Yea Forumsros, take notes
Microscope publishes ACCEPTABLE trash talk
Other urls found in this thread:
It's old stuff, but they're providing some pretty funny examples now.
I used to bait try hards in gtaOnline to send me hate messages. If they had a single curse word, I'd report them and they'd always get a temporary comms ban.
I particularly like "Get out of my country"; implying the existence of borders or social/economic differences are unacceptable and socially untenable.
they forgot
game on!
Get off my planet you
I'm not going to follow anti-bullying rules from the assholes that named their company after my penis.
>get out of my country is now hate speech
did they just imply that not being able to drive well is a racial slur? CHINKS BTFO
>potato aim
That's a racial slur!
What the fuck, Microsoft?
"Get good" is in the last one in acceptable at least.
Why is everyone such a fucking thin skinned pussy now. I swear millenials and liberals are cancer and should kill themselves. Oops, sorry, I meant they have potato aim.
>You suck. Get out of my country--maybe they'll let you back in when your k/d's over 1.
>playing multiplayer games
it's time to get a new hobby
clearly the people running the servers want
1. only soccer moms allowed
2. no non-company servers allowed ever
why don't you cancel your whatever account with microsoft, sony, etc and just play tf2 or fistful of frags or something more humble?
do you REALLY need to play fancy mp games anyway? they're all getting taken over by esports cancer so why do you play them still?
just play singleplayer games or games that are designed for "with friends" mp.
I don't get why so many people are addicted to mass online bullshit, it's not even fun
Give me your best zinger Yea Forums
>How do you do fellow kids?
Fucking fascist company
>"Acceptable trash talk"
Cheap thread. Totally expected from a NIGGER
Hey doodlebrain! Why don't you make like Michael Jackson and beat it, you kumara face.
at least it's allowed, unlike the pussi fuccboi's at blizzard
The left really does have a very short shelf life before it implodes doesn't it?
Hey , get . (You) suck. KYS, .
You know it's actually not that bad. It's actually really reasonably basically just don't be a faggot nigger loving motherfucker and everything is good.
Am I going to have to use this faggot shit for Halo on PC?
you just KNOW that guy's underground, based for sure
You are bad lol
[User was banned for this post]
they're right though
above is way more funny than below examples
Jesus user chill out...
can trump do something about this shit?
meanwhile i called someone a nigger freely on ps4 while my friend got banned for telling someone to kill themselves on xbox
Now this is some dangerously low T shit
crying laughing emoji faces followed by the ok hand emoji gets people every time.
Enjoy your vacation.
You only get banned if the other person reports you. Works the same way on both systems.
This is NOT ok.
This seems like the best possible solution. Why not just do this?
if your ideology is based around being persecuted, you quickly implode when no one really persecutes you.
Because it's not actually about protecting kids and straightedge fags, it's about controlling people. Microsoft has an agenda. Plus if they did this then imagine all the numale articles of Xbox creating an alt-right safe space.
>tfw can't even banter on this level of acceptable trash talk
Damn, I'm like too low tier for this. Can we get a trash talk guide?
They don't want any fun allowed anywhere do they?
Xbro here, I've been banned many times for the smallest shit, I'm sure PSN isn't this cucked.
you dropped this
All these flavours and you choose to be salty
meanwhile in Eurocuck land...
>all the numale articles of Xbox creating an alt-right safe space.
they would just be returning a discontinued feature. also i don't even think it worked anyway.
I'm gonna tell you something your parents never did. I love you
There was a guy here screeching about how he got permabanned and lost access to all his library for a private message. Everyone guessed he called the other person a nigger and the guy finally admitted that he did.
Also psn has an issue where latinos called Kike (nickname for every Enrique) were getting banned if it was in their username. I think they were permabans but I'm not sure about it.
If they allowed genuine, unfiltered trash talk for pros and underground players they most certainly would get shit from places like kotaku for "enabling racists and toxic gamer culture".
And you dropped this, faggot.
And that's perfectly moral in your eyes?
If I stuck that in my ass without lube I still wouldn't be as butthurt as you
A blind paraplegic with Parkinson could keep a higher kdr than you.
I'm saying that PSN is just as bad if not worse. If you have a really fucked up username on xbox live they usually just tell you to change it. PSN bans you.
If I indiscriminately stuck that up my ass or mouth every day for the rest of my life I wouldn't be even half as fucking gay as you are, faggot.
>Get .
What did they mean by this?
lol you lost
Ah I see. My friend has psn and always says it's more lawless than xbl but I figured that wasnt true.
They obviously mean "Get kekked!"
what did they mean by this
at the end of the day, it depends on the user on the other side of the message. If they don't report you, the you won't ever get banned no matter how fucked up the message is. If there's even a single use of fuck in the message and you get reported, you'll get a temp comms ban. Applies to both consoles from my experience.
Oh no user. That's too offensive. We need Xbox to be safe for muslims, jews and atheists
rape yourself gaylord
>A gamergate white nationalist got banned for changing his gamertage to jesusislord
Well clearly he was trying to incite hate
Hey, person that inserts long elongated protrusions in their back hole, please cease your primary function of existence.
