Unironically playing a bownigger is LITERALLY the scummiest and most pathetic way to play these types of games, there is nothing worse than having your amazing duel cut short by some "HEHE NOTHIN PERSONNEL KID" bownigger who can't play a regular class to get kills so he has to sit at the back of the map with a bow, holding M1, release, holding M1, release, holding M1, release, like can you IMAGINE the kind of person who purchases and downloads a first person medieval combat game and decides to play as a bownigger? What's the thought process? How is it fun to stand in one place the entire match just holding and releasing M1? and ruining the game for everyone else while they're at it? Bowniggers were always one of the most hated parts of Chivalry and they're back in full force in Mordhau, the devs learned nothing about the hatred people harbor for bowniggers and the people who play bowniggers learned nothing about playing a proper fucking class. They are the absolute worst part of the game, nobody enjoys playing against them, nobody says "OH WOW I GOT OUTSKILLED SO HARD WHEN THAT BOWNIGGER SHOT ME IN THE BACK", and no decent fucking person enjoys playing a bownigger. They're always low level shitters because they can't learn how to play the game properly. It's a fucking wheelchair class so shitters can get kills and pretend they're good at the game with their artificially inflated KD/R. It's always bittersweet when you finally track down the bownigger who's sniped you across the map 5 times in a row only to discover he can't parry even 1 of your melee attacks because he's a complete shitter. But instead of trying to learn the game he keeps playing his wheelchair class and some of them even enjoy how much it ruins the game because all bowniggers are both retarded and sadistic. I hope all bowniggers die of rectal
Unironically playing a bownigger is LITERALLY the scummiest and most pathetic way to play these types of games...
Mordhau thread?
Archer takes more skill than melee
It actually takes skill to use a bow. Stop being mad because you're trash at the game.
looks like one
Archers and spear users are legitimately subhumans and probably pedophiles.
He's right, you know
Imagine paying $30 to use bows
that's something a bownigger would say
It's actually a k/d R mate
whats the best anti bow build?
spam C4 insults
You are totally right OP, bownegroes suck all the dicks two times
There are no archers in for honor btw
Shield + Spear combo is worse than some archer
i like bows
can u play on a controller?
not a fan of kb+m
you sound like a faggot
bows are an extremely high iq wep you have to analyze the battlefield and take out the immediate threats all while adapting to your team mates movement,trying not to hit them,and always having a grasp on whos close to you sorry you cant keep up with the playstyle to appreciate how challenging it is
that's one of the worst excuses i've ever heard. you'll always be a filthy bownigger
Thinking about getting one. How does melee system actually works?
I've had fun times with Rune, but I don't want that ride anymore.
A and D keys
don't get the game until there is a mode without bowniggers
You technically can, but you will get your shit kicked in constantly I would imagine
>all while adapting to your team mates movement,trying not to hit them
tell the other bowmen please
ok dude make sure you polish your sword and all that garbage ill be busy picking up more kills
Here is your (You), you salty faggot, now STFU.
did you even read the part of the artificial k/d? nice reading comprehension retard. you bowniggers are all the same, you can't actually use a melee weapon so you continue to be a bownigger. how embarrassing. how embarrassing
Context, nigger. Jumping around fucking with duels makes you a faggot, but firing bows across the field or over battlements in defense is kino as fuck
>s-s-score doesnt matter!
listen gramps you chose your weapon now die with it to you its the worst thing to me its just another kill
imagine being proud of being a bownigger. how embarrassing. how embarrassing
can people see your overall stats? like total k/d and shit? I don't want to get bullied
Lmao, cry moar, nigger.
t. bow and spear user
I get it.
It's a gay thread of a gay game.
>bow and spear user
tiananmen square free tibet winnie the pooh
Heard there's a lot of lag and connection issues. Any truth to that?
>WAHH WAHHH my weapon doesnt have range you cant do that!
Nah bows are fine, bow and spear is just chink shit
Ingame round k/d? Yes.
Career k/d? No. You can't even see it yourself, just the total number of kills you have achieved
You are a Poleaxe chad, arent you Yea Forums?
Every match there are tons of spikes where everyones ping goes to 250-500 for some time, and some random packet loss problems here and there. That is, IF you find a server. It's a fun game, when you can play it.
>Using poleaxe over superior halberd
You will never be a true man.
>Play literally any pvp game ever
>Everyone immediately gravitates towards mobility/reach meta and every fight/game/match is a copypasted miserable experience of dodge and poke
This is why I play singleplayer titles
I've gotten chambering thrusts down to an art and if any spearniggers come at me I will end them
Bow users are next. Right now all I can do is run them down like the blind little fags they are but I'm working on deflecting arrows so I can charge them head on and watch them panic
Learn how to chamber faggot
>Everyone immediately gravitates towards mobility/reach meta and every fight/game/match is a copypasted miserable experience of dodge and poke
So just like any real-life combat that wasn't centered around formation fighting?
