Mahjong Soul thread

>how do I learn mahjong?
>how do I get good?
>when should I call pon/chii/kan?

>Wahhh I'm never in tempai I'm so unlucky
Pick the right tile 5 times in a row and refresh your hand. Do this twice in a row.

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Other urls found in this thread: mahjong tutorial

I have finally obtained the optimal tablecloth + tileback combination.

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Thanks doc

>TFW everyone rons wild on you

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>arigatou ishiya-san
nobody cares, dumb whale

I am glad someone has started to make regular threads. I am not used to this thing.

Now you just need to win with ALL GREEN.

give me all your oc

yakuman coming your way

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I know, right? These threads are the only thing I come to on Yea Forums.

Noob here. I got 89man and 234sou, the new tile was 4sou. I discarded 9man and it told me this was really bad move, and should've discarded the 4sou. Is this true?

Wouldn't 2344sou be better than 89man?

Friendly reminder that calling for 1-2 han hands is considered a bad play 90% of the tme. It's not bad in the sense that other people dislike it or something, it's bad in the sense that you lose more than you win that way.


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Well, you're sacrificing tile efficiency to complete your pair.

Which riichi theme is the one with the shamisen that transitions to the electric guitar riff? I can't find previews of either anywhere.

Muller pls

post room

I'd do the same thing
people like to hoard those 3 5 and 7
never going to get that shit

How do I keep track of the "round wind" in MS? I usually go for Pinfu and want to make sure I understand what "non-yaku winds" means.

Also I'm decent at the trainer now and at least understand what a two sided wait is now. What are 2 more Yaku I should memorize to take my shit to the next level?

So much for being called a guide, just a one short page with a few obvioius facts. I would rather read osamuko's blog.

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Round wind is literally whatever the round is named in the middle of the board.

e.g. East 1/2/3/4, East wind = Round wind

It's clearly there in the middle next to the round number.

Is it east round? East is the round wind. Are you the west seat? West is your wind. Basically if a triplet of it gives you yaku, it won't count for pinfu.

The wind in the middle is the round wind
the letter in front of you is your seat wind

The round wind will always be either east or south. It will say East/South followed by a number in the middle of the table. Your seat wind is the indicator next to your score. A triplet of either is worth 1 han, if your round wind is also the seat wind (i.e. being the dealer in East round) it's worth 2.

I thought it would be more efficient, since I get a quaranteed pair and a similar wait with 23sou as with 89man?

>Opponent calls Riichi
>I call Riichi right after
>Auto-Discard right into theirs

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>part 1

I'm going to say the Nya word

絶 好 調

Don't. Only nyaggers can use that word.

>what's the point of winning
>i came to lose

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I really wish this got a full anime

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I got to adept in 11 hanchans, is that good?

post more cutie cats

That app only measures how close you are to ready state. Whether it is good or not depends on other contexts, but technically it makes you further from tenpai. Which generally speaking is not good but may be ok situationally.


Should I play in the JP server or the EN server?

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OH! Thank you that perfectly sums it up. Like I understood a triplet of either wind counts for Yaku but those same winds not counting towards Pinfu is what had me uncertain. Thank you everyone for the avalanche of replies!

doesnt matter they play together anyway in higher ranked

get in boys
taking a piss, will start in a few minutes

can I get a JP UI for the EN version though?

>It's a "1-shanten for chiitoitsu all fucking game" episode

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I see it like this: Which is likelier in terms of probability? Getting tiles of the same suit or different suits on your draws?

So you discard the 9man

Draw 9 man
Well, ok we've got a pair, so we're throwing that out again
>Draw 6man
We're going for 1-4 sou, so we don't need those
>Draw 3sou, the worst shit imaginable

See where I'm going with this? Of course, I don't know how the rest of your hand is doing, but I'd encourage preferring runs like 2345 or 3457. Then again it also depends on what is happening in the game or whether you're going for a ron win or a tsumo win. Everything depends on everything.

>finally get into tenpai
>immediately draw a pair for the tile you discarded to get into tenpai

I wish it was fully translated.

You gain a pair but you lose a set since you now have a tile that isn't attached to anything. Some times this is the right move, some times not.

It's called the 'free sex button' for a reason.

Always repeat in your head:


>ron'd immediately after riichi

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Read the dainachiba book.
The thing you should know is basic effiency, when to riichi and how to fold.
Yaku is a given and if you dont atleast remember them you should do it before reading any guide.

>mfw multi-suit 3-way wait
Suji THIS *unzips dick*

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>what you should imagine when calling riichi

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>It's a draw and discard a triplet, which could have ended in tsumo, while trying to get into tenpai episode

And I'm sure people see this and ask themselves what the fuck I'm doing.

So why should I avoid taking tiles from the other players? I've heard it's a bad idea, but It seems like whoever takes them always wins.


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less hands you can win with
less points in general
rule of thumb don't call unless it completes a dragon/value wind trips and then after that it's safe

Open hands are usually worth less, you don't get the benefits of riichi (Ippatsu/uradora), and everyone else gets to see the tiles you've called on.

Winning with cheap hands isn't necessarily a bad thing, especially if you know/suspect someone else has a monster hand or you're in the lead and want to close out a game quickly.

Primary reasons are
1. It makes your hand cheap
2. It lessens tile efficiency e.g. calling a pon on a 445 then getting a 6.

Avoid it if possible, but it is a tool to use if, for example, your runs are a mess and you need to speed things up.

It's important to have a general plan of what you're calling before you just start hitting every chi/pon you get. You don't want to end up with no possible yaku. Generally, you'll be getting higher scoring hands if you leave your hand concealed. There's times to call and times not to.