>user name is litteraly red pill
what a fag
>Literal tranny-tier insults
>We need Xbox to be safe for muslims, jews and atheists
What about Buddhists, Hindhi, Shintoists, Pastafari?
How dare them to discriminate against them!
Gonna cry? Piss your pants, maybe? Maybe shit and cum?
Pretty fucking sure "potato aim" goes under ableism.
Jesus Microsoft, I thought you would be more thankful towards retards.
they already have the potato vote with the adaptive controller.
Retards like you couldnt empty water out of a boot that had instructions on the heel
if it doesn't make them feel like trash, then it isn't trash talk
Why don't you make like a tree and fuck off
commit penis in bum
You could fall into a barrel of tits and come out sucking your own thumb.
Get loved tenderly by someone important to you while holding hands
Reporting people who are careless in their insults is fun. I mean, if you're gonna call me a nigger at least do it over voice chat. Almost no one records gameplay all the time.
You fuckers couldn't hit water if you fell out of a boat
Why dont you make like a tree and get out of here
> Newspeak Dictionary Edition
God could get up and step out of heaven, take physical form, walk up to the head of the dipshit in charge of microsoft's department in charge of this blunder and
do nothing
because it's not the business of deities to tell a business how it's run, and it's the same for a president of a country/ even the country that microsoft was founded inside of.
but holy shit these people in the business world need some public fucking shaming and please for the love of fuck someone do something to straighten them the fuck out as a person before they bring about some dystopian level shit. you know, worse than the dystopian shit we already have
One time someone sent me a message to gtfo their lobby. I asked what gtfo stood for, and when they replied with "get the fuck out", I reported them right away. Next day, got a message from xbox saying they took action on my report.
Shit's hilarious.
Where is "If I could go back in time with the choice of aborting either Hitler or you I would choose you"?
You gormless tosser!
Wise words lost in this sea of brand whores
It is.
This is accurate.
It's over, give up.
Go play TF2
Hell isn't Mordhau pretty loose?
>I particularly like "Get out of my country"; implying the existence of borders or social/economic differences are unacceptable and socially untenable.
Maybe if crackers stopped saying it to non-White native-born countrymen and stopped waving spitting up cheeseburger chunks at people for speaking Spanish, it wouldn't be seen as a slur anymore.
Your tiny penis will never stratify a woman and you will die alone without continuing the family line. Your funeral will be attended by no one, and your co-workers will be glad you are no longer coming in.
Would get banned if I send "" to someone?
That makes sense. When you make it about real people it gets more directly hurtful.
I fucked piglet
>you can make someone feel like shit as long as it's not referencing the current globalist agenda
how is this real
Haha, maybe. Haha, why don't you try?
>taunting someone with that one thing they will never get
Absolutely devilish
You shoot like old people fuck!
I so want to send messages replacing swears with and . It looks so goddamn hilarious seeing it in text.
gg ez pz lmon sqzy
>trash-talking is still acceptable
Get "women who make me feel sexually inadequate"
>western gaming
>tfw I get banned for even less on overwatch
>get wrecked
Good job
>get wrecked trash
>Play Cuckwatch
>Say "bad"
>banned over night
this is why letting women play video games was a bad idea.
gg ez no re
>cant even use emotes
Its a trainwreck
>Repeat offenders or particularly severe abuse will garner a permanent suspension, the standards state, which requires the profile owner to “forfeit all licenses for games and other content, Gold membership time, and Microsoft account balances.”
>say bad word that isn't part of the allowed bad words list
>property and currency stolen
looks like i have some new lines to try out this afternoon
>that store
Lmao what the fuck, and its a women clothes store.
This cant be real
The whole point of trash talk is that it's unacceptable lol
Did they forget that potato is slang for retard?
What a bunch of 's.
>Join game
>tranny on mic goes ape shit
>doesn't realize im black myself
why you do this
You never owned it. You owned a license to play the game, which can be terminated at any time for any reason by the license provider. That's what's in the EULA for almost everything these days that no one ever reads.
if your k/d in halo is below 1 bill gates is gonna call trump on you
youre fucked kid
White liberals see blacks as helpless children who they need to defend.
No pvp game should have text/speech to the other team. There I solved the toxicity problem.
why are you telling me what is obvious?
fucking autist
>just ignore it
>you're just imagining things, nothing is happening
>just don't use chat
>just don't play mp
There's gonna come a point when people won't be able to avoid it anymore, and invades what little they have left. Never ending escalation.
>muh non-legally binding agreement
You may as well cited your smelly farts.
Because you called it property. Property is something you own. Learn what words mean before you use them, ESL.
>Get out of my country
Why isn't this okay anymore? I used to say this all the time, especially to people who weren't in my country to begin with because it triggers their hatred of Americans.
This one is still the best
>the autist continues to reinforce the obvious
take your meds
Games as a service is fraud.
Why don't you slither back to the abortion bucket.
In overwatch most bans come from reports from players on the same team
Get off the nursing home wifi, old man
Is my goto whenever someone mentions their age
: ^)
The space is really important
>acceptable trash talk
I guess I'll never get to laugh again, at some teenager calling me a "nigger-dick shitfuck cockmaster that stripper-poles a giant cock in the second-level of hell in an elevator that never goes up?"
