be honest with me Yea Forums, what are the chances this will tank
Be honest with me Yea Forums, what are the chances this will tank
Tough to say how it'll do on PC with the exclusivity, but it's gonna sell a shitton on consoles.
R*ddit: The game will sell like hot cakes.
most of the people saying they're going to pirate are just lying, and then you also have console sales to consider. This game is a best seller.
It will sell well.
this game sux bro and the artstyle is shit. Pure reddit essence
You should’ve put borderlands in the filename or comment so it’ll appear in the catalog.
The consoles will carry it to success, I bet they lost a good bit of sales on PC tho
After the blunder that is Anthem, this will likely become a success.
borderlands is without a doubt the most overrated series ever
like i thought it was alright but definitely not 4 games worth of alright
but the majority decides and y'all are some stupid motherfuckers so here we are
pretty low. it still have farily big fanbase.
Why is the AI literally retarded? My friend is excited for it so I didn't wanna rain on his fun, but the enemies stand still and shoot, slowly run at you, or occasionally pop out from cover. Man, shit on Rage all you want, but the AI was great. I wish we'd get shooters where enemies are climbing on every surface trying to kill you.
I see they still haven't trashed that "fight for your life" bullshit. When will they understand I want to play alone, not team up with random redditors?
It looks almost exactly the same as Borderlands 2 with 4k textures.
Everything sells now. Don't worry about it if you like the franchise.
>chances this will tank
After several years of other companies failing to actually successfully copy it (somehow) in the form of looter shooters all this has to do is be borderlands 2 with extra lens flares and we're guaranteed a few million sales.
will the AI still run away the monent you fight for your Life?
>most of the people saying they're going to pirate are just lying
Consolefags love this shit. It won't fail.
So PC pirates don't exist? DA FUCK THEY FUCK UP CRYSIS 2 FO DEN?
It might, MIGHT underperform sharply at release because people want to wait for the steam release, but I feel like that is a minority neckbeard population
Not gonna happen.
Cucksole kids will overhype it to interstellar levels and bring millions to Randy just so he could spend it on some webcam models who love to show magic tricks.
Should I buy this on console or wait for it on Steam?
>Playing shooters on console
Pirate it, and consider buying it when it's on sale on steam.
I wont buy it until it comes out on steam
will probably sell well but not as good as the other entries
AI can revive you now.
PC sales will be below expectations until the Steam version releases. We will without a doubt know this because Randy will whine about it on Twitter at some point. Console sales will be as good as ever.
Pretty low because of all the hype but don't expect factual numbers coming from epic all they do is lie and twist the truth.
What to really look out for is if the game sales better on steam or epic. But as i said before we may never truly know.
No I'd say it's probably over half of all borderland PC players, some epic shills may buy it to support their platform, and the typical "I do not care about the launcher" guy may or may not buy it on epic. If it's a good game then by the time it comes to steam then people will buy it but I personally think the game looks lessfun than BL2s because it looks like an Apex Legends clone and Randy said Titanfall 2 is a big inspiration and Titanfall is a beloved console shooter. The humor is gonna be a very large part of the game since "it's their thing man" so hopefully you like it because they are gonna cram it down hard. Unfunny people love to tell jokes.
It'll sell well and succeed, either it's good or not is something that only time will tell.
I'm looking forward to it but I'll get it on steam.
Despite Randy doing everything he can to destroy his own game, it won't flop.
Looks to be the same AI, so probably. If it gets too bad you can play as Zane who looks like he'll have no issues getting back up every time.
>what are the chances this will tank
Slim to none.
The thing is that Ebin can always boost the number of sold copies by counting both legit sold copies and the number of pre-determined copies they bought for this whole exclusivity deal.
Or they can always pull off "HEY GUYS WE SOLD 2.5x COPIES THAN X TITLE HAHA WE GUD EVERYONE ELSE BAD!" just like they did with Metro: Exodus.
it actually might, the map design reminds me of TPS, which most people hate
I can't for him to sperg out when I send him Yarr Harrr over twitter with my pirated version's screenshots attached.
The 2.5x Last Light sales thing only equaled about 50k copies, Deep Silver had to of either gotten enough money to not care or regrets it
It actually looks like a decent game... But Epic. I do not want to give epic money.
reddit hates EGS more than 4channel
That's what I meant.
They had to do it just to cover up the fact they did poorly.
So for BL3 it's gonna be either Metro tactic or they (Ebin Tencent) will buy a fuckton of copies just to boost number of sales. Because it's already known that not only they are offering upfront payments but care to pay for possible losses set by the publisher/developer of the game.
