How can anyone stand or even defend playing a game at 30 fps? Most of Sony’s exlucisves are movies...

How can anyone stand or even defend playing a game at 30 fps? Most of Sony’s exlucisves are movies, so frames don’t matter much in those games, I agree, but how come a game like Sekiro doesn’t run at 60 on console?
>consoles aren’t powerful enough, that’s why they’re so cheap and affordable
I understand that, but here’s the thing: there are games like RE2make and DMC5 that run at a solid 60 FPS. Sekiro might be more demanding but just fucking lower the graphics.
>Normies won’t buy the game if it’s not pretty.
Add a fucking setting then allowing to change the preset to make game run at 60. Also, it’s an imo but still, I genuinely think that 60 FPS makes a game look much better.
I want to switch to the PS5 for all the big games in the next generation instead of upgrading my PC because I’m so tired of fixing all kinds of issues before playing a game on PC. But consoles are so behind PC in so many ways, it’s fucking insane concolefags are fine with it.

Attached: 81419C41-0592-4EA9-817D-1646346BD93B.jpg (308x155, 8K)

Other urls found in this thread: slug 30 fps&spell=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjw6runvv_hAhVOvKwKHfSiCOoQBSgAegQIBRAC&biw=360&bih=560

Cause sonytards brains runs at 30fps

I’ve axtually met people who say they don’t care about FPS. Should I just have sex? Is it the reason I care so much about these kinds of things?


Attached: 1556115355938.png (512x268, 5K)

Fuck 60 fps, we need 8K resolution.

You'd have to sit so close to the TV to see a difference, that it would obstruct your ability to play. 4k is already an impairment. Anything over 1440p-1800p is complete overkill.

Anything under 120 looks terrible.

because nobody cares, keep seething

Are you serious? Would you actually prefer 4/8k and 30 FPS?

what about cinematic games and turn based rpg's do they need to run at 60 or should developers sacrifice frame rate for graphics

somehow I made due without knowing anything about FPS when all I had was an N64 in the 90s. I'll never get this frame autism. it reminds me of audiophile boomers who get mad that their japanese pressing of Dark Side of the Moon doesn't have enough midrange or something. are you actually enjoying the medium, or are you enjoying nitpicking the medium?

>experience 120 fps
>can't even tolerate 60 anymore after getting used to it
It hurts sometimes.

I'm curious what issues are you fixing before playing

Yeah I'm tired of fixing the game's issues on PC.
Last one I had to fix was MGS ground zeroes 3 days ago.
Had to modify the game files to be able to play it like a human bean.
Unlocked the fps from the retarded 60 cap, so it can run at 144, change the fob to 120 and disable the insane depth of field on extra high settings.
I actually started to enjoy playing it.

Did you even read OP? It’s in the first sentence.

How is this autism? Have you not played a 60 FPS title before in your life or something? How can you tolerate that laggy mass of a game 30 FPS titles are.

I had to fix stuttering in DMC5 through editing some files and then upgrading my video card drivers to stop the game from crashing my pc into the blue screen. Then I bought RE2make which has the same issue with stuttering but it was even worse there, and I couldn’t find the solution so I refunded and bought the game on console, where it runs perfectly.
NieR: Automata requires a community-made patch to work normally too.
There are so many examples. Why did you even ask this and make me waste my time timing something so obvious to anyone who’s played on PC ever?

Why do car people care about horsepower and torque?
Why do gun guys care about bore axis and trigger weight?
Why do foodies care about spice mixes and cooking techniques?

It's called enthusiasm, you passionless faggot.

I hope you actually think that less fps make the image blurry OP.

I honestly don't care. I've been playing sub 60 games since NES and SNES, usually sub 30 too. Hell even on my old piece of shit 486. I didn't start playing games in the late 2000s so i'm not afaggot who cares about shit that isn't gameplay in a game.

You're completely right but if you're honestly getting worked up about it then yes, you need to have sex.

That's retarded because I played PC games for years until my friend told me to turn v-sync off. I went from 30 FPS to 100+, but my monitor's refresh was 60 and it looked fucking glorious. Ever since that day I've never been able to play anything under 60. I guess if you're old your eyes are shit, and your fingers and reaction skills are shit too so not like you actually play any games other than old single players where there's no modern lighting that would blind you.

FPS was not anything that anyone put anywhere near the pedestal it's on today until gen 7 started. You're absolutely full of shit if you pretend otherwise. Obviously a more stable fps was important but doom and quake were both cited, by the fucking devs, as playable at 30fps.

Takes a zoomer to get upset about people not needing 1/60th of a second to react to things. How do you even watch movies if your 12 year old brain doesnt have enough attention span to deal with "only" 24 images a second?

Resolution doesn't matter, fps does.