Closed hands are generally worth more because they're harder to put together, so you'll get them less often.

People win more with called hands because they're easier, but because they're easier, they're worth less.

Also breaking up sets is a good way to end up furiten.

If you have the yaku to even go out and score decent with dora or hell complete a major hand, there is nothing wrong with it but the census is that novice players just use it to complete their shitty crap hand and then are unable to call riichi or even ron and have to rely on tsumo to go out, usually resulting in 1300 points or something.

A single mangan is worth more than 3-4 cheap open hands. If you have yakuhai (seat/round winds and dragons) it's okay to open your hand but you're probably not going to get much with it unless you have some other yaku or a shitload of dora.

So? Did you get it?

What does furiten mean?

>get btfo first round
>get into tenpai easily next 5 rounds but constantly get cucked out of winning

Fucking kill me. I drew the 8 on the last draw and threw down the 7 so I could show it off in the tie, and it went right into someones ron.

Your hand's fucked.

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the tile you need to win you discarded earlier and that's not allowed

Ineligibility to win, even if your hand has yaku.

You cant win with other people's discarded tiles with your current hand, only the ones you draw from the dead wall.

literally what the fuck can i do if i have 12 tiles on faceup from ponning and chiing and cant yaku

Shit happens.
But always remember, it takes ~100 games to determine whether someone's mahjong cock is strong.

>all of miko's emotes
I think I rolled the perfect character

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pray for tsumo

You can not be a retard next time that's what

Wait for noten and try not fucking your hand and don't deal in other people's ron/reach.

figure out which yaku you're going for BEFORE you pon/chii/kan

Betaori and wait for better weather.

>Have played 100 games
>Haven't gotten a single Yaku yet
I want a refund.

Ponbois assemble

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Play 100 more.
Repeat process until seppuku or world series

i don't believe you

next time don't call without a yaku baka

I managed to get one of them in Mahjong Pretty Girls Battle at least, but even then I was just randomly clicking around out of desperation. Still haven't managed it legitimately though.

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>chinaman closed the round with a 2000 point win and still ended up in last
It was going to be my comeback...

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>randomly clicking around out of desperation
this is your problem

So I should do it more?

>tfw baiman (16k pt win)
>tfw 2nd place
>tfw playing like a retard but managed to somehow lucker dog a yaku from west wind triplet (i was sitting west,[got this pon really early found out it was a yaku around midgame])

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I've been practicing this game for a bit, but I still don't understand Kan. What's the benefit of calling it? Or having 4 tiles at the end instead of a triplet, if it's not part of a kan-specific yaku? I understand that a closed kan exists, but I still don't really know what it does for points. Contributes to fu maybe?

haitei/houtei/chankan/rinshan, not exactly common but you can still be a luckshitter

>tfw got double ron'd
I wasn't aware this was possible

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Yes kans are worth 4 times as much fu as a triplet, but since fu is relatively meaningless in riichi mahjong, the main reason to call kan is because you're pretty sure you're going to win and want to try and score extra dora.

One time I saw a nigga get double ron'd so hard the entire match ended after 1 hand

I committed a murder last night on the first hand by accident.

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Oh man I forgot about the Kan dora. What's the limit on those? Also if I can ask without looking it up what's an Aka dora, if that's relevant? I remember hearing it once.

no you baka
learn the yaku
pinfu and tanyao are your bread and butter
at the very least just focus on the basic closed hand four groups of 3 and one pair
you can't ignore game mechanics and then complain about not winning user

>Someone could see you had a kan of the dora
>They still dealt a red 5 anyway
Whoever you killed with that hand deserved it

I'm convinced you don't know what yaku means

in real life could you pass on a ron opportunity if it was handed to you by somebody with really bad points that wouldnt benefit you to beat?

seems very risky but it seems like it would make sense if you know you're on one of the last matches and the only way to get 1st is to beat 1st place for his points you feel?

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There can be a maximum of 4 kans per round, so up to 4 kan dora. However if the 4 kans are called by different players then the round just ends in a null hand, all 4 have to be called by the same player to keep the round going, so realistically you'll never see more than 3 kan dora.

Aka dora means Red Dora (aka = red). Refers to the red five tiles.

>bye, man

user I've played 107 matches. I bullshitted 2 or 3 of them but I swear I've been trying the rest of the way. I know about Pinfu and Tanyao but I just haven't been able to put them together yet. The match is over before I even have half the tiles, that's why I'm rotating between different Mahjong games in the first place. Trying to find some place I can get enough turns in to actually assemble something.
Is it not this pic? That's what I've been using.

thanks a ton friendo ;]

So you haven't won a single hand yet?
Because if you've won any hands, you've gotten yaku.

The fu is worth it if it's closed honors and you're not mangan already. It's almost like having another han.

I have won one hand.

Yes but you would need at least a two sided wait since passing the first ron would put you in furiten for that tile.

You can take the temporary furiten if you want to snipe but hope the target doesn't just copy the tile you skipped

Passing on a ron only puts you in temporary furiten, unless you're in riichi. You can call ron again once you've taken another turn or the draw order is interrupted by a pon/chi/kan. Also, being in furiten makes you unable to call ron on ALL your waits.

I encourage all of you to learn the rules before giving advice.

got ronned four times in one game and havent opened the game since
still mad

Look up some basic defense strategies. Knowing how to avoid dealing in is even more important than knowing how make a good hand.

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>or the draw order is interrupted by a pon/chi/kan
Calls don't break temporary furiten. You have to discard first. If you skip a ron on the player to your right, and they then pon from the player on your left three times in a row, you'll still be furiten until it gets back to your turn.

I know some of those term like
Genbutsu being same tiles

but what is tanki word tile?

