Who are you going to romance this time around in Persona 5 The Royal (Exclusively for the PlayStation®4)...

Who are you going to romance this time around in Persona 5 The Royal (Exclusively for the PlayStation®4)? Will you try out the new girl, stick with your old love, go the harem route or pick someone you got interested in after your first playthrough?

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I will date Kasumi in high resolution with the aid of my PS4 Pro.

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No one because I'm not buying it again for the same price

think they'll expand on haru more?

This isn't a nintendo game. It will go on slae eventually.

Getting shafted for Kasumi

Thanks that’ll be $60 (again) plus tax and tip

Just completed the third palace before the announcement. Should I even continue? Can I transfer my progress to the new version?

Instead of Kasumi, they should have just put Hifumi into the group where she originally was.

Seems highly unlikely, the trailer has shown that some major story parts got changed along with the palaces.


>can i transfer my progress to the new version?
Kek, Fatlus is too lazy to make that happen

This looks like an alternate timeline story.

Every single one minus Ann.

I'll max out your waifu's confidant then reject her

You'll probably be able to transfer your data, but you'd still have to start a new game. That's how it worked with P3.

Easy, I'm not going to waste tens of hours of my life again on a passable RPG, terrible VN and terrible dating simulator.

I'm a simple man. I see haru, I romance haru.

futaba pliss dont ruin my waifu

I don't see a way how it would be humanly possible to make her worse.

I will try to romance everyone just like my first playthrough. Valentine's Day was amazing.

That chick's look suits a female protagonist more than another party member.


This, I can't not romance everyone if there's no downside. There's literally no reason to remain friends with any girl without taking it further. I actually kind of wish there were consequences, like P3

Kasumi then NG+ for Futaba again
maybe Haru later if shes an actual character

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I fixed her

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I haven't even beaten the original yet because the game turned into a boring grind when I got into the spaceport dungeon.
Not gonna buy it again unless it comes to some unnamed portable device that I can play while I sit on the toilet.

You can remoteplay it on vita. Worked fine for me.

yeah this wouldve been better as like a reverse of Jokers outfit, cause Ann still the only one with bleeding bright red outfit

I'm gonna scope out what's different once it releases in Japan. I'm hoping for a Sae route and Kasumi will have to seriously wow me to get me into her pants sight unseen.
Otherwise I'll probably get with Ann again.

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Actually tried that but I could feel the lag. Not that it matters that much since this isn't an action game but I'd much rather have a real Vita port of the game.

After playing little by little for around 9 months, I beat Persona 5 today.

I'm unsure, I kinda want to start a new playthrough to get those missing SLinks and what-not. The obvious choice would be waiting for Royal, but $60 bucks for an expansion pack? Go fuck yourself, Atlus. I don't know what to do, I guess I'll just stop myself from playing P5 again and will simply wait as long as it takes for Royal to go on sale.

lol, wait for E3 :^)

>where she originally was
You're mistaking prototype Makoto for Hifumi, and she's already a party member.

Interestingly, she looks like Fem-Arsene here, complete with the mask shape.

Personally, I'm going to romance WHERE THE FUCK IS SMTV ATLUS

It's been seven years and Golden is still just about as pricey as most Vita games at launch. You might be shit out of luck.

What? Not only did the game get a permanent price cut, but it also is frequently on sale. P5 is on sale right now aswell.

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Yep. Toooootally Fem-Arsene...

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Ah, my mistake. I was going off the physical price since getting digital+the memory card needed to fit it all would have ended up being MORE expensive when I bought it.

as an 18 year old, i want kawakami to jerk me off with a fleshlight

Pls no

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I mean, Yaldy looks like a purposeful counterpart to Arsene's design so it's not wrong either way.

If Morgana gets any sort of exapnded focus she'll probably get something too since the game groups those two together a lot within the gang

Can I finally date the obvious gay guy?

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There's more.
In most if not all versions of the Gnostic creation, Sophia births the Demiurge.Sophia is an Aeon.

>Obviously gay
Clearly you've never met an art student.

Kasumi sounds fun, I might do a NG+ for her.
But on my first playthrough the choice is obvious.

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imagine paying 60 dollars for the same game just so you can pretend you have a girlfriend for a little while longer

Imagine how lovey dovey Lavenza will be if you already romanced the twins.

