Why were the ottomans the whitest faction in bf1

Why were the ottomans the whitest faction in bf1

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The funnest thing about this map is doing dogfights and completely wrecking shit on a plane forever because no one will shoot you down.

Literally how the fuck do you fly well on PC?

why was bf1 better than bfv?
how come no one ever friended me :(

How do you not fly well on PC???

I like the map design in BF1 a lot better.

In hindsight, it has more soul. Brutal and crude melee kill animations, good lighting, good music, great uniforms, good but limited voice acting, gameplay is different from BF4, Operations feels good and is thematically awesome, Frontlines has very good trench warfare for the maps that feature it, lots of guns and melee weapons (by the end of its life obviously), maps look good, tanks look and sound great, the Codex was very good too and is something that is always underrated. Why all of this was virtually downgraded for BFV is a complete mystery.

Flying a plane with a keyboard and mouse is not intuitive

Bind pitch up to spacebar and pitch down to shift/ctrl, roll to A and D, use mouse for finer aim/yaw/pitch.

Default keybinds are retarded.

My fav part of BF1 are the horses. Hitting people with the land and sword feels so great. And if you are careful you can be almost invincible with how fast you can heal yourself. It has AT grenade and they arent too bad at flushing out a camper too. You have so much health and armor that you can stand toe to toe against a machine gun. And your lever rifle shoots relatively fast, is accurate, can snipe snipers, and kills in 1 head or 2 body.
Shit is OP as fuck in the right hands, but it can also die really fast if you arent careful.

But the tanks in BFV, wew, they are pretty much perfect to me. Not as unfun realistic mode as Red Orchestra 2 tanks where you sit as a driver jerking off in a corner and cant see anything. But not as unrealistic as a full arcade game. It still has ricochets, location damage, limited repair, and multiple seats/ammo types. That shit is fun. I wish faggots would hop on the flame thrower on my crocodile tank though. 9/10 no one does.

lance, fuck.

BFV has this weird esportsy-vibe with super fast movement and skins on everything. Also too much focus on single player that it doesn't need, and while firestorm is nice it would have probably been a better fit for dice los angeles to make it for bf4 or something.

the game was almost one of a kind

you had OP shotguns, OP tanks, OP planes, fuck the gas was netting me 15 kills a game until it got nerfed
i loved the meatgrinder it felt like red orchestra

Because fuck incels, that's why. What are you gonna do about it? Battlefield 6 will hopefully take place in Kenya and have only black tranny soldiers and then I hope you kill yourself lol

The medic semi autos were crazy overpowered if you used certain ones.
RSC can 2 shot up to 70 meters to the chest. If you can aim, you're literally invincible.
BF1 was the easiest game for me to go on super long killstreaks with medic, it was really fun.

>3 supports decide to take their dicks out of their asses and look up

why didn't more people shoot planes

yeah the sveldster 1916 was a god gun too
i liked the gewers for the sniper class but yeah medic has the heal pouch
its too bad i never got to do an all mortar squad or other meme shit in that game

Because they had bruce willis

medic was the most underrated class gun-wise

why are you bringing pol shit every fucking day to videogames
kill yourself

You can use a controller. Pretty sure you can have both a controller and m+kb connected at once so you don't have to do infantry with controller.
>Not pitch up set to the key directly beneath the key you've got set as pitch down
Either way I find that using nothing but mouse still gets me good enough results, it just means I end up having to use the whole length of my mousemat quite often

>middle of fucking no mans land
>toss a fuckin nade down
>got a lil foxhole
maximum comfeh

The 1916 was actually the worst gun stats wise, all it had going for it was a big magazine.
The AL8 .35 and RSC had twice as fast a TTK and much more accuracy, trading off a smaller magazine.
I'd go on crazy 50 killstreaks often just abusing those two weapons because they are so much better than anything else TTK wise that you just straight up mulch everything in your path that isn't a shotgun.

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damn i didn't even realize, i thought it had range on it too but maybe it was nerfed? the 35 was definitely my second most used, the federov was OP when it first came out.
i dont remember they were always balancing the guns out, it was sort of annoying but good for guns like LMGS

>the one shot kill martini

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Because I wanted to start a bf1 thread

My absolute guy
I remember watching some YouTube video on the least used weapons in the game and the AL8 was one of the least used somehow (except for the .25 extended), never understood how it didn't get more love, could legitimately defeat any gun in the game 1v1 except for shotguns as you said.
Never used the Fedorov too much as it just seemed cheap and cheesy to use. Pissed me off seeing it so often I guess.
The Selbstlader 1908(Luger rifle) was fun as fuck too, not as good as the AL8 but seeing the toggle action made it worth it imo.
The stock medic gun was my best though, the select fire one. Can't remember its name, but it was set to semi-auto by default so I don't think that many people realised it was full-auto too.
Medic overall was just too fucking fun of a class, only thing as fun as medic was going for close range combat using Recon's Carcano and Russian 1895 Trench variant, could basically go hipfire only.

does anyone except faggots and metrosexuals stand this way?

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Also how could I forget the reload animations. Jesus, there are so many unique ones depending how many bullets you have left.

the stock medic was the frenchie mini garand cei-rigotti

was assault the worst class besides shotguns? was bf1 actually good or is it just fresh compared to call of duty

it's great until you have to fight more than one opponent (read: all the time)

>dat ass

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Learn to positioning and carry an auto revolver/obrez lmao.

Based. The Cei-Ravioli was also god tier when you got down to it.
Still my all time favorite has to be the RSC Factory, by far. That weapon just destroys everyone, making everyone in the server your bitch. TAP TAP.

