap threads, same with footfag threads
>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
Hardcore spammy /pol/s.
The kind that throw a serious shitfit if you say loli is pedo and that traps are gay.
>The right wants no freedom
>the left wants total freedom
One of my friends who got 'redpilled' married some fat ass anti-gun liberal even though he's a LARPing militia guy who unironically bought two water filters and Brainforce pills. I actually hate /pol/ for what they did to him. He was a business major being scouted by a few insurance companies, now he works as a gas station manager.