You fucked up if you never played some 120hz 1.6 or quake on a crt back in the day.

neither matters


Attached: mustard.png (970x726, 1004K)

Fps affects gameplay so it matters. You wouldn't play a 30fps fighting game.

>Should I just have sex?
we all should

60fps would ruin arthouse games like Ico and Shadow of the Colossus completely ruining the immersion, feel, and vision of the developer.
Not everything has to be 60fps.

I want to ____ white power korra.

umm... yes i would? Because I'm not a wannabe elitist fag who thinks 1 or 2 milliseconds make a fucking difference.

There's a reason you don't play fighting games ahaha. You're a joke.

On consoles, 60 fps should be the standard for ALL games. I don't care what game it is, saying shit like "It's a X game so it doesn't need high fps". Fuck you, high fps is objectively better. Even browsing Yea Forums is a lot better at 144fps compared to 30fps.

On PC, fps should not be capped. That's it. Fps should be determined by the player's PC performance and monitor, not some cap because the devs were lazy assholes who tied the fps to the physics.

Yeah there's a reason I don't play the most braindead genre in existence except when playing with friends, correct. You see, I play games for fun.

Yeah lmao why don't they use more resources for something that objectively makes the game better by a small margin in my turn based game instead of making it look much much better? Game developers amirite?

You're so stupid you don't even know how stupid you are. Sad really.

No I can totally see fluorescent lights flickering, see each individual flap of a hummingbird's wings, and I walk between raindrops.

>I like to have fun.
>lol that's stupid. you're so stupid. Why aren't you as jaded and spiteful as me?
Typical Yea Forums poster

not him but some games act really weird without a frame cap, depending on your hardware
I have some games that will run at 144hz but it makes them stutter every 5-10 seconds and it drives me mad so I cap them at 144hz to stop it.
Probably something to do with my hardware rendering at way higher than that and hiccuping.

I played Halo when I was like 11.

This, unironically
are you dumb?
I hope you do have a 144hz monitor to see what I'm talking about.

If you're not even a little competitive that's pathetic.

I feel there's an interesting bit of psychology there, personally I feel like I notice frame rate a LOT more when I'm playing on PC and can do something about it rather than console.

>Most of Sony’s exlucisves are movies
How they are movies? Are you fucking retarded?

Attached: 1418599423447.png (487x460, 306K)

i don't like it, it's very noticeable, but it's not a dealbreaker for me. if I have no other options (like bloodborne) then i gotta deal with what i have

sometimes it's not really that noticeable though, it has to do with a lot of factors

Because the graphics will be shit anyway in a couple of years. Or are you some kind of nigger that only plays new games?

What kind of monitor do you have? Just to be clear, when I say cap, I'm not talking about vsync for instance. The fps of the game shouldn't go higher than you monitor's hz.

Xbox and Nintendo games also run at 30fps, so does many PC gamers.

Yes. It looks better. Does that mean developers should pour all resources towards that goal? No, because 30 and 60 fps are very much acceptable. Why don't we only play games on 32k monitors with no stutter and generally the pinnacle of technology? because it's just not feasible.

yeah, they are the same when it comes to FPS

Movies are 24fps though for that CINEMATIC EXPERIENCE

>the graphics will be shit anyway in a couple of years
absolutely wrong, games hit a point in 2015 where they look fantastic and won't age poorly. they will age don't get me wrong, but it won't be like playing The Summoner in 2019

>30 fps
>15 fps
You're retarded if you're falling for this.
>I want to switch to the PS5 for all the big games in the next generation instead of upgrading my PC because I’m so tired of fixing all kinds of issues before playing a game on PC
Oh wait, you already are.

Attached: brainlet.png (621x702, 56K)

That's not the point. The image is only blurry to us in motion. OPs picture doesnt work because the still frames are all perfectly clear.

i have a 144hz monitor, but no g/freesync
MHW is a weird one especially, i can get the game to run at 100-110 fps but it skips every few seconds, so i have to cap it at 60 because i havent found a hack to let me cap it at 90-100

If it's good enough then who cares about the little details?

I get migraine from 60fps

There is Iiterally no difference.

>A hack
You only need Rivatuner

nothing wrong with 30fps if it's most of the time stable.
it's much worse to have game that is "made" to run on high fps and then dips like half of that because can't optimize shit.

I didn't say I wasn't competitive. I'd just rather have a great looking game with good gameplay to be competitive in at 30fps than a worse one at 60. Saying I'm not even a little competitive because a few milliseconds aren't relevant to me is just incorrect. Sorry I don't play "who can hit the button the fastest" Zoomer.

>it skips every few seconds
Sounds like you're suffering from shitty frametimes. Maybe upgrade your RAM to 16gb if you haven't already.
MHW is also a pretty mediocre port mind you so it's probably not your system. I don't think MHW benefits from running over 60 fps either and just causes more issues instead. Doesn't it run 30 fps on console?

