Who are stronk wamyn for?
Girls don't play games and men want to look at nice looking women.
Who are stronk wamyn for?
Girls don't play games and men want to look at nice looking women.
Gays, sōyboys, normalfags, and leftists
Political posturing bullshit, not a huge secret
That's where you're wrong, bucko
Imagine being so insecure , women in vidya actually trigger you.
Yikes out loud at this post.
Exclude normalfags and you have a correct list. Also, have sex.
Her name (Ronda) literally means ugly in Hungarian
This may come as a shock to you, but not everyone who plays video games is a lonely incel who needs virtual strippers in their games to enjoy them. There's absolutely nothing wrong with the women in MK11, no amount of complaining or whining will change their designs, please shut the fuck up and move on already.
Ugly women have no value
user, Rondetty is beautiful. Look at those boobies move and how much she hurts other girls
also they make my heart beat faster
Niceguys have no value. Keep the incel tears coming.
Get the fuck out disgusting tranny filth, you are not welcome here
>Mediocre striker
>Mediocre grappler
>Gets hit by an almost-decent boxer woman and keels over
>Gets punched so hard she lands in Wrestlingland
Yeah, her days of hurting girls are over. Wouldnt last a minute against Cyborg or Amanda.
These posts are fucking embarrassing. This website is making me more liberal every day desu
>top ten combatants in the world
>gets beaten by another one in the top 10
>this is supposed to be a mockery of her
I... what?
Who said I was incel or a nice guy? Ugly women have no value
>Exclude normalfags
Seethe, normie. The game is selling gangbusters because of brainless NPCs like you.
Ugly women have plenty of value user.
Scullery maid type jobs. They make beautiful women even more beautiful compared to them.
Desperate for male attention so they're easy to take advantage of, etc.
>Top 10
Yeah, look at the division when Ronda was king and look at it now. Do you really, honestly believe she'd last a minute against any of those? She ruled when the bitches couldnt fight to save their lives. She was winning when NONE of them could defend against an armbar or punch their way out of a paper bag.
According to the news, Gaming news sites are tonguelashing NRS for involving Ronda in their game since she spoke out against Trans-women in woman MMA and woman sports in general. She is apparently transpobic
Why are you fags complaining about MK11 when MK females always looked like shit. In MK9 they looked like $5 hookers with fake tits.
At least now we don't have to look at netherrealm's awful attempt at making tits.
for the dev's ego of course
All women are queens
She's not transphobic - she rightfully pointed out that fighting a tranny would be a massive issue.
And it was...
Her quote was
“She can try hormones, chop her pecker off, but it’s still the same bone structure a man has. It’s an advantage. I don’t think it’s fair.
What?! I love Ronda now?!
>Seethe over being normal
Can the state of incels be even more delusional LMAO
>hurr but akshually this ugly brazilian monkey tranny beat her up
kek quit sperging out you faggot. no one gives a shit about your irrelevant """sport"""
So you're of the opinion she was given women who would purposely lose?
Just like the Olympics - it's all a scam to get Rondetty over, right?
No, she was good, but the UFC for wahmen was young back then. It's a big fish in a small pond kinda deal. If she was to return now, she'd struggle to make top5.
Go back to your social medium of choice.
also ruined
Just like Lesnar would.
Or Mcgregor would
Wait, wait wait. What was your point? Oh yeah, she got out boxed by a world class boxer
Coincidence? I dont think so...
Go back, tranny.
Men's MMA tournaments have been around way longer moron
Who got promptly beaten up by almost anyone, tried to skip weight classes, failed miserably, returned to bantam, got a win against a noname to somehow retain no2 spot.
My point here is the top10 is now pretty even in power and Ronda returning would have her sweating and getting beaten up hard to even earn a single point upward. It would not be a walk in the park, like it was back in her day.
You first, foxnews kiddie.
Right... right.
I get it now.
so 19 years isn't a long enough time
>beaten up by almost anyone
Links to this!!!!!
>tried to skip weight classes
We call this not drinking water. All people do it to make weight
>failed miserably
At what? Making weight?
