Who is the superior villain, Kefka or Sephiroth?

Who is the superior villain, Kefka or Sephiroth?

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How did you get my picture?


Kefka actually ruled over the world. He won, at least for quite some time. No comparison.

kefka was more evil, but sephiroth could blow up the universe

Kefka > Pre-Trance Kuja > Sephiroth > Jecht

Jecht ain't no villain.

for me, it's gotta be kefka



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Kefka was more interesting, but the relation between your characters and Sephiroth was more personal and better played up.

He didn't win. He lost, because there were those that stood up against him in the end.

Childhood is thinking Kefka was better
Adulthood is realising Sephiroth was

Sephiroth. Kefka is shit

Sephiroth's plan was retarded and he had no personality. He was just a shitty puppet with a cool-at-the-time costume.


Yes and no. While he wasn't evil, he was still a villain.
Just a reluctant villain who did what he was doing because he had no choice but to obey his very nature.

You reversed that one, kid.

Kefka is actually somewhat unique and a better villain.
Sephiroth is a super generic long haired anime antagonist with a sword that barely even got a personality.

in what way was kefka more interesting than sephiroth?
Sephiroth had a very fleshed out background, to the point that you could argue that FF7 is primarily about him, and it was an interesting background. He is the clone of an alien god which has infected the planet's life force, a literal thing in this setting that can create materia, he learns all of this while on a routine patrol mission and it sends him into a spiral of madness that gives a compelling reason for him to want to end all life on the planet

kefka was just a normal guy who got goofy from magitek experiments then seized power in the most mundane way, he literally pushed the guy who was supposed to get the power out of the way at the last second

>"okay, guys, let's do our job!"
>*spends a few hours reading books in a basement*


Kefka. He's intelligent, nihilistic, and has a wicked sense of humor.

>Destroy the world for fun .
Being host for space parasite .

Sephiroth is just a poorly done rehash of Kefka
Beyond that he isn't even really the antagonist, you mostly fight Jehova clones of him throughout the entire game.

>He is the clone of an alien god which has infected the planet's life force

Did you even play the fucking game you god damn retard?
Sephiroth is not the clone of an alien god.

Sephiroth is Hojo's little bastard child with Vincent's waifu, whom he injected in utero with cells from John Carpenter's The Thing.

Sephiroth is a virgin momma’s boy

Kefka. Does anyone else despise Sephiroth? He's overall a horrible villain. He literally does nothing in his basement for most of the game (Northern Cave) and lets the failed clones and Jenova pieces do all the work. A big part of a good villain to me is there needs to be some level of interaction with the heroes and Sephiroth didn't actually physically do that. Even Aerith's death means nothing because Sephiroth didn't actually do it. While I don't care for General Leo, when Kefka directly offed him it really puts weight behind his actions and that's the thing, Kefka does dirty his hands doing horrible things. I like villains who truly demonstrate why they're evil. Sephiroth to me is just some Alien Mama's Boy Who Lives In His Basement while letting his alien mother make his problems go away.

*blocks your path*

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This is why Luca is my favorite Villain, and he's not even the main antagonist.

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He's underrated. Love his speech when he loses. Something like "I killed thousands of you, and it took hundreds of you simply to beat me alone." He gave you a hell of a fight.

Sephiroth failed in his mission. He burned down a town, killed a few people using his fake-mom puppets after sleeping for 7 years, summoned a meteor that failed to accomplish anything, and then died.

Kefka not only succeeded, but stayed on the top for an entire year before the heroes got their fucking acts together. And even when he died, he spited the entire world by taking the very essence of magic with him, denying all those left alive that gift forever.

The one with the best theme



Honk honk

It's well explained that Sephiroth is:

1) Arrogant.

2) Lazy (thanks to Crisis Core as Zack explains).

And if we combine how he's Shinra's special sweet treasure, then no wonder Sephiroth is a slacker. He has power, but the way he was raised makes him quite unmotivated. This is what enables the heroes to beat him because if Sephiroth had the same active drive to get out there like Kuja showed in FF9? Cloud, Barret, Cid, Tifa, etc would be dead.

Absolute shit. Literal Yea Forums-tier taste


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Hey, are you calling him FAT?

>best villain is also best hero

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Better post your taste faggot

>jehova clones

Sephy was the voice in Cloud’s head during disc 1 warning him of danger and shit, right?
Why did he get so pissed at Cloud during the visit to the brothel?
Could he have been just a tad jealous?

You really are a brainlet

The voices Cloud was hearing and all his collapses were from his PTSD

Sometimes the voice is Zack.

They're both shit villains in good games. Sephiroth wasn't even really the villain, just some ayyy lmao that cloned him and looked like him or something and I literally don't even remember anything about Kefka other than his laugh and he was evil just cuz.

that is literally all the character development kefka has

Didn't there used to be concept art of Kefka where he wasn't a clown?

Delita did not betray a single person that didn't already deserve it several times over.