It's probably not a good idea to have a guide like this in the OP. It makes it seem like too much of a general and it makes the mods more likely to move it to /vg/
I like these threads too much to see it suffer that fate

we can just skip straight to discord if you want
no need to bother with vg

Genbutsu just refers to any tile that's 100% safe, not just furiten tiles.
Tanki means a pair wait, and word tiles are another term for honor tiles, so a tanki word tile means discarding a word tile where you can already see three of that tile on the table. If you can see three of an honor tile, the only possible wait anyone can have for that tile is a pair wait, so it's statistically very safe.


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why is there sometimes 1 mahjong greyed out that i cant discard after calling a pon?

>oh someone already discarded 3 of west wind I guess its pretty safe
>eat a rising sun

It's a rule called Kuikae
If you call pon on a tile, you can't discard a copy of that same tile on the same turn. If it's a chii, you can't discard any tiles that you could have previously used to make a complete sequence. For example if you have 345 and and you call chii on a discarded 2 to make 234, you cannot discard the 5 on the same turn.

I used all my luck on that double yakuman yesterday, the game aint throwing me a single bone today

This game is mentally exhausting.

If you can see all four of any kind of honor or terminal tile, the last copy of any other kind of honor or terminal is 100% safe. But even without that, Kokushi is so rare that the last copy of any honor tile is already 99.9% safe.

Is 7447 dead guys

You guys are playing on gachasoul now?

Does this game get any interesting events in the future?

I'm imagining it with typical gacha events
>5 pin rate up!
>+1 han with hatsu yaku
>2 dora indicator open from start

gg, that was fun
also i made the biggest brained play i have made yet so i feel less dumb at the game


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>really need to take a piss
>someone riichis

get in

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Check the log.

i had one of each of them because i was going for some memey kan doras + honitsu miracle hand in order to get out of last place
if it makes you feel i had the number tile part done so i was holding on to them for a decent reason

user please mess with the majhong trainer until you actually have some understanding of how tile efficiency works

need wan more

i dont understand scoring
how does fan translate into points? why did i take 3k from the guys to my left and right and 6k from the guy opposite? i just learnt in a thread yesterday what a dora is but where did this ura dora come from?

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you can't spell betaori without beta

Is this a yaku?

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Mahjong scoring is complicated enough that it's easier to just link the wiki article.

Ura dora are bonus dora that are claimable if you win with riichi.



If it's not in this list then no

Be honest Yea Forums
how many times have watched Akagi?
Third time watching right now.

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Aim for the kokushi :^)

the front guy is dealer so he lose more point from tsumo.
Ura dora is the bonus dora you get when you riichi under the dora 7p.

I think this was a good start for my first match against people after about 10 or so practice matches against AI. Ended at around 43k under the first guy's 47k, and he got the majority of those points off a ron'd haneman in East 2. That chink never recovered, either.

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I finished it a week ago but haven't jumped into the manga yet. Gotta look up what chapter it picks up on.

2 times and now going for the third thanks to your post.
Yasegaman bakari de~

2 times + fully read the manga.

The ending of the anime corresponds to around chapter 100-110 of the manga.

I've watched it once but i've read through the manga twice.

does closed kan mean you can still can riichi?



I don't have any problem with scoring high on the Trainer. Absolutely none of this carries over into the game itself though.

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look closer

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Good morning Yea Forumsros. How about some East only to start off the day~


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easiest points of my life

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>first round Pon the East Winds which were the Prevalent Winds and my Seat Winds, giving me 2-Han
>everyone already freaking out
>Keep Ponning every tile, it's clear I'm aiming for a Toi Toi Hou
>suddenly someone drops the Haku and I Pon that too
>the Haku was the Dora of that round
>I've already reached Baiman right in front of their faces, and am waiting on a single tile
>can switch that wait out with any tile to further throw them off their game
>decide on a single wait on 3-Wan because it was discarded last round and looks like a safe tile
>everyone freaking out, taking all their time to discard their tiles because they don't wanna deal into mine
>suddenly one guy's turn comes up
>I taunt him the yandere knife reaction image
>"I will kill you when you put that tile down."
>He puts it down
>it's 3-Wan
This is why I can't get enough of mahjong.

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>getting penalized/awarded for not even playing the game
based mahjong

>tfw too brainlet to learn mahjong
seems like fun but fuck

Missed your posts.

Thanks for explaining. I legit thought 2344 would be the best choice in every case, but that isn't the case.

the rules themselves aren't actually all that hard to learn, it's just one of those games that takes a while to get good at

>cant get my hand fast enough
>never deal in
>get 4th

>red dragon dora
>someone pons white dragon
>kans 4 sou
>another fucking red dragon dora
>tsumo on his next draw

>east 2
>someone starts with red, white, green dragon and 2 other pairs
>pons white dragon
>draws red dragon
>tsumos off the third green dragon on turn 8

this shit is fucking rigged

It's 90% luck.

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Are you playing against lesbians, by chance?

doesnt work with open hand

You can't drop in rank (atleast not in bronze). Is this a good or bad thing for the game?

i'm calling the police

Waiting on a pon with two sets of pairs is one of the worst and unlikely waits you can have.


Because you have 50% of the tiles in your possession. The likelyhood of you getting them decreases if one of them is in the ponds.

What are my options for starting with a chi 234 or have i fucked myself horribly

Ok so copper exchange in silver+ rooms is zero-sum and based on the plus/minus scores, so you need to average like a 2.33 placement order to make copper.

But there's also an entry fee for the room as well so it's gonna be even worse. Please tell me I'm missing something important here.

based cat

>hand worth maybe 2 han if it stays concealed
>other players call consecutive kans
>all the new dora makes my hand baiman
thank you bugmen

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need 2

Isn't average of 2.33 really fucking high?

do my discarded tiles count toward furiten if the other player called them?


