They both looks stupid, what’s the difference?
They both looks stupid, what’s the difference?
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The one on the left looks like a plushie.
The one on the right looks like someone painted up jim carey as the grinch.
one keeps to the proportions of the cartoon the other tries to make the proportions of a cartoon human monstrosity
I want to hug the left
I want to shitpost with the right
Pikachu doesn't look stupid.
the only unsettling thing about pikachu is his voice. also, what's a pingas?
white of eyes
human teeth
But shitposting is fun
Nothing. Both movies look like fucking garbage. It's more offensive that people actually think Detective Pikachu will be any better
Sonic is objectively worse
that's because you are mad sonic turned to dog shit
The only people who say this are ones strying to start shit.
Detective Pikachu : If you somehow got a hold of Pikachu's model, it'd be very similar to the one in the games, it'd just have the ability to render the fur using some plugin.
Sonic: Nothing like the games, completely diff design.
All the pokemon in Detective Pikachu are just HD versions of the same designs. Its as if Nintendo gave a shit about graphix and used Zbrush for once.
Left has the possibility of being a not bad movie, right has the possibility of being so bad it has its own inherent entertainment value. Honestly I'd rather watch the sonic movie with some friends rather than the pikachu one.
one is a fictional creature given life and volume the other is man's hubris and greed made manifest
The Nintendo fanbase consist of manchildren who will eat up anything pokemon even if it’s total garbage.
The Sonic fanbase is full of autism, i don’t know why.
They both look bad but Pikachu is still kind of cute. This meme of making shit realistic needs to die, it always looks fucking horrible. No one will remember these movies fondly in a couple years. Actually animated movies like Aladdin or Roger Rabbit are timeless.
both are fucking stupid WHY BRING CARTOONS INTO REAL LIFE MOVIES god its soooo dumb and unnecessary i hate you all
It's all about the Benjamins.
Pikachu is actually cute, for starters.
One's gonna be a cinematic masterpiece and the other is a yellow rat.
That pikachu actually looks like a pikachu.
That """Sonic""" looks like a 3D rendering of a 5 year old's crayon drawing of Sonic.
left looks kind of like an animal (no visible sclera and forelimb placement), right is a furry gremlin (human eyes on an animal body, Dr. Seuss nose, human shape with fucked up proportions)
Detective Pikachu uses a realistic style but keeps to the original designs.
This Sonic is just a redesign, a bad one.
How can you not tell the difference? Have you seen pokemon? have you seen sonic?
I would bury my dick in the left one with no hesitation tbqh
because you are too goddamn stupid to understand why people like watch live action movies.
Think in all that sweet sweet manchildren money goy
The best part about it is the animation studio grunts are the ones getting fucked by this. They worked damn hard because of some art directors retarded vision. now they get to reanimate the whole fucking movie, in 6 months because everyone fucking hates it.
So good job manbabies who want to watch a sonic movie. You've just given everyone at the studio 6 months of brutal, unpaid overtime.
Are hedgehogs actually fast
>implying you wouldn’t facefuck the human mouth of sonic
Sonic doesn't look good even if you had no idea who Sonic the Hedgehog was
Imagine you have no idea what Sonic is and you see the trailer. Does it look good????
Fuck no. The also like to lather themselves in their own shit and saliva.
The alternative is they release it as-is and it bombs because everyone hates it.
Its a no-win situation that could have easily been avoided by just making Sonic look like Sonic in the first place. Hopefully they delay its release.
Okay animator, It's my fault you're a bitch and would rather take unpaid overtime over finding another job.
Reminds me when the internet hated the mass effect 3 ending
>So good job manbabies who want to watch a sonic movie. You've just given everyone at the studio 6 months of brutal, unpaid overtime.
no one would be unpaid, are you dumb? If anything it means they go over budget to fix the problems.
Just like the Sonic fanbase amirite
I think that's who the test audience was like when they saw the trailer before everyone.
he is even introduced as saying 'gotta go fast'
i believe this was intentional
Sonic looks like a fucking monkey
What a bunch of hypocrites, just because Yea Forums loves nintendo, they won’t accept the fact that both movies look horrible
You said it yourself. And contrarian fanboyism of this Hollywood crap is at all time fucking highs. Yea Forums is dead, Super Mario Bros, Resident Evil, Silent Hill, all are universally fucking hated as film adaptations, why does this shit get a free pass?
Sonic looks more humanoid which is mainly why he looks horrendous.
not even that he looks like that creepy furry who dresses up like goofy and max
Damn 0nyxheart better get paid.
>we got your feedback and we'll fix Sonic right away!
>its hypocrisy because 1 movie looks nothing like the other
>its hypocrisy that 1 movie sticks to the proportions to the animal design of the show and game while the other grossly deviated from the original design.