I call foul play. I want my games uncensored. I mean no irony.
noice wan
>Come visit USA
>Airport security starts inquiring about k/d ratios before allowing into the country
Uh oh. This wasn't on the ESTA application.
>racism has power because youth are taught that it does because integrating 3rd worlders is on the agenda so therefor it's forbidden speech
rationally, if you were taught that blanket words don't have power over you, then they would not have the negative effect over all these pour souls that need protected but that wouldn't be convenient for certain goals of the elite
It's hate speech because I hate hearing the truth.
June 4th 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre (六四事件)
Enjoy that wheelchair you retard
Yea well get
What about ?
>Cheap win. Totally expected from an independent well cultured racially diverse individual such as yourself.
>Cheap win. Just like your mom.
>Get out of my country, maybe they'll let you back in when your k/d is over 1
>posting reaction images from a horribly xenophobic series where the characters fight tooth and nail for the survival of their race against foreign competitors even if it means killing everyone else
Whoa there, user. Could you not post hateful images like that?
I hope you scolded him for assuming your race and then continued to scream nigger as loud as you could throughout the match.
jewish parasites aren't of the human existence so no
All you had to do was stop saying nigger, you brought this on yourselves :)
Fuck off back to before i your mom you dirty
gg wp no re
How about they just ask people to meet up in real life and play offline split-screen/LAN battles and trash talk as much as they fucking want?
I beat you so bad that ill poo in your mouth the pee get a spoon and mix it around and make you swallow then you will poo and pee my poo and pee and you will eat your poo and pee and then when you vomit ill get you to eat your poo pee vomit
Honestly, I'm offended every time someone says something. Can't voice and text chat just be completely disabled on every game from now on?
probably the gayest fucking thing I've read as a comeback reply
Play Nintendo games
your existence offends me so kys
You can tell this shit was either written by a woman or a basedboy with extremely high estrogen levels. Women can't banter worth shit.
I bet it's because you're fat, rather than that your body is spinally disconnected.
You meant to say "Muh agreement that doesn't supercede laws"
Why do so many armchair law students say this shit, and then when pressed back pedal into "Hurr mass collection of jewish lawyers= they win even if I'm right"
It's pathetic
What's the point of multiplayer games if you can't call people niggers and faggots?
It's better than overwatch at least. You simply aren't allowed to trash talk at all in that game without getting reported by hundreds of soft boys and being subsequently banned. At least MS seems to understand that trash talk is an inherent part of competition
get the fuck off my board and kys you niggerfaggot
There it is, thanks for playing
kys you fucking bitch
niggers will rape you in your sleep
I also go for ???
The only thing positive about you is the HIV your mom gave you kissing you goodnight.
I won because I'm amazing and you're gay
Yo I think I know this guy, he still plays dark souls 2 and helps people out
>Get out of my country
El cuatro, de ninõ!!
No, I'm a mature gamer. I just don't want to deal with immature people.
Nothing personnel, . what happened to profanity filters? I hate this shit get fucked pc movement.
when will americans realize that the rest of the world doesnt really have a problem with swearing?
im so fed up with americans putting their morals, attitudes and world views in every game and gaming platform, sadly there is pretty much only american games and the american market is so big, every game has to pander to it.
property is also just a license. if you dont pay taxes or debts the state will not let you keep your property so stuff never truly belongs to you.
u mad?
>what happened to profanity filters?
they are useless and annoy us european players because we get our sentences butchered by an english word filter.
They did for the Xbox 360, but I don't think it ever actually did anything past the first year.
People could also flag your gamertag with 'inappropriate behavior' tags that didn't actually do anything but serve as a means for asshurt players to get a form of revenge on you
>never used a mike
>still ended up with reports of 'Trash Talking' on my record
>me being born on this rock after 5 generations is totally different from you being born on this rock after 2 generations
Get your clit nibbled.
> my country
Stop being an oxygen thief and [insert current game goal here]
My ancestors settled in Georgia before it was a US state.
And someone who came here during the 90s is equally as tethered to this soil as I am?
if your iq was any lower i'd have to water you twice a day
What about GTA online? I doubt rockstar gives a shit about people saying nigger and/or faggot.
So your family showed up, fucked over the natives with their immigration into the natives lands, claim it as their own land, and now you lash out at the prospect of someone else doing to you, what your family did to the previous tenants.
That's a yikes from me my man.
Wall is going up soon, Pedro, it is almost time for you to leave.
you're so ugly its a wonder all your mirrors didnt commit suicide
90%+ of indigenous americans had been wiped out from smallpox and diseases from the spanish, hundreds of years before Anglos ever settled in new england
Which is why EULA's need to die.