It's less bad if somebody is in riichi because if they draw one of those they're almost guaranteed to throw it to you.

I'm hoping bronze room is based on rank.


almost every rank system in every game ever has that.

>lose by 100 points
Stupid red doras.

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Yes, the placement of the calls signify which player it was called from.

e.g. Leftmost tile on a chii placed horizontally means the player called it from the player on his left.

i ran through my 4 gems and can gift her 2 things again. do i just gift her random stuff? or maybe donate all non gem stuff to the shrine?

also i got a sphere drop, wtf can i do with that

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Don't bother, getting anywhere with bonds is impossible without paying real money.
You will never get enough gifts from chests.

Green item is common drop, do whatever you want with them.
Blue is uncommon, try to give it to the relevant girl if we're talking about min-maxing.
Sphere is material to unlock alternative dress when your girl has reached max bond, it's not something gift-able.

constantly landing in 2nd place is a very frustrating feel

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Just won my very first game against real players.

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An average of 2.5 would be a placement spread of 1-1-1-1, or 0-2-2-0.
2.3 is better than average, but given that this is literally currency required to play the game after a certain point, and that there's also an entry fee, it seems pretty harsh to do it this way.

Someone make a room reee

oh and thanks for introducing me to mahjong... never thought i'd actually learn how to play this chinese ass game let alone enjoy it

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At least you're in the positive, 2nd place is where I end up least. For me it's like 4>1>3>2

Someday, I'm going to die violently over a game of this shit.

do you mind posting the yaku screen for that hand? i'm curious to see how it became so monstrous. i'm assuming ippatsu riichi and some ura dora?

>Have all week to work on final paper for University
>Found out about Mahjong Soul Wednesday
>Become completely obsessed with improving
>Final paper is due in 8 hours and barely started
>Can't stop checking on the thread every half hour

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Sorry guys, I really have to take a shit. Kick me if I'm still afk at the end of the match

That's what them jongs'll do to ya

You can see it's second honba and the other players are still on 25k so that guy dealt into the dealer three times in a row.

Is there a training mode in this game? Or practice against AI? I need to start on the lowest possible entry level to learn Mahjong. Is there maybe a baby mode for 5 year olds or anything?

Open a friendly room with settings of your choice and you can then add three AI to play against.
Alternatively use this:

you can create your own room and add AI.

Friendly match- make a private room and select Ai.

How easy does the AI get though? I need it as braindead as possible.

It's probably better than the chinks at bronze rooms.

You can't make them so braindead that they don't even try to win hands. You have to learn somehow.

you're supposed to dust them to buy rolls for the premium gacha

Dumbest shit I ever did but I couldn't not risk it.
Still, where's the last 2pin? In the dead wall?

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good games
I was panicing when you guys both had riichi, I accidentally called without yaku and had NOTHING safe to fold.

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how long would it take to just gift 2 times every day?
i mean how many items do you need to roll 1 time and how many stuff do you get from 1 roll?

Obviously. People keep forgetting that there's 14 tiles in the wall.

Finally home from work, any empty rooms needing players or should I just start my own?

yeah, but that specific hand he dealt in for a dealer baiman. i was overlooking the iipeikou and missing 1 han
>dora 1
>uradora 2
jesus christ

should have just thrown that shit away

the tiles at the bottom of the wall button screen are the dead wall tiles, it's probably in there

Depend on your luck.
Common item = 1 dust
Uncommon item = 5 dust
Price of Summon Scroll = 50 dust

I'll pass then. Back to real videogames.

so i might as well gift the commons as long i have stock and decide later to donate blues or not?

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just play with the game design flash game

Use the practice mode on Tenhou. The bots only ever discard what they draw and never try to make hands.

ah fuck it's not iipeikou, must be ura dora 3

mfw when playing this fucking game

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I did it. I finally got out of bronze hell.

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Yeah, common is pretty worthless.
Common = 200 bond point = 1 dust
Uncommon = 1000 bond point = 5 dust
Rare = 5000 bond point= can't be turned into dust.
The game need an update and event There's already a menu for tournament, which I assume will award the winner with jade.
They need to open that ASAP.

the real mahjong souls starts here

I don't see iipeikou in that hand. Just tanyao pinfu 1 dora and presumably riichi ippatsu. If the player dealt the red 5sou and the hand got ura dora on the pair it would be it would be baiman, but that hand isn't necessarily a baiman. Dealer haneman would be enough to cause a score of -14400 if the player dealing in was on 3600 points. So he only needed tanyao pinfu riichi 1 dora and then some 2 han combination of ippatsu, uradora and akadora

still haven't figured out how the fuck I'm supposed to get the rarer hands. is it just luck of the draw early game or what?

80% luck, 20% skill

Hanchan 5+10s

Another reason we need indicators to show direct discards outside of replays. If he'd seen you changed your wait, he might've been more cautious.

I still haven't figured out how the fuck to get ANY hand.

it's pretty much luck, yea
the whole "pinfu and tanyao are the foundations of mahjong" thing isn't just a meme, since you can pretty much always get one or the other instead of some huge meme hand

yeah i realized almost immediately after posting that i had been wrong about iipeikou. it has to be a baiman though, the score in the center of the table shows the poor bastard had 10200 at the start of the round. it has to be dora or akadora like you said, i'm just blown away because it's such an innocuous looking hand

drop honor tiles you don't need
drop terminals
get trips and sequences

pon on an honour
call like a madman
try to get dora if possible
Get in here, maggots!