Well, if you don't have adaptive sync (gsync/freesync) it will indeed cause issues if you don't have a stable framerate. You should be able to cap your fps with rivatuner or nvidia inspector, try those.

Actually I don't watch movies precisely because 24fps makes me feel physically uncomfortable.

You should always cap your fps to the max refresh rate of your monitor. You can do it in your AMD/NVIDIA control panel.

Yeah lmao why even bother with graphics anymore?

Nobody cares about what games will look like in a few years because sales happen NOW, not in a few years

i play games that run at 60 and some that run at 30. dont notice a difference since im not autistic and just playing games

Oh yes, look at Uncharted 4 such an incredible amount of interactivity, or look at Heavy Rain, totally makes a difference when you play it instead of just watching a walkthrough on youtube

enthusiasts, you dumb fuck

At that point you're just a corporate shill and don't actually care about vidya.

>Oh yes, look at Uncharted 4 such an incredible amount of interactivity
Well yes? It's a third-person action shooter. Are you fucking retarded?

honestly this
only autistic virgins care about framerates

Attached: 1556818766640.png (334x346, 127K)

Then maybe you're not fit to criticize people anymore? Don't put yourself out there as the 0.00001 percentile of people who are disabled to the point of not being comfortable with watching movies and then bother normal people with your shit opinions.

>I want to switch to the PS5 for all the big games in the next generation instead of upgrading my PC because I’m so tired of fixing all kinds of issues before playing a game on PC.

This is retarded.

1. You don't think bugs exist on consoles after release? lol

2. Bad ports are the cause of frustration for PC. Blame the hardware developer for making ports hard to accomplish.

Pretty accurate, just look at the amount of sonicfags seething in CTR threads

You mean autists?

Fuck off, resolution is a meme at this point.

I know, so much INTERACTIVITY at play.

>framerate on video games

I'm older than you. You're not competitive or you would want to win in a competitive environment. Only retards and underage care that much about graphics. If you weren't underage you would have grown up on shit like NES and atari like I did.

People are "comfortable" with watching movies because they're so used to low framerates that they think that's what it SHOULD look like, and a smoother image is described as looking "fake".

So why is this okay, but someone used to higher framerates finding 24 fps uncomfortable isn't?

ayy lmao

If you can't see a difference in framerates, you are legitimately either fucked in the head or deluding yourself.

Cars are useful as an A to B. Carfags do not do useful shit with their cars. They jack them up and make them loud as fuck like a bunch of dumb cunts.

Cars don't need to be comfortable or fast to be useful
Guns only need to fulfill a basic need for self defense
Food doesn't need to taste good to be useful

And yet people care, funny how that works

Yes, playing video game is calling interactivity. You need to cure your autism fast OP.

Cinema -24 fps
Gaymus- 60fps
Prove me wrong

There's a lot of PS4 games running at different framerates. I don't notice the differences nor do I give a shit

have sex

Attached: 0a5.png (577x605, 468K)

Well, playing on PS4 already means your IQ is around room temperature so it's understandable

Who cares as long as the framerate is stable

Same. grew up from the fps/graphics circlejerking over decade ago.

Video games got fucked by graphics whore normies.
Imagine if devs worked with 60 fps as an unnegotiable baseline and stopped trying to add excessive detail and effects that only end up detracting from the playing experience, everything would be better.

Attached: 1547323463114.jpg (720x960, 144K)

Because I would prefer to play masterpieces like RDR2 and Bloodborne at 30fps over 0fps

So according to your logic you'd even be fine with 5 fps.

Graphics whores have caused more harm than anyone else. I've been saying that since the 90s.

>RDR2 and Bloodborne

>hurr I pay 60 bucks plus tip and DLC and the games run like ass but at least they allow us to play them
This, ladies and gentlemen, is how the mind of a corporate cuck functions.

then go play your 70s games faggot

The alternative would be not playing anything at all.

Bloodborne was like $10 not long ago
RDR2 is like $40 now

No. I don't let little things ruin my experience. But graphics whores are a blight. You fags hold game back worse than anyone else.

No, the alternative would be calling the devs and publishers out on their shit but you're all too cucked to do so and you KNOW you're cucked, hence all the red shirt guy dicksucking threads on here because you know you'll never be as non-retarded as he is. Although red shirt guy was retarded enough to pay for and go to Blizzard event so he's a corporate cuck just the same.

Attached: consider.jpg (569x428, 25K)

>No, the alternative would be calling the devs and publishers out on their shit
You think they give a shit? They're doing what they're doing because it makes them money. If people gave a shit about framerates then their games wouldn't sell.

So either suck it up, or go find something else. But don't delude yourself into thinking your solitary opinion somehow matters more than the masses supporting the industry.

