Was this game as bad as I read?
And in the case it sucks: Are the games before worth playing if I decide to not play this one, would I miss a chunk of storyline or are they standalone, so to speak?
I'm getting interested in the franchise but this title right here is fairly demotivating.
Was this game as bad as I read?
Only dragonage worth a shit is the first one. The first one is essentially baldurs gate 3 because bioware didnt have the dnd licence.
It plays like an offline MMORPG, but it's a worthwhile play. Inquisition is standalone with a few cameos put in if you use a previous save game.
>Only dragonage worth a shit is the first one
pretty much, the awakening DLC is good as well
Was it good or should I not even bother?
This makes me a bit more interested. I may try the first one, I hope it has versions with all dlcs so I don't have to bother getting them one by one.
Well I may just try the first and if I like it enough give the second a try.
Imagine playing WoW except no raids or any sort of social interaction added in with horrible writing
Play DA:O and it's DLCs
Second one is decent if you just fuck around as sarcastic fem Hawke
Inquisition is just a joke, play it if you like single player MMOs
That sounds pretty awful.
First Dragon Age is the best because it keeps to the old-school D&D games like Baldurs Gate. If they kept to that formula and built upon it Dragon Age 2 would have been amazing, but they didn't and the series massively changes after Origins.
at best there is an incredibly minor reference to the hero of the first game and a lot with the hero from the second
but the entire plot of the inquisition is completely batshit insane and vomited out at you at such a ridiculous pace you'll probably have trouble caring about the fuckton of information you get regarding some area's big bad before you fuck him up six ways from sunday and they never come up again
it's basically that; go somewhere, do MMO style kill this X a Y amount of times" "get me this thing from that place" "go bandage these guys" etc.
there are basically no unique quests in the entire game
the combat is boring and way WAY dumbed down from the first dragon age which itself was already pretty stupid easy
dont buy this crap game, you wont have fun
You're probably right.
Can I kill pic related without ruining the whole run? It might be the only thing worth doing and giving me a reason to at least pirate the game.
You can just choose not to recruit her, even better choice.
Fair enough.
Bear in mind though, having her opens up extra items/places from the war room/map.
It was very lackluster overall.
> Are the games before worth playing if I decide to not play this one
The first is one of my favorite games. The second game is pretty bad
As a lesbian, I will always bear a bit of grudge against Bioware for forcing a shitty character on us.
They've done alot of crappy stuff, but Sera made things personal.
>The first is one of my favorite games. The second game is pretty bad
I'm mostly talking about the games being connected to one another. If I play only the first one, will I feel like I'm missing part of the story or is each game a story by itself without needing a sequel to feel finished?
Would you say that the game has that stereotypical SJW agenda? Or is that the only gay related thing to be bad?
As long as you avoided Sera, Cole, and Iron Bull it was actually pretty fun. Miles better then 2.
So have you found any game that does lesbian characters right?
Fear Effect
>As a lesbian
Saying Bioware has a agenda implies they genuinely believe what they say.
I didn't say bioware has it, I said the game. I don't care if they believe in what they say or not, if I find a certain type of writing to be annoying it's an annoyance no matter what, the writers may believe in it or not, it doesn't make it any less annoying.
Origins: the best
Awakening: not that good, but at least it's short
2: criminally underrated
Inquisition: boring shit that drags out forever, but the ending DLC is rad
Also, if you're gonna play 2, use a savegame editor to hack your rogues' cunning to 40. Fuck wasting levels on raising cunning naturally.
In that case, i'll say DAI isn't too bad when it comes to thing that are considered "SJW".
Alot of it can be easily ignored and sometimes avoided alltogether.
It's an offline MMORPG where you hike around in empty open maps to do unengaging errands masquerading as "quests" and get mired in mindnumbing combat against braindead enemies in order to make your numbers go up until you reach an arbitrary treshold where you're allowed to proceed with the "plot", if you can even call it that. The main narrative is about as vapid as it gets; you're the chosen one and have the stop the bad guy. It has some pretentions of substance but it doesn't even reach the same bar as previous Bioware titles, which is pretty fucking low I might add. Plotlines like the whole Mage vs Templar conflict are quickly brushed aside. The party members are among the worst Bioware has ever put out. The overall presentation doesn't help matters either, character animations are dreadful and everyone looks like they've been slathered with grease.