>returning to bantam
... not sure what this has to do with her inane babbling
>got a win against a no name
>ooooh we're back to the "she was given matches against people who purposely lost to get her over
That's amazin user, so you went from babbling to "b-but she got fed people". Yeah I'm sure the fucking Olympic committee all planned to get Rondetty to win
Bitch got a black belt in fucking judo! She won a gold medal in the olympics for it.
Cocky, arrogant and pretty subpar in striking, sure, but bad in grappling!?
Don't have sex
>imagine trying to troll when you can dispute facts
She got bronze in the Olympics, user
Cheap hookers atleast look interesting and fun, tumblr transwomen aren't fun.
>Bitch got a black belt in fucking judo! She won a gold medal in the olympics for it.
Any man in the crowd would have rekt her
I use to play MK with this thicc girl who loved to work out and she was always really aggressive, confident, outgoing and loud
she ended up dominating and fucking me in the ass for a few months
D'oh, you're right. I was thinking of the pans american games but either way, was retarded on that end.
But the rest of my comment still stands. I hate the bitch but ya can't deny she still wrecks shit up.
Me? probably. You? Probably not. Mantities aren't that scary.
>Me? probably. You? Probably not
Being a passive aggressive white knight online really isn't a good indicator of someone being competent in a fight
I like strong women who can manhandle me, but not when they look like men.
>but ya can't deny she still wrecks shit up.
If you stick her in a ring with other women and only other women who are nowhere near as well trained/talented. That's an awful lot of qualifiers.
>tumblr transwomen
relax they just made their tits smaller
user, you've been screaming about how Ronda Rousey managed to somehow, convince the fucking Olympics to get the other women she fought throw the matches
you're fucking retarded
I'm not that guy, you're talking to multiple people sweaty
>he doesn't find strong women hot
>he doesnt enjoy aggressive women he can wrestle with
>I post the same way
>Say the same things
B-but I'm different
Then leave, faggot
Here's your Sheeva, bro.
> he doesn't like muscle girls
Shit taste. I'd put my pee pee in her anyday
Yea Forums isn't /r9k/ no matter how hard you wish it was
I fail to see the issue
Ok, be insane if you want
I like strong anime girls, not stronk western womyn
They're for retard white knights who want to get laid
so youre a fag?
>Like peak feminity
You're the one who likes your women to look like men.
>playing racing game
>want to choose car that could help me win
>stats are somewhat similar
>"ok i'll get the car that i think looks the coolest"
>cars range from regular daily drivers to suvs
>"where are the super and muscle ca-?"
Between this and "Drumpf" i'm starting to think millennials might unironically think mispelling words on purpose is actually funny.
Having those kinds of cars would set an unrealistic expectation for young cars
get raped
Wamyn isn't stupid spelling to be funny, it's an alternative form of womyn which is how hardcore feminists write women. The don't like how men is in the word women.
Do they, or is it something one random tumblrina wrote in a tweet with no likes or retweets?
What we need is less normalfag characters and more insane and/or autistic ones.
>or is it something one random tumblrina wrote in a tweet with no likes or retweets?
No, it's the thing I actually told you it was.
You won't get laid for whiteknighting online.
I don't white knight anyone, I love mocking millennial idealists, since they are the biggest plague of the west, in their race to see who is the most thin skinned little bitch.
So point me where women use "womyn" unironically.
I know user, those poor cars.
Those virtual cars are more harmful than all of the worlds pollution combined.
So basically, to everyone but Yea Forums?
do you guys like looking at art?
For no one, just like anyone who unironically cares about the walking stereotypes that videogame characters are.
Videogames would improve if we got rid of the concept of "characters" and focused on gameplay, you know, what games are about.
Why the fuck does a fighting game have any story at all in the first place?
>So point me where women use "womyn" unironically.
I just told you where, go do your own legwork if you want more proof
You didn't, you just said feminists say it.
And? You think it's something people made up to mock feminists?
Why do that when they provide plenty of material themselves?