I can deal with 20fps because I actually played early 3D games which ran at that speed.

But it's pathetic that games don't at least run at 60fps these days. It's even more shameful that consoles don't have graphical options to allow you to choose 60fps at the expense of muh grafix.

>You think they give a shit?
They would if people actually called them out on their shit, that's what I was saying. Are you having trouble reading?
>So either suck it up, or go find something else
It's faggots like you that are responible for the shit state console gaming is in today.

they are the same reatrds who defend 24fps on movies instead of AT LEAST 30

>They would if people actually called them out on their shit
They would if they actually had a problem with it.

Why do you have such a hard time accepting that not everyone has the same needs as you?

Seething pcgaymers who spent 2k on their moba platform

Sekiro is neither pretty nor has 60fps. The devs are just inept, that's all.

I wouldn't be surprised if he would, your average console player has no standards.

Attached: average console nigger.jpg (1740x641, 259K)

Guess how I can tell you're an underage zoomer.

Attached: der zoomer.png (434x327, 32K)

No, according to my comment i would prefer to play at 30fps over 0fps, if only you could read.
Have sex

If underage zoomers make up a majority of a company's profits, why should they give a shit about you?

Question: if a developer had the capability to go for either, would it make more sense for a fighting game to run at 120fps or 144fps (as an upgrade/progress from the past of 60fps)?

Attached: 3685485987_05e7edc6d6.jpg (400x400, 96K)

People STILL defend 30fps?

I'll say no because I don't like change.

Not that guy you're replying to. but fuck your brand of competitiveness. I started playing on Atari and games since then is all about fun. I don't give a fuck if you one up me in score. I don't give a fuck about your KD ratio. Fcuk your kind who poisoned gaming with CS and Quake multiplayer.
Gaming had the purpose of being fun. You and your ilk switched it into "not only I'm better, everyone else must suck"
You don't have the right to complain about underage zoomer ruining gaming when YOU are the one who ruined it for us 20+ years ago.

You shouldn't play competitive games if you're not competitive. You never belonged.

>doesn't have sex
>starts to care and get obsessed over things that aren't sex
Sounds about right.

That's not true. The human eye can't see above 60fps because that's what my monitor displays at.

I've been playing games since you were a sperm in our deadbeat of a dad balls. You don't get to tell me anything.

I'm 30.

>99% of 2d games were 60 fps (though not always stable depending on the game) because it just made sense that a game should run as fast as possible
>5th gen rolls around and suddenly 60 fps without extreme sacrifices isn't possible on current hardware
>everyone deals with 30 fps for a while
>6th gen, some developers decide to use this extra power to reach 60 fps
>others don't bother and stay at 30 for better grafix
>7th gen
>HD delays 60 fps becoming the standard again
>everyone starts pretending that 30 fps is ok and it's just how it's always been
i fucking hate this industry

This but for 15fps, I see no difference between 15, 30 and 60fps because I have a Switch

you pc beggars would have better eyesight if you didnt stare at your tiny bright screens all day

>downsampling to improve performance
aaaand the author is using buzzwords he doesn't understand.

Move your hand before a camera that records in 30 fps and do the same for 60 fps movie. Now put them side by side on a single TV/monitor.
Which one looks more realistic? To check that, just move your hand in front of yourself the same way and compare it.
I can guarantee you that it's 30fps. 30fps looks great on consoles because they have low level access to CPGPU and play frames in similar intervals of time,
so every 66ms for 30fps. On PC it's impossible with it's open hardware and it's especially noticable because of mouse movement which is faster than this of thumb stick.

t. actual CS engineer with computer graphics specialisation

Early 2D games targeted 60fps rather than 30fps because of hardware limitations, if you can believe it. There simply wasn't enough memory for framebuffer rendering to be viable, which is what you need.

>and play frames in similar intervals of time, so every 66ms for 30fps.
I will add that not all the time of course, but this is what console games (exclusives and multiplats) aim for and achieve a lot of times.

imagine how shit someone would have to be at games that his performance in a game wouldn't be impacted by his framerate dropping to 10 fps. it basically means the person is playing games at 10 Hz mentally. that's the only way more frames could make no difference.

in a decade indie devs will release games capped at sub 30 fps to harken back to early 2000s 3d in the same way they use pixel art now

and I'm 42. Like I said, you don't get to tell me anything.

Sure I do. I was also around for the start of gaming. You're just not a competitive person. You sound like a little bitch. Do you whine when your buds beat you at sports too?

That pic doesn't show the difference between FPS.
It shows the difference between motion blur ON and OFF.
good job on being retarded OP, you may have found something you are actually good at.

Attached: asd.jpg (228x221, 9K)

All console games should be like darksiders on switch. It has a quality mode with 1080p and performance mode with lower resolution and 60fps.

