Games where I can play as a psycho or killer?

Games where I can play as a psycho or killer?
Man hunt and GTA are the only games I know

Attached: download (1).jpg (225x224, 5K)

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Try dead by daylight

I should mention I only own a 360

>Dead by Daylight
>Hotline Miami 1 and most of 2
>POSTAL series
>Fallout series, save for 4
>F.E.A.R 3 if you play as Fettel
>Morrowind, Oblivion
>Far Cry 2, 5
>Party Hard

Attached: POSTAL.jpg (1920x1080, 345K)

I have this one game on my mind where you play as this metal guy you know with long black hair and black trench coat. 3rd person game, it was quite controversial a few years back.

Doc, this dosage isn't doing anything

It's a plasibo

Hatred. POSTAL knockoff but worth a play for an hour or so if you can get it on sale.

Yeah I just figured it out and then seen your post
Good fucking game I tell you.
Soon the games won't be enough

>Psycho or killer
>Qu'est-ce que c'est

Th-thanks doc...

dead by daylight

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Thanks doc


Mucho gracias doctor

Dziękuję, doktorze.

Grazie dottore.

Danke Herr Doktor

what is this stupid new meme?

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Hotline Miami.

Jesus Doc, I should be good for the rest of the day with a dose like that

Doc, I think I just got overdosed

Doc, this man ain't feeling well get him an extra dose

Attached: bait.jpg (622x626, 55K)

>psychotic killer
out zoomer


oh you little silly putty, now come here and give me a kiss

dankon doktoro

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doc wtf this dose is too much

Alpha protocol psycho playtrugh is fun as fuck.

MGSV baits you into becoming the warmongering serial killer psychopath known as Big Boss
Although going too lethal from well, killing rampages make you hallucinate big horns and big blood.

spasibo doktor

Attached: mhmk.png (673x649, 376K)

That was a stealth dosage Doc

Name of game?

Haven't been to the doctor lately, huh?

Morimiya Middle School shooting. You'll need to download the english patch too, search for Burning Trash Pile translations.