Actually it can't be akadora on the 5 sou because the 5 sou is also the OP's wait, which would have made it double ron. So it has to have been uradora 3.

Just get to 2* Adept after 40 games.

There are still people who don't defend against ippatsu.
And according to the ranking, I'm already top 300.

Is this server that new?

so does the profit actually go up the higher you climb or does the higher penalty balance it out?

it's like a week old, yeah

It’s basically just charge you more to play a match
Yes you win more and you lose more
But you get access to better loot box too

Does anyone know what it means when you're looking at a replay and some tiles in the discard pile are dark/greyed-out?

Tiles that you discarded after drawing them and tiles that you discarded from your current hand.

does the grind for the box improve at all
I watched the recorded stream that was posted here and it barely moves even though the player was winning in 1st place

>There are still people who don't defend against ippatsu
When you could have a baiman but somebody breaks your ippatsu

reduce the 80% luck by 60% because you know your probably not gonna win so decide to defend

Here's a tip on how to become pro at the game.
Buy some jades with real cash.
Your starting hand will become better and you'll draw more useful tiles too nyaa.

I have heard there is a mod that lets you use your own background


Attached: 1552160555125.png (424x473, 123K)

I love dabbing on nerds as a cute catgirl
Why would I ever summon anyone else?

So you can turn them into gems to spend on gifts for the catgirl

Can I still win if a pull a winning title when I'm in "No Yaku"?

there a site to read mangas online? or do i have to download them from somewhere

No yaku means there are no winning tiles baka

Can you win with no yaku?

Only if your hand is closed, or if the tile you draw is the very last tile in the wall, or a replacement tile for a kan.

Time to rewatch akagi now that I actually understand mahjong

Only if you Riichi.
Riichi = +1 yaku.

I think it's time for you all to go to

Flavor of the month isn't /vg/ material.

Not sure about "winning" winning, but I did get Tenpai when I had no Yaku and 1 tile left after I kept pon and Chi due to desperation.

>check catalog
>2 smash threads
I think not

Say that to risk of rain, getting threads deleted left and right.

Pon and chi are the reason why you have no yaku. Don't call unless you have an honor triplet or you have a specific open hand you're going for.

new month, new flavor desu

>90% off topic threads

reeee hisss


Steam group when?

hanchan with 4(FOUR) red doras

Attached: 1441850546944.gif (280x359, 278K)

Cat > Neesan >>>>> Whale sluts



east only please

do you guys think its a good plan to chi pon just to scare other players and ultimately get in tenpai and force a draw?

>scaring anything
dumb cat

Is it worth calling an early riichi on a one wait?


I wouldn't advise it unless you have a good hand and a chance of getting Ron but it can scare people to do the same if they're desperate for points.

Reminder to activate Auto Declare Win

This game makes me sweat hard.

Attached: nervous.jpg (1280x720, 88K)


thanks for dora, cats

I'm about to fail my course because I played too much this week. And I'm still having fun. I'm playing right now.

same, and my heart goes wild

Attached: 1555619288800.png (100x100, 23K)

>dealer calls riichi on his 4th draw
>next round, he's dealer again
>calls riichi on his 6th draw

Attached: 1556592885954.jpg (703x732, 142K)

gg cats

Fuck mahjong, fuck cats and fuck niggers

>Start grinding at Novice3 50
>4 hours later
>Novice3 40

Attached: charlotta nerfs.png (650x850, 766K)

gg fren

Anyone else lost some weight cause he's too busy with mahjong to eat?

One more

More like Mahjong Soulless

Welcome to silver hell.

I've had it worse.
>from Novice3 120 to Novice3 _0

>east 4
>double ron'd by two chinks
>both of their hands were 1 tile red dragon waits
>both worth 2000 points
>no positions changed, still end first

That's why you have snacks and coffee
Hoo boy, you'll need that coffee.
don't forget the piss bottle either

Unbelievable. A chink just ronned 4 times in East for 1k at 4th place. That had to be cheating, one of those players had to know. Its bronze 3 so they have to know they won't win like that. Fuck.

cools kans by the way

Attached: kan2.png (1368x764, 1.19M)


Can someone explain furiten to me? This dude is in furiten because he discarded 1man but he apparently can still win from 4 and 7? I thought furiten meant that you had to win from tsumo no matter how many sided waits you have

Attached: 1530090511167.png (540x346, 211K)

you better show us the ura-dora

>game doesn't want to load
>load in the middle of the first round
>still riichi first
dare I say it.. epic

haku, something and 4pin
4 dora 1 aka dora 1 ura dora

you can still win a furiten hand by tsumo

furiten just means you can't win off another person's discard if it's a tile you discarded. So you can win off 1 man tsumo, but 4-7 ron is fine. I don't think I'm wrong on this but I welcome a correction

Winning is luck, not losing is skill.

You're wrong. Furiten for any of your waits is furiten for all of your waits.

>So you can win off 1 man tsumo, but 4-7 ron is fine
Wrong. If any of your winning tiles are in your discard, even if they'd give you no yaku or whatever, you can't ron.

Why can't you create money match rooms? I want to bully Yea Forums out of their hard earned shekels.

Attached: 1555154574125.jpg (500x500, 21K)

oops my bad, dunno where I got that idea

You can't ron a 4-7 either. The only instance you could ron on a 4-7 is in case the 1 is used for the pair and not part of any of the sequence sets used for the hand.

I don't remember that hand in particular, but in this case it might be
111-23-4-56, you discard a 1
11-234-567 wait on ONLY 4-7.

just woke up. quick game?
Majsoul Friends Room 91743(4-Player East):

Possibly in the near future since when you create or join a room it says "free room" I don't see any other reason why that phrase would exist.