>in the same way they use pixel art now
pic related

Attached: link-comparison.png (600x360, 175K)

on consoles framerates above 60 make no sense because the TVs and the controllers on the consoles have terrible input lag. if you wanted to improve fighting games on conslows you'd better improve the controllers first and lobby for players to buy PC monitors instead of TVs.

on PC the wide variety of configurations means you shouldn't plan for a locked framerate. it makes no sense to require a low end machine to render 120 locked, and it makes no more sense to deny a high end machine its 200+ fps either. locking the framerate should be an option for power saving on PC. just make your game run fast and offer the option to lock for those who want it.

You DO realize that today's TVs literally add 2x frames to your videogames and programs with basically no noticible input lag?

>no noticible input lag

The guy talking about downsampling clearly has a 1080p monitor. Glasses guy is the one who needs to improve the performance of his rig.

This is literally how people invent things. Having too much sex makes people dumber and I wouldn’t be surprised if a dumb spic started this have sex meme.

well damn, I guess it does make sense that way.

Are you fucking retarded? Do you have a TV from early 2010s? If so then no wonder. Get ANY premium Samsung TV today, they are marvelous for gaming.

Even the Sonic Mania devs, who made a great game, failed with the waterfalls which were never intended to be lines rather than transparent.

Attached: Sonic mania.png (1095x554, 487K)

give me a number of milliseconds and it better be single-digit.

I will give you a single digit number, sure. It's your IQ. Grow a brain retard.

>console is behind in so many ways
>all my pc games have issues

Attached: E1E6669E-D053-41EA-96B9-731E3816ED21.jpg (875x838, 113K)

>a 30-year-old know it all telling me what gaming is all about
My fucking sides.
Shoo kid. soon you'll leave gaming when it switches focus just like other casual invaders.

Not really dithering, the waterfalls were just using the rainbow banding caused by the mega drive's shitty composite output. Later models actually fixed the rainbow banding so that effect only works on specific mega drive mobo revisions anyway.

>marvelous for gaming
Doesn't have:
G-Sync & ULMB or Freesync
Pivot function for shmups
Single digit response time

Attached: 1363532376073.jpg (927x480, 194K)

except there was 30 fps games like ranger x and metal slug

Attached: 30fps vs 60fps.webm (720x540, 2.96M)

I can see the difference I just dont care. you have to be ocd faggot to care about frames.

I was here from the start. You are the casual. Terrified of challenge or competition.

sauce on either of those?

The point is that it was the developers' intention that the waterfalls were transparent, not lines.

They all have a chick dancing, there is no real difference.

These videos are like jet fuel to my dick.

I don't see it, do you have more examples?

Attached: 30 vs 60 fps.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

Oh yeah, that 4K fuckign sucks compared to 1440p what a retard I am for making that previous post.

Oh yeah, those 2-3 games in overall that use 60+ fps really make the difference for me. LMFAO retards buying 144Hz monitors are braindead while there's barely any difference in 100Hz-120Hz. Also goodbye to 4K.

>G-Sync & ULMB or Freesync
LMFAO problems that only PEE SEA nerds have, you don't need this shit with consoles as there is no tearing there.

Jesus fucking christ... Today's TVs picture-wise destroy any PC monitor.

>Pivot function for shmups
Not a native english speaker so IDK what that means.

>Single digit response time
Perfect 60fps needs ~30ms (33) response time but I bet you don't even know why I give that number and where it comes from.
>80% Response Time: 3.7 ms
>100% Response Time: 9.6 ms

Overall, please, an hero.

Attached: mirrors edge 60 fps.webm (640x360, 2.62M)

30fps looks best here. There's something about 60fps video that is uncanny. I remember watching that hobbit movie that was running at 40 something fps and it was whack.

>there are no variables except for the one that is stated on each
who woulda thunk it

Attached: sigh.png (609x738, 530K)

Nothing changed.

>30fps looks best here. There's something about 60fps video that is uncanny.
You are actually right. Read this post: Most of the time IRL, 30 fps is more true to life than 60fps, especially with how more and more photorealistic today's graphics are.
60 FPS is nice for games like Ratchet&Clank, you know, cartoony looking ones, or for your menus, etc.

>Oh yeah, those 2-3 games in overall that use 60+ fps really make the difference for me.
what? most games support 60+ fps now

Left has no momentum.

To add: What is most important is what frametime looks like, which I explained here:
>30fps looks great on consoles because they have low level access to CPGPU and play frames in similar intervals of time,
so every 66ms for 30fps.

console eyelets literally seething

Attached: high refresh.webm (1280x1280, 2.83M)

just looked it up. all top TVs still have over 10 ms of input lag in 60 Hz when using their "game mode". in other words, at their best they're as "good" as 60 Hz PC monitors. it would be unfair to demand more, but in the context of high framerate gaming their refresh rates and input lag are unacceptable. you WILL be at a disadvantage against someone playing on a 144 Hz monitor.

