What games have this aesthetic
What games have this aesthetic
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i failed all my maths class
this is subjectist
>american education
same thing as subtracting 1 from each side, is that how they teach you in america?
I enjoy the theories that smooth-brained individuals test out to themselves like this one.
I’m not even sure what the fuck this is supposed to be, OP
go to bed Terrence you have an audition in the morning
The Void
This might help you unless you're trying to formulate your own set of axioms.
You have to subtract from the right most one as well retard.
50 %
>thinks everyone on the internet is american
No, just ones that can't math
Based Chappo fag house poster.
That's where you fucked up OP, because that in of itself is an inequality, you must subtract 1 from the other side for it to be true.
A problem with math education is people perceive = as some sort of "Exit" where the answer goes and not a signifier that both things on either side of it are meant to be the same thing with varying forms.
This is rubbish. The fuck are you on, OP?
Baba is you
That's wussy pseudomaths
teach me more
This post just gave me brain cancer
I to watch the youtuube video
>zeroes cancel out
what did he mean by this?
>zeroes cancel out
dumb nigger
I'm still trying to figure out what the red arrow is for
>he thinks there are people walking the earth right now who aren't american
There used to be other countries but thanks to the internet nothing is unique anymore and every nation is just another America where maybe a quarter of the people speak an old, dying local dialect that's being replaced by English.
It's B
Piss poor education systems because the citizens refuse to pay taxes is an American thing and a thing in countries without an internet community.
Even fucking pajeets are smarter.
anything divided by zero isn't even a value anymore, it straight up does not exist
>because the citizens refuse to pay taxes
Not even half true, the lower brackets in particular give up about 20% of their income. The problem is about 95% (actually 95%) of the budget goes directly into the accounts of the biggest corporations, because they've bribed congressmen to make it so for the past 100 or so years.
Everyone knows pemdas at this point.
Doesn't 4! stand for 4+3+2+1 instead of "not 4"?
Looks right to me
>mfw this is actually correct
4! stands for (1)x2x3x4
>divide by zero
The most famous meme on math and you still didn't understand
then it's not funny
At least the version of the bait with a x variable requires more than 2 braincells and kid math, kys
Funny how its correct but even if you do it completely wrong it still looks correct to stupid people
the dumb people usually are american
A lot of people will get it wrong.
that's elementary shit though
your mom
fucking smoothbrains
I believe this actually but minus the "america" part entirely.
nuh uh.
true except for america, where everyone speaks spanish and ebonics
the ! sorts out the brainlets
16, innit?
why are you guys so obsessed with america?
What the fuck is the point of factorials? What in nature reflects their existence? What can they predict?
>Being this wrong
Spotted the loyalist to the crown still seething over George III getting fucked over by a bunch of hicks leading to a spiraling collapse of the British empire to the point where it is just the size of a single state in the US. Yikes! Your country isn't even relevant anymore besides being the new breeding ground for the mudslimes.
If you're gonna make a math bait thread, at least subtly divide by zero or something.
Or pull the .999 = 1, that gets people riled up.
This is just dumb.
Taylor series
Oh you sly dog.
baba is you
A great deal of mathematics was made up by nerds for fun and only incidentally found use hundreds of years later.
And what does that predict? What in physics does that apply to?
Statistics stuff, mostly. Like any time you see like "This security code has X amount of possible combinations", you use factorials to figure out that X.
What's it like being the most wrong person on Yea Forums right now?
So what, you have a 4 digit code and 4! is the maximum number of possible combinations?
I just got done taking a diff eq final. I probably barely passed that class.
Fuck everything about math
Well, if you have 4 numbers to choose from and you can pick each number only once, yes.
used for hooke's "law" and constantly in research, taylor series really are very important
Really important in computer science and performance.