As a gymfag I like fit girls. If I had my way every person on the planet would be fit.
More like, who cares about fighting games, the genre is as dead as racing games.
All they have left is esports, and those are not worth watching ever since it has been taken over by gay nigger furries.
There's no girls here, just stop
Heres your cast Yea Forumsros
Why does she look like michael b jordam from black panther?
So yes, it's millennial gibberish just like "Drumpf".
God, I can't wait until governments around the world wise up and start hunting down everyone born between 1985 and 1995.
Everyone taking part in this culture war deserves to be put down like the dogs they are.
Traitors of the west, all of them.
It's used unironically enough to get a dictionary entry.
>inb4 that doesn't count
yeah sure user, we have the same fantasy but we both know it's never gonna happen
Growth is the name of the game. It doesn't matter what you do if you get that 5% year over year. This is why you see progressive dipshittery pushed in existing IPs rather than something unique. Devs and publishers already know fans of the franchise will buy it because they are emotionally invested, preprogrammed, money in the bank. Cynical advertising theory focuses on evoking strong reactions. They want to give the new audience, the desired growth for their business, something to love. That target audience are the narcissistic liberals who happen to dominate game "journalism", so you get changes to the franchise that they will enjoy i.e. changes that make the game revolve around their obsession with themselves and their "identity."
perfect analogy for once
Why do people pretend to care about videogames just to be outraged about them?
It's 2019, literally who cares about Mortal Kombat?
No one's talking about their body's, it's their faces we have a problem with
> gibberish
He doesn’t know, lol
kek wtf half of them don't look like their model (Cage, Frost, Cassie, Scorpion)
holy shit perfect
So, what have you done to fix it?
Shitpost where no one can hear you?
it actually happened, still cant believe it myself. she was even mixed race which made it even more insane
still wish i could back to that time
>imagine being unfaithful to her
Gender-smurfing is bullshit, period. There's no reason a man should come in and dominate a sport because some hack appended a "vagina" to them and pumped them full of hormones that they have half the receptors for.
>Thinking you can be a traitor in 2019
>Thinking you're better for being born in a different decade
>Thinking every new word is just made up by the opposite side to sling shit with 0 meaning behind it
Go back to watching TV grandpa
zoomers will unironically save the world
fuck boomers and fuck millennials
>beats you up, starts crying and then proceeds to cut her toned abs
>spend 10 years fucking shit up and trying to force ideologies that were our enemies once and still are
>dude, there's no traitors lmao
Damn, you just subverted my expectations, my millennial friend.
I don't care if they fix it, I'm just pointing and laughing at the car wreck
>beats you up
Mama mia
>not being faithful to your goth musclegirl
It's not like you can aim any higher.
he knows
Are you going to speak like a human being or just keep making vague statements like people are supposed to know what the fuck you're on about?
Lul seething incel is seething
ITT: videogame players.
>she was even mixed race
dude wtf are you my brain teasing me about things that'll never happen? Why did you stop? You should have made her a dominant gf.
looks like a black dude
>Drumpf is a misspelling
Fucking Alt-righters too dumb to know their memes
No, i'm just tired of millennials and their culture "war".
I want to see them all dead.
best strong woman right here
just a thing between friends, we got our own partners eventually.
if you have a discord, can tell you all about her and it
People complain about the bodies too.
Not really the look I prefer, but I'm dom not sub. Have fun dude, better this than fat at least.
lmao tranny kys
nah I have a group of friends on discord, I don't want them to find out this. Maybe greentext real quick?
wtf so they intentionally made the women ugly as shit? why? cover them up sure, but why ruin the faces?
>half the replies to this post
I want pedoera to leave. Aside from normalfags who want fapbait this post is legit.
"millenials" have drumpf vs trannies and all that shit.
The generation before had their own us vs them shit. It's not new, it's happened through all of human history, you just can't handle being part of the past.
