There's still a bit over seven months left but I think it's fair at this point to officially crown this as Yea Forums's...

There's still a bit over seven months left but I think it's fair at this point to officially crown this as Yea Forums's game of the decade.

Attached: darksoulsremastered-1280-1539846640939_1280w.jpg (1280x720, 202K)

Other urls found in this thread:

You are actually right user, and everybody know it

*blocks your path*

Attached: Dark_souls_3_cover_art.jpg (289x345, 48K)

That's not Days Gone

You arent wrong. It absolutely is. Its not even my favorite (its up there) but DS 1 might just be the best game ever made.

Remastered is shit unless you play on switch where it's actually just the original game.


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wait until the 2 autist and the 3 pvp tryhards show up to this thread

Just stop.

but that's not bloodborne


>garbage pc port
>Cashgrab remaster
Yeah no thanks, I'll stick with ds3.

You sound like a real idiot when you say that.

Pains me to say it but yeah it deserves its spot for its influence on the board over the decade.

why the fuck people are THAT deluded

we formshills should make consensus on what game we will be voting for, if we divide between DS1 and BB we can lose, that's not really possible but still.

The only deluded one is you.

Open your eyes autist

Attached: Screenshot 2019-05-03 02.12.25.png (1280x717, 1.04M)


Worth it just for the re sizeable ui alone senpai

Attached: 1554767431562.jpg (640x798, 67K)

>any souls game being game of the decade
i mean it might get voted that by normalfags and Yea Forums considering Yea Forums is now mostly normalfags

in all honesty this decade has been shit

DS1 most def. BB is amazing, but DS1 is glorious.

how cynical can you be

sorry for not being a shit eating casual

I am so fucking bored of Dark Souls in any and all forms

Need source of this goddess

Sonic Mania is the literal game of the decade

but while playing DS1 you were not bored

Does anybody have a link to those "New dark souls" renders?

It's that or Bloodborne.

Attached: Bloodborne-The-Old-Hunters-Concept-Art-bloodborne-38867103-1280-1010.png (1280x1010, 1005K)

the original, sure, but not the remaster

Attached: 65097891_p6.jpg (1000x848, 549K)

and these are not artworks, look at the video, these are 3d models, what the fuck, this is godlike.

You guys are memeing right? DS1 was clunky as fuck
Literally nobody wants to go back to the days where you gotta stand still to heal

>Posting garbage
What did user mean by this?

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Definitely. It's pretty much in the annals of history at this point.

>Unironically linking to that cesspool

sorry user but i got no other links, now i realised i could've linked to youtube

Definitely my GOTD. I don't even want to play new games anymore, the ultimate game genre (soulslike) has already been created. Please make more soulslike games at a higher frequency Miyazakino.


Dunno about 'best' but it's hard to deny its influence; it literally spawned an entire genre all on its own and games like Nioh and LotF wouldn't even exist.

you may resize the UI in the original, well, you have to not be 2 digit IQ to do it though.

Yes, but not the remaster.

PTDE with DSfix.

Bloodborne a close second

I know it's jank as all hell, but man it really is my favorite game of all time. Glad to see Yea Forums still likes it after all these years

second place is Mount&Blade
third place is New Vegas

no it's not jank dude, DS1 is my favorite game too

DS1 is a game for codbabbies and zoomers that were so sheltered within their gaming experience that this was legitimately one of their first encounters with a grimdark setting and action gameplay

the combat isn't even good and it's half a game, the shilling for this game is unreal and i think it's due to the way it appeals to edgy teens looking for gamer cred

>the usual le game is for le meme kind of memes
what if its just for fun tho

What do you think is the best game of the decade then?

name better one this decade you contrarian cunt

nah, it has visual glitches.

fair enough then enjoy your game, my point was people behave like its objectively amazing somehow when it's kind of a cheap japjank game with berserk influences
never disputed that it might be game of the decade, i dont even really know what it means are we arguing quality or popularity? if its popularity it might be fortnite, overwatch or the witcher 3 at this point if its quality i'd probably say DIV OS2, FNV or DMCV

>at this point if its quality i'd probably say DIV OS2, FNV or DMCV
no i'd say it's DS1 or BB


Of course it's all down to subjectivity, but we can still use consensus to as a metric to gauge how good a game is. Most people on Yea Forums love DS ; therefore it is in contention for being Yea Forums's GOTD.

i agree, it's the best game of the decade. some people will vote skyrim but ds is much better on repeated playthroughs, unlike skyrim


>people behave like its objectively amazing somehow when it's kind of a cheap japjank game with berserk influences

you are the exact opposite of that and you dont even fucking realize lmao

Glad we agree.

>you are the exact opposite of that and you dont even fucking realize lmao
so i dont act like it's objectively amazing? yeah you're right, notice how i never said the game was outright shit

This, pretty much.


10/10 user, 10/10 GOOD TROLL!

Attached: cryinlaff.gif (480x228, 1.32M)

wait, no, DS1 quality could be disputable, i wanted to say dark souls gave me best emotions amongst every other games this gen and it's in top10 games of all time for me.
Lordran just sucked me, this world is comfy and atmospheric as fuck, I loved every single location of this game and i had no idea people hated second half of this game it was perfectly fine for me (except for lost izalith, this shit is apparently rushed).
Some bosses are just badly made it terms of fighting them but fuck that, they got their good sides, for example moonlight butterfly is majestic as fuck, and i can watch him flying around for ages, same goes for the four kings and seath the scaleless, fights are bad but they made me feel that dark fantasy adventure.

Attached: TW3.jpg (3840x2160, 915K)

glad you rike it

i was hyped for this game as fuck
then i played it and got disappointed as much as i was hyped, now it's 7/10 for me.

Fair enough, I was hyped and it surpassed my expectations.

I get what you mean, Bloodborne, which I consider a close second, is a mechanically better game on almost all departments (except variety, replayability and roleplaying potential, I guess), but god the world and the NPCs of DS1 are so stellar, the fact you can't teleport from the start, the DIY feel you get from levelling and upgrading weapons on bonfires, it's just supreme.

I don't think they will ever reach these heights again.

hey guys please dont take this the wrong way but when did you guys start playing video games?

You mean it was your first souls game and your favorite even with all its shitty flaws. DS1 is just as bad as the second.

Late 90's, I guess.

Dark Souls (and Demon's) managed to replicate those feelings I've had when I played games as a kid.

Joke's on you, my first was Demon's Souls :^)
I know it's still all subjective, my man, I'm not saying otherwise.

bandwagoner go back

>open your eyes autist
Isn't that ironic coming from you? The video literally starts by showing a laggy location getting fixed.
The only ones who complain about the remaster either prefer the old graphics, or are autists who care about a bonus multiplayer mode that was added at the last minute. Fuck off.

Sorry, friend, but the primary point of remasters like these are visuals, and when it looks almost objectively uglier than the original, I don't think there's much point in it.

The quality of life additions are fine, but not worth the botched artstyle.

Sorry to break your delusion, but that would be Witcher 3.

Attached: wallhaven-424858.jpg (2560x1440, 620K)

i'm 26, i'm playing since i was 6 or 7

it's Skyrim's decade, suck it up Yea Forumsipsters