>first vidya you ever played
>year you were born
Share your story, user.
First vidya you ever played
Duck Hunt
Pokemon Blue
Tetris for Gameboy and Kirby's Dreamland. My dad got me both of these games for my birthday.
The NES port of the Donkey Kong arcade game. Magical moment, even with my 3 years I faintly remember being blown away by the fact that pushing buttons can make something move on the TV.
Sonic CD
Crash bandicoot
I'm not sure if it's the very first game I ever played but the earliest gaming memory I have is Megman X4.
Guess I was maybe 5 or something? Babysitter was watching me play and was shocked when someone in the game said "Damnit".
>Born 84
>Very first game
Letter invaders on an old monochrome computer. I don't know if the game exists today. Letters would fall from the top of the screen and you'd have to press the right key to destroy them. Was a basic typing tutor style game.
>Game I remember the most
It was a CGA DOS game. With the magenta and cyan graphics and whatnot. I've been looking for it for decades but I don't know what it was. I called it The Penguin Game because I think a penguin character was in it. It was either a typing tutor or a math tutor. Something like that. And as you completed a stage, you'd see a very basic CGA cityscape and the cityscape would grow taller, as if your work was helping to build the city. Seeing that cityscape get taller was really exciting for me as a little kid.
I played it all the time when I was like 5 or something. So my memories are extremely spotty and that's all I can remember. I don't even remember what the gameplay was like. Just that it was CGA, a penguin was a character, and it was some type of learning game.
I've scoured every single abandonware site trying to find it but no luck. Zero idea what it could have been.
Super Mario World
I grew up with a hand me down SNES and Gameboy, and got an N64 when I was 6 or something so although I'm in the same generation that got the PS2 as their first console most of my formative years were spent with 8bit and 16bit games.
>wave race n64
The Ignition Factor
I remember this game being super difficult and me playing for hours. But I recently watched footage and it looks so straight forward and piss easy.
Have you considered making a thread on /vr/ about it? Finally finding that elusive childhood game is such an amazing feeling, I hope you can find it some time, user.
Super Mario Land
Sonic 1
Don't have much of a story to tell. It was the only game I had to play for a while. Then my sister ruined the Genesis by pouring sugar in it since she was a stupid kid. I got a N64 a year or so later.
1993, Sonic 1 (probably)
Why so many old faggots on Yea Forums?
Sonic adventure.
The second game i owned was Namco museum but that would be multiple games i guess.
>Age of Empires
You should see /o/ if that surprises you and the 92 year old car collector, or the 60-80 year old pilots from /n/.
Brood war.
I didn't even know the cheat codes, I just used the campaign editor and got my ass handed to me repeatedly until I figured out that you could attack without reaching 200 supply and researching everything.
>Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Mario 64 is the first game I owned, definitely played shit before that. But I can't remember any of it. Still love that game
Halo 3
Kirby Super Star
SW Dark Forces
It was only the demo and I didn't even know wtf should I do in it but i sure had fun
Manic Miner (I think). It's the first game I remember playing.
1996 mortal kombat 4 and duke nukem 64
I think my very first vidya was a pirated Genesis cartridge that included 4 games in one. It included Spiderman vs the Kingpin, Donald duck quackshot, a tiny toons game and a racing game which name I cannot remember. Any of those could be the first videogame in played but I'm not sure which.
So based on this pic and your main childhood era, are y'all Gen X, Millennial, or Zoomer? I'm a based Zoomer (born 98).
Star fox 64
I played it when I was 4 or 3, the only thing i remember from that is the first part of corneria
>the Gargoyles game for the genesis
I grew up pretty poor and the genesis and its games were a freebie from a family friend, gargoyles was the first thing I played because I liked the cartoon