I'm 20.
strong independent womyn are for game journalists, they love it
very long to explain and it isnt as good just in a green text, easiest way to boil it down to even more desirable is the fact a lot of it was her idea and she wanted to push it more into extreme and taboo territory, she wasn't one of these "dom"s who do it for the guy and either half ass it or give some what of an attempt. She actually loved it and pushed me to try more things and initiated the whole thing.
Ohhhhhhhhhhh, that explains a lot.
People are mean to each other, this is just something you have to accept, otherwise you'll be the one getting fucked in the ass your whole life. Ok?
well man that sounds awesome, wish something like that would happen to me
Strong women, not men with female avatars, are there to make a game good. Not every woman needs to be a whore or a loli. Just as every male doesn't need to be a retard or a coward. It opens up other traits by having strong women around. Cassie Cage and her mom are strong women, they sacrifice and persevere. Jacqui and Frost are weak, they face challenges and fail. Similar to how Johnny is strong and Jax is weak. Johnny loses Sonya and keeps it together while being around her younger self all while babysitting his younger self. Jax enters the story a broken man, still haunted by the death of his wife, to the point he aligns against the heroes.
And it's clear that the ones who deserve to suffer are millennials.
You are not even terrorists, even terrorists think they are making a better world with what they do.
You just damage the world for the sake of it.
You are like rabid animals, and everytime theres one, we put it down, no matter how much of a loyal pet it once was.
do the gt already faggot
>Not every woman needs to be a whore or a loli. Just as every male doesn't need to be a retard or a coward.
Loli's and whores are peak female character design.
No one is asking for cowardly or retarded men.
cannot, I am going very soon so I cant do it justice
You're lucky Yea Forums doesn't archive posts forever, if you come back and read yours in 10 years you'd blow your brains out from the cringe
you cant because it didn't happened
Are you not?
Aren't you the ones who, for no reason at all, started autistically screeching at each other earlier this decade, and along the way you made relationships between people worse, invited foreigners to invade us, promoted dead ideologies that we ourselves killed and only supported entertainment media that was propaganda useful for you?
Aren't you the retards who think the amount of niggers in a dumbass superhero movie will mark the future of humankind?
Nah, you are a menace, an autistic, aging, obese menace.
t. millennial
happened user and I still cant get over it. Would gladly tell people, just cant because I am leaving soon and wont be back until tomorrow afternoon so unless the thread lasts till then, won't be posting a gt
is the playerbase of this game as autistic as this whole thread holy fucking shit
Your generation is even worse
>Participation medals
>Too pussy to handle alternative opinions, criticism or just a negative outlook on life and ostracise and label all perpetrators "toxic"
>5 year old kids rocking up to school going "Yeah my parents couldn't be arsed to potty train me or teach me how to hold a pen"
>Too pussy to handle alternative opinions, criticism or just a negative outlook on life and ostracise and label all perpetrators "toxic"
Those are millennials.
And i'm grateful for it, they make for perfect punching bags.
those are millennials lmao, zoomers are still kids
incorrect, anyone 22 or under is a Gen Z / iGen / ZOOMER
And your point is? is typical millennial behavior
Zoomers will unironically be the best generation
>millennial is anyone born from 1980-2000
Really retards?
2000 kids like me are zoomers, don't compare me to shitty millennials
user you realize all of those things listed are stuff that appeared as the zoomers grew up? those are the ones who are indoctrinated in it. All of this far leftist PC, outrage and nanny culture garbage appeared when the zoomers went to university/collage lol
Studies show that zoomers are the least capable, least emotionally mature and least experienced in life than any generation so far, a 22 year old zoomer has the emotional maturity of a 12-15 year old. read some books and have sex
zoomers make way better life decisions than millenials but goddamn do they not even try to hide their generational autismo
blame it on millennials being shitty parents, zoomers will learn sooner or later
>zoomers make way better life decisions than millenials
such as?
>way better life decisions
>the oldest zoomer is 22
yeh really making great life decisions at 22, most 22 year old zoomers are riddled with massive amounts of debt and cant handle opposing political opinions while being addicted to social media and want to kill themselves lmao
most millennial arent parents yet, most zoomer parents are gen X, and so are the teachers who teach them.