Buy it on console then
Epic is fine.
Mtx for cosmetics, that randy piece of shit lied on stage, while Sage said there will definitely be mtx, "but we're not gonna nickel and dime the player"
5 points were added to your Social Credit account.
Thanks for your work.
t. Winnie the Pooh
No. For consumers they are really bad. Their strongarm practises ruins the pc ecosystem.
>epic is fine guaylo
>no don't talk about the queuing time
>no don't talk about security issues
>no don't talk about lack of features
>it's good idiot now giv credit card to big daddy china
I won't be buying it, that's all that matters to me.
Loved Bl2 but I see nothing in 3 that tickles my pickle, also fuck randy.
EGS? Embers ghost squad? Like the cartoon waifu shit Randy Stair made up in his head?
why though?
4channel hates EGS just because of the chinkshit, can't imagine reddit doing the same
Just remember how shitty steam was. Epic will catch up to the quality expectation one day just like steam did.
>Loved Bl2 but I see nothing in 3 that tickles my pickle
Genuine question: how? The game looks like BL2 with better mechanics and QoL changes. Like I can get not liking most of the borderlands games because they aren’t like the first or it’s not your thing, but I don’t get loving BL2 and not liking the look of this one.
Steam was never as bad as epic is right now, epic doesn't have a shopping cart
I don't believe you
Pretty damn low, Randy Bobandy will then either rape Duke's corpse or make Battleborn 2
They added a slide to the game, that alone makes it incomparable to it's brothers
any chance it will be fun in single player?
>disliking sliding
Hard gay
I doubt that reddit's PCMR page bans me for bullying console fags, they definitely gotta be just as divided there's totally gonna be loyalists for steam, but there's too many moral busybodies proabaly saying shit like "completion breeds success" and "it's free" and telling everyone that if don't use it because of Tencent they are racist
More of the same isn't always the answer. I like BL2 but I don't wanna pay full price just to play it again
I dunno, I feel like all the ui changes, manufacturer changes and the way skill trees and action skills work have already brought enough change to make it stand out from BL2 for me. That and slag is gone.
Hey fatass you ever try sliding with a gun in your hand it's pretty hard to shoot accurately, so either the games gonna be unrealistic and let you shoot the same or take your firing ability away with an animation thus wasting shooting time in my FPS, Doom 2016 is the only good way to do "modern" FPSes
What the fuck
Bruh you're proabably too young to even remember shit like GWFL, steam competitors tried to exist before if a better company can't beat a younger steam then a company with an F With the BBB vs a much better steam doesn't stand a chance. Don't waste your money filling an epic library it will br dead in a year.
>inb4 muh monopoly
Steam didn't choose to be the most successful it's users did, valve could've went nazi making people pay to access online gaming like the consoles and most certainly epic would if they could. A better company could coexist with steam, a worse company has to attack steam
If you like sliding play mirrors edge, get good and you never have to run from your enemies
>b-but steam was BAD! That means ebin is GUD! They will catch up I promise!
If they want to compete with 2019 Steam it means they have to be even better than 2019 Steam.
At this moment they are even worse than 2004 Steam lacking even basic things any store has from the get go like a goddamn shopping cart.
Meanwhile Timmy Tencent is still spewing up bullshit and delaying the features he promised to deliver in April. He's not going to get better. He'll never even try. His only tactic is strongarm his way into the market.
Now go and suck his chinkoid dick.
>spouting "muh realism" retardspeak while referring to FUCKING BORDERLANDS
the absolute state
Sliding has nothing to do with realism. It's a cowardly mechanic thus it's a cowardly FPS, encouraging you to run from your problems, people who like games like this live sad little lives and probably call the cops since they love licking boots and paying taxes so much. They could've just made tales from the borderlands 2 if they wanted to tell a story. Gearbox used to make good FPS games then they started making Snorderlands
"I don't like shooting my enemies" I like doing gymnastics, its already a piss easy game why make it easier. Excuse me they are "Streamlining the Borderlands Experience"
This is some weak bait, it doesn’t even deserve a (you).
The characters look ugly, especially the females. I really liked the characters so this is a huge turnoff from the start.
The game looks way too similar to 2, which I already put hundreds of hours into.
Randy is making me not want to buy it because Epic and his nonsense in general.
There is really nothing to the game that's screaming to buy it, being 100% honest.