Yeah I know, but it's basically utilised only in a few, like counter strike. Either way, 120Hz is great enough, you have to be a quarterbrain to say that a game that is 60fps on a console, doubled that with auto motion with 120Hz panel is a noticable difference than 144Hz, while most PCs can't even produce this framerate except for - as I mentioned previously - games like CS.

always the same bait with this one.

having sex only made me care about fps more. Don't do it

anything over 60fps is still more comfortable for gameplay regardless of if it's necessary for playing well

-> >in other words, at their best they're as "good" as 60 Hz PC monitors
Now we mix refresh rate and response time? Holy shit you aren't the sharpest tool, are you?

And how does this counters what I said in any of my posts?

To be fair, people who don't know about different frame rates just really don't notice that shit.

higher Hz PC monitors have less input lag, genius. TN vs. IPS panels.

Have you played them? It's very obvious that it's 30. slug 30 fps&spell=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjw6runvv_hAhVOvKwKHfSiCOoQBSgAegQIBRAC&biw=360&bih=560

Attached: Motion_Blur_Reduction_Nvidia_ULMB_Lightboost_and_BenQ_DyAc.webm (960x540, 2.86M)

Because humans are good at adapting. If you expose yourself to something for long enough it will become 'okay' to you. For an example many people live in poor conditions but to them it is okay because they still got a roof above their heads and food every now and then. Like in this hobby it is easy to say 'huh why dont you just buy a good pc' but how about 'huh why dont you try becoming financially succesfull and get a mansion'. You dont because you are fine with what you have.

>higher Hz PC monitors have less input lag
There is absolutelly no connection there. It's just that there tend to be more cheap, higher latency monitors with 60Hz refresh rate vs ones that are 120Hz and 144Hz.
Type of panel doesn't have anything to do here as well, I was talking only about comparable panels.

Input lag and response time are not the same thing.
Response time measures how long it takes for a pixel to change. It's not refresh rate or input lag or anything like that.

that doesn't make any sense at all you useless cumstain

What, you think slow-downs to 15 FPS look better than actually smooth 60 FPS animations? High quality models still look like shit when they animate in stop motion.

I think that is absolutely fine for a game to run in 30 frames per second if it is a game that capitalizes on showing off its graphics. But I think that less games should capitalize on graphics and instead focus on solid products with good performance. But graphics sell so...

Oh, that's pretty interesting. I guess that's a special case because of the detailed sprite animations. It'd look odd, like Halo 1 on PC, if they let animations run at 30fps while the display updated at 60fps.
It's not done that way for performance though.

>Input lag and response time are not the same thing.
Of course they are but there is a correlation of one and the other.
There is no when it comes to refresh rate. The other dude mixed refresh rate and response time.

Even if fps didn't affect gameplay, I would still argue for it. It is just more enjoyable to play with high fps, regardless of game.

By the way, if anyone has a G-Sync monitor and doesn't know what ULMB is, I would definitely suggest you give it a try.
Normally you cannot read the map here due to the motion blur:
But if you enable ULMB or if you have a CRT you won't have any problems reading it in motion.

Just make sure to read up on it because of double images and strobe crosstalk:

Attached: ULMB.jpg (1468x266, 122K)

>Of course they are but there is a correlation of one and the other.
Meant to say "Of course they aren't"

Cant push above 60 in games?.. Should spent more than 500 on your pc.

sure, if you want a raging headache after 2 seconds then go ahead

yea it's called coping

that's why the first post of this thread is so important. People who's fun and ability to play a game isn't impacted by the framerate lowering to 30 fps have slow as fuck brains.

imagine being disabled

Nah. you're the casual. you never gave a fuck about games because they're a pastime kid toys until KD ratios became a thing with Halo & CoD. You're the original cancer that killed gaming

Lmfao and play on low settings, no thank you.

even the desktop feels better with a high refresh panel, there is literally no scenario where a high refresh screen is not a welcome addition aside from "iT dOeSnt fEEl cINemAtic"

fps matters, 60 is ideal, more than that is better but not as much as going from 30 to 60, and ultimately it's not that important after a point and that point is 30fps. at the end of the day it just means the game plays a little smoother. Lacking any real games worth talking about for over 10 years now PC gamers obsess over framerate and ultra settings despite neither really mattering much at all

Many games run in respectable frame rates if you include older titles and pick outside of the triple A market too. But even then some triple A games can run well too as some of them look very good even on medium preset.

fake news

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How can you not?
I played Turok at one point on my xbox and that shit dips to 10 fps at times, and combining that with the annoying pan-effect of controllers it's JARRING.
At this point I'll chalk it up as console-cope, literally deluding themselves just to be able to keep themselves relevant.