Most Americans don't have a problem with it either, it's just a small group of very stupid yet somehow influential people from the west coast.
fucking pathetic
Yeah I really love it when corporate entities get to tell me what I can and cant say in 16 person servers
Im so glad my fun is regulated by corporations.
no dude, "swear glasses" and beeping out curse words are a thing exclusive to america and whenever you see it outside of the us its because it was copied from american tv shows and series.
i just saw it a few days ago in avengers endgame when iron man scolded his daughter because she said "shit". that would never be such an issue here (germany)
>sign an agreement
>violate the agreement
In America, you see, we're far more advanced. We cut up baby dicks and then censor the word "fuck". And never show people expressing love for each other in films or movies. But blood and guts is everywhere in the media. Because we're more advanced like that.
You like the feel of a corporate cock up your ass that much? You nigger faggot.
The problem is having to sign an agreement you fuckwit
Why would you trash talk people you BEAT?
You know that they're either seething on the other end and you ignoring them will probably have more of an effect than whatever you can come up with, OR they're just playing for shits & giggles or are perfectly aware they're bad, in which case you just look like a childish tryhard.
>sign agreement
>agreement is illegal
>violate the agreement
>that private platform really stole my money
you wanted capitalism you got it :^)
>potato aim
Calling someone a vegetable is going too far.
>potato aim
>calling people potato or things potato is a meme for retarded people
Wow MS is okay with me making fun of downies? NEAT
have you ever played real life sports. there is plenty of cursing, cussing and trash talk all the time. its a natural part of playing games.
>For years, the general line was that Materazzi had insulted Zidane’s mother, which caused him to fly off the handle. Materazzi never confirmed that, but also never clarified what he did say.
>This week, the 10th anniversary of the match, Materazzi — who is writing a book about his life — finally came clean.
>It wasn’t Zidane’s mother he spoke about. It was Zidane’s sister.
this shit only flies in video games because unlike sports players and sports fans we are cucks that allow themselves to be bullied by everyone who comes and take it all like its the most natural thing.
I can't believe Americans actually pay money for their video Jews to tell them how to act
Meanwhile the kids will probably shoot up a school by the end of the week but not these twats. You are literally the worst human beings on this planet
>get out of my country
Do people actually say that? Maybe it's because I'm from europe and you're lucky if people speak english, but how the fuck are you supposed to know what country the guy you're playing with lives in?
The irony is all of the ones in the acceptable trash talk list would get you banned in games like LoL and Hots.
Get Sexual Threat!
Microsoft will forever be the uncool dad of the corporate world
Good zingers are only in reply to salt and have to be context sensitive.
absolutely based!
wall is never coming up. It's like abortion. They say this stufd every year to secure your vote
There's two kinds of countries, MY country (The Glorious United States of A.) and other countries, wherever that shithole is
Orwell was a socialist, drumpftard.
Yeah whatever, kike golem
>he doesn't have a penis large enough to arrange a woman into layers of sedinent
I think I'd rather have someone calling me a faggot than someone pointing out that I'm bad at the game for these and these reasons.
Hitler was a socialist too, potatonigger
>speech narrowing bad
>Talking about anything besides killing minorities and Jews should be suppressed tho
We need extra large gas chambers for you tubbies.
lmao i bet being raised by your liberal single mother was hell. get out of my country, kid. maybe they'll let you back in when your k/d's over 1.
>tfw corporations are now powerful enough to enforce morality over the government
>now we shall be policed for impulsive expressions of unbridled animosity in games lest someone gets emotionally distressed
good game, very easy
>tfw watching this american madness over shittalk in games
>notice the hugbox creeping over slowly into my EU experience
>realize all of this shit is infesting us from the US and it's unavoidable
I swear if you gonna make them ban me for calling people Mohr you are fucking dead, burgers.
It’s not your country
Hey laser lips, your mother was a snowblower!
Wrong. That's what the state of emergency declaration was for, once the court challenge is defeated the Wall will be built.
Pack your bags Juan, you will be leaving soon.
what about GGEZ, will I get banned for that?
>state of emergency declaration
Over a couple spics? Why are mutts so pathetic?
So in other words, there's even less reason to play multiplayer games on the shitbox?
Retards overreacting when literally every game has guidelines and you're fuming cause you cant say racial slurs lmao
>>a couple of spics
You're dumb.
Free taiwan
Free tibet
Yes we are fuming we can't call people niggers and faggots on xbawks live without risking being banned and potentially losing the stuff we payed money for, good that you can keep up with the thread, tranny. Nice to see that all those hormone treatments haven't completely fried your brain yet.
>Orwell was a socialist
that can mean anything
Every game has guidelines, not every game bans you for calling someone a faggot.
is freedom of expression a joke to you?
lmao this gay nerd over sucking off a DICKtionary
shut up queer
Not really.
>call 10yo a nigger
>get banned
OMG FREE SPEECH! actual retards, go scream it outside and see what happens moron.
Yeah, it is. Nobody cares about this masonic bullshit anymore, mutt.
uhhhh that's actually ableist sweaty so umm.......
define socialism
Suck my corporate assets :^)
>Get .
LMAO a Europoor talking shit about speech rights.
This can’t be real.
What a deliciously ironic post
This is comedy gold
you were supposed to save us!!
Is screaming the n-word freedom of expression to you? If yes, you're a peabrain right winger.