>this actually worked out

Attached: 1b.png (1669x944, 1.59M)

Attached: saki plays tenhou.webm (720x768, 2.94M)

That exception is probably what I was thinking, I'll try to get more practice before I give advice. Thanks for clarifying.

Hold on a sec, why did this put me into furiten.

Attached: furiten.jpg (1917x963, 412K)

You skipped that 9m win from the right player because you didn't have the yaku (tanyao)

Attached: illogical pile of shit.webm (640x480, 463K)

damn I did like shit this game

What? 1123456 is 11 23456 waiting on 147. That's furiten.

Huh, I knew I couldn't win with 9m, but I didn't know it'd put me into furiten if someone else played it. Good to know.
Still won by tsumo though luckily.

Should i even play against normal AI? Or just go for bronze retards like me?

Just play bronze and learn, who cares if you lose a bit unless you're a statswhore.
Besides, the AI goes so fast you'll barely have time to think, and it's more fun to play against real players even if they're chinks.

you may as well go for bronze and start learning how to deal with chinks that open their hands at the start of every game

fucking cats

Is it ever worth it to pursue kokushi? The temptation to go for it is strong with 9-10 tiles, but it never works out.

Attached: 1553351901514.jpg (800x600, 133K)


Attached: lmao.jpg (1278x733, 159K)

the only time you should ever go for it is when you have 12 tiles

I panic in later rounds and have missed my good position numerous times, so I am trying to devise plans for sure draw in later rounds, this was just one of my attempts

It was only a temporary furiten. You can't win from someone's discard just after someone else discarded your winning tile. The furiten will be removed after you draw a tile.

11 tiles in your opening hand? Go for it.
10 tiles? Only if you're desperate.
Otherwise, always call kyuushu kyuuhai.

Don't listen to those lucklets.
If you have 9 then be a real cat and go for it.

Attached: MahjongSoul Kokushi Musou.png (1670x943, 1.16M)

honestly, in earlier rounds i don't see a problem to at least try to go for kokushi with first couple of draws even if you have 8 or 9 tiles. the thing is, even if somebody declares riichi you have tons of tiles to defend. but yeah, in later rounds it's probably wiser to kyuushu kyuuhai

When you fail your chiitoitsu, how do you rebuild your hand?

Is kokushi really babby's first yakuman? I have never gotten in in 100+ matches (mostly IRL). Almost got it one time but the final 2 never showed up.

I have almost gotten suu ankou like 3 times but always get cucked to toitoi or just nothing.

Attached: 1520665784248.gif (250x188, 2.4M)

>east 1
good lord what did you ron

My first was daisangen followed by suuankou but both of those also get called babby's first


Attached: PON (1).gif (300x225, 979K)

>all it took for Yea Forums to play riichi was a shitty chink client and some generic waifu
No wonder proper gachas are rolling in it

try to get Daichikurin

Keep going user.
Just play with Yea Forums they'll deal into the most obvious shit.

Attached: MahjongSoul Daisangen (3).png (1669x944, 1.15M)

If you need to you can do it even with 7 kinds.I have seen someone successfully did it with my very own eyes.

I've been playing Riichi Mahjong for years. Waifus is a bonus for me.

Attached: Yakuriichi.jpg (1280x720, 117K)

2 dealer mangan rons huh

Name an easier and more beginners friendly way to play.

I think you're missing native english support

I usually play other stuff but it's good to play against people for a change.
Although I miss the gradually naked ladies.

Attached: mednafen 2019-04-12 18-36-01-80.avi_snapshot_00.59_[2019.04.16_12.14.11].jpg (904x720, 422K)

GGs. Feels good not getting completely trounced this time.

ggs cowbros

Attached: 1342992688629.png (757x643, 400K)

11600 + 1000 riichi stick + 12000 + 300 honba = 24900 damage

Attached: Nyaa.png (1920x1080, 1.5M)

>naked ladies

Attached: 4.jpg (661x1024, 174K)

j u s t

Attached: 1543945539567.png (368x166, 24K)

I was expecting to see everyone call themselves into furiten almost every round

was nice to see that people actually know what they're doing

Today I learned that calling to try and get the harder to get hands really aren't worth it if you don't have any dora, dragons or winds to back it up.

It's one of the reasons I learnt mahjong.

Attached: Mednafen 2019-04-12 18-36-01-80.webm (878x672, 1.6M)

>shop hasn't offered a 75k cookie for 3 days

alright, what's the game?

gg, I got my revenge

>2 guys riichi
>throw out safe tile first discard
>second discard free sex button appears
>press it
>get ron'd twice

Attached: 1446057468754.png (567x666, 243K)




I've always been a massive fan of Sogna as an artist but I never knew how to run the animahjong games.
Help me user.

Each pon/chi uses up a single yaku, right?

Attached: 1534079339441.png (314x270, 69K)

This would make a great bait post if you weren't actually confused.

Yes! Kans take up two!

i don't even understand your logic so i'm gonna go with no chief


Attached: 1529394557508.png (744x506, 67K)

yeah, if you run out of yaku you need to buy more with jade.

Damn it feels good to be a gangster.
Didn't notice how close I was to a triple identical sequence though.

Attached: nice.jpg (1913x969, 368K)

>all last
>fourth place
>shit hand and no dora
>some guy start with two dragon triplets
>make a tanyao
>fuck everyone in second and third place
No yakuman for you sir.

Attached: 1556061874971.jpg (184x184, 26K)

Who needs a yakuman when I can just drop $30 and drop 14 han on you when I feel like it.