To put it short, it's abysmal, even Dragon Age 2 has far more merit going for it. The fact that this turd won awards at all, let alone fucking GOTY, really says a lot about the people who cover games.
the empty maps, MMO like quests, and the forced kingdom system made want to kill myself.
It gets worse after each playthrough. So if you don't like it initially, it's only going to get worse.
It's not a bad game, a lot of the backlash was due to the fact it was a big departure from what the franchise had built itself up to be, so lots of the fans were expecting a CRPG-styled game but they got something more akin to an action RPG
I personally preferred the combat from inquisition, but it also boiled down a lot of the fantasy grit to its more basic components (not unlike a generic MMORPG, like you've seen other anons comment on)
As a result the player feels more in control, but that also causes you to lose the sense of adventure you get from your situation being completely fucked but still finding a way through.
Are you saying that you played through this piece of shit more than once? Why?
>Was this game as bad as I read?
It's actually worse. People actually downplay how absolutely fucking mundane and insipid it really is.
>Are the games before worth playing if I decide to not play this one
DA:O is decent enough to play. It's not great but a solid RPG. DAII is an unfinished piece of shit that was squatted out in 14 months in a shallow attempt to milk the success of the first. It can barely be considered a game.
It's plays like a bad SP MMO. Like a shallow Kingdoms of Amulur.
Is that is not enough to you, then try it. It was made for your kind.
Have you liked Amalur with it's barren world and MMO offline feel?
DA3 is like this but with even worse combat system.
Paid £40 for the bloody thing. I had to get my moneys worth.
I'm sorry user
fuck shems
Fuck Knife ears. Frequently.
An elfs place is in her master's/mistress' bedchambers.
I'm playing it again right now. It's not bad, but fucking long. Like 70 hours to do everything in the base game. And like 30 more for the DLC.
The story is decent, the characters are great, but they went open world meme and so have shit spread out all over the place and lots of pointless combat encounters. Not as bad as 2 in that regard though.
The biggest disappointments are that crafting your own gear makes it better then anything you can get in the game, you can only have 8 active abilities at a time, instead of infinite, and they completely took out the tactics system from the prior games.
In origins and 2 you could set up the AI, give them a list of dozens and dozens of if/then statements. Like IF "target" is afflicted with "status effect" THEN use "ability/item/potion" IF "target' is surrounded by "= Number or type of enemies" THEN use "ability/item/potion/move away" and all kinds of shit to make your team fucking great.
Now it's just Follow/Defend "target" and On/Off "ability".
DA:O is the best, and Inquisition/2 are about the same. Inquisition is the "better" made game, but neither has great gameplay compared to the first.
I prefer letting her join, doing her quest, and acting like a person through it. Then kicking her out after over her actions during that quest because she's a fucking violent, insane psychopath.
Go with Josephine, not Sera. It's a good "classic" love story.
It is god damn shiny in caves, on the storm coast, or really anywhere it's been raining.
I'd say it's better on repeat, if only because the golden nug let's you make endgame armor from the start and speed through the combat even faster.
Amalur is a good comparison, I liked amalur too though.
>DA:O is the best, and Inquisition/2 are about the same
No sweaty.
Inquisition is barely better than 2 but both are really shit.
>but they went open world meme and so have shit spread out all over the place
So it's kinda like skyrim?
>In origins and 2 you could set up the AI, give them a list of dozens and dozens of if/then statements. Like IF "target" is afflicted with "status effect" THEN use "ability/item/potion" IF "target' is surrounded by "= Number or type of enemies" THEN use "ability/item/potion/move away" and all kinds of shit to make your team fucking great.
That sounds amazing, you're making me want to play the first two more.
Two fairly major characters (or at least fan favorites from the rabid tumblr fandom) are from DAO, and the big baddie is from a DA2 DLC, and there are a handfull of references but aside from that you can play DAI without missing much.
Not that you should play it though because it suffers from unnecessarily huge maps stuffed full of busywork and one of the most incompetent Antagonists i've ever seen outside of parodies.
No you misunderstand.
