Filename thread
Keep it vdya related
Filename thread
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unrelated but that pic brings out comfy and nostalgia I cant exactly explain
Me too
>not calling it Tenpenny Tower
This is how i know your a zoomer faggot
Kek these
in reply to 460780292
your bait is obvious and your post is shit.
No (You) for you.
Please tell me how that connection works except that they are both tall buildings.
Jokes on you, i still got my dopamine hit, faggot zoomer
>Having a Fallout 3 referance rather than a RTS one for that image
Who is the zoomer here?
kek source?
I hate seeing this webm on account of that one guy just standing there watching his death unfold.
why did he do it bros
Nice filename
wtf is sseth doing in nigeria
his consciousness broke free for a second and he realized he was fucking chinese so he decided to end it
Nobody died and none of the injuries were serious
Waging war between playing weird old video games and jerking off to feet.
this is a struggle i can empathize with
>inafune gets hold of dead rising
I disagree
formerly Sneeding shit
>Arx Fatalis
>falling for that weak shit
cute dog
Fucking seals are adorable, I want to tuck it on my bed and cuddle.
They were in free fall for 4 seconds, that means they fell over 200 feet.
How the fuck do seals even survive let alone get so damn thick? They're like slow bags of food for anything that has teeth.
seals go fast in the water.
>xbox hoarding game instead of ancient RTS kino
Rethink your statement
>When you got gear that only buffs when you're near death
why did he just stand there
What the fuck else would he do?
Was he not trying to commit sudoku? I don't get it; why did he maneuver the gun that way?
Why did he do it lads?
He clearly has 1 point in agility
drop dead instantly?
To test his abilities.
Was obviously full of adrenaline and shaky, pulled the trigger while trying to turn the gun around.
sweet child
>the bard buffing his mate
he rolled 1 on dc15 robbery
The bullet actually house'd an ancient chinese medicine that allows one to gain great power but at a price,if your body isn't strong enough to survive it you die.He simply wasn't strong enough.
no it was the bullet from The Exam
the healing bullet
it just acts like it kills you first, then heals you back like Jesus
More like Europe Simulator 2030 am i right ladies
Why are white liberals so terminally retarded?
no one's gonna get that reference
>Tassadar be praised!
>Carrier has arrived.
he obviously shot himself on purpose
he even puts the gun down on the desk immediately afterwards
This makes me incredibly uncomfortable
>Ace Combat 7
IIRC this is in South Africa, nigs refused to clean, and even dirtied the streets, if anything the guy was taking the high road, I've actually worked with South Africans in a worker exchange program and they fucking HATE the blacks there
>Not "Ditto"
this one's good.
did he die?
>With money we don't has
user, please
saw the hammer then I clicked the fuck outta there but it turns out he's okay
It's russia isn't it
You must all suffer as I have
Taking the high road is useless against niggers
nothing in this image makes any sense
What show?
Who is more uncomfortable here?
Why do I remember this shit?
I hate what this fucking place has done to me.
>black """"people"""" have to be the center of attention
El Chavo del Ocho
fucking kek
lmao apple cucks really are braindead
He's in.
>Memes, memes never change.
I'd probably just stand there too, to be perfectly honest. I mean, what the fuck do you do when you're shot in the heart and have like, 10 seconds to live. Just kinda wonder where the fuck everything went so wrong.
Anyone who gets mad at this still is pretending to fit in.
I think it's a /fit/ joke about new years resolution gym goers shitting up the place.
Shut up, retarded zoomer.
This is the first time I've seen it complete.
Looks more like VIT vs DEX desu.
More like DEF vs DEX.
>all he had to do was drop-kick at the knees instead
still I would love to be in the little dudes position, just fucking jumping off a pillow
June 7, 2017 Look it up no one died.
never ending cycle of internet fights
god damn it this one always gets me
>that first clip
dude wasnt even making an attempt to brace for that kick.
How well would this work?
Terribly unless your dick is barely bigger than your finger.
>Neatly places the gun on the counter
I just don't know what went through his mind through all this
top fucking kek
put that spoiler tag on man
I could never find the original so I had to make my own.
love this one
Makes me almost nostalgic for Louisianna not really, fuck magnet schools
I get it
The cashier was his girlfriend and she left him for another guy so he shot himself in the heart to show her how much she hurt him
>had to check to see if it was real
>it is
Holy fuck.
>actually caring about capeshit
This is the future.
it's actually a great ruse
bluepilled and cucked
I don't know how the fuck poker works, what's going on here?
How the fuck does anybody know how painful any of this is if they'd be fucking dead?