Why did Hojo tell Sephiroth that his mother was Jenova instead of saying it was Lucretia? That would have avoided so much shit if Hojo wasn't a faggot

>ovelia, valmafra

you're talking about a guy who thought he could get a dog and a girl to breed successfully


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Sadphiroth is stronger but Kefka was a better villain.

It was not Delita that betrayed Ovelia, t'was her faith and her birthright.

kefka is superior fight me if you disagree dont @ me

>when the hero would seek to save a princess from a burning tower but in truth would only set her higher up it

sooooo... are there any doujins of this happening?

>Why did Hojo do something batshit insane and/or completely retarded?
Lemme stop you there

>Hey Hojo
>Who was my mom?
>Oh cool, thanks
That's literally all he had to do

Kefka is such a shitty overrated villain.


The clown

I know theres some LMsketch pictures of it.

Sephiroth by far. One of the all-time best antagonists. The fact he was so fleshed out and had a personal relation to your party, and that you even have him in your party at one point was incredible. GOAT JRPG final battle too imo.
Why can't games do good antagonists any more? Can't remember the last one that had any depth and was actually threatening.

I feel that way about Sephiroth. And that's because I played his game. He basically did nothing the whole game besides stab a snake and your best party member.

>as long as the villain dies, the heroes wins

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technically that wasn't even him, that was his will/clone/illusion thing that you've been chasing around until you find out he was in that cocoon thing all that time

Neither are good

technically technically the game never actually happened, we just witnessed the future events of an undetermined timeline
when aeris pulls her face from the lifestream at the end she turns and appears to be right about to meet cloud for the first time

so if she knew she was going to die then I think she let it happen once she understood her role as an ancient and the power of the lifestream which she would soon join

wait, what? when does she put her face in the lifestream? city of the Ancients?

Ovelia betrayed him.
Literally lets her go free and fakes her death so she can get away safely.

Is it possible that Sephiroth is just really really stupid? There's not much going on behind his eyes.

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in the intro aeris walks out of an alley after finishing looking into the lifestream, at the end of the game right before the credits there is a scene which shows her looking into the lifestream in an identical scene except it cuts to credits before it finishes the scene with the one from the intro

it leads me to believe that things might turn out differently than how she saw it or something, if you ignore all the stupid expanded universe crap

There's a lot more Red x Tifa than there is Red x Aerith.

Garland is like if the Scorpion robot ended up being the final boss in 7. It's stupid.

Was he really in control or did he just think he was?

I choose to regard everything ff7-related that is not ff7 as non-cannon.
The way square milked this cow and made this story more and more retarded and its character more and more emo-gay both in personality and design pisses me off to no end

This is a fucking dumb theory please kill yourself I bet you're a fucking Squall is dead faggot too you faggot.

>but sephiroth could blow up the universe

He betrayed himself

uh..? it's not a theory, in ff7 they are always talking about how the planet tries to communicate and shit; they meant it literally
aeris is easily the most "planet sensitive" person there is so it stands to reason she would not have trouble communicating witht he planet and even her limit break names reflect that connection

she was looking at something in that alley and it was important enough for us to be focused on it at the very beginning and the very end so..maybe you're just an idiot for missing all of these very obvious themes

In order to fully understand ff7, just play parasite eve 1. They borrow alot from each other.

And he was the top scientist of that shitty ass world!

Her looking at mako sparks is just her looking at mako sparks, user. She doesn't "have her head in the lifestream", it's just foreshadowing for her connexion to what mako is and the fact that it's more than just electricity.
The mako sparks at the end are just to make book-ends ending. Aerith returned to the lifestream, the sparks you see contain a speck of her and it's all there is left of her

Gast was.

Gackt was the true ff7 villain

She's dead and your fanfic is shit.

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did you forget the part where he entered a forbidden laboratory, discovered his life was a lie, and had a mental breakdown

>He's canon because Nomura likes his music
Just because Nomura says it doesn't make it canon. When it comes to that guy, the people need to act as a quality control and negate the dumb parts of canon he retcons.

consider that there is no reason for her to be acting weird in the city of the ancients unless she knew something was about to go down and indeed she acts very strangely immediately before her death

but you're right probably just a coincidence, nothing remarkable about those sparks or the person looking at them intently, just some regular old ho lookin at some electricity

oh wait shes the last ancient alive and can talk to the planet? eh probably nothing

Zidane got over it after like 30 minutes user.

literally it is the plot to the game

Zidane was a moron.

The planet has time travel powers?

it makes time materia doesnt it?

FFs let it go

>Still no Devil May Cry clone about Sephiroth in SOLDIER.
It'd be a lot better than Dirge.

someone asked a question so i answered it, chill out dude

both in one

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He didn't get tricked into being a puppet!

You can also summon shit that can punch out the meteor and a wall that makes you invincible but it is never used story wise is it? We also have phoenix downs yet we don't use it on dead people? Right

Not him, but since he seems to not like metal he prefers this one:

Personally I do too, never been one for that style of singing and I still love how extensive and varied this fucking track is

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yeh man, good point, they got all sorts of crazy stuff from the planet, time travel is nothing for it