>Lacking any real games worth talking about for over 10 years now PC gamers obsess over framerate and ultra settings despite neither really mattering much at all
any fps/action rpg/hack and slash/3rd person shooter/racing game benefits from a high refresh rate. the only genre that arguably doesn't need high fps are 4x games

Halo and cod suck. If you were playing quake and not trying your best to win then what the fuck were you doing? Playing to lose is pathetic.

60fps is the best point for it to be at, good news is that you can disregard a number of genres based on how shit they are, fps and tps are almost entirely trash so they don't matter.

>sony develops its own motion controls for ps3
>most expensive motion controls on the market
>handful of games even support it
>no games are actually bettered by it
>2 billion dollars in sales
>sony develops its own VR for ps4
>objectively shittier than any other VR set
>still more expensive than half the VR sets on PC
>not a single game you can't get on PC supports it
billion in sales
You don't seem to understand that sony is the apple of video games. Sonyshills are literally the saddest subspecies of humans. For the money they spend trying to grasp at what other platforms have, they could just buy those platforms and enjoy actually having a library of games that support whatever gimmick sony is shilling to them.

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>fps and tps are all trash
thats just like your opinion

t. normalfag
go back

akshully halo doesn't use the KD ratio, it uses the far superior KD difference aka your personal contribution to your team's score.

it's often not even stable on console, user

are you sick or something?
how can you not see the difference?

Only superior if it's not a game where you can contribute as much or even more without directly getting kills.

The only ones that complain about FPS are basedboys that bicth about everything.
I"m playing Sekiro in my shitty laptop at a 22 fps average and am having a blast with the game.
Just fucked Genishiro. Lightining of Tomoe shit was metal as fuck.

Doom and Quake Taught me circle strafing is. and are appropriately challenging.
Nice try, kid.

I didn't say all, but they sure do a good job of making it seem like they all are

this decade he's almost right

now try moving the camera

>I"m playing Sekiro in my shitty laptop at a 22 fps average and am having a blast
the thing is that if I was playing Sekrio at 22 fps I'd be having just as much fun as you. The difference is that I'm not retarded, so I'm able to actually comprehend when games are running at decent framerates. I have more fun playing at 60+ fps than you do at 30 or less. The reason you can't tell the difference is just because your brain is slow.

I was talking about a frag-based mode without much healing or whatever, granted. but when it comes to just the choice between K/D and K-D game mode actually doesn't matter as K-D always tells the more relevant story.

if you join late and get four frags without dying K/D gives you the best number on your team. K-D simply says 4 while the best on the team probably has something like 10 or more. which one is more accurate?

if you stay all the way back and snipe and run, getting 10 frags while dying 5 times K/D gives you a very respectable rating of 2.0. the best on your team gets the same fucking rating for going 40 to 20. in what way are you two equal, except in this one weird metric?

the same goes in reverse, of course. someone who feeds massively gets the same rating as someone who has kind of a bad match but plays defensively to not hurt his team too much. K/D doesn't care if it's 5/10 or 20/40 even though one of these two players just single-handedly lost his team the entire match and made all their efforts worthless while the other is just someone who missed some shots and maybe joined late.

K/D is a BAD measurement because it actively distorts who is helping and hurting the team by how much. it's not as bad as some of the other deep flaws of multiplayer scoring systems like awarding MVP to the top fragger regardless of his deaths. but it has done nothing but harm to multiplayer games and needs to die off. and K-D is nice because it turns two numbers into one without losing informational value. one number fits better into the HUD or onto the scoreboard than two. K/D should be removed and K-D should replace the kills and deaths columns. if you see a game that works this way it might be my own, a decade from now.

This, a good artstyle will carry a game for decades. Realistic graphics won't carry a game even during the release.

No. The reason why i can't tell the difference is because i theres none.

What matters is how much fun youre having, But you don't know about that. because the only thing that you do is complain. You probably is the faggy type that complains about everything and it is impossible to you being happy. KYS dirty basedboy.

You're terrified of competition and challenge. It's pathetic. Probably played on I'm too young to die.

>If you can see the difference you are deluded or fucked in the head.
Fixed it for you.

You are probably one of those people crying for Seriko to have an 'easy mode'

Fuck no. And I enjoy dmc on DMD. Challenge is good, easy is bad.

The people who obsess over sex are the ones that aren't having it user.

I'm regularly having sex, but low framerates make me absolutely fume with retard anger.
I don't recommend it.

The only reason consolefags don't notice low FPS is because they play SLOW GAMES SLOWLY WITH SLOW CONTROLLER INPUT.
Anyone would notice FPS lag if they played with mouse input.

But I thought sex was the solution to everything...