Attached: mfw rsc.jpg (1920x1080, 1.25M)

Personally I found the C96 Carbine to be really really really good for assault, and the weird RSC SMG was like the medic guns with its sort of magazine-per-kill gameplay. By far, my favourite Assault gun was the 100 round Machine Gun looking one, something something 1918? Well, it was my favourite in its original form, but it wasnt seeing enough use so they had to patch it to make it kiddy-friendly by turning it into just another high-capacity Automatico. They made some fucking stupid weapon balancing changes sometimes.

remember the bad company game that made you level up to 50 just to get fucking stopping power hehe

Name my band, Yea Forums

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BF1's ui was brainlet-tier and copy/pasted from Battlefront but it wasn't actual shit (and broken shit at that) like V's. 1 came with 9 maps out of the box compared to V's 8, and the first free map was out in under 2 months, with the first expansion pack under 6. Way more polished and bug-free. Weapon unlocks weren't quite as stupid, and the lack of grinding for attachments didn't bother me that much. Vehicle load-outs/unlocks were simple roles instead of a spec tree with blatant upgrades, and the fucking god-damn stupid spawn-screen that only lets you select 3 out of 6 vehicles you have but you can still get the rest but you have to go into a sub-menu. Seriously V's ui is so fucking terrible that I honestly wish someone would set whoever designed it on fire.

sitting on the edge of the map eating eachothers butts

Was playing BF1 singleplayer a while ago and saw this

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wish we had squad names we could change like in BF2

Despite its flaws, I think BF1 rewarded skill better than BFV. I see shitty players with SARs and MMGs at the top of the scoreboard all the time in V. In 1, I never saw the players abusing elites or other shit, other than planes, do well. Another fact that people ignored about BF1 was that its gunplay was a tamer version of RBD of BF2. As absurd as it seemed, it wasn't that bad.

Shame that the movement system in both games sucked. Weird thing is BF1 actually made BF4 feel clunky when it first came out, but somewhere along the line DICE nerfed the movement big time. I hope BFV dies and everyone comes back to 1 or 4.

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Disgusting lack of diversity kys

Thompson annihilator is the best assault gun


get educated infidel, InshAllah.

Now I get why southerners try to emulate sharia law so often.

It was designed by a woman, so go figure.

RBD is vastly overstated by the community. BF1 RBD wasn't as bad as people made it out to be if you used the weapons properly, IE actual timed bursts.
If you use an SMG (a WW1 one at that) and hold down M1, you won't hit shit at 50m, as should be because it's a fucking SMG. There are plenty of weapons in BF1 that have basically no "RNG", they just happen to be the small mag weapons that nobody wants to use because MUH 26 BULLETS SEMI AUTO.
As much as BFV is "less casual" because it has no RNG; what happened is the opposite. Gunplay is a joke, it's way too easy, there's zero skill involved in actually knowing how to use a weapon, you can spray for days with zero penatly. Brainlet fodder game. Uninstalled BFV after 200 hours, just couldn't stomach that bore anymore.

BF4 and BF1 are so much better than BFV it's not even funny. At least BF4 and BF1 feel rewarding when you learn to burst properly. In BF4 you can dumpster kids with the L85/ACE23/AR160 at long ass range if you burst properly, same in BF1.

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Yeah, the gunplay for most weapons is brainless. DICE tried adding "recoil patterns" to make the gunplay "depthful", but they are still random and unintuitive, and hamper firing at range. Eventually some players realized that they can be bypassed by tapfiring, thus rendering the recoil of all the guns predictable. Now you are left with guns that have no spread, and easy to compensate for recoil because the recoil patterns can be totally ignored with no downside.



Seriously, I had 5KD in BFV constantly and was topscoring, but the game was a massive slog/bore to play.
Terrible maps with awful visibility, long animations for everything that you can not cancel, those cancerous revive animations, the no spread no recoil boredom gunplay, just atrocious all around.
They did tone down the explosive spam and removed gas, which imo is great, and the small QOL improvements like ammo/health boxes and being able to start regeneration at will are great but they can't carry the rest of the game along.

I, and along with a bunch of really good players /franchise veterans basically quit BF for good with BFV. We played thousands of hours of BF4 and BF1 together, and with BFV all my friends vanished. The few ones left trying to enjoy BFV eventually moved on to Apex and completely abandoned BFV. Now BFV is nothing but dogshit 1KD boomers with brain damage. Very sad, but it is what it is.
I play BF4 nowadays, since it's impossible to find Frontlines servers in BF1.

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Alot of "Turkish" people are genetically Greeks, Armenians and Iranian.

Because it was previous one and it's cool to hate on the new one.

>i can't see the doritos 24/7 so it's bad
The gameplay changes are the only good part of bf5


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>Greeks, Armenians and Iranian
none of them are white.

poor little white guy

>ottomans were confirmed black
>make them white

do they WANT to offend people?

I didn't say anything about doritos. I don't mind them gone.
I do mind the game having atrocious contrast/shadows and soldiers that blend in with the environment entirely.
Previous games were playable with the HUD off, and didn't need doritos to be played, in BFV it's cancer.

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>faggots and metrosexuals
Sounds like Ottomans alright

>tfw these stupid ass icons get in the way of my observation

>The Virgin Assault
>The Chad Support

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Merkel's Nightmare

The Parabellum was so satisfying to reload

As someone who understood the importance of anti vehicle weaponry on long maps the safe play of vehicles is way too easy to the point where you can't overcome it. Also the fact that anyone can just concede vehicular pushes on one side and farm 30+kills on the other side in the same time it would take to kill a competent driver

>BFV's assault class has semi-autos & anti tank gadgets
That's fucking uncanny.

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>tfw no one plays pigeon hunt anymore

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