Fuck off give me 1 example of an FPS that has a slide that doesn't encourage cowardness. Dying Light, it's a zombie survival game, I let it pass. Titanfall games, you can walk on walls away from your enemy it's a pussy ass game. Give me your example I'm waiting. If it's a PvP game that has a slide it's a mockery. PvE, situational theres never more than like 15 enemies attacking you in borderlands unless its scripted or something
>if don't use it because of Tencent they are racist
you can't be racist against the chinese, even the sjws don't consider them human
Wow those leftists sure are meanies, my heart weeps for the Chinese people and one day I hope they rise up against authoritarianism
i am replaying 2. redpill me on axton. i actually forgot he existed until i saw him on the select screen.
In Rage getting a second wind wasn't dependent on killing enemies.
Next to none. Chances of it being bad? Probably pretty low. Chances of it being mediocre? Extremely likely. The worst Borderlands game was still playable and, even if it's a meme, was still fun to play with your friends.
I'd hardly call Tales From the Borderlands a "game."
t redart :( )
My man, isn’t sliding an example of mobility? Can’t mobility be used to be aggressive? Even before when you mentioned Doom the game where you’re fast as shit and use this to be aggressive. Sure, sliding can be used to run but it can be used to attack like any other kind of mobility. If you don’t think that wall running and sliding can be used to kill people you’re dumber than I thought.
His kill skills are fun with his super fast move speed and his use of grenades, particularly the fastball, are the best of the cast. He isn’t horrifically busted which makes him trash in the eyes of most people.
It will be a tremendous success because normalfags recognise the name. Normalfags don't buy based on quality, genre, developer, publisher, principle, anything. They buy because name familiar. It'll be a dreadful piece of shit loaded with monetisation despite Randy's lies, but it will make a lot of money. All the Borderlands games have sold like mad.
Reddit will lap it up like the sheep they are.
And frankly that's what will make it float if we are being realistic here, being Borderlands 2-3, because that is what people expected from it and when the ambitious competition shat the bed it probably doesn't really need to be more to please the target audience either.
You know what else is aggressive? Shooting the guns this game proclaims are the selling point. If you wanna make a parkour fighting game go for it, it would be fun. Adding the slide to borderlands will only enable people to be even worse at the game
Man, steamfags are really mad about the epic deal, huh?
Like it's been a month since they announced it and they are still butthurt
>randy pitchford
>egs exclusive for 6 months
>shitty humor
it wont tank, but i doubt it will exceed expectations outside of this board that is
Zero chance it will tank
> Guns
Everyone deep down loves the mental feel of firing off rounds no matter how silly in context
> Pseudo RPG progression
Makes the player feel like they actually did something and over came something without actually doing either
>Humor... if you want to call it that
Jokes that everyone can understand even when not funny
This is lowest common denominator design. Perhaps I am wrong but I don't see how this could ever fail. If a game like this where to fail it would have been the first or second game. That being said I will probably get it.
tencent gave some funding to reddit recently and they began panicking and posting pics of tiannenmen square a lot, like, not the meme copypasta you people post without even realizing what the actual words mean, rarely seen pics of that shit
you could say the same thing about Destiny 2
It's going to be the best selling game of the year unless TLoU2 or Cyberpunk come out
>you could say the same thing about Destiny 2
I am not familiar enough with Destiny 1 or 2 to agree with you on that. Did either make a profit at least?
1 had a very successful launch but then it died off when everyone realized it was shit and lacked in content until a major expansion fixed some stuff
2 was just disappointing since they changed a lot from the first game, so the major expansion also sold like shit and fell below Activision's expectations IIRC
there's no way either of them failed to make a profit but somehow Bungie was allowed to take the IP away
Well if they both made a profit then I would agree. Is there humor in destiny games though?
Good marketing can sell anything nowadays. Plus its a long awaited game. Borderlands 2 still has a consistently high number of players on steam.
As much as I'd like to see Randy crash and burn, this time for good, this game is going to make bank.
at launch of the first one there was barely anything resembling a story, but after they figured out what they wanted to do, yes, there is humor, not references everywhere like borderlands, but just quips every once in a while
I'm sure Epic covered their cost well enough. A few millions, likely slightly more than Deep Silver anticipated for their first year of sales on Steam.
It'll be interesting to see what sort of reaction happens once its actually available outside of Epic.
>what are the chances this will tank
Litterally none. Even if people followed through with their threats of boycotting the game on PC, which they won't because the avarage consumer doesn't give a shit about shitty practicees, it would still fuckloads on consoles alone.
>I'm going to make an Amazon competitor
>What do you mean I have to compete with 2019 Amazon? Their website looked like shit in 1998.
