Any non-RTS games where you can control an army?

Any non-RTS games where you can control an army?

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Mountain Blade
Now delete that webm pls


Where's the pornhub link brov

Imagine being a braindead underage zoomer and actually watch this garbage.


This series is so fucking retarded

That scene reminded me of Halo Wars 2 campaign

>Dynasty Warriors

This whole movie was just fanservice desu.

besides if you're still watching MCU flicks after Endgame then you have a bigger problem senpai.


tHe AvEnGeRs BtW

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Why couldn't thanos just use his infinity gauntlet to beat them all?

he didnt have it at that point
and why past him didnt use the time stone before he clicked to have a peek at the future to see what happens? because capeshit is for fucking toddlers.

It's fine to watch them. Hell people see worse things here, like slice of life anime.

What is not right is thinking it's some sort of great achievement of cinematography when in reality they're the same recycled garbage over and over.

Dr strange did that in the first film but it only shows every possible outcome.
The real plothole is why didn't past Thanos just wait until he got the stones in his timeline and then kill everyone?

cause he feared them taking all the stones into the future, thus preventing him from doing so.

he didnt think they would be salty about him snapping half the population. he said that in the film. then he said he would remake the universe, which he probably should have done in the first place, unless he was talking shit because he was mad

All my supy hewoes in one place yay mommy yaaaaaaaaaaaaay!

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I'm honestly surprised there hasn't been a proper satire on American Superhero movies yet. They're the same fucking thing every time and they somehow make the big bucks.
Deadpool doesn't count


You control troops in Bladestorm instead of a single character. There's also the Kingdom Under Fire games where you can sorta direct troops I think.

The Total War series. Not a real RTS game anyway.