What I'm asking is if playing the first two and not playing inquisition would leave the plot from 1 and 2 open in an unsatisfying way.
I like her, but she doesn't have nearly enough content. You can pretty much see 75% of her romance just under halfway through the game. Every time i've romanced her, it has always left me wanting for more.
Oh. No, DAO is perfectly self contained. DA2 too technically although it sets up a bit of a jumpoff point for future plot development.
Because of how unrelated the plot are with the few existing connections being really really weird sometimes because no save file carry over, you would probably get more satisfaction out of just playing DA:O
Then when you do play 2 you have 2 somewhat unresolved stories so it becomes more unsatisfying and if you add inquisition onto the pile you will start to wonder why you bothered at all in the first place
It was redesigned after skyrim, like a bunch of other games where, to have more "open world" shit. It's like skyrim, but with less shit to do around. It is a crafted open world at least though, set item placements for a bunch of things including all uniques and stuff. You can get the best pre-made armor in the game at low level, if you can kill the bosses guarding it.
And yes, if you haven't played Origins, play it instead of 2 or Inquisition. On PC. It was like 10 bucks on GOG during their last sale for the complete edition. You don't need to log into an EA account to "verify" the DLC if you buy the GOG edition.
It doesn't help that this was during the time EA was REALLY into cross-marketing where they expected you to buy and read all the comics and books to get the whole story. This affected Mass Effect 3 as well.
I still to this day wonder if the cross marketing was just an attempt to cover up the fact that dev times were far too short to actually have depth, so they had to just go
>no trust us the story is good if you just read the book!
Like being cross-marketing wasn't the goal but rather the band aid slapped on top of rushed content
The biggest problem Inquisition has is that 60% of the game is pointless filler.
It would have been better if they;
1. Cut out 70% of the side quests. Especially the fetch quests.
2. Reduce the size of the maps.
3. Merge the desert maps. Seriously, we didn't need three of the fuckers!
4. Reduce the Wartable timers. It felt like a bloody mobile game.
>all that shit that gets set up in Trespasser
>"hurrr let's make the next game about thieves...and, uh, let's make them do thief stuff, yeah, that'll be great"
I'm glad they made them scrap Persona 5 1.5 and start over.
Everything you've heard? Completely true.
Solas was a good character.
That's my only good memory of this game.
>The main narrative is about as vapid as it gets; you're the chosen one and have the stop the bad guy.
To be fair, that's the narrative of the vast majority of RPGs. E.g. TW3: Ciri is the chosen one and Geralt has to stop Big Bad.
game is a 5 but the romanced ending is 10/10
Yeah, Female Elf Rift Mage is THE way to play the game if you're only going to play it once.
Human works OK if you want to go all Believer and shit. Dwarf and Quanari are meh. But all are fucking garbage compared to Lavellan.
Bitcher 3 at least has decent sidestories and the expansions going for it outside of the lame main quest, what does Inquisition have?
David Gaider has an Elf slut fetish.
Dragon Age origins is a true rpg one of the last infact
The autists who unironically claim to be Dragon Age fans are going to tell you that Trespasser is an amazing DLC.
Don't trust these people.
Anyway there's hardly anything these days that compares to the content and writing of the TW3 DLCs.
Inqusition has the same shitty Bioware minor quest system as ME3 and Andromeda. You just overhear things while walking around, get a quest, and it auto-completes when you're done.
It's fucking garbage.
They would all be better if 90% of them were removed and they turned like, 3 of them into actual side quests instead.
The only real side quests in Inquisition are the "Inner Circle" companion quests and 1 overreaching quest per zone at most.
I can not think of a single sidequest in DAI that was even remotely interesting or noteworthy. There were a dungeon here or there that looked nice or had a neat puzzle, but i can't think of noteworthy quests.
During the mainquest you have to attend an Orlesian Ball and the whole premise seems really neat at first, with cloak & dagger misteries and backstabbing, but in reality it just falls apart with videogamey superdoors that require collectibles to unlock and just another dungeoncrawl.
The companion quests are a complete joke as well, if you consider the companion quests from Mass Efect 2+3.
