>40 year old nigger driving me back from the arcade at 3 in the morning
>pulled in to a gas station and fell asleep in the car
40 year old nigger driving me back from the arcade at 3 in the morning
Other urls found in this thread:
wake him up you pussy
but he specifically pulled in to nap so he didn't fall asleep on the highway
Buy a new nigger
If you're using a rideshare app, order a new ride and then call customer service to get a refund on the old one.
it's not an uber or anything, it's just a guy I know and play at the arcade with
then wake him up dipshit, if you know him he shouldn't mind
also videogames
Yell "oh fuck it's the cops!" he'll wake up
I just coughed really loud and that did the trick
I wanted to let him actually nap a bit because I'd prefer that over getting in an accident on the highway, and I really don't know him that intimately and with him being old enough to be my dad and sometimes very eccentric hopefully you can understand my hesitation
also this is video games you fuck, we were literally at an arcade playing fighting games for hours
Youre not even friends with the guy and you in his car? At least try and suggest you drive.
You're weird OP. But I'm glad you managed to wake up your daddy, maybe invite him for some hot coffee when you get home as thanks for taking good care of you ;)
this is how you get murdered
lmao just suck him already fag he waiting
friends in the sense that we play the same dead fighting game and I hang out with everyone else who also plays the same dead fighting game
the whole reason I'm even in his car is because I don't drive
is this part of the plot of taken 5?
he's not my dad, he's just old enough to be
You can call an Uber and go home in that.
I don't even have uber installed
I think I've learned that if this guy is my only option for transportation it'd be better to just not go at all
are you far from home user?
you need to sleep too
Sorry, how old are you? Do you have your license?
>I dont even have uber installed
Then install it you dumb fuck. Like what?
18 minutes according to google
he said he might need to take another fucking power nap before we get there and it's already nearly 4 in the morning
21 and no
Then call an uber.
I've never needed it before
you know the guy right?
if you trust him fuck it, let him nap Busta
u gon get raped
Nigga get a fucking uber. Jesus Christ. You're not going to make it far in adulthood.
stop being autistic and tap his shoulder
You clearly need it.
I mean I trust him he just hasn't turned out to be the most reliable
and I'd like to get home and go to sleep instead of listening to him snore in the driver's seat for another 15 fucking minutes
I don't like spending money and riding with a complete stranger sounds even worse
>there are people that take rides from strangers in this fucked up world
If I didn't have a car and public transport isn't coming around cause it's late I would find a hole to sleep in that nobody would find me until the morning. Fuck getting a gun pointed at your face and being told to take your pants off and eat all the eggs.
OP, this will end in either rape, murder or a car accident. Pick your poison.
Then fuck off and deal with it.
how many times do I gotta say he isn't a stranger
he's just an unreliable old nigger
Too bad this based boomer won't see the mad shit you're talking. Playing the same ded fighting game AND hooking you up with rides? You don't deserve a bro like that you ungrateful shit.
oh god he's taking another fucking nap
I just want to go home
I'm never riding with this nigger again he was already 2 hours late picking me up
The guy you've exchanged conversation with but never had in your house might as well be a stranger. I've met people that seemed normal then suddenly start acting weird the next day or two like a switch flipped. A lot of serial killers get close to their victims by getting them in situations like yours.
He's not sleeping bro. RIP OP
ever think he's not actually tired and he's stalling you for a reason? maybe his buddies is doing something to someone you love, or your home.
he's not a damn serial killer you paranoid retard he's a fucking nigger boomer who plays fighting games and sometimes chimps out talking about alpha males and pharaoh bloodlines and how dumb young black people are and doesn't like respecting the one and done rule on it cabinets because he has a huge boomer ego or something
realistically i don't see how you can get murdered if you accept a ride. just sit behind them so if they try anything funny just armbar their neck and yell really loud into their ear and jam your fingers in their nose like you're tearing it off their face
He heard OP call him a nigger behind his back so he's just trolling the shit out of him.
>real evidence presented: zero (0)
You're all that bored or did this place lose all it's standards?
That's fair. I hope you enjoy your time at the arcade, I'd go if there was one near me. Inversely, I hope young people think I'm cool enough to hang out with at arcades when I'm 40.
at least give a pic of him, you retard
>and with him being old enough to be my dad
Obvious bait is obvious
Call the police to shoot him so they take you home.
>he just hasn't turned out to be the most reliable
faggot you are asking the dude to drive you home
don't like it call a fucking taxi, if the dude need some quick power nap so he won't crash the both of you on highway then so be it
this better be a troll thread, this is fucking pathetic even for Yea Forums poster standard
This thread is making me laugh lmao I hope this shit is real. Please OP if youre not a faggot you will take a phone photo of this as proof. A zoomer tangentially being aquaintances with a 40 year old nignog boomer and getting stuck at a gas station after playing fighting games at an arcade sounds so fucking surreal
btw what fighting game was it even
Yea Forums I'm going to let you all hold me to my word that I will not rely on this half dead fuck to ever drive me anywhere again and will just stay at home playing smash online instead of going to the arcade to play street fighter that day
listen to this goddamn fucker fucking shit it's 4:15 in the morning we left at 2:30 something and it's an hour drive I want to go home and I waited two extra hours for him to even show up
He said it was dead. My money is on Darkstalkers.