Yeah you are just dumb.
Those little fuckers can move when they need to. I've seen one going 8,9 hell maybe even 11 mph
>why does this shit get a free pass?
what free pass? Pokemon sticks to its design while sonic doesnt
because its fucking Hollywood. They make movies and take too much creative control. This happens all the time. Look at all the previous videogame movies.
one's getting changed and the other isn't
Left looks like an animal.
Right looks anthro.
The one on the left looks good because everything Nintendo is always good
The one on the right looks bad because Sonic bad
I hate the fact that I'm called a boomer for saying that both look completely hideous aesthetically. There's no fucking creativity in either film from the trailers, just the same old shitty pop culture references and wacky casts. Every fucking time. With that said I might come to like Detective Pikachu if it manages to not be so fucking reliant on the tired cliches that make modern films look so fucking monotone and rehashed.
The chick who does Manly Guys Doing Manly Things posted a pretty decent theory on what's going on here.
Yeah my dude that totally looks like pikachu and not Danny Devito
>retarded opinion comes from franchise rivalry despite the logical reasoning.
Reminder that pikachu looks like this
you get called a boomer because your memory of live action adaptations only spans 10 years.
>danny devito
Thank God they didn't listen to Reddit's cries of casting him as Pikachu, would have vomitted on first sight.
Pikachu still looks like Pikachu
If you actually think Detective Pikachu looks good I have a good reason to believe it's just a Nintendo bias.
I just saw Detective Pikachu today and there was a trailer for the Sonic movie right before it.
There was a clear contrast between the CG pokemon and sonic. Detective Pikachu just looks better.
The main turn off for me is the fur. I don't have anything else against it.
>Sonic's arms aren't blue!
>Sonic's eyes aren't disconnected!
>>Sonic's arms aren't blue!
His sperging about it was the autism, we all know full well that Sonic's arms are tan.
Left looks like a cute plushie toy. Right looks like a weird CGI abomination. The ''realistic'' eyes and the teeth are what is making it look weird. It's not cartoony enough.
If you think this is bad, just wait for the Metal Gear movie
>cute plushie toy
Stop this meme. There are plenty of Pikachu plushies in existence and they don't look retarded like Detective Pikachu does.
Pikachu is proportioned correctly, even though they've gone way too deep with psuedo-realism. Sonic looks like he's been ran over, and that's before Hollywood tries to ray trace over everything to make it look impressive. His face is completely wrong, where at least Pikachu animates the same way as always.
yeah it does. only
if you are retarded and have seen a god damn pikachu today
Not even the Pikachu plush toys look that furry. Fuck off.
no it's just you projecting your retarded company rivalry bullshit.
>The one on the right looks like someone painted up jim carey as the grinch.
Oh shit. I see it now.
Left = Pikachu
Right = Fursuit
Are you stupid or something, they look nothing like that
no what's autism is being upset over a minor change. That is legit autism.
do you also hate sonic boom?
that's the modern design you retard, unless you never even looked at modern pokemon
Am I the only one who thinks Eggman was done worse than Sonic? I have to be.
Nah, it just looks bad. It ruins the color balance on the character, and I feel like they knew this because they gave him a scarf to break the monotony of the blue color. Also, the dumb bandages on his shoes, why in the fuck are those there?
If Jim Carrey thinks vaccines cause autism why is he in a movie about a rodent that causes autism?
oh I see what you mean. Yeah the redesign was simply because they were using same models for multiple characters and throwing on all those designs was to hide the creepy shit.
The real question is why does Pikachu talk at all
it's because at the end of the trailer robotnik is gonna go through a change. My instincts went to, sonic came to this world and it deformed into that monstrosity while Jim carry goes through a similar change when he ends up in Sonics world.
it's from an actual game, you know the game called detective pikachu, where a pikachu mysteriously talks to a boy and they uncover the mystery as to why.
Sonic attracts autism, he doesn't cause it. We should be using his powers for good, but all we do is exploit it for money...
Pikachu looks like the actual source material. Sonic looks like they started with a furrsuit and just made one mistake after another.
Too bad they're changing sonic design. the Sanic memes would reach atmospheric levels of shit posting goodness.
I dont think you can use autism for good. Autism is something that doesnt produce anything positive all it does it take. So might as well make money off of the people who have to take care of these people.
This immensely downplays DP. Did you forget this? There's actually around years-worth of trying to give Pikachu an expressive face doing human expressions without "ruining the brand".
>Pikachu looks like the source material
Have sex.
While Sonic is retarded, Pokemon has something going for it - in particular the "live with Pokemon" notion. Yeah sure animated stuff already does that, but making it live action while doing it seamlessly will hammer it.