I blame MMA fans
>blame it on millennials being shitty parents
And how do you think zoomers will fair as parents?
>are riddled with massive amounts of debt and cant handle opposing political opinions while being addicted to social media and want to kill themselves lmao
that's millennials, are you actually retarded?
better than millennials i'm sure of it
Welcome back friend
We're the best generation since the greatest.
>better than millennials i'm sure of it
How? If they were raised by useless manchildren how would they suddenly become competent role models and parents?
you're talking about millenials. I'm curious to see stats comparing drug use and STDs rate between millenials and zoomers
because zoomers are growing up to not be mentally ill trannies like millennials
Zoomers are the worst gen in history after baby boomers.
lolis and whores are trash designs, and its why doa 6 and sc6 FAILED
because for the most part zoomers are well aware of their parents retarded life decisions
zoomers are going to unironically save the world from millennials snowflakes
>that's millennials, are you actually retarded?
no studies and research show that these things are effecting people ages 15-20 the most, aka the fucking ZOOMERS. stop being in denial. zoomers were the first generation to grow up with an established internet and massive connections. most millennial's were introduced to it after around 14-15, and even then it was so basically you cant compare it to modern internet. are you retarded or just basing your claims on the fact youre a zoomer and you dont want lumped in with morons
>trigger warning, safe spaces, outrage culture and trans issues all start appearing 2014 onwards, getting worse and really becoming popular in 2016, when zoomers go to college
No one under 25 the age of 25 is worthwhile.
millennial use drugs more and have STDs more, that is correct but zoomers have a worse mental illness rate and are less prepared for life, so whats better?
>outrage culture and trans issues all start appearing 2014 onwards, getting worse and really becoming popular in 2016, when zoomers go to college
zoomers were 14yo and 16yo respectially
just admit millennials are the commies fucking up the world senpai
zoomers are anyone born after 1995/1996 user, 2014 onwards is when they turned a 18 and onwards, aka when they went to collage.
Almost everyone in college now, its a zoomer, millennial have been and gone through college.
I'd say not being a drug using degenerate is a good indication you're prepared for life, and they benefit from the experience of millenials on the job market and are less likely to get retarded degrees. It's hard to judge their success when the oldest are 22. I'm not American btw so maybe things are different there.
>millennial have been and gone through college
and now millennials are in position of power, proving my point
You're so fucking delusional it hurts
>and its why doa 6 and sc6 FAILED
No, it's because no one buys fighting games but especially not normalfags and especially when it's got cute girls on the cover
no, millennials are not in power moron, do not know how society works? the millennials are now working and climbing the ladders, there are some millenial professors but a VAST VAST majority are GenX, same with the people incharge of countries. You dont leave college at 23/24/25 and then go run the country or a university/college
80's and 90's was the boomer years in-charge. Now is GenX's and in 5-15 years it will be the Millennials.
t. assblasted millennial snowflake
most of my teachers are 25-37 lefty retards but nt
Children know nothing. If you're under 25 you know nothing.
Millenials are the issue. They grew up thinking they would have it as easy as boomers, only to find out that thats not the case. Zoomers know full well theyre fucked, which is why they are much harder to control by ideological retards with saviour peophecies from the left or right.
its easier to be some low level teacher rather than a real professor of weight at a younger age. Most full professors are 40+, if you think your teachers are bad because they are snow flake millennial, wait until you zoomers get in-charge after decades of being told youre even more special, important and everything you see in society today about equality.
can un-ironically lead this all the way back to the boomers though. You think millennials are bad but they are the last 'good' generation, zoomers are showing signs of easily being the worst generation so far. they are the ones who are the loudest and ones who get upset the most because they have the emotional maturity of someone 10 years younger.
i know enough that all the lefties are mentally ill
zoomers are the ones who are obsessed with politics and protest people with opposing ideologies, what dont you get? college is a ZOOMER thing now, not millennials.