Give us a pic bro.
top kek
Post a photo.
Lmao you fucking retard how did things go so wrong in your life.
3rd strike
I played some samurai shodown 2 on a cabinet while I was there too but I hadn't ever played that game before
just move him to the back seat and use his keys to drive home? you do know how to drive right?
Not even clicking it, Vocaroo isnt proof and your story is fake af
Enjoy the (you)s retards will give you regardless, nigger
How are you not laughing
I've been in a similar situation before but it was with a huge group of people. Pretty much the only time you would possibly do it and not with some old fuck. Also, what fighting game?
It's probably the big city. Non-autists usually have a way back home planned so that this doesn't happen. OP's just a huge idiot.
best thread on Yea Forums
he's getting louder oh my fuck please someone help
I want to go home
Jesus fucking christ this story keeps getting bettter and better
Does the nigger play too? What does he main? I bet he's a little bitch that fucking uses Urien like pic related
What's going on?
Why can't you walk home?
I don't
I got a ride from a random nigger once saved me from getting arrested for public intoxication
3rd Strike is literally playable online on most modern consoles, how is it dead and why would you take an hour drive to an arcade to play it?
Lighten up you joyless faggot.
it's an hour by car
right now I'm 10 minutes away by car
Where are you OP?
I'll pick you up.
How about you also take a nap?
To be fair playing fighting games is way more fun in an arcade, but I'd like to think that this guy is just so fucked up that he thinks this is his only option.
Install fightcade instead. Go to the arcade once you can actually drive or use an uber like the rest of the world.
he uses alex
I use urien actually, 3s urien is the dopest fightan character there is
just sleep in the car then, idiot
>Not owning a car
Tell him you're walking the rest of the way and leave.
He's just lonely user and didn't want to sleep alone you should cuddle him
Give us a photo
Just suck his dick already faggot we all know that's what you were going to do when you got home
>OP talking all this shit about a guy who was nice enough to give him a ride home
>OP doesn't offer to drive when the guy falls asleep
>OP isn't paying him to drive
>OP doesn't even have a fucking license
Entitled little babies like you are the reason why everyone dislikes zoomers
take your meds grampa your blood pressure is going off again
okay finally made it home
all you fags who don't understand fighting games and think online is even comparable to offline with great players especially for a game like 3s aren't worth replying to
don't ever rely on a nigger to get you anywhere on time
Post boipucci
Holy shit, why don't zoomers drive or even have a bank account for uber? Do you not have jobs? You're fucking college aged already.
Fuck off you little bitch.
I fully understand the superiority of offline fightan games but it's your own fault for not having a ride back home.
have the arcade instead
I did have a ride back home (and there), it's just that ride happened to suck ass and kept me waiting both ways
I don't have a job, but thankfully since I don't go to college in the USA, they give you a nice amount of yearly money to live off, which works if you aren't retarded and go out drinking every weekend or buy useless shit you don't need.
Fuck Third Strike when there's Elevator Action Returns in the back there.
this is fucking retarded
if someone is too sleepy to drive then don't make them drive, if he doses off at the wheel you're fucked
I'm pretty much glued to 3s whenever I'm there but there's a lot of quality stuff, he even has two initial D cabs on the other wall he got a while back
>unironically asked Yea Forums for advice instead of waking the guy up or going for coffee and waiting a bit
Jesus Christ
I'm not making him drive, he has to get home too and I let him nap pretty long both times
surely you can understand a one hour trip becoming over a 2 hour one when it's this late at night can be irritating especially when the same guy already got me two hours later than he said he would when we went up there
but I did wake him up
I let him sleep for 15-20 minutes or so and then coughed loudly to wake him without it being weird
I don't know why you come to Yea Forums at stu hours and expect normalfaggotry
Dude, it's about not being autistic. Coughing to wake someone up is turbo fucking weird, especially if you know that person. I can already see you being talked about behind your back for shit like this.
>coughed loudly to wake him up without being weird
>without being weird
What do you mean? Government assistance? Im also jobless living with my parents, lost my last job and am just in a bad spot at 23. Wonder if i could get it.
moms gonna freak
>A lot of serial killers get close to their victims by getting them in situations like yours.
I still think about the time I hung out with a guy at Disney who turned out to be serial killer. Weird stuff.
That sorta shit builds character and gives you something to talk about, I'd say it's cool.
Serial killers seem like this nebulous concept that only happens in the news until you end up personally knowing one. Guy just seemed like your average normal guy. Married, kids, the whole thing. I donno if it was ever confirmed, but I'm 90% sure he went out late one night he was staying with us and raped/murdered someone.
Stop. He's 40.