Imagine buying the game on sale, or imagine buying it for the first time.

Sounds like a bargain.

I have over 800 hours in Persona 5, you really think you can shame me at this point?

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>i have over 800 hours in Persona 5,

how in the fuck?

I'm guessing multiple playthroughs to try out different romances?

>turning it into a vague console war thread with a Persona veil
why though, can we not just have a fun thread

I would call you a faggot but Yusuke is that chill of a character that I cant even blame you

you have to be pretty autistic to do that when you can just watch it on youtube.

What said, I also had goals for most of them with min/maxing.
First was blind, got with Futaba
Second was to finish up my Slinks and enjoy maxed stats, got with Ann.
Third was to finish out my compendium, got with Tae.
Forth was to prove to a friend I could beat do an entire playthrough before he cleared a single palace as well as make an invincible Yoshitsune, got with Makoto.
Fifth was because I just got fired from my job and had nothing else to do for a month, got with Haru and made a min/maxed team.
Currently at Sae's palace on my 6th playthrough, making a few other min/maxed Persona for fun, got with Kawakami.

Imagine being so fucking pathetic that you don't want to play a video game you actually like.

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This, who the fuck even plays games lmao

>800 hours on a game that takes 80 hours AT MOST to complete.

your autistic user and thats a fact.

>Replaying games for fun is autistic
Shit, 800 isn't even my worst. I must have put over 1200 hours into Skies of Arcadia Legends back in the day. Subtle bait btw.

>80 hours AT MOST
A-user I'm 80 hours in and haven't finished Shido's palace yet...

I know a guy who has 600+ hours on every Total War game.

Ignore that guy, 80 hours at Shido is fine if you're taking your time. I think I was even higher my first time because I liked walking places instead of fast traveling.

i dont even think i have that many hours in many multiplayers games i used to play, how the fuck do you drag a 80 hour game to fucking 800.
Your autism baffles me

> I liked walking places instead of fast traveling.
I even do this in Elder Scrolls games.

>1200 hours into Skies of Arcadia
HOW!? i love that game but not enough to put this much time on it!

the most autistic game time i got is either 100+ hours on sonic heroes or 200+ hours on tales of symponia.

Sounds like you don't enjoy video games very much, user. My sympathies.

Replaying is not dragging though.

understable if you play on merciless mode

Total War games and persona 5 are very different games user. you cant compear them.

I liked hearing the chatter of Tokyo, it's interesting how it changes as the game progresses.
When I was a kid, I had this weird fixation with seeing EVERYTHING that was on a game disc, this is probably an evolution of that.

Cuz I wasn't bitch made. Every playthrough of SoA I did was full crew, all bounties, max level, all discoveries, all Chams, beat Piastol, get Vyse the Legend. All of it.
I just really liked the game.

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>When I was a kid, I had this weird fixation with seeing EVERYTHING that was on a game disc
This is perfectly understandable. Wish I had the will to do it these days as well.

No point not to see the romance with the new party member. I already watched the rest of the scenes with the other confidants on YouTube (I went for Kawakami first playthrough, Haru on 2nd) and let's be honest, it's just like 5 minutes worth of content. I'm not replaying an 80 hour long game to see some half-assed scene written by virgin devs for otaku.

>Merciless mode is hard
Merciless is the easiest shit to cheese if you get a persona with high agility. The x3 weakness damage makes one-turn wipes a fucking breeze. Even bosses are a cakewalk, I remember getting Futaba's mom to kill herself from full to dead in one turn just by lathering everyone in Tae's phys reflect gel and letting her smack herself for x30 damage.


New girl cause she'll call me senpai

>just want senpai to notice you
>realize that the real senpai was the you along the way

If new girl does this pose, I don't think I'll be able to stop myself.

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Fuck off with your ironic weebshit.

I will not leave. This place is comfy.

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I'll emulate it on PC, thanks.

I aint fucking buying it again, maybe on the switch


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Kasumi if it's an option, definitely. Her design is extremely cute.

>Switchfags still ask for Persona 5
>while they are getting superior Rune Factory 5 next year
I find their tears delicious, though. Just buy fucking PS3 from pawn shop, holy fuck.