I haven't watched gameplay vids yet.
Should I watch 'em if I played BL1, BL2 and TPS but only truly enjoyed the Claptrap's Revolution DLC?
Is there anything that makes BL3 somewhat unique and not just a wacky reskin of previous games?
You have terrible taste, so I doubt you Will enjoy it.
>playing borderlands 2
>doing the tiny tina dlc
>set the voices to japanese so i dont have to listen to the writing
>pretty good voice acting
>reach a "puzzle"
>they spend about a minute talking about it
>see in the subtitles that they're trying to be funny
>time to solve the puzz-
>it was only a joke
they sacrifice gameplay or challanges to make jokes that fall flat, then claim its all "badass".
i really hope they fix this but i know they wont.
that was funny though.
None, the average "gamer" will not need a lot to be convcinced to buy something.
Borderlands is brainded easy to play and full of shitty "humor" that will have most of these retards laughing their ass off.
It will sell wel.
i bet you laughed at "buttstallion" everytime it was mentioned too
only the first couple of times
I haven't even put that much hours into them desu. It was just one pkaythrough without starting second. So I don't think that my taste is that terrible. Still. Looks like BL3 is gonna be a pass for me.
Sorry Randy Bobandy, but this time my money is not yours.
out of curiosity; whats so funny about it?
Pqlayed the first game ages ago and liked it, but holy shit was the writing in 1 as bad as it is in 2. So many overlong tryhard gag objectives and HURR HURR BONERFARTS. The gameplay isn't grabbing me like the first one did either. Only line I chuckled at was Handsome Jack finding the bandits painting girls to look like sirens to be amusing.
The only real reason I regret BL3 not releasing on steam
Imagine getting shat on so hard for your bad writing that you have this much of a mental breakdown
>So many overlong tryhard gag objectives and HURR HURR BONERFARTS
thats exclusively in borderlands 2.
the first game had a bit darker humor that relied less on "xd lol so randum" shit and more on tannis going insane and t.k baha getting killed.
comedy and tragedy was more balanced in the first game, while in the second they tried way too hard on comedy and lost most sense of tragedy, the exception ofcourse being handsome jack's relation with angel.
The delivery.
The lines and script isn't particularly impressive, but how the whole thing is done and then you hear the horses noises got a chuckle out of me.
Tannis is fucking awful in 2 as well. Fuck this I'm going back to 1. Is the PS4 port any good? I don't wanna give snake oil Randy money (specifically bought the HC used because of this) but I don't have much choice.
considering the amount of threads about this on Yea Forums, it will be successful here too.
>The delivery.
i can actually agree with you on that, they set it up something ridiculous that cant possibly exist and then you hear proof of it.
but personally i think its a bit out of place and could have been funnier if it was more believable.
don't know if i love or hate tiny tina. they cranked the lol random quirkiness up to 11, but it's kind of cute 2bh
her japanese voice actress made her more likeable.
who would have thunk a professional could deliver a character better than a cuck's amateur sister
I love the idea of Yea Forums believing they are the proper gatekeepers of what qualifies as comedy.
2's humour really is shit though and is only sometimes saved by the delivery.
Pretty much.
Like Yea Forums apparently hates Borderlands because it's a "meme series" but then people spend a shitload of time memeing and laughing at terrible jokes here for years like loss or frogposting/feels guy.
It's kinda weird that a game you hate for being cringe is less cringe than the website and content you post in it.
Can we talk about what they've shown? I always thought borderlands was really lacking something in gameplay and I think the movement is a huge step in the right direction for borderlands not to feel like shit I hope they add strafing or dashing to make it feel like you can actually dodge shit too. also I hope the ai gets better with it so it isn't brain dead easy with the new movement options. However the story is gonna be inevitably shit from what they've shown of those twins, god what the fuck were they thinking with them being streamers.
The streams felt like they were all playing on baby mode. You just shoot from target to target and never really be in danger (if you're not that kind of retard shooting at the Pyros with a flame weapon like we saw)
But again, they were playing with controllers so it seemed like adapted difficulty, perfect for console babies.
I hope PC is going to raise the challenge a bit, and not just by making the ennemies have more HP.
Recognizing B2's shit writing as what it is is not gatekeeping you colossal mongoloid.
Its gonna sell well but it has a high chance of being a disappointment even to normies
Explosive grenade Axton who moves super fast is some of the most fun J have had in Borderlands. If you get the babymaker one, the movement upgrade kill skill and all the explosive upgrades you can in the game you can just run around blowing everything up.