>tfw got to adept and it now turns out I was retarded all this time
That's how I've internalized it up until now, if my hand isn't worth at least 3 yaku (disregarding dora) I can't pon or chi three times. Can someone clarify this to me so I stop being retarded?

Attached: 1534853081432.png (808x805, 787K)

Should I play this if I don't care about gacha and just want majaan tanoshii?

Attached: 1443808404754.png (462x508, 208K)

200 game 1 yaku user here.
I've lost hope and patience with this. Is there anywhere I can just pay to have someone teach me this game? Like, a real-time coach over a monitor or something? Doesn't have to be for this game specifically, I just want to learn Mahjong.

You need at least 1 yaku to win. That's it.

Yes, the gacha is there to bait stupid people.
Mahjong is the real shit

>wojak poster
Boy, am I surprised. mahjong tutorial

What does the summon scroll actually do and how do i get other types of currency without paying money

>Promoted past Adept
>Finally don't have to endure PONCHIIIPONKANPONPON from the first fucking turn in every game anymore

Attached: 1439106849214.jpg (823x788, 306K)

Yes, dummy. The gacha is just skins and voice.

Attached: bake me a cake.gif (289x289, 134K)

So, as long as my hand is at least.. say, a tanyao, I can literally steal as many fucking melds as I want? What the fuck?

Listen, I know I fucked up, I'm trying to get better here.

Attached: 1536694587000.webm (1280x720, 1.74M)

It lets you trade 750k copper/50 dust for a 15k/1 dust consumable

cool, I'll give it a try


>match begins
>someone immediately calls themselves into that fucking "one tile" wait
>random chink disconnects after first round

please tell me it gets better

Attached: 1337181868845.png (640x480, 411K)

Oh its consumables, i thought it was characters

oh my fucking god, this changes things

I can now cuck so many people out of winning by doing barely fucking anything

Attached: 1549804684352.png (469x447, 3K)

the key to mahjong is not to win
but ensure that nobody else does

Sure but your odds are pathetic


Attached: 1534872542770.jpg (933x765, 83K)

why aren't you playing in JP server where everyone knows what they're doing
Let's have some 3-Player fun.

Attached: !!.png (150x150, 37K)

stop playing tanyao

Am I missing something with calling chii? Half the time I actually want to call a tile I can't and I don't think I've ever run intothis problem in other engines. If the guy after me plays a 4 bamboo and I have a 556 which I'm trying to break (to hit tenpai for a draw as an example), why can I not call for it? Can you not call for items you've already passed on is it the placement. Can I not call in specific ways (inside chi). How did I get so far not understanding this?

One more.

reported and called the cops

can only call chii from player to your left.

You can only call chi on the guy to your left.

>it's another "riichi after my 4th draw and still lose" episode

should've waited for better outs

I like how someone riichis 10 turns later after my riichi and I immediately deal into them or the tsumos.

>not being a chad and tsumoing off of a furiten

Attached: 1541794529760.jpg (400x408, 57K)

>An entire generation of mahjong players growing up with made-up yaku names that nobody outside of mahjong souls fucking uses

Attached: 1551598804578.png (760x839, 760K)

Quick game?
Majsoul Friends Room 50725(4-Player East):

>made-up yaku names
That bothers me to no end too.
At least they had the dignity of making the call names accurate, instead of the subhuman Pung/Chow/Kong option.

>not mugi sems their dempais

if its the only way i may aswell go for it, ill never spend real money and if its my only shot then why not

We need a mod to change yaku names. It triggers my autism.

Attached: 1535234562221.webm (574x634, 26K)

With a single tile wait, the odds of drawing it after 4 turns (14 left) is 1-((33/34)^14), about 35% assuming no one deals in. Early riichi isn't always the answer.

no, tenhou is better


Attached: 7b2.jpg (569x571, 172K)

Just tweet them and request to give option to switch to JP romanization.

Your music now changes

Get ready for hell soon.

Attached: shakers.gif (400x422, 813K)

Go back at grinding chests.

Attached: 1491094303911.jpg (620x413, 65K)

what is this dora lottery bullshit

Attached: weak shit.jpg (640x480, 60K)

Couldn't it just mean a room with no password? Like the opposite of a private room?

I actually think it's really smart how they do it. The characters do say the actual yakus, so unless you have it muted it's fine and it actually helps newbies understand what they got.

Also since it's made in a way that I barely have 4-5 seconds to look at the hand so I don't even bother most of the times. In Tenhou you first looked at the hand, then you read the yakus, then you confirm. In Mahsoul it's pretty much I DID THESE YAKUS NOW PRESS FUCKING CONFIRM ALREADY I WANT TO MAKE ANOTHER OPEN TANYAO so what I think sticks is the character talking instead of reading them.

p2w confirmed

Red fives and tonpu need to exist to give brainlets the rush of victory.

To think this fucking faggot would've won then and there, with the biggest bullshit hand, if it wasn't for a slight bump.

Attached: flying washizu.png (437x237, 135K)

JP bronze is surprisingly hard, like who the fuck crawled outta woodwork to play this? if not for occasional tourist it's all dans doing all the dirty tricks in the book

I'm a brainlet, and even I don't like the red fives.
Feels extremely cheap to get free hans for nothing when there's already the dora lottery.

All I want is for this shit to be on mobile. Then I'd be able to say "fuck you" to FGO, and be freed from this hell.

Ah no, sorry, you get that music, the first one is yours now, this one,
which is more fitting for Adept.

Attached: kasoooomi.gif (463x519, 256K)

>win 4 games with ron

Nice, time to get drunk as fuck.

