What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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It's a fairly decent game but there are fair less graphical options than the first 2 FEAR games and it's not really a FEAR game, just a decent but fairly generic shooter

I'm playing the first one and loving it so far. Do the sequels not hold up?

FEAR 2 holds up and is arguably better than the 1st. The 3rd is a decent shooter but not as good as the other 2

Fear 1 plus dlc 10/10
Fear 2 8/10
Fear 3 3/10

They wanted the CoD console audience.

fucking everything goddammit

the ending for co-op is super clever too but it's so utterly wasted on the four hour shit game that you have to slog through to get there it's honestly sad.

Fun but lost the atmosphere that made the first two games what they were. The co-op was lopsided as well.

It didn't feel like it did bad, but there just wasn't really anything left to do with the series at this point.

The second is a pretty good sequel for the most part. The third is garbage.

The expansion packs are better sequels.

>FEAR 2 holds up and is arguably better than the 1st.
What in the fuck.

2 is more of a 6 then get's elevated up to a 7.1 with the reborn dlc because playing as a clone without slow mo at the start is awesome

funny thing is fear 3 is a lot better than the shitty room inspecting night guard simulator that the first fear game is

special effects downgrade after the first game

Warner Bros

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It wasn't scary in the slightest until the very end, where there was a brief creepy scene. People shit on FEAR 2, but for me that game was by far the scariest of the trilogy. 1 also was not very scary, but the
and gameplay was fresh and advanced for the time so that carried the game. 5 years after FEAR 1, players were used to great gameplay and great spooks. FEAR 3 lacked either. It's been years since I played it, but the main thing I remember is being annoyed and disappointed at some Joker clone villain constantly annoying me over the radio.

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1 was a lot more subtle with the spooks, there wasn't really any up-front scares or the like (until near the end, anyway.) You never really see alma for more than a second or two, everything is just vague creepy shit that happens to the side periodically.

2 felt a lot more methodical with it's "oh my hud's flickering time for the screen to turn brown and alma to do something scary in a hallway I have to walk through" between every combat segment. It got old after a while and you just got used to the pattern.

>Face reveal no one asked for
>Makes 2 feel pointless because the protag just dies in the most anticlimatic way
It's all I even remember

I liked those few scares that depended on where were you looking in fear 2. Like girl alma following you around and disappearing second after you turned around.
Also the part with the flickering lights and ghosts (I think it was the school level) was really unnerving.

Meh, I was 16 when FEAR 2 came out and that game and the original Deadspace are still the only 2 game to legitimately terrify me. Most other horror games don't even get a reaction from me. The FEAR 2 school hallway scene is still etched in my mind as one of the spookiest scenes I've ever seen in vidya. I felt tangible fear. That being said, now that I'm in my mid twenties I'm sure I wouldn't have the same reaction as I did back then.

In Fear1 the hud and more importantly, radio, also flickered when alma was around just as much than in Fear2. You knew when she was around, and there was a clear distinction between spooky segment and fight segment, with the only amalgamation being the fights with the ninjas.

Fear2 had more variety in the scary segments. I recall stepping out into the destroyed city and coming across one of the mutated people, and that first encounter, despite being combat, scared me shitless.
The school is the apex segment in the franchise.

They took everything what made fear1 and 2 good and removed it. It even has all the console FPS cancer features like jam over eyes when low on health, autoregeneration, brain dead enemy AI, it isnt even scary, nonstop spawning waves of enemies until you reach checkpoint, majority of guns are utter shit, pointless cover mechanics which doesnt even work properly, shitted mouse acceleration which you cant disable, voice narrators killing any athmosphere it had.

Also instead of making new enemies they just resurected old old dead ones shitting on previous story.

And the worst offender? They managed to make the bullet time useless and unfun. It doesnt even help you in actual combat.

Its absolute garbage.

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