Well mods be allowed? I just wanna do 100% orange drop rates and just have fun again like in bl2
It'll sell well
But I won't be buying it
>People here are autistic without getting paid so it's better
No user, stop it.
adding stuff to the movement system is a failsafe way to improve the game, but the real issue will be the guns:
>most guns work the same way
>manufacturers mostly lean towards certain stats
>every gun is viable depending on your playstyle
>manufacturers have more personality
>certain guns become completely useless because of its gimmick
>>projectile speed makes the guns so unwieldy if the enemies arent a meter infront of you
>>ammo management out the window
>>at least its not eridian
>alt fire modes
surely they cant fuck that up
Dude, I bought a horse made of diamond just to spite you
>*actual horse noises in the background*
The shit is an actual living being
>calls it buttstalion like a 5th grader
The fucking joke is he doesn't take you seriously so he makes these childish rants.
The horse in the DLC is the icing on the cake, perfect recall of an old joke.
And seeing you cannot stop rambling about it makes it very clear it stays in everyone's mind.
Gameplay wise it's better in every way, weapon variety is a shitload better, skill trees for the two revealed characters look sick, action skills are great, talking characters in main quests like TPS is great, lightning and graphics look much, much better...
Only disappointment I feel it's gonna be the main villains in comparison to Jack. I personally really like Tyreen (but that may be because I would for her to sit on my face), but a 1 hour show of a 50-60 hours game is not enough to make a judgement.
thats not comedy, thats character exposition. all it tells me is that i cant take the villain seriously, thus making him not a threat and therefore can be ignored.
the first act of the game is Jack looking down on you and your pitty efforts to stop him, second act is jack trying to kill you by still fucking around with you, since he already used you to bitchslap sanctuary, now the third act is him going all out and grudging you, now he actually considers you his nemesis since you both took something from each other (Roland, your friend and Angel, his daughter)
Strongly doubt it. It's been 5 years since the last game and there is definitely a market for lootershooters.
Watched gameplay demo, they are throwing together every player character they have built in previous games (they are not even trying to hide it, "Operative is Roland+Mordecai+Zero"). Also expanding movement, "character play" (don't know how to say it better: abilities, skills, that sort of things) and weapon variety (which is probably the biggest thing). Instanced loot/enemies looks interesting and better than it was before. Seems like it will be bigger, better and all that good things. BUT it's a demo and Gearbox demonstrated how good they are at making demos.
Also demo seemed very light on the memery. Oh yeah, Lilith got even uglier.
>Randy: there will be not microtransactions!
>gamejournos: COSMETIC DLCs!
BL2 cosmetic DLC model was far from perfect. Very far. Literally just fancy hats. If they gonna do it, I expect drastic difference. Implying I'm gonna buy it, especially when EGS is involved
Yeah the villains will probably be a disappoint cause jack had so much personality because of his voice actor. Speaking of voice actors why do they all feel so bad now? Like clap trap never annoyed me up till now cause of this guys cadence in his voice and that new girl that works for atlas and rhys also sound really bad like dubbing an anime bad and I really can't put my finger on why. I really hope the rest of the game isn't like that.
Claptrap's voice was a dev, who left the company
I know, I was referring to this new guy voicing him he sounds awful and I can't put my finger on why.
Many VAs have been replaced. Some were declined by Gearbox themselves (like Troy not being Rhys' VA anymore even tho he applied for it) some just refused to do any job for Randy after discovery of some barely legal magic tricks on his corporate USB drive (Claptrap got new VA now because dev who was doing original VA left the company after USB incindent).
just looked up some of the voice actors they hired
>jim foronda as claptrap
>has mostly done anime dubs, non-essential characters
>ray chase as rhys no idea who that is
>genny cheero from sekiro
>literally who token trans activist as lorelei
>no merits what so ever
>max mittelman as troy calypso
>mostly additional voices
>elisa melendez as tyreen calypso
>token latina with gender studies degree, gamer girl
hopefully that clears everything up, expect to play bl3 with voices muted
Did they hire professionals to replace them or just random people sitting around the office?
Sexy big bad black chick has a decent voice, i was expecting some bitch ass sassy tone or typical black girl horseshit, but nah she is likeable
That's beyond disappointing
It works better as a singleplayer game
>Operative is Roland+Mordecai+Zero
He's more a Roland(Green Tree)+Willhelm(Blue Tree)+Jack(Red Tree) combination, they just don't mention TPS for some reason.
