How do you wield your mouse and keyboard before you go into battle, Yea Forums?

How do you wield your mouse and keyboard before you go into battle, Yea Forums?

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why do people play with their entire arm on the table on the mouse side? for me, it's on the edge with high sensitivity. also tilting the keyboard is gay too

using a large amount of area and low sensitivity allows for more finesse and accuracy than a small amount with high sensitivity

when you're playing a game based on heashots, one matters more
games like quake have it matter which way you play less

pro tip: for even more accuracy with either method, bind a key to your fire button instead of having it be a click

My arm and wrist are the same size as that kids and I'm 23. And I recently learned girls really like thick strong arms so fml

What is this new keyboard meme? When did it start? How did it start?

Do farmer's walks you DYEL

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dumbest shit i've ever seen, how much does your left hand hurt

they will always look like that unless you start lifting or get fat. If you see someone with a thick wrist they are usually just fat fucks.

Does anyone else here use ESDF as opposed to WASD?