What went so fucking right?
What went so fucking right?
Zelda isn't popular in Japan, this doesn't speak to the high sales of Breath but rather the low sales of other Zelda games.
It's the probably the greatest game ever created.
Game of the decade honestly
Sales don't really mean quality. It sold because switch hype and zelda name. It's a good game but sales mean little. People won't know that they like or dislike it until after the game is bought and paid for.
>Best selling Zelda.
>One of the highest rated games of the generation.
>Now it's the highest rated VR game ever.
Zelda winning hard as fuck this gen.
BotW became fuckhuge in Japan too, it's at 1.3 million copies now, only 300k behind Zelda and Zelda 2 and one of the best-selling games in the past several years.
>antiZeldafags SEETHING
Nintendo was able to convince millions of people the worst zelda game and perhaps the worst game Nintendo has released since the nes was actually a masterpiece.
>Game of the decade
Wouldn't that unironically be Minecraft?
Sure, notch is a faggot, and MS hasn't been handling it too well either, but it's the Tetris of our age.
zelda's ass
If you enjoy the game, then congrats. I just don't see the merit of worshipping sales numbers. The Ps4 sold alot, but I consider it a poor console. Fortnite is super popular, but I don't like it either. I guess I just don't let popularity sway me.
Minecraft came out last decade.
You can't genuinely believe this without shitposting or being a contrarian. Even if you don't personally like BOTW, you don't believe that what you just said has any objective basis at all. You're just asshurt that a game you don't like got praised and you have an autistic vendetta.
Is Yea Forums still angry over this game for existing?
it'd be Dark Souls given the impact its had since 2011
>play the game on and off for ~3 months
>done with around 40% of the world
>feels like it's been ~60 hours
>load up save editor
I wonder if its very barebones casual structure is why it's so easy to play it for so long without getting tired at all.
>Dark Souls
Demon's Souls set the standards that Dark Souls even commits itself to
>INB4 King's Field fags
Yet the wave of popularity and subsequent imitators only came after Dark Souls, so no.
Doesn't surprise me that Yea Forums already forgot that DS was a flag ship title for PS3 for the longest time.
what are you going on about? v shills the fuck out of this game
yeah but DeS was 2009 and the context is "Game of the Decade" i.e. between 2010-2019. DaS also achieved far more popularity and recognition even if DeS did a lot of what it did first
technically, that was the beta. And it really only got popular a few years after 2009. I'm inclined to agree with the pro-zelda user though, BotW was such an awesome game.
Eh, I fucking despise the game so I'll take a 10 year break from Zelda and see if they go back to making games and not atmospheric walking simulators in the future.
Japan gave OoT, WW & SS perfect scores though.
The franchise isn't popular, nobody thinks the games are outright bad, they just don't care about Zelda like the west does.
more like famitsu did.
Starve people for a zelda game for an entire console generation, then copy the latest shitty trend (in this case, make a ubiosoft open world game) and people will eat it up.
BotW has outsold every PS4 game aside from MHW in Japan, on a smaller install base.
BOTW is the exact opposite of a Ubisoft open world. Nothing is gated. Areas of the map aren't blocked off, content that you want to access doesn't require a checklist to see, the story is completely non-linear. In what way is it a Ubisoft open world
>m-m-muh towers
Oh you mean those things that reveal only topography? Those map towers that got their start in Wind Waker or even Super Metroid, way before Ubisoft did it?
Yes idiot, I'm talking about the franchise's historic popularity, not Breath of the Wild
Comparing Breath against previous Zelda games in Japan makes it not at all surprising that it would do well
Why? Its not like Japan has some huge love of open world games, Botw didn't have some inherent edge in japan the other games didn't.
Zelda is unironically my favourite game series and BotW was the most fun I've had with a game since the mid-2000s.
Not denying other games this decade have been great, I'm loving Sekiro right now, but I'd be lying if I said I'm having as much unadulterated fun.