Topkek, the other user is right though. You're only gonna get this if you're avidly /g/ and Yea Forums
wha'ts the joke?
>Not going Min lethality Max agony
Fucking casuals
Far superior title, and an underrated post.
I really doubt anyone who survives a shotgun blast to the head would be capable of telling you how much it hurt
>White South Africans hate blacks
For good fucking reasons. It was better off under apartheid and if it weren't for retarded bourgie liberals South Africa wouldn't be one of the most violent countries on Earth right now
this is bait
This is 10 years old already, goddamn.
>See thumbnail
Nope. Not again.
after years of recovery they could indicate non-verbally, if their ability to speak was lost
>This absolutely ridiculous, satirical video from my teenage years
duuur I was just pretending to be retarded
manlet and chink. lel
Does it disturb anyone else that they are allowed to drive on the road with other people? That part disturbs me a lot for some reason.
This one is clever. I like it.
>It's actually the person who made it and not a mirror
Jumping Jesus Christ
Why is /pol/ always right?
>implying people still post that shit
here you go, for old time's sake
Fucking classic
that is the ONLY card in the entire deck that he would've lost against, and the dealer draws it
as you can see, he had 98% chance to win, the other guy 2%, yet he lost
>trying too hard to be edgy
Who says autism is only found in boys.
Do you reveal your hands before the 5th river card is revealed?
Possibly survivors. I'm not sure what this is based on but I would assume that people with enough insight and knowledge of how the brain works, and the central nervous system, could theorize if you'd be "knocked out" quicker. Like explosives -- I imagine the shockwave would just feel like a mighty force moving your body. Though I suppose that depends on how close you are to the actual explosion itself.
fucking love water dogs
serves that chlamydia ridden sack of shit right
the guy was still in idiot
no matter how many times he tries to clean up, the niggers are going to mess it up again
the only thing you can do is get rid of the niggers
He's picking on me. For no reason.
Gosh would a person really do that? Just insult strangers on the internet for no reason?
You do if all the remaining players 'all in'.
same desu
nice projection loverboy
Misinformation, CLEARLY, 9 of hearts was still in play.
Fake and gay explanation.
Reminds me of the part where Mista fires the bullet back at Sale and he just sits there
9 of hearts would have given the other guy a hearts flush you fucking idiot
9 of hearts would have given a flush retard
holy shit, what's with the urgency? this
probabaly scarred the kids more than if they'd just let it fully deflate. looks like it was taken out by the CIA or some shit
the person inside would get hurt if they didn't get them out asap
Perhaps his butt hurts?
>the future of Yea Forums
If you're that worried about it, get off the internet and go see the goddamn movie.
>caring about capeshit
why would you throw yourself at the absolute unit and not punch him in the face? that ain't fighting
point is that he fucked off immediately from the desk before the camera even cuts back
FO3 is zoomer you absolute retard
It would be comfier if it had a green colour instead.
Red just makes me annoyed because fuck you game nothing is blocking the placement of that building why am I not allowed to build there.
You're so special user, I bet you're really smart too
Never use that word again you blind donkey
>be a fat piece of shit
>crawl up on land
>cant even move
>can only wobble
>walk up to the dominant species holding a deadly weapon
How did seals survive natural selection for this long?
What is the story here
Is this by the dude who slowly went Insane?
Based chavo poster
See those walls? It's an enclosure
ive seen this meme probably a thousand times past decade
i still dont get it
is that a fucking slinky
I think this might be from The Onion - if you look at the tiny logo at the end of each op-ed, I think that's The Onion's logo. Still funny though.
I thought you weren't meant to go near seals because they can be aggressive and dangerous. I wonder why this one isn't.
You're the retard for not recognizing such an obvious shitpost
>handing out premium (You)s
honeycombed layered paper, carved into a bust
Listen to the album
>why am I not allowed to build there
Because there is another building placed there already.
they forgot to mention the koala most likely mauled 12 people and tore through a bulldozer right after the picture was taken
See , it's an animal brought up in captivity, or at least having interacted with humans often before
>Retarded underage soulsfags can't meme
Checks out.
this nigga gets it
>the girl tho
burn the entire state to the ground
>not knowing when your mates are giving you a defense buff
must suck being alone all the time
Which one? Tell me
Plus you can see the table shake slightly after it draws
it also looks like its a lake seal, they have no natural predators so they're more chill than most seals
>Self-immolation with highest pain
>This motherfucker schools everyone in how to protest correctly
holy kek the two guys wears the same jacket and shirt as CIA
That's the problem with fighting while trying not to hurt the other person
some dude with schitzophrenia kept painting cats as his illness got worse
There was another similar thing where a an old man with Alzheimers did a self portrait every year but its less interesting and more sad.