Low chances of failure. From what I've seen, it seems to have the best gameplay and graphics out of all the previous BL games, so I can't imagine how it would flop. I was surprised because usually by the time a game series reaches the 3rd sequel, the devs have completely dropped the ball, but this game seems to be the exception.
See Expect the game to sound like a shitty eng anime dub.
Or play with voiceover that is not in english with english text. I've done that for Borderlands 2 and it was much better than playing with original VO. The only downside is that you'll have to read subtitles all time.
Tyreen and Rhys voices are good though. Claptrap is off because the VA can't do the same "pitch" the old one did, so you obviously notice it, but otherwise his initial impressions are pretty good, I got a chuckle of that scene at the beginning with him.
>Tyreen and Rhys voices are good though
It's safe as houses. Every other loot shooter is fucked in some way or another and gamers itching for one will take the next best thing, even if it's mediocre at best.
Speaking of the Epic deal, given that Gearbox has a penchant for DLC, even if you're a buyfag it seems like it's probably well worth waiting out the exclusivity until deals are around, anyway.
Claptrap's voice actor has an infliction at the end of his words where he sounds like an achshually kinda of person or something I can't quite describe.
>no idea who that is
Voices the main protagonist of Barry's favourite game.
Sure thing Randy! Lube it up!
Or... You like it harsh?
i was refering to rhys, i havent watched the demos very closely to know who that is.
but i know that genny cheero sounds alright in english.
So we're just casually saying 4channel now?
>Liked the first game, had a sense of humour but was somewhat restrained (at least until the DLC)
>Finally just now get around to playing 2
Also is it just me or is it much more tedious now playing solo? I don't remember the first game being difficult at all by myself but here enemies are relentless.
>I don't remember the first game being difficult at all by myself but here enemies are relentless.
thats because the weapon drops are garbage outside of grinding for legendaries or playing zero cause hes busted.
His Blue tree kind of reminds me of Brick's green tree, lots of kill skills and high weapon damage/RoF buffs as well.
Kill yourself
it picks up right after you reach sanctuary and you meet lilith, i recommend farming the 4 bosses in southpaw steam or whatever that shit is called, so you level up a bit and try to get some unique guns
also, you do know that bonerfarts stuff was build up to make it look like "whatever, i give up, this shit is stressful" and not just out of nowhere, right?
Seethe more console nigger.
the next recommended farming in my opinion would be Scorch or Incinerator clayton, both from the Cult following optional questline
Imagine being so shit at video games that you can't aim with a controller.
I bet you're a platformwar shitter too.
Reminder that almost every decent to good line Jack had in 2 was improvised by his VA. He thought the script was so bad he just said "fuck it I'll just say my own shit and see how it goes" and most of that made it into the final game.
try being a GaigeChad.
Imagine trying to justify the shit aiming controllers have saying get gud.
well, to me, that shows daemon clarke is quality casting
It wont tank. It's just borderlands with better graphics and some quality of life changes. If you like borderlands already, you're probably gonna get it. If you dont, you wont care for 3
they're all boring anyways and I doubt anyone here will play it, let alone pay for the game
Borderlands sucks, but it will sell well.
And that fucking nigger Burch killed Jack so there's not that much of work for Jack's VA.
If he continued to improvise there'd be more good points in the fucking dialogues.
>casual faggot gets mad when he gets called out for being the casual faggot that he is
Lmao imagine not being an idort in 2k19 and not knowing how to play games well on both consoles and PC.
>"whatever, i give up, this shit is stressful"
Sums up the whole writing philosophy behind the whole game
Jack was the main antagonist, was he not supposed to die?
Besides he showed up in Tiny's D&D campaign and again as an AI after dying anyways.
Anthony Burch was seething at his popularity from what I hear, probably because the only source of humour in the game that was actually funny was purely done out of pure spite for him.
Isn't that the Mechromancer class, i.e. the ones Gearbox themselves specifically called the "girlfriend" mode?
Jack is both a playable class (well, his body double but same VA) and your team mate/employer during The Presequel so he pretty much is the star of that game
Not pure spite, but improvised lines he didn't make. That's why he was mad.
Seeing Randy's never ending Twitter meltdowns got me thinking:
Was Handsome Jack a subtle dig at Randy by a Gearbox employee, and Randy is way too egotistical and unaware so it just all flew over his head?
There could've been many possibilities to delay Jack's death until BL3.
But hey we're talking about Fagthony Nigburch.
Also is it just me or do the enemies have less variety in their dialogue now? I mean I heard EAT THE FLESH SALT THE WOUNDS like 5000 times in the original game but here I've heard pretty much every single line of dialogue from the enemies like 50 times now and I've only played it for a few hours.