Never got banned for calling people Negers, Mohrenköpfe and Kanacken. Your move mister McDonald's.
Based. I'm probably going to move to xbox next gen anyway.
>totally expected from a racial slur
That guy is like such a Drumpf supporter amirite ladies?
but only because the american game devs dont know any german. youd get the shit banned out of you otherwise. and in german media you obviously of course get banned for uttering such words, dont be delusional. its even literally illegal in germany to slur someone.
but saying fuck you and shit or swearing and trash talking in general isnt really taboo in germany, thats the difference to america.
It's europoor posting hours so I wouldn't expect them to know what freedom even is. I genuinely can't wait until article 11 and 13 kicks in and fucks them off the entire internet.
I actually find profanities make insults funny instead of offensive. If someone calls me a bitch or tells me to fuck myself it's entertaining, but if it's some unimaginitive serious shit then it comes across as more serious.
Freedom of speech is being able to say anything you want. Anything. Anything at all, whenever you want, without legal repercussions. These corporate entities can ban as many people as they want from their private services, but the issue is that they are forming monopolies and aren't actually private entities because many of them receive government handouts themselves.
Based and criminally underrated post
>Freedom of speech is being able to say anything you want. Anything. Anything at all, whenever you want,
>without legal repercussions.
Discord trannies
>>without legal repercussions.
Yes. Otherwise it's not freedom, retard. Just like people should be allowed to own goddamn Abrams tanks and nuclear missiles if they want, but the moment they use those things to hurt other people physically without good reason or take away their liberties they lose their rights to have them. The spoken word does not take away your liberties, actual physical violence must be used for that to occur. If someone says they are gonna kill you, buy a goddamn machine gun and shoot them when they try. That's freedom.
you couldn't improve your vocabulary even if someone hit you to death with a thesaurus
fuck off subnormal dimwit
Yes... shouldn't be angry or at least annoyed by this?
>>Freedom of speech is being able to say anything you want. Anything. Anything at all, whenever you want,
>>without legal repercussions.
according to your logic north korea, china, stalin ussr and hitler germany had freedom of speech. let that sink in for a minute.
Ur gay
>Multi Million Dollar companies don't have multilingual offices for europe
Bullshit, it was justnever a thing over here until ameritards started this muh-feefee trend.
Freedom of speech means you can't be convicted for expressing your ideas/beliefs. You can still be called a retard over them or removed from private premises, which would include access to a game's private servers
cyka blyat
Those aren't legal repercussions, those are private repercussions. If the law doesn't get involved then it's not "legal" repercussions.
If someone told me this, I'd be overjoyed that I made someone this seething.
local game support in europe is a joke dude. the offices in europe are mostly marketing. only blizzard has or had a considerable amount of german speaking staff for support.
a public service like internet gaming is only semi-private. even private companies have to adher to public rules (the law).
Pijany czy niespełna rozumu?
>Can't call people faggots still
Why do people still care about faggot? Does anyone get offended by being called a fag anymore? It's a remnant of a different time, even newfags from this shithole moved on to other shit buzzwords. So why is it still banned in so many places?
Get out of my country is just an exaggerated get out of my face. Why does everything have to be some bigger picture social justice historical context bullshit with you dumb fucking niggers?
no u
And that's why you're denied access to their server, not the internet as a whole
Then why discords trannies such as yourself REEEEEE when a conservative refuses to make a cake for faggots and remove faggots from their store but suddently it's ok to do it to conservatives? The hypocrisy is apparent
And yet I can call people fucking dumb Negerkinder Untermenschen und Drecksjuden in Blizzardgames as well. Suck it up America, nobody cared before your cancerous SJW climate came over.
you just need a law that says that private companies cant ban you from their service for speaking your mind and suddenly its no longer legal.
>Get cuckolded, divorced, wrecked in court, forced to pay alimony for children you don't get to see
>discords trannies such as yourself
I'm merely stating facts, go project somewhere else
Die phoneposter.
The world really is changing, getting to live in a dystopian orwellian society is interesting at least.
You would still get banned from Overwatch if you said the "positiv" examples.
this just means we have to crack down on hatespeech even harder because its the hatespeech that kills those people.
I have the freedom to not be offended!!!
Cheap win. Totally expected from a
And what stops me from just swearing in my language?
The plural of "der Neger" is "die Neger", du orthographische Missgeburt.
Your mamma's so ugly that even a facehugger wouldn't jump her.
>its the hatespeech that kills those people.
I thought that guns killed people, but it turns out it was hatespeech all along. Who would have thought
if nobody understands you is it really swearing?
>You'd rather get revenge than win.
The gentleman's mindset.
>that sucked. Get good and then come back when your k/d's over 1
I see a wehraboo wrote this.
>I haven't played an online game before 2014
Reading you loud and clear.
Leck meine salzigen Hoden du drecks Neger.
>nintendont player
Racism is integral to the dota experience.
If you don't call you teammates chigchongs, sandniggers and terminally depressed eastern european youths who waste away their time getting drunk in netcafes pretending to be going to work until they inevitably end their lives what's even the point?
For me it is, perkele :DDD
if get then
>drecks Neger
"Drecksneger" is a compound noun. There are no spaces between the individual worda of a compound noun.