Attached: ron-el-dorado-12.jpg (1200x1200, 109K)

you would do it all the time even on tenhou, war is hell

Some pro mahjong leagues run rulesets like no red fives, no kan dora, no ura dora no ippatsu. While I wouldn't that far I just can't understand people in here wanting to play tonpu where the game is decided by a single 4h/30f hand with three dora in it.

Everytime you ron one more

Just play Sega MJ. It's pretty good.
Go again.

Can't outstat the cat.

Attached: 1541772168957.jpg (1721x957, 352K)

Dumb hag.

Attached: 1543748638297.png (1303x873, 916K)

One more.

>click profile
>p2w friendly match only player

Fun game, sucks that guy dc'd

Sexy hag

Is it bad that I almost always aim for tanyao or pinfu unless the chance of a better hand presents itself within the first 7-8 turns?

>80% call rate
Like seriously what the fuck are you doing with your life?

Attached: 1530994681305.png (1271x845, 893K)

How do you check that.

Scroll down any profile.
South, 5+20
No red dora, no open tanyao

I can't scroll on my laptop fuck

>No red dora, no open tanyao
nice tryhard room

koromo avatar = pay 2 win fucker

Jokes on you, I got my waifu

Attached: 1476919975003.jpg (531x717, 298K)

Pinfu is almost the default hand, if you make the most efficient discard every turn more often than not you'll end up with something that looks like pinfu.

How do you change your username?
I think the gooks are bullying me because it's in english.

>have a tenpait wait on a dora, 2 of it left
>don't riichi, surely they can't be that dumb
>damaten ron

Fucking chinks I swear.

Imagine his suffering once he is somehow in the gold room.

Attached: 1547388440054.png (84x128, 12K)

That's pretty much normal mahjong.

>I think the gooks are bullying me because it's in english.

Check the top leaderboards of the game, we are the ones doing the bullying here.

>30 seconds to matchmake on beginners lobby
Mahjong Soul is dead! DEAD!

Name change is real money. Reroll the whole thing.

He can't get to gold, he's losing points as an adept 3, he somehow went from 300/600 to 85/600, he's being demoted to the lowest rank possible.

The game runs like shit for me, is there a way to fix it? I am using chrome and tried running it on both high fps mode and power saving mode


Thanks for the money suckers!

reminder to play south games only and end them before the south hanchan starts

Attached: easy money.png (1093x698, 820K)

if it cluttered with tabs try ff instead.

Anyone adept here? I think I got two quests today

fuck you koromo!

Attached: fuck you.jpg (979x717, 117K)

gg, fun games.

my name's an english meme and chinks often emote and act normal and shit

Yes, but the day after, I got nothing

So I've come to the conclusion that Tanyao is mathematically impossible.

The current state of mahjong video games is depressing to say the least.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-03-15-28-10-422_com.brave.browser.jpg (996x1057, 216K)


Wait, so it doesn't have an app? I thought it was a mobile game.

One game, boys. Then I work on my MA thesis. Come on.

Attached: 1543966901751.png (1071x765, 43K)

how do i decide the server? i don even know what server i am on but i play tons of china/japs

Just did a match where every single draw was a 1, 9 or a dragon/wind even though I only needed 1~3 tiles for Tanyao, spent every round discarding them one after another after another and lost everytime. It's what I expected though.

if you're using the link on the top then you're playing in the EN server which let's you see CN players from bronze up and then JP from gold up

two more bitches needed

Attached: 1545800302628.png (1280x1440, 1.36M)

Well, sometimes shit happens.

Besides a working interface, the game is horribly barebones. Even the gacha aspect of it feels incomplete.

>know basic tile efficiency
>defend sometimes
>top 200
wtf. what is this playerbase.

Attached: top 200.png (1681x939, 1.92M)

What were you waiting? How many hans?

Shoulda went for all terminal + honor, motherfucker
Do you even highroll?

>hand win rate lower than deal in rate

Attached: smug1.jpg (379x364, 81K)

So Kamicha called pon on my riichi and dealt my winning tile, why no ippatsu?

Calls interrupt ippatsu

because he called

newfag here
noice for different reasons:

Tenhou (no tourneys for shitters),
SegaMJ (no stable hanchan play),
Majs*ul (no tourneys yet),
Maujong! (bot game is da best but is separated client from their online play WHY),
Tengokuhai (ugly waifus, superb 1vs1 gambling mode)

>check rank
>I'm in top 150
>click top rank players one by one
>most of them are mahjong freaks with no friend games

Attached: 1552743152506.png (699x604, 472K)

Wow it's my first time getting catcalled, does that mean I can finally abandon my virginity?

Is it also free?

are there people playing on a discord or teamspeak?
kinda wanna play while "trash"talking

That leaderboard is eng ver only so nope.

Is there an easier AI setting than "easy?" I can't get a single hand in against them.

You have to use in-game currency for ranked match, but casual free matches are free. Pretty fun to play while laying on the bed.

Is kamicha left or right?

A lot of English players are from Mahjong discord.

*higher rank English players I mean

probably yes, since there's an official discord and all

Why does it feel like the special animations are all fucked up
feels like they play a bit later than when you expect them tobe


MJ has hanchans for 3P. Also, the best mobile client (except the menus) by far.

I've heard Tanyao is the easiest thing for beginners to do, but I can't get it to work under any circumstances. I don't have the clairvoyance or luck to guess when I'm going to be given 1's and 9's on every consecutive draw or I would've tried to actually do something with them.

It has 4p hanchans too but they come out in weirdest goddam time of the day patterns. Probably a cartel deal with tenhou desu

Interested since I always wanted to learn the game. This is getting an mobile app release, right?

Are there at least some kind of basic play guides in the game itself?

Lets go! 60sec newbie room, east only!

I wish there was an option to change the seat winds to reflect the tiles rather than NSWE