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I don’t see many people complain about Crash Team Racing running at 30

Perhaps because Crash Team Racing is a console game?
Consoletards literally don't know any better.

Are you kidding? That's the biggest complaint about the remaster I've heard.

>How is this autism?
Hypersensitivity to motion is a key trait of autism.
Rambling that "30 FPS is a laggy mass" is literally autistic screechings.


You’re pretending right? Please tell me you are

the opposite of logic the post

I can't even play at 60hz anymore since I went to 75 and now 100hz
Waiting for 5k 144hz panels then I'll go to that

That’s cool and all, but all the good games are made by Japanese who lock frames at 60 usually

I played re2 and other ones at 60+
Stop playing shit games lmao

yeah I was right. The reason you can't tell the difference is because your brain is slow. I'm sorry you have the face the fact that intelligent people do actually enjoy things more than you do.

I am. Probably won't get it because of that

I dont know anywhere else on the internet that has anything bad to say about the game.

1440p 120hz ULMB is the best

everywhere else on the internet is full of casual retarded faggots too afraid to be authentically critical. RPG codex is the only non-chan forum I know of about vidya that allows for an appropriate level of standards, gatekeeping, and shitting on shallow awful games.

Frames arent important unless theyre not stable and are affecting your ability to play. Content is what matters. Having the option to play at 60 fps is a luxury, but in the end everyone regardless of platform is experiencing the same game.

based and ULMBpilled

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No shit, retard. The difference is that literally everyone should have access to consistent 60fps.

This is stupid.

I have literally never played a game at 30fps with a stable framerate

Try it with dsr/vsr and supersampling I can barely notice the difference over 3.5k

>is experiencing the same game.
absolutely wrong. any action game is not the same game at 30 and 60 fps. The motion clarity and reduced input lag change the experience to such a degree that it is no longer the same game anymore.

that's all cool I'll stick with 4x that

>motion clarity at 60fps
maybe with a static camera

>mfw perfect frame pacing 100fps capped at 4-5k

Thanks vulkan and turing

Insomniac's reasoning for switching to 30fps back in the PS3 era wass that frame rate doesn't sell games. Graphics do. Even Yea Forums will tolerate 30fps while pouring over the graphical compromises needed to make 60fps doable.

Attached: Untitled.png (614x453, 69K)

create a custom 90Hz resolution and set v-sync to adaptive
acts as a 90fps cap

compared to 30 fps it's night and day.

>game reviewers and casuals prefer graphics to framerate
makes me fucking sick

Is 60 fps to 120 that good?

I need IPS for muh colors and 144hz for muh gaming, and a 1440p 144hz IPS basically doesn't exist or is extremely expensive. I'm not buying some shitty TN.

Attached: 1531815167411.jpg (958x1500, 308K)

it's like 30 to 60 unless you're one of those "I don't need color TV my old TV is still good"

Yes, it is. I wouldn't go back to 60 for anything. I can't say whether you'd prefer superior colors over superior framerate. I'm pretty blind to color differences but notice framerate issues very quickly.

xb271hu has everything you want, it also has adaptive sync and ULMB which you should want. But yes, it is expensive. But you are going to have that monitor for a long time.

>downsampling anything but 4k with 0% smoothing on a 1080p monitor
It would make it look uglier why would he even consider it

not him but that's a good price
it also looks like shit but fortunately you can mount it on an arm
if I didn't buy my dell 3 years ago for that price, I'd go for it

IMO no unless its TN, the motion on 120hz IPS looks about as smooth as 60 TN unfortunately due to shitty shit blur

Some of my fondest video game memories are of playing 500p, 25fps PS3 games in high school. Coincidentally enough, I also lost my virginity at 16. Every single one of you autists needs to have sex.

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>lost virginity that late
Yikes, also name 666 games that are 500p 25fps ps3

did the coach go to jail?

'Cause card games, RTS games, RPGs, puzzle games.. there are a lot of fun games outside of the fps, racing and fighting games

Nah, I just see a PCfag pretending he's superior about a petty hobby.

it's night vs. night and having a cellphone with no flashlight function.

I wouldn't play a 256x144 fighting game either.

It isn't. I'm in a longtime heterosexual relationship with regular sex and I'm still autistic about fps. Normies and their nonexistent standards (because they don't know any better) are the problem

Post specs to make framelets and poorfags jealous

Attached: speccy.jpg (731x601, 48K)

Even 75 100 is a huge jump from 30-60
It's mainly frame times and response times that matter the most.
T. 7ms va panel at 10ms locked 100fps freesync
As other anons said frame to frame consistency (frame times) is better

Nah I'm fine with it desu
Have kids
Can't post pics here since faggot mods banned my mobile range but 2700x 2080ti 3440x1440 3.5k 100hz