>drecks Neger
That's a zusammengesetztes Substantiv: "Drecksneger".
Hauptschulabschluss Klasse 9?
Inb4 it goes well enough for big companies they start "pressuring" for similar laws in other first world countries.
You mean disability slur
Orwell was wrong about so many things.
Strong Sapir-Whorf is pretty much universally rejected nowadays.
Controlling thought by controlling speech sure does happen, but it happens by controlling feelings.
For example, the whole reason "canola oil" is not called "rapeseed oil" is because "rapeseed oil" made it sell badly.
If there was no word for non-canola rapeseed, it would quickly get created by analogy, parallel or something else.
People won't be able to read by 2050, so he got that last part right.
Nah, "potato" is an term for Germans in German - often used as an insult by people with immigration background.
>"rapeseed oil" made it sell badly
do you have a source for that?
For multiplayer games I only play TF2. And I don't need anything more than webm related.
It's called being a nuisance.
If said faggots were raping each other on the floor of said bakery it makes sense to decline, except they weren't.
Being an argumentative retard who thinks anyone to grace the face of this planet cares about your political ideologies is also grounds to decline service.
user, do yoy really think a product called Rape Seed sells well?
When I was playing Dota and I got mad at someone I would check where they're from. If they were from Western Europe I would instantly start making fun of their muslim problem and calling them Muhammads. Brits got especially butthurt every single time
If it allows you to rape seeds, yes. Otherwise it's false advertising
This is like an after school drug awareness special, but even more embarrassing
Totally expected from a
You suck
You can just tell this was written by some out of touch 45 year old
Isn't "sucking" ableist?
All this does is create a revenge atmosphere where every party is looking to set the score with the other. It's not healthy
He also wrote an entire book who's sole purpose was to rail against the sort of bourgeois socialist that would try to ban words that offended them.
No, not really
You could cherry-pick a tumblr post that says it is, but regular SJWs don't mind it
i censorship doesnt really have anything to do with socialism or capitalism its just part of every power struggle in society. one side always tries to shut down the other.
So it's basically impossible for people to tell whether they are still ok or a bit over the line?
Those are really similar.
KYS nigger
It's literally impossible to generally decide, if someone is racist, sexist, facist, etc..
You may be able to decide it in certain circumstances for a certain person, but there is no way to generally make that decision for a person.
If you have devised a way to do it anyway, despite it being literally impossible, write a paper. No idea what Nobel prize you'd receive for that, if you are right, but you'd get one.
I miss replying to shit talk in Halo 3 with
>scoreboard :)
Based tittosaurus
Yeah I'll just stick with PC, thanks.
Get fucked you absolute house niggers Xbox, get your shitty brand out of my country and kys faggots.
They don't mind... yet
>it will certainly slippery-slope into total thought control!
Nice reddit dots, fag.
Nice reddit dots, fag.
I've been online since the mid 90s. Reports are a fucking gift. Nothing is funnier than making someone mad with neutral language then reporting them. Then when I get the message they've been banned I nut a little.
>The left when it comes to confederate monuments
J..j..just accept it guys, you lost! XD
>The left when it comes to debating who owns America
B..b..but its not your land!
We won, it belongs to British separatists. Browns are only lucky we give them the privilege to be here. Cry harder.
I'm not american, but why the fuck does anyone feel positively towards the confederates? They were traitors and were put down like dogs. In most other countries traitors are spit on.
I think the difference there is that confederates started the war by sperging out at Lincoln’s election, whereas the Indians just existed in land we wanted.
Because before the civil war, you had much more allegiance to your state than to country as a whole. It was more like the EU than a real federation.
what is Microscope doing ?
Ok, but why are people still idolizing them? Again, they were traitors. No one worships the many traitors put down in other countries.
Because they didn’t see themselves as traitors, since the rebellion was, to them, no different from Brexit. They passed that sentiment down to their kids and so on.
I don't care how they saw it, they were traitors and were put down like dogs. Their kids should have smartened up along the way.
>Saddler you're small time!
I wasnt defending confederates. Just saying that if theyre gonna use "you lost" as an argument ever, they shouldnt be surprised it gets used against them.
They didnt much have the concept of property or rights so removing indians was akin to purging squirrels to make a parking lot.
>Totally expected from a .
>Potato aim
So retards are fair game but not everything else?
That’s not how knowledge and attitudes work, my man. We are as much products of our upbringing as we are anything else.
Indians totally had both rights and property.
What a shit load of fuck.
Holy shit cringe.
>Indians totally had both rights and property
They lacked the means to protect them. Let's learn from that.
It only takes one person in the chain to smarted up. 5 or 6 generations and not one of them stopped worshipping traitors? And what of northerners who love confeds.
lmao get out of my country faggot
t. first gen american
A certain amount of responsibility comes with having advanced technology. Would an alien race be justified in killing us and taking our land because they’re more advanced?
>potato aim
MS confirms insulting downies is acceptable trash talk
Yes. Can we complain? No because we'll be dead.
