There are literal multiversal gods who have power of the space time continuum, all sorts of strange technologies and all sorts of freaky cool shit; yet the fans and artist are consumed with "cunny" and lolis. It honestly pisses me off.
I feel alone within the fanbase, because everyone just wants girls to fap to
Is the Diseaga series worth getting into or is it Neptunia tier?
Connor Powell
I love cunny
Chase Turner
depends, it started out ok.... The branch games in the same universe, Makai Kingdom and Phantom Brave are top tier, but I would play the remakes instead of the originals because there is added content and mechanics that make the game more fun.
Disgaea itself is great, but you should play them in order because better mechanics were added, and there is a certain in universe story and references... Here's the order >rhapsody >la pucelle >disgaea 1 there is a remake coming soon >phantom brave >makai kingdom >disgaea 2 >prinny can I be the hero >disgaea 3 >prinny can I be the hero 2 >zettai hero project >disgaea 4 >disgaea d2 >disgaea 5
Nobody, and I mean literally nobody, who plays this series has ever had a negative viewpoint of the lolis so much so that it'd turn them off from playing them. Either you're in for the grindfest or you're a actual lolicon who is playing with one hand.
Ian Scott
it's just that it's a shame the cool shit is being underutilized and we have more dumb bitches in games.
When was valvolga's last appearance?? Zettai hero project, and a ship was modeled after him in 4. I mean common!
They can't put 100% of their IP's in every single one of their games, especially in Disgaea, which is already overloaded with content. Personally I wish the World Eaters had more references, but drawing one or two lolis is dramatically easier and cheaper to handle. Especially when Harada draws one body type.
5 was PRIME for that. Supposedly netherworlds were being destroyed. I pictured some lovcrafian horrors smacking overlords upside their heads, but no, it was fucking loli and some dude obsessed with his sister.
That game was prime for freaks monsters and kaiju fights, but instead we got a lack luster cast who weren't depicted as overlords were set up in games past.
Overlords are literal fucking gods, not kings or a bullshit rpg cast.
Albeit this was thousands of years ago, where the fuck was Zetta, Valvolga, and Babylon; if they were in game they would have kicked main villian's ass.
Bablyon was mentioned in an in game line, and Zetta was dlc.
I honestly, for the life of me, cannot comprehend why Disgaea has yet to produce a game that simply has every generic in the series and/or most, if not all of the main and side characters from the franchise in it. It's not like these fucking 256x256 sprites are eating up copious amounts of disc space. Is it exclusively the voice acting?
Robert Lopez
He made the cutest fucking OC ever
I'm severely upset that we'll never get him to work with Atlus and just make a bread and butter RPG featuring adorable generics on a generic adventure.