Moze > Zane > Fl4k > Amara.
That Titanfall action skill is gonna be sick af.
improvised because he thought the writing was shit
>cute schoolgirl with broken skills and robot arm
i see no problem
You absolute retard. Why are you trying to defend controllers when they are objectively inferior to m/kb for shooters.
I use controllers for fighting games for example and m/kb for shooters.
Guess you can't use both in your shit console and that's how you end up defending shit like this.
That's probably your headcanon. Apparently people around the office like him.
This game will do great despite Randy pitchford sabotaging it at every step. Borderlands is a fan favorite and the only reason gearbox even exists anymore.
Seriously though why the fuck is randy trying so hard to ruin this game?
>Fucked up with the reveal
>Fucked up with fans about exclusivity and Epik
>Fucked up with the gameplay reveal
>Fucked up with microtransactions
It's so fucking infuriatingly funny that randy being a huge sperg is so well known that anything he says is just laughed off. Hes literally that retarded family member you have to put up with.
Yeah, because she's my girlfriend and future wife.
what are they supposed to say, they think the guy that literally signs their paystubs and keeps the lights on is a massive dick to his face?
>>Fucked up with the reveal
PAX staff.
>Fucked up with fans about exclusivity and Epik
>Fucked up with the gameplay reveal
He didn't.
>Fucked up with microtransactions
Only correct one.
yeah but you are supposed to brush off those niggas as quick as you can, why bother?
Imagine playing Gaige after this absolute unit was made playable
The game being Epic-delayed by half a year isn't going to keep me away, and I don't care about it having an online community.
Consoles will carry it but it wont see as much success from PC this time around.
>Apparently people around the office like him.
doubt that, during the reveals when the devs went up on stage, you could tell how uncomfortable they all were. it could just have been nervosity from walking up on stage, though its pretty hard to understand how anyone could like randy
Sounds like you're trying to justify being shit at console games. I don't see consolefags complaining about mouse and keyboard when they have to use them.
>tfw no melee class in 3
>Complete shit until he gets release the beast while Gaige is good once she gets Anarchy at lvl 6.
... her design is really good.
Imagine not playing both
planned D L C
Just imagine having this much of a mental illness
There's the new siren
Well, Borderlands has actually done pretty well for itself, unlike some of Gearbox's other games. I think they'll do alright.
She's not really a BL Melee character, at least not like Brick/Krieg was.
her action skill was more "nuke the area with a fist slam", not a melee focused thing like Krieg or Brick
>lol yeah ok bro calm down
>hey man you gotta use a controller for this game
She had a skill near the bottom of that tree called Blitz, which turns her Melee a big dash uppercut on a Cooldown, but getting kills with it refreshed the CD.
>playing Borderlands 3 on Epic Store with no Achievements or Community
what's the point then?
Mozes mech has a melee mode that looks similar to bricks as shown by the trailer
sounds more like a zero melee build
I wonder if that's how Moze's three action skills work, they are all different modes for her Mech.
randy pitchford gets paid more, even though only around 20% of their potential customers will buy borderlands 3 on egs, most likely resulting in less profit.
People wanted a completely melee focused ORA ORA ORA ORA skill instead of something similar to Zer0 and Athena.
I played BL2 back on release but stopped before DLCs, planning to do it again now with all of them. Should i start with the reborn mod or a clean game ?
Pretty sure that the mech left and right arm components are gonna be augments like what we saw with Amara and Zane and she will have two other action skills.
Randy and by extension gearbox should have tested before showing the fucking video, there is no excuse.
Randy fueled the fire by prematurely revealing BL3 was a Epik exclusive and then tried to justify it because of review bombs.
>B A D A S S
Randy wasn't the one to directly cause all the fuck ups but he made sure to be around when it happened and make it known.
well yeah, whats the point of having a stand master siren then?
sounds cool honestly
>activate action skill
>6 arms extend from her body
>rapid punches
>overkill damage contributes to cooldown reduction
>augments to do radiation procs
>omae wa mo shindeiru
>kill skill involves movement speed and health steal
i'd build for it
Reborn or community patch.
I'll pirate it on PC and if my friends get it, it would be on PS4 so i'll just buy a used copy from Gamestop if I have to. Would rather give them money than Epic directly.
Maybe you should try to post all your manufactured anger on reddit instead.
Is Krieg the quintessential example of a good character stuck in a bad game?