>Using weapons over your fists
Why are ranged classes even allowed in melee based multiplayer
Because I don't want to set my FoV to 120 and move my mouse around like a spastic with the Zweihander/Halberd like all the other good players.
The problem is your Chamber is countered by their chamber. I've had these go on for like 7 thrusts until someone gets poked from the side by an ally.
Because it's a """""realistic"""" medieval based multiplayer combat. That's why there are horses and siege engines in front line too. Melee based would be For Honor, where there are no ranged attacks except for the gimmick of one character(Shinobi, who can grab you from afar) and a couple of perks(the Samurai have a bow perk).
>melee based multiplayer
It's morons like you that make the salt so delicious
Who Messer+Heater 2/3/3 meatshield here?
fov cap is 103 or something afaik, something old chiv players probably found triggering but honestly it's for the best since either you play the game with max FoV or you aren't playing it right, and at least now the max FoV still isn't autism tier
His counter is quicker than mine though, so there's literally no way to get through him. Plus his astronomical ping means I'm getting hits before I See them
If they're aiming at your head, don't chamber one and crouch+look straight down at the floor as it's going to hit, then look back upwards as you bring your next thrust out. You'll go under theirs and hit them before they can parry. You can also look upwards for a backwards lean if you're near the max reach of their weapon.
I gotta say my favorite part of Mordhau is horde mode, but it disappointed me on 2 things, one, it ends on wave 21 with a naked dude, and the other one is that while you can do some bullshit cheesy memes with the toolbox, it's very limited, i wish you could construct more stuff.
Frontline is fun too, but Horde is more my cup of tea.
Huntsmen perk or w/e with short spears to chuck and wear a helmet
kite shield, 3/3/3, throwables, huntsman, and get on a horse
Your own bow and being able to aim/predict.
>posts anime reaction pic
>is a total fucking beta pussy
checks out
>the only way to beat a faggot is to become one yourself
i dont like this, chief
Orochi has a bow
Did they fix the gold and experience gain yet?
Not playing this shit until they do.
I got gold and experience on all my matches today.
You can fit crossbow+decent melee wep and light armour, just take huntsman and one shot every archer then join the chads in the brawl. The down side is you have a quiver so if you get randomly hit by an arrow in melee you'll also die to the perk.
Yeah that is actually fixed but goood luck joining a match, fucking shit keeps kicking me out after matchmaking for 10 minutes
Use server browser and join one that's only like half full if you can.
I'll just use the server browser, assuming those servers will give me gold.
Nah just take huntsman and 3 short spears
In For Honor's defense(crazy i know), i don't think any of those abilities can kill you if you are at full health, they're on a cooldown, and you don't start the match with them available, you need to level up during the match by killing enemies or capturing points get them.
So is this game worth it? Chivalry but alive for another few months sounds nice
for me yeh only thing that would make this even better is if it had voice chat for shittalking melee faggots
>can't find any servers at all
>Because I don't want to set my FoV to 120
I just remembered it has this option. I've been playing 80 I think this whole time.
I unironically fucking hate archers, they are subhuman reptilians.
How do I counter faggots who hog the horse all game and impale everyone? Can't seem to do enough damage to stop them before they trot off and heal
i honestly don't mind bownigs because i've trained my reflexes to block most of their shots and seeing an archer flee in terror as you walk towards them and block 3+ arrows is actually pretty gratifying
Try to stay on the right of their horse from your perspective, the lance/spear can only hit their right side. You can bait them into turning into you and un-couching their weapon or hitting an object. Throw short spears/crossbow if you have good aim, or your own regular spear thrust if they have a shorter weapon.
90% sure horse riders are bugged. Speed-based damage doesn't affect them like it does normal players so unless he crashes riders are essentially invincible because nothing will be able to 1 shot them like a thrust hitting head on with a rider going 40 mph
They can't regen on the horse so at worst you force them to run to an empty part of the map and regen off it.
i like you guys don't come to the battlefield tomorrow
Triple short spear and huntsman perk. Huntsman perk means you one shot every archer but you don't get oneshot back since you're technically not an archer, you're a guy with 3 spears
Billhook actually yanks riders off their horse if you hit them with it, really cool. Consider making an anti horsenigger class
it's fun because it annoys everyone else, every muliplayer game should have a misanthropist class imo
I was having fun playing my greatsword merc but now I see how much asshurt archer classes cause I think I'm gonna give it a try
>remove xhair for bows and xbows.
>make xbows need to be reloaded if you holster it, so you can't whip it out and insta shoot mid duel.
>make it so you need to choose between bodkin/broad head arrow to do the current damage values vs light & med/heavy armors.
>also make shield users take more stamina drain on hit and make it slowly trickle down their stam if when held up.
game fixed thanks computer.
>see arrow coming towards you
>press block
wow that was hard
Who else crossbow/axe masterrace here?
All I do is right click when the archer looks at me and I block their arrow. Why are you so incapable of playing a video game?
Post characters
How is this game anyway?
OP just wants to say nigger and chimp out like one.
these are actually really good
Going to give this a try, archery sounds like a blast