They better improve on it for the next game, I don't mind physics-based puzzles but all the shrines and "dungeons" looking the exact same was shit. I also hope they bring back some kind of time travel mechanic, or light vs dark world. I can't be the only one who loves it.
>TL;DR next game needs to bring back travel between world-states
after the n64 zelda games were too fucking derivative of OoT and didnt even offer more/better than that.
its no surprise that people are welcoming to something new, even if it still feels too raw.
It succeeded in incentivizing exploration in a way I haven't felt since I first played Minecraft in like 2011.
I don't know why, I'm just telling you how things are.
Lowest common denominator appeal. It's tied very much to the hardware, being a good tech demo for the Switch and their optimization features. It's a shame that Nintendo doesn't allow for mods or custom maps. The shrines are a lot like Portal's test chambers, so having a builder would be really cool.
I think Nintendo has been developing the infrastructure already, so I'll hope that next generation they have more extensive social features.
Zelda was always a revolutionary series but after MM they basically tried to follow OoT way too much. It wasn't until BotW they actually made the changes they've needed to make, hopefully they'll become even more ambitious from now on
You mean after SNES Zelda was too derivative of ALTTP with Majora being the exception. Pitiful N64 babby
HZD is still better.
I never realised how much I wanted a Legend of Zelda Maker until now. Would easily be feasible too, top-down perspective with possibility to switch between Zelda NES, ALttP and Minish Cap art styles.
Managed to make "dicking around" fun and surprising, while also presenting great art and endearing characters.
Very few games achieve all three.
>64 babby calling others 64 babbies
Nah, Haze: DestructionPack wasn't that great of an expansion to an already disappointing game.
Sorry, I started with SNES I'm one generation ahead get fucked zoomer
alttp is boring and LA is the superior 2D Zelda
You were almost correct. ALTTP and LA are equal to each other, AoL is the secret 2D masterpiece
It's the more surprising and more neatly structured one at least.
It's hard to imagine them ever making it to the form that OoT has without having gone through the item-gating design process that LA embodies.
This, i don't understand what makes unlocking a portion of the map a ubisoft gimmick, it comes down to how you interact with that world and what you don't reveal to the player. Plus ever tower has a different challenge built around them.
If they do that, they'll probably want to use their Link's Awakening remake assets. I would certainly be down for that, too.
>LBW and LA are equal to each other
LTTP is strictly worse than both of them.
Now you've gone and thrown away your credibility sport, calling the forgettable copy of ALTTP better than its inspiration is peak contrarianism
Japan's first ubisoft open world
Not even close though.
LA also injected tons of style into the franchise that was lacking in ALTTP, despite being on way better hardware.
>forgettable copy of ALTTP
Apply yourself:
>peak contrarianism
Game is good
Only thing i wish they did was a more linear progression for the divine beasts.
Difficulty on temples was kinda easy since you they could not make them to hard
Players chose where to go first
True, it takes the expression of personality in both characters and artwork to a new level for the series.
the shrines around the edges of the map were harder than the stuff you could find early for sure.
but overall its still just one or two puzzles in each tops and its just not as satisfying as a real dungeon.
>forgettable copy of ALTTP
lol @ seething LTTP kids.
>better than its inspiration
That's right, little zoomer. A derivate or sequel can indeed be BETTER than the original product. Happens all the time; DooM was a significant upgrade from Wolf3D, Resident Evil made AitD's design more popular and enjoyable, etc.
LttP is literally THE weakest 2D Zelda.
I imagine that's why Reggie left. Nintendo treat their American division like an afterthought even when some of their franchises sell better overseas.
Though I still prefer Zelda stayed japanese made. Just stop trying to make the damn thing full of south east Asian influences like they've been doing as of late.
>i obviously meant every game APART from your counterexample which disproves my dumbfuck assertion! GOD HOW DID YOU NOT KNOW THAT?!