Krieg, Nisha, Timothy (Jack's double)
Regardless of how shitty the characters and memes are it's still gonna be fun as fuck to play and sell well. That's really all there is to it.
>without a doubt the most overrated series ever
What is GTA?
>early influencers saying it is more like BL2 than BL1
This, I wonder what is the favourite TV comedy for average Yea Forumsirgin. Nevertheless it have to be shit.
Now this made me cancel my reserved copies from steam and my local torrent tracker.
>Leave if you have something bad to say
I'm sorry, I didn't know I was talking to a child.
Did you even play the DLC for the first game where they were already going all-in on the randumb stuff?
Near 0. It's almost certainly going to make a lot of money.
i played the 2 first ones back when it came out, so i dont remember much, but i know knox was a pretty good character.
It definitely won't flop. People been waiting too long for it. Epic will only put a slight damper on it. Im hoping its cross platform on PC.
Ever play Vanquish?
Things like the constant gay jokes with Shank and Knoxx's CO literally being a child aren't much better than what BL2 offers.
Literally who?
prison gays and overly serious characters are funnier than disruptively annoying characters
Now tell us how many are on EGS and how many are on consoles.
0 (ZERO)
> Epic will only put a slight damper on it
You mean it will make people double dip for Steam's GOTY versión.
just a thought sweetie,
humour is subjective.
>Anthony Burch is full SJW
>Numerous enemies in the game called Mongs and Midgets
What did he mean by this?
oh im sorry honey, i guess im just a bit umm more amused by intellectual comedy, not adlibs.
>women are ugly
Siren is hot and they fixed Lilith’s face you homo
Nigga what. Tales is the only good TT game
>Intellectual comedy
no no no
Why would you bother buying a game twice after you invested all that time into it? You'd save money just buying the DLC when it came out. Also im not sure why you guys think there will be a GOTY version only 6 months after launch. There might be one DLC pack out by then.
They'll likey put out a triple-pack by then with the main game and first two DLCs, like the previous BL games did.
This, it's just delusional Valve drones. Once their friends buy it to play coop they'll cave in and buy it too.
lmao hang yourself consoleshitter
>Valve drones
this doesnt add up
if valve drone had friends, wouldnt they also be valve drones? why would they cave in and the valve drone in question doesnt?
No user, the Valve drone will cave in and buy it on EGS when his friends (in case he has any) buy it. Only lying motherfuckers will say they'll just sit there and seethe while all their friends have fun over a dumb .exe.
Most looter shooters released during the last few years failed to deliver, fans of the series have been wanting a sequel for half a decade now and the average player doesn't have the willpower to boycott anything anymore so Randy Pitchford's track record or the EGS won't work as deterrent. It was going to print money no matter what, controvery or not.
well im not installing EGS for bl3, i'll be pirating it.
>literally who token trans activist as lorelei
So that's the reason for the cyan hair and soldiers calling her "sir".
I can't wait for them to take a note from BOTW and focus so much on the "Open world" Shtick that they forget to make a decent plot and combat system
>watch gameplay
>have to close the tab 5 minutes in
Going to turn voice volume down to 0 or straight up mod out dialogue files if possible. Who the fuck finds this shit funny?
you're on 4channel, user
I'm thinking of replacing eng VA with jap VA. Worked for me on BL2 so far.
The only downsides are you'll have to read subtitles all the time and pre-rendered shit will still be in English.
>trans person voice acting as a major character
>main villain voice acted by a literal no one with very little experience and a genders degree
i really hope reviewers point out this shit so devs learn about meritocracy
Have you not been paying attention to games journalism and the media in general in the last 15 years? They'll point it out alright, as an amazing achievement and strong point.
no matter how awful the end product is? at least user reviews might point it out, most should be completely unaware of who those people are, since they are literal nobodys
There is a zero percent chance of failure
Playing the long-term Discord game was the only thing that helped me make it through to the end of BL2.
>Grab your favorite shotgun and SMG
>Get hundreds of stacks on shit enemies
>Go through area
>Get more stacks
>Get to boss
>Mow them down with the damage boost and bullets ricocheting everywhere
I had so much fun with it that I accidentally lost all my stacks and realized my guns were ten levels underleveled and I was totally fucked until I found new guns. It was such a good build and I'm disappointed it's shoved into such a bad character and game. The Interquel has the mommy gf with a similar skill, but you need a friend for it to actually work and I ain't got friends so I gave up on it.
all the borderlands games are better singleplayer
the only games that arent better single player are the left 4 dead type games
most of the sales come from consoles
if anything this will just lose potential sales