Well do you or did you live in a commie block ?
Jesus kek
not him but i did and some of them are actually better built than current housing scams
i thought reptiles laid eggs but looks like there is always exceptions
That's like the twilight zone episode of the martian and Juptopian.
From what?
cause if he grabs you or gets one punch in youre fucked, even if it isn't the head
That shit is heavy when deflated.
nice filename dickweed
Reminder that social justice was invented by a christian priest.
All the worst shit about liberals is christianity.
I tried this once.
Save yourselves the long term hassle and just buy a penetrable.
Viral marketing?
>I am retarded, hurr durr
>lmao what a retard
>I was only pretending tho
This shit only works when you pretend to have retarded beliefs, like pretending to be /pol/ or one of /pol/'s nonexistent boogiemen.
>j-just pretending
go back
Because it's a meme video bordering on fetish shit.
They aren't fighting any more than Billy Herrington RIP vs jabroni.
what game?
sauce me up mate
>Simpsons filenames
That really takes me back.
I don't get it. Is it some play on "diss record" sounding a bit like "Discord"? I'm guessing not, it's probably something else. I don't get it anyway.
>Most not even bothering to ask for context
based literal boomer
>all the wrong in that image
The filename isn't funny and doesn't clear anything up
Firstly, 100 calories of broccoli is probably quite a lot of broccoli.
Secondly, broccoli is not a good source of essential amino acids. Pic related.
how much brocolli do I have to consume for 100 kCal
It does if you notice the connection between the words and speedrunning
Just look up what speedrunning is for fuck's sake
>mfw i'm listening to the album right now
>Use stealth belts
>WoOoOoW why can't I hit anything snail
Try to say "I will never make this record" in an exaggerated Italian accent in your head.
Then ponder if your sustained existence is worth the resources.
Only true Yea Forumsbros will get it
you're not supposed to fuck with em, but even if you're scuba diving they'll come play with you. most warnings like that are for retards who'll get bit by being an idiot with a well trained domestic dog then cry how it isnt their fault.
needs name
>Secondly, broccoli is not a good source of essential amino acids. Pic related.
Your pic says the opposite. The variation is small and distribution isn't too far from optimal.
If you divide provided by required, you get ratios from barely below 50% to barely above 100% for the chosen arbitrary portion size, meaning two portions meet almost all the requirements.
And even then, only fucking retards expect one food to meet whole food requirement.
If someone shot down a food item because you can't eat only it 100% of the time, everyone would call him a retard. It's no less retarded to expect one food item to satisfy whole subgroups, like proteins, vitamins or fats.
Why not just get tires for feet and skip the middle man?
>Taunting after every kill
No it doesn't, you just want replies.
You're saving and posting murder videos just because you're starting for anonymous attention.
Fallout 3 is zoomercore you fag
>Your pic says the opposite.
bitch, it's literally less than half in the first one and it's even worse from there, look at leucine. and this is not counting the fact, that you need NINE CUPS OF BROCCOLI just to get to that level.
> It's no less retarded
tell that to the original picture creator
I remember seeing one once where a woman missing a forearm, who was an artist, designed a prosthetic tentacle arm for giggles. I wish people did wacky stuff like that more often. The weird ostrich legs paraplegic runners use is kinda funny to me despite being functional.
user, that video is old as fuck. Everyones seen it at least two or three times by now. I know edgy, I think he was being sincere.
sure thing fag
this one needs a name aswell
>it's literally less than half in the first one
Nigger, learn to ratios
Broccoli is mostly water, fiber and protein meaning it fits with pretty much any macros.
Goalposts: moved
I wish I could be this excited about something
That's pretty funny.
>Goalposts: moved
you moved them in the first place. the original comparison is how much of a fucking broccoli you have to eat to get the same amount of amino acids, and that's true. you have to eat a shit fucking load. i love broccoli, it's a great thing, but that's the truth, and this original "hurr 100 callories is so good for you" is complete bullshit. it doesn't even get the data right anyway, since 100 cals of steak has more protein than 100 cals of broccoli.
>”I will never make-a this record”
Don’t worry I’m dumb too
>it doesn't even get the data right anyway, since 100 cals of steak has more protein than 100 cals of broccoli.
That's a misleading meme. Some steaks have more proteins per 100 kcal than broccoli, but that's certainly not the rule.