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I don't think so, the palaces are all different. Doesn't seem like 1:1 the old game with a few extra stuff tacked on, there are some major changes visible in the trailer.

Do you think they'll alter Akechi's fate and give you an option to recruit him permanently?

Fuck Akechi though. Unless I can fuck him literally...

There's speculation to that effect based on a trailer, but Atlus have never altered a game in the remake that much so it's a bit of a tossup.

P5R is not coming to PS3.

I did this during my Persona 3 playthrough, I checked everything autistically for missables. Since that turned out to be completely pointless, I relaxed a lot in P5, but I still walked manually quite more than the average.

It aint coming to Switch either.

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It's nice to try to completely immerse myself in the experience from time to time, even though my brain is rattling through all the things I need to do before the next palace.
Part of it is because it's so easy to miss stuff when you don't look, I didn't even know about Chihaya my first run.

You're right, I still kinda hope that this game is going to be more of an Eternal Punisment kind of game, and not exactly a remake. The heavily altered palaces give me hope that this is more than the usual Atlus re-release.

>it's not coming to switch, just buy a PS3
>it's not on PS3
>it's not on switch either

This is the conversation we just had. I hope you notice how fucking retarded you are. We literally went from "buy a PS3 because it's not coming to switch" to "it's not on PS3, but it's not on switch either".

I went to the Red Lights district hoping for lewdness and found a cute fortune teller instead. Well played Atlus.

gonna buy the vanilla for cheap, thx atlus

No way they do an EP style game. While Atlus have never altered games too much, they also have to make sure they don't alter it overmuch. P5 is even more profitable than P4 was and they were too afraid so afraid to change anything there that it made Marie stick out worse than Funky Student. Fucking with the game too much and fucking with the treasured experiences of the normies that P5 picked up would cost Atlus a good bit of cash.

Why is everyone acting like P5R is the best thing since butter and P5 is trash? The differences won't be worth 360€ and if anything, this looks to be a P4G situation in which the new OC gets pushed so hard down your throat you can barely breathe.

She's alright, but still at the bottom of my list. Chihaya works better as a friend.

Is it possible to reject girls in this game?

My impression when checking online conversations about the game is that people actually want it to be as different as possible to justify replaying a potentially 100+ hour game. Myself included.

What the fuck are you talking about? I just pointed out that the game won't come to PS3 like the original did. How the fuck does that alone trigger you enough to type out all that garbage? Do you have some kind of inferiority complex that I accidentally touched upon?

In all my runs of P4G, I never found Marie to be shoved in the player's face too hard since you can literally just do her Slink and ignore her at all other times since she's so removed from the story until the end.
People who say she was thrown in their face sound like they only watched the anime.

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Well yeah.

it isn't worth buying at all, I pirated it on ps3 and it fuckin sucked

Yes, you can stay as friends at the end of every social link where romance is possible.

Do they ask you, or do you ask them?

That's interesting, where have you been checking?

maybe they'll release it on pc since catherine sold really well

People also tend all the other benefits that came with P4G. It's pretty obvious that they never played it and the only reason they constantly bring up marie and nothing else is because they emulated P4 and never got the chance to play golden.

>People who say she was thrown in their face sound like they only watched the anime.
Likely the truth. Marie has negligible compared to subsequent characters Atlus has been forcing into the narrative.

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I have a Vita but never bothered with Golden since no JP audio.
Is it worth hacking my Vita to play Golden if I already played P4 on PS2 when it released?

>subsequent characters Atlus has been forcing into the narrative.
Such as?

New girl because she's younger. Also Futaba


there's no point having a vita except to hack it desu. everything is improved.

I have it since launch, I played quite a few games on it, but nowadays it's collecting dust only since no new games are releasing that interests me, and I moved on to Switch and 3DS.
I guess it's about time to hack it and go back to games I missed due to no dual audio, but I'm kinda worried about having a hacked console associated with my main account.

This new slut

Tell me more.

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Fucking who.

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The only reports for bans on Vita come from hacked trophies. Even those are pretty scant. Sony doesn't seem to care.

I use my main PS4 account on my hacked vita. I even sync the trophies.

All right, I guess I'll give it a go.

