
Attached: Meme.png (1920x1080, 488K)

you think I can make a game?
ooooh noooo
you don't know how dumb I am
gaylord mc fuckface

The App store is too big and too full of garbage, yet also has plenty of decent games, so nothing will ever find success through discoverability anymore. You need to make sure people are aware of your game.

>In-app Products
And nothing of value was lost.

it's why indie games sell so well on the switch, and the same goes for the Epic Store

I will install out of pity

I mean it says "beta tester" so I'd imagine

>10 people bothered to download an asset flip that feels procedurally generated?

This is how the real world works. You're not entitled to success for working hard. Funny how the devs in this industry call the consumer base the entitled babies, when they literally throw temper tantrums every time their "masterpiece" gets a reception befitting of its quality.

I don't want to shit on people for trying to follow their dreams, because it's a good thing to do, but yeah, I think the gaming market is just oversaturated. There are literally tons and tons and tons of games out there to play. Gamers have so many things to play, and they only have so much money, so they can't buy literally every indie title that comes out.

I was watching a video yesterday of some engineer from Bungie explaining how they upgraded their game engine from Halo to Destiny. And there was a part where he was talking about the competition, and how this influenced the design of the engine upgrade. Even for a big studio like that, the game industry is a cutthroat business.