>That's a misleading meme
source it then
The fact that its an inflatable suit also means its an airtight suit. The guy will suffocate if they don't get him out.
>silly party and sensible party
>why won't you die?
When someone told me the other day that vegans weren't pushy assholes I wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt. But just now I realized I never see this but with omnivores. It's only vegans posting this kinda stuff.
i don't get it
lost hard
If they try to tell you that again, point them towards Extinction Rebellion and the majority of their members
more like >relying on autosaves only
this is like some metaphor for the male brain vs femininity
I'm afraid to ask almost, what is Extinction Rebellion?
I like how he's staring at it for a full minute
this is the stupidest shit
The faggots who shat up transport all across London for three days recently just to get attention
Eco protesters, basically
It's literally 2 guys doing this, vast majority of vegans are all
>m'fellow human, I respect your choices
I know because I'm one of the two and the other one only baits in /ck/
>1 point in perception
Sweet sea sausage
Nigger, extinction rebellion was actually criticized for not advocating veganism.
It's Game of Life, a mathematical simulation.
>guy wants to keep his shared space clean
>is a retard
They don't have any predators on land since the only thing on land are penguins and they can swim pretty fast
While true, the paintings are out of order. He did some of the kaleidoscopic ones way before his schizophrenia became apparent, and some of the regular ones after he went nuts.
>ds crystal sword
>Look it up
Weird, everyone I've seen talking about them was advocating it
Must have stopped paying attention before the complaints started
If he was smart he'd be dealing with the source of the problem in a more lasting fashion.
No, he's a retard because he keeps cleaning while niggers keep nigging.
He does more work than they do.
He probably naively thinks that they will get moved by his compassion or some shit.
t and f are dangerously similar
Getting shot in the chest won't kill you instantly, still takes a while to actually die, especially if you didn't hit the heart or any major arteries.
What the hell was that guy's problem?
Pretending two "uncool" political groups is one of the oldest political tricks in existence.
That way you can get golems who only hate one of the groups to hate the other.
It was used to kill the wall street protests.
Based black man has no time for idiots! In all seriousness it's probably fake anyway, I'm guessing the 3 usernames are theirs
>difficulty options
top tier bait right here
I forget, what's the system?
From looking I think it's:
>Empty w/ anything more than 1 near -> become alive
>Alive w/ 0 - 1 -> die
>Alive w/ 2 - 4 -> stay alive
>Alive w/ 5 or more -> die
God I wish that were me.
fuck wh*te parasites for killing these things
>prop hunt
not the camerman's?
lmaoing outloud
No wait hang on, I think empty have to have 3 exactly
t. zoom zoom
based Lord Buckethead
>that disgusted look on the face of all those normalfag politicians
What about the fucking Eskimos? They've been doing it for centuries and they're still doing it today.
>That's right!
>Because broccoli is heavier than meat!
difference is that eskimos are actual people with souls, unlike wh*tes. and do it to fucking live instead of keeping their orwellian consumerist animal farms running.
>Then she went home and cuddled with her new bf who will comfort her through the trama.
Cucked all the way to the grave.
I thought things like this only happened in movies
fucking lol
does it need to have context?
Because stairs?
What, suicide?
Of course the one on the left, I would be pleased to be on the site of the right one
>Father kills everyone with poor ventilation
>Wants to sue the city
Fucking niggers
I had dream like this once. Had my arms really hard to get airborne. Twas a fantastic dream.
Is this one of those filenames that is so utterly shit that it's impossible to get the bad joke if you actually have a proper sense of humor and are not retarded enough to think it's actually funny?
You'll be white your whole life :^)
>seven hundred people died
A start
Haha racism, haha
He fell off his chair. You can see the table shake when the card is revealed.
What's the deal with spics and the Simpsons?
>tomb of the giants
It's in the US
Don't fuckin post that SJW CUCk
something something chompski?
>seething nigger kys
this made me sad for the penguin
You're all just jealous you'll never feel this much joy.
It's a wonderful place
>keep it vidya related
why did this fucking break me
this is the dumbest thing in this entire thread
>Villain joins your party
On the edge...
without context i can only conclude this was drawn by a madman
It's a /fit/ meme. There's a whole bunch of these comics.
Humans aren't native to Antarctica (unless you ask /x/) and seals have literally zero reason to fear us. In fact seals usually don't give a single shit if you approach them.
>retarded reddit refugee doesn't know how to greentext
>thought it was fake
>looked it up
>its real
That's not how you greentext ese
funny but not vidya
top kek
It feels like Déjà vu