Catherine FB
SJ Remake

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I bet you cunts are the kind that have shit tons of common and uncommon and literally have no ultra rare trophies yet somehow think you're the shit.

Im interested in if they are going to embrace the VN aspect more and allow for different routes where certain things change, like Mona being human or Goro living

Ah, them. I get what you mean now.

I have autism please don't bully

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That would involve changing animated cutscenes which are a big no-no for Atlus due to the fact that they cost any money to make whatsoever.
They generally prefer to make new content than change old.

>Catherine FB
Well there's 1 more reason to eventually get a PS4.

Is it even confirmed that he/she is a trap? I want to fuck that trap if yes

It's an alien with male genitalia.

It's actually a space alien.


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I'm still mad about this stupid twist. Not because of the trap, but because Eric blames you for not noticing Rin is a guy. Stupid fucking trans asshole.

>Blurry shape in the corner of a screengrab of a two second shot
Look, I'd like to be able to use Nu-Loki as much as the next guy, but that kind of thinking is how people were convinced P5 would be on Switch for 5 months. Let's take this with at least a small grain of salt.

wtf is that supposed to be?

Yusuke is canonically gay though, legit part of the lore. Remember when Ann is a model being painted by him and shes weird about changing?

>You're a female, you have nothing to worry about

the character is gay

Makoto in her PT outfit.

I've basically stayed out of threads about P5R so others have probably brought this up, but does it bother anyone else that her mask is super similar to Makoto's?

Oh fuck off, two scenes later he gets flustered at her actually stripping and he has Mementos dialogue where he gets antsy hearing about Ann's tits bounce. Yusuke isn't gay, just really weird.

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The V style geometry design is really prevalent in P5 and sprinkled throughout. It's on Joker's mask, Arsene, Yaldabaoth, Makoto, Even Futaba's Persona

but this chick's mask looks like just Makoto's mask with a slight curl at the ends

It got discussed earlier in the thread. Her mask is mimicing Yaldabaoth

he literally said those words though, its a pretty vague yet strong hint; im sure other anons can agree - its literally in the game

The other lines are also in the game and contradict your fanfiction.

eh okay

either way to answer OP's question it's probably going to be a while before I play P5R, if I ever do. Replayed P5 too many times, kinda burned out on it

>Akechi escapes the ship and turns himself in to spare Joker
>suddenly dreampocalypse
>out of jail
>cool dad Shido and a loving mother
>Joker has to bring him back to his horrible murderjail orphan reality
Dreams becoming reality is going to fuck Akechi possibly the most if he survives to the end


>Joker has to bring him back to his horrible murderjail orphan reality
>Dreams becoming reality is going to fuck Akechi possibly the most if he survives to the end
I think he might be the first one to reject it as a character development.

>the thing he does with his hands every time he casts a spell
>not gay

That's just kabuki.

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I want to thigh-fuck her.

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Everyone talks about what they want to see added in P5R, what do you want to see changed? Hard mod: No Haru pacing changes.

I'd like them to change how the baton pass system works with people, it being tied to their social link progress when everyone but Ann and Ryuji don't even start their social link until after the palace they're introduced in basically makes them useless in that palace.

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Remove Ryuji's s.link where you automatically pick up the mask of any enemy 15 levels below you that's not a boss
It ended up clogging my persona inventory with random useless persona and made it literally impossible to grind for money at one point near the end of the game

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What should it be replaced with?

She is fucking perfect, absolutely god tier design.

Look up a guide to max all social links my first time through like a true gamer.

Literally anything but that
Or the least they can do is give me the XP and the money I'd have gotten from the fight if they're gonna give me that useless persona

Or just make it so you can disable it.


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I'll never romance anyone but my wife, Anne.

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It depends on whether or not Kawakami will have new Royal-exclusive scenes. If she does I'll do her again but if she doesn't I'll do either Kasumi or Haru. Kasumi because I dig redheads and gymnasts, Haru because I owe her a playthrough.

Can I fuck sojiro this tiem?

Yes but only while Futaba watches.

hoo boy..

I want them to give me an in game tutorial on how to beat madarame without lowering the difficulty because I'm too lazy to look it up.

I can feel the Earth Wind and Fire coming from Rin.

Kawakami as usual. I just hope she gets new date scenes.