This, TW3 has side stories that are actually interest, sometimes more interesting than the main quest to the point where you forget why you actually came to village XY
DA:I sidequests are just "I need thing, go get thing" without or with very little story to them and the lack of conversation-cam makes it even less personal and interesting. There is a mod for it but it helped only little
Companion quests in DA3 have little if any combat in them. (Which isn't a bad thing really). But if you remove the combat from the ME quests they are about the same length. It's just that the combat in ME is fun to do. The dialogue segments are about the same length across all.
There's only like a dozen "side stories" in DA3, and I owulnd't say they are worse then the ones in W3. But there's dozens and dozens of minor quests that just hurt the game because they are what people think of.
It's the fault of them trying to go open world after the success of skyrim when they didn't set out to be that, and so they needed to flood the vast emptiness of their maps with garbage so they woulnd't be quite as empty.
>Maps bigger than planet earth
>Close to zero banter
What were they actually thinking?
It was my first Dragon Age game and I loved it, mainly the characters.
witcher is a much nicer game in every aspect but you can't talk about it without autists coming straight out of pol to derail everything, turns into a cesspoll very quickly
DA threads even here on Yea Forums tend to go more smoothly
What would even be some decent side quests in W3? I can't think of any. They are all just monster came, go kill it.
Radowid assassination plot was pretty interesting. At least until Dijkstra went full retard.
Many of the party members are irritating, a lot of plotlines feel kinda dumb, the game is padded like crazy, the menu system is terrible, and the world just feels like you're playing a multiplayer game by yourself. Conversely, the multiplayer feels okay, but there's no campaign-related point to playing it. In terms of plot, the games are fairly self-contained, though.
As a not-lesbian, I romance Sera every time I play a female character. Best girl.
>what does Inquisition have?
Actual roleplaying since I'm not stuck playing some established character.
Oh, can you play as anything other than a bland moralfag obligated to lead the Inquisition to victory?
You can play as a bland immoral fag obligated to lead the inquisition to victory.
>DA:2 is better than Inquisition
good joke.
Good question. In DA:O you could do a pretty good sociopath run. And while you still had to kill Archdemon in the end, collateral damage would be pretty impressive.
It has been said multiple times in this thread, but yes, Dragon Age Inquisition is a bad game.
That said, depending on your taste, it may be enjoyable bad or just plain bad bad. The gameplay follows the typical MMO formula. Combat is simplistic (circle strafe the enemy with a group of party members outside your control and manage your cooldown timers), the maps are expansive and fun to explore for a time, and the quests range from mind-numbing fetch quests to mildly boring fetch quests. You'll be slammed with collect-a-thon lists the moment you enter an area, and the game never expects you to really finish them. There's a resource management game and base building aspect, but both are marred by the game's mobile gaming monetization model complete with meaningless timegates.
The writing is of low quality, but depending on your taste (Twilight and 50 Shades of Grey) it can either be barely stomached or moderately enjoyed. Cringe-inducing moments abound and when the "singalong" begins in the snowy mountains, it will be hard to keep your eyes from rolling back into your head.
That said, while I did not enjoy the game at all, my wife had a good amount of fun mindlessly running quests and exploring while watching Netflix. There's genuinely a LOT of content in the game, even if it's not well crafted.
how long is your penis?
DA:2 is interestingly bad. It's a worse game than Inquisition in most ways, but it's at least also weird and awful in somewhat novel ways, which makes it mildly entertaining.
Inquisition is just mind-numbingly boring and predictable. The only surprise is when the game fucking ends part way through, when the villain realises how fucking boring and pointless everything is too and flies over to you so you can end it.
>The only surprise is when the game fucking ends part way through
you're thinking of DA2 here.
>when the villain realises how fucking boring and pointless everything is too and flies over to you so you can end it.
what are you even talking about here?
>Inquisition is just mind-numbingly boring and predictable
Corypheus just showing up a wrecking your whole base; Blackwall is an imposter; Flemeth outta fucking nowhere; Solas is a villain; Lyrium is the blood of a massive titan that's buried beneath the Earth.
>but it's at least also weird and awful in somewhat novel ways
It's not any more "weird" than inquisition was unless by "weird" you just mean bad.
Trannies can't be lesbians, user. You're just a dude who dresses as a girl. Deal with it.