That's how nature works
To some degree, yes
You clearly are confused about how cultures work, as well. I suggest reading some basic anthropology or sociology textbooks and then getting back to me. Also, getting so emotional in a discussion is a bad look.
The "
what the fuck is ?
hey sexy you suck at this game
But if some of us survived, would our ancestors not say to the aliens “that was fucked up what you did to my people”?
>Would an alien race be justified in killing us and taking our land because they’re more advanced?
Unless you're a vegan, saying anything but "yes" here is hypocrisy.
I don’t eat animals with civilizations. I think even eating something as smart as an elephant or dolphin would be immoral.
>hey sexy you suck at this game
I'm going to use this
So you don't eat pigs either?
I do not, no.
>I've been sucking cocks for over 2 decades now
That's quite the accomplishment.
that's what happens when you hire pajeets because they cost nothing and women in the HR istead of competent people
Not sure why people are making a huge fuss over this. But ok.
Thanks for the kill, kind stranger.
They don't implode until after they've killed millions of people, left the country in shambles and utterly fucked the population for generations to come.
Buckle up.
Your skill at the game is inadequate.
You mean what (((capitalists))) have been doing for centuries?
That's why it's so shocking, 99% of cases traitors are stomped out. I don't get why American just lets them celebrate their "culture"
>both sides of the same coin
What left?
If you were a real leftist you'd swear exclusive in racial slurs and sexual threats in response to this statement.
I was shit talking online before you were born in all likelihood. Reports are just the newest form of griefing.
Have you understood any of what I’ve been saying about America being more like the EU than an actual country? Federal vs state rights is a debate that’s being going on since the 1700s, and it’s still not resolved.
No, because capitalism is indefensible both in theory and practice.
Given that you started sucking dick online in the mid-90's and I was also already playing games by then, no. You're just a faggot.
>confederates were traitors
stfu europoor
So what’s the solution?
The IQ is dropping, there will be no recovery from this
is "Have Sex" included?
try harder or I'll report you for throwing
The clear solution is heavily regulated capitalism with clearly established limits to income and property.
>potato aim
That's supposed to be an insult aimed at the mentally retarded, what the fuck, Microsoft!
Okay commie
>you can destroy someone but not fuck them
I guess Minecraft left quite the influence on them.
>not :^)
And when a country in europe "rebels" they are put down and their imagery banned.
By definition
So communism except a doctor might make 10% more than a janitor. What a wonderful system.
Thats the definition of an illegal contract. It directly contradicts established law
We need to come up with some better racial slurs for white people; one that doesn't sound like a mere snack.
Whitey is acceptable, but too tame.
get destroyed. can't believe you thought you were on my level.
Do you game with a gimp suit on too?
Lmao, they real b8 is always on the replies.
snow nigger!
>IQ-equivalent PISA Results
I don't think that's how it works, user.
>immigrants score worse than natives
that is fairly obvious given how PISA is a test for early schoolchildren, expecting very young immigrant children to read on their grade level is obviously misguided as they are learning the respective language as a second or third language. Further it is important to note that these tests are designed to evaluate the schooling system, not the students and that if these immigrant children even had received an education before migrating to whichever country, it is trivial to assume that their education is subpar compared to the standards in the civilized world.
So why would you expect them to perform well, exactly?
It's a really shitty disinfographic, because it doesn't even do disinformation right.
Vee im going to say it! Don't make me say itYOU HAVE A POTATO AIM!!!!!
fuck off Tuco, go shit in a garden
needle dicks
How can you rebel from a voluntary union?
Nah. because that's what happens when one civ is more advanced then the other. you're making the mistake of having unrealistic views on existence as a whole.
it's not rated PG.
Once you sign it's not voluntary.
“Can” is not the same as “should.”
Isn't potato a euphemism for mental retardation? So sex and race are out, but mental impairments are still fair game?
I did not imply communal ownership of the means of production anywhere.
Systems of maximum incomes exist in Japan for instance, where the most-paid employee of a company can only make a certain amount more than the worst paid, so either the CEO makes less money, or the Janitor makes more. The CEO won't give up his pay, so the janitor makes more.
And that's not a bad thing, is it?
>games encourage passive-aggressiveness
Wonder why every millennial is a onions hmm
>This is how to trash talk, please comply
I bet you think Brexit was a bad idea, too. Sad.
Naturalistic Fallacy.
That which is natural is not necesaarily ethically right and that which is unnatural is not wrong only because it is unnatural.
For example:
Building houses is unnatural therefore it is ethically wrong to build a house.
Oh hey look, another retard who knows nothing about Japan talking about how things work in Japan. That never gets old.
So far it is looking like a disaster.
t. Communist
If you don’t support unrestrained capitalism you’re a kike.
>potato aim
>get destroyed
>Get sexual threat
>Hey profanity
This is real, this is actually on their community standards page as a real thing.
My fucking sides have achieved a new state of matter
But you think that Europe should have responded with military force to the very idea of Brexit?
>get destroyed
>potato aim
At that point i'd rather just not.
But kikes love unrestricted capitalism, because they're the best at money?