You know nothing. Trust me. Teenagers are retarded. Barely human.
is it the ingame motion capture face model ?
most zoomers are right/alt-right, it's the new counter-culture
No they aren't. And even if they are it doesn't matter unless they vote which they can't or don't.
user most zoomers are indifferent or full leftists. youre an idiot if you think zoomers are majority right leaning.
>it's the new counter-culture
and thats how i can tell youre barely 18
Im at university right now, and the zoomers coming in are either full apolitical in acceptance their fucked, orto the right.
The “leftie“ zoomers you see are the ones who get dragged along by their millenial parents or teachers, they stop once they move out and theres no more tendies as a reward for going to the protest
>le zoomer boomer
stinks of plebbit in here
when did the zoomers go to college first?
2014 onwards
when did the whole social outrage, hyper political correctness and leftist dogma appear?
2014 and onwards.
It was the zoomers who demanded safe spaces, it was the zoomers who cried when a right leaning speaker appeared on campus, the tranny craze is lead and filled with zoomers, it was zoomers who regularly go on /pol/ and do those retarded pol meetups. Zoomers are the generation that are defining this era because they are the loudest and most self righteous while being mentally in-equipped and often heavily mentally ill.
Zoomers were to young in 2014 to go to college
this has already been established that zoomers are GenZ, 2014 was when the first GenZ went to college, the subsequent years were when the colleges were entirely filled with zoomers and GenX professors.
Boobs don't equate to a beautiful woman. Rousey looks like a tranny.
looks like a tranny
3d can be cute too
>an actual feminine woman looks like a tranny
user, get help with your shemale fetish
>3d can be cute too
Stop spouting false information, they leak clotted blood down their legs 2 weeks of the month
> blame it on millennials being shitty parents, zoomers will learn sooner or later
You're an idiot.
The oldest millenials are in their mid 30s and the youngest is 23. The majority of the generation hasn't even had children yet. For most of them who have had children, their kids are still under 10 years old. It's a bit too early for you to be judging the parental effectiveness of millenials.
Millenials were raised by boomers and early Gen X. Zoomers were raised almost entirely by Gen X and a few boomers who thought it would be a good idea to have children in their late 40s or beyond for some god awful reason.
You really believe that SJW garbage is a genuine demand by people, do you?
This shit is outrageously astroturfed, with a tiny, loud minority and a bunch of hangers on representing.
Is this really accurate? I thought gay guys loved pretty girls. Isn't the fashion industry full of them? Literally the only people who hate attractive women in games are bugmen and obese insecure feminists.
Every MK9 character looks like a fucking tranny with fake tits glued on.
> Ronda Rousey
> Feminine
Choose one.
there's porn of this?
>no studies and research show that these things are effecting people ages 15-20 the most, aka the fucking ZOOMERS. stop being in denial. zoomers were the first generation to grow up with an established internet and massive connections. most millennial's were introduced to it after around 14-15, and even then it was so basically you cant compare it to modern internet. are you retarded or just basing your claims on the fact youre a zoomer and you dont want lumped in with morons
Not him but the post you're replying to said something about massive amounts of debt and social media.
1) If you're 15-18 it's impossible to have debt - you're not of legal age.
2) Millenials are far more addicted to social media than zoomers.
>Millenials are far more addicted to social media than zoomers
Do you even know what a zoomer is?
Why yes. Do you know what a millenial is?
you're all retarded, bad thread, this is my wife, say something nice about her
You honestly believe 20+ year olds spend more time on social media than under 20's?
She would be better if she existed ahaha
my wife is a better version of your wife
To millenials, it was a presumably revolutionary novelty. To zoomers, its a tool of everyday life. Just compare how the only guy on the block who owned a car would treat it and obsess over it compared to the modern commuter.
Remember when Rousey got completely and utterly BTFO'd by Nunes? God that was humiliating.
finally a thread where I can post Saotome
>top ten combatants in the world
You're fucking braindead.
Zoomers are so used to and addicted to phones, tablets and social media they don't know how to write their own names with a pen. What do you think zoomers do all day? I honestly want to know.
Fuck off back to facebook