Maybe they should have told the art director to fuck off
How will that change my opinion on the matter?
>stick dick is meat wallet
>pikachu is trash because vagina
put sex on a pedestal OR ELSE, incel!
There are plenty of 3DCG Pikachus out there that look more like the original 2D art than the abominable Detective.
I'd like to believe it's a marketing ploy, but I've been around these licensing people who despite harassing parent companies ceaselessly about movie deals are incapable of spending a single solitary moment trying to view or appreciate the material from a fan's perspective, and judge what merits it has.
They just know X franchise sold Y units last quarter, and that Z movie has A+B costs and needs to make C in the first week. When the product bursts into flames, or the parent company pulls the plug they're honestly shocked, and have no idea how things could have gone wrong.
>no one would go unpaid
Looks like someone doesn't know how this industry works.
Every invention of mankind is thanks to autism
There should be an obese pikachu in the movie.
No wonder hollywood movies are so shit.
>how do we sell this thing?
>I know! Let's piss off the fans that would care the most about this, get them to hate the movie, and then tell them we hear you and we'll fix it!
>...shouldn't we just do a good job with the character and try to tell a good story with the source mat-
Sounds just dumb enough to be true.
no it's not, just because some inventors were weird doesnt mean they were autistic.
>Looks like someone doesn't know how this industry works.
sounds like you dont, even contracts have to abide by American laws.
Lotta Sega Widows in this thread.
>Sounds just dumb enough to be true.
this was the model of marvel comics actually. Creating drama or pissing off your audience helped their sales. but this is only works short term, eventually people just stop caring about being outraged and find different shit to be outrage by.
However they are using the sonicfandom autism against it self. It's a publicity stunt of sorts. Why? Look at sonic boom and the fans reaction over Sonics Arms, JUST the arms. The design looked stupid but it was the arms of sonic that freaked autistic kids out that one prominent creep who gets alot of attention over his overreaction.
Now crank that design choice to 11! Rage in the streets of tweets you got a lot of attention for your movie and now you tell them you are fixing the problem. What is going on here is they are making the illusion that fans have control of a product before they even buy it. They say they fix it and people go buy it.
Pokemonfags are even more braindead than sonicfags
oh fuck
>Was unironically getting used to it
>My brother, who grew with the Sonic series, thought it was fine
>The original Sonic designer, Naoto Ohshima, just likes his as any other Sonic
>Of course, people bickering make producers want to tinker with the design as well
This isn't even a matter of keeping Sonic faithful, just making "something" more pleasing to the eyes. Detective Pikachu gets a pass due to being cute and cuddly, but because this Sonic neither looks too cute or too cool, people are suddenly bashing on it even though essentially and concept wise, it is still quite literally Sonic, just with creative freedom for him to blend into the real world. I hate the double standard.
This. Animators are just doing the job that the director told them to do. In the end its just going to be experience in their resumes, the director will get most of the shit.
it gets a pass because it sticks to its fuck proportions as the games and cartoon. Sonic didnt, simple as fucking that.
Pikachu's proportions and appearance in DP is closest to original Pikachu (ie: not recent skinny Pikachu who is now most current face), who is infamous and well liked for its plushiness, being the design that kick started the latter one and simply being chubby.
It was quite literally a meme to emphasize chubby Pikachu over recent skinny Pikachu as of lately.
Even normalfags and children think sonic looks horrifying
Both movies are unambitious garbage anyways
Why do people even bother with Vidya movies? Leave my medium away from the shitstain that is Cinema
>Nothing like the games, completely diff design.
That's not really the problem, honestly. The real problem is it just looks like shit. There's no context in which this is actually a good design. Even for the kind of movie this is, it just looks all kinds of bad.
if that was the fucking case then it would have stayed that way but it reverted to the modern one. The one you just dont fucking like. Stop being retarded thinking you are the majority when it's a fact you arent even a blip on their radar
>That's not really the problem, honestly. The real problem is it just looks like shit.
that is the real problem. That's always been the fucking problem with shit that gets live adaptations.
>Detective Pikachu
Pick one
>the shitstain that is Cinema
Cinema will forever remain superior to video games no matter how hard you cry about it.
Is the movie good?
>They both looks stupid, what’s the difference?
Its ok when nintendo does it
>That's not really the problem, honestly. The real problem is it just looks like shit.
Fucking this. It's obvious that unless you go full Roger Rabbit and just make it a walking toon, Sonic's weird mono eye would look hella weird. It's all about making something pleasing to the eyes.
One at least tried to stay on model and with the motif
The other one didn't
Sonic is that ugly chick that average girls keep around to make them look good by comparison.