Meanwhile on red orchestra 2 I can deny the holocaust, call people niggers and team kill sparingly and not get kicked or banned lol fuck online games on consoles and fuck blizzard
But can i tell someone that they are trash? Is that ok?
Is that why communism was invented and pushed by Jews?
I fucking laughed. Thanks, user.
Cheap win. Totally expected from a NIGGER
so the problem sorts itself out, cool
>But kikes love unrestricted capitalism
>export labor to third world countries where labor laws don't exist after putting labor laws into place in first world countries
>unrestricted capitalism
Completely unrestricted capitalism would be awful, but you're an idiot if you think the global elites are pushing for that. They want laws that make business easier for them to do but not anyone else, and they want monopolies.
Lol no its not. It's a license to software. Without that license you can't play. There are terms to using that license and if you break them they have the right to revoke your license. It's like saying you'll sue Walmart for going in there and getting kicked out because you were screaming nigger and spreading your shit all over their food.
can i be banned for typing
"Get [sexual threat] you [racial slur]"
Wrong. You bought the license, and that license is legally your property.
If they leave it will be legally. And it was a different type of union entirely. Totally different from seceding. The south was essentially stealing land from America.
Europe doesn't need to. Pointing out what it means to not be part of the EU is enough to put serious pressure on the UK. Why do you think is May so, so desperate to push her agreement through the parliament? Because if she doesn't manage to do it, she's done.
And we are arguably past the age of large scale military conflict. Comparing the secession to Brexit is quite naive, because the times have changed quite a lot.
>it was a different type of union entirely
That was not an agreed upon fact at the time. Basically everyone had allegiance to their state and not to the United States. Someone from New York was a New Yorker, not an American. How many times am I going to have to explain such a simple, basic fact of American history to you?
>Building houses is unnatural therefore it is ethically wrong to build a house
I guess ants, bees, hornets, birds and other shit that builds nests are unnatural then...
I get your point but you're giving a bad example
How the people felt about their allegiance does not reflect the political reality.
I thought facts were more important than feelings.
It wasn’t a political reality until after the civil war.
It explicitly says that's not cool, you retard. It doesn't say anything about far more specific language though, so feel free to let loose a "Get donkey punched you zipperhead."
I feel so sorry for the copywriter who was tasked with this.
Anyway, it turned out pretty well, all things considered.
Humans don't naturally build complex structures.
So my example still works.
It sure does
I hope you do for being a faggot and saying ggez you unfunny, unoriginal zoomer.
Try that again in english, paco. Also go back to Mexico fucking beaner
I have never insulted anyone in my life and have absolutely no drive or will to do so.
Am I weird?
have the jews gone too far?
Maybe you should be a countryman first and whatever minority 3rd.
>better racial slurs for white people
That's never gonna happen. Anything you come up can be countered by "well at least im not a non white".
Microsoft just told us its ok to call retards potatoes. Why sre we mad.
It’s kind of hard to do that when both sides play into identity politics so heavily.
Damn, it feels so good to be white :^)
Gamers have been victims of oppression, there is nothing wrong with deporting all the normies who can't game.
Get wrecked kid
>Leftists don't use curse words so its them doing the banning.
>That was some serious potato aim
That's offensive against down syndrome victims and racist against irish.
The IRA is quite good at shooting, potato aim is a compliment.
My 12 year old potato pc is more than good enough to play fun games these days. I play Doom 2, TF 2, and i want to see if anybody still plays Goldeneye source
Doesn't matter. There was paper that made it legal which makes them traitors.
his post didnt even mention leftists, but ty for finally admitting liberals are just leftists
The states were subordinate to the union. This means that it does not matter how the people felt about the union, as subject of their state they are also subjects of the union.
Perhaps, but at least the slur itself could sound like it has some bite to it. If there was a satisfying slur for white people that everyone could use regardless of race (like nigger), the powers at be might be less inclined to try and ban this kind of speech in a vain attempt to protect minorities.
Now they are trying to take our gamer moments away... And they will STILL tell you gamers aren't an oppressed minority.
Cumskin was pretty solid, I don't see why it died.
It wouldn't work among normies, but here it's pretty good. Arguably better than shitskin because shitskin only refers to color, while cumskin suggests getting bukkakke'd routinely.
>A certain amount of responsibility comes with having advanced technology
>nooooo the stronger dudes are bullying the weakers dudes this is not faaaaaaiiir mommy help
Jesus Christ these fucking participation awards are bearing its fruits now, is this why pic related behave like that? a ingrained sense of guilty way above self-preservation
> I don't see why it died.
Because women and fags (the whole left) love swallowing cum.
Get stepped on
Probably because more people are into being covered in cum than covered in shit. It doesn't quite have the same ring to it as shitskin does either.
user, that also implies that they have very pretty skin.
First they came for the N-word, but I didn't stop them because I hide my powerlevels
Then they came for the pedophiles, but I didn't stop them because I prefer western games
Then they came for those who hate women and minorities, but I didn't stop them because I only hate women and non-whites anonymously
Then they came for genders in roguelikes, but I didn't stop them because it didn't contribute to the gameplay and thus is bloat
Then they came for muh bantz, but no one helped me because I was alone