So in the end, which are the best 2D and 3D games of Sonic?

So in the end, which are the best 2D and 3D games of Sonic?
Story wise
Gameplay wise
Overall Fun

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Adventure 2 and colors

>He said 'in the end' in his OP

Sonic was his best when they embraced anime styled stories so Adventure 1 and 2 and not the overly serious stuff where he fights the literal not literal anti christ or lean too far into the saturday morning cartoon angle war whatever

Adventure 1 and Battle on the GBA for me

This, modded sa1 is best sonic game

>It doesn't even matter

I wish I could play through SA1 and SA2. The hub in SA1 is fucking garbage, and playing as everyone else is boring as fuck.

I'd say Colors is probably the """best""" 3D Sonic in that it's not really outright bad. It's just okay. A little safe. It looks great for a Wii game though and they manage to stick to one fucking style for an entire game.

Any hope that forces killed the boost style for a few years?

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>colors fags
Colors is literally as shit as Forces is. Everything you can criticize Forces for you can also criticise Colors for.

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>06 story was kinda cool. Best villain at least.
>Unironically 06 Shadow has the best gameplay in the series. Sonic was to repetitive and I don't believe they finished Silver.
>Generations is the most dumb fun.

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All Sonic games are utter shit and I'm glad he will be nothing more than a laughing stock soon. Fuck autists, fuck furries, and fuck Sonic.

>now what happens I will never give up the fight

Now making use of this thread I'll also add the question. Who are the best VAs? I sincerely liked Jason for both Sonic and Shadow, way better than what we have now, Kirk sounds some Dracula wannabe.

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Jason is Shadow, but Modern Sonic's voice fits the character better.

David was the best voice for Shadow, but I think I like Jason and Roger equally for Shadow.
Tails has only gotten a good voice recently.
Knuckles has always had a good voice.
Mike Pollock IS Eggman, no disrespect to Deem Bristow.



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Ah yes, back in Adventure 2 when they didn't make it overly serious. Remember when the military shot a little girl suffering from AIDS to cover up a government conspiracy? That was so whimsical.

Rush and Rush Adventure for plot
Advance and Mania for gameplay
Rush Adventure and Mania for overall fun
Unleashed Xbox 360 and Adventure 2 for gameplay
Unleashed Wii and Adventure 2 for gameplay
Generations and Adventure 2 for overall fun

Shadow the hedgehog
Sonic 06
unholy abomination at the center of the earth in unleashed
most of forces

At the most that was drama that added to the game and then gerald going nuclear. Damn it I'm bias. shut up.

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Even Colors' stages are more interesting than Forces despite being a watered-down Unleashed/Generations. There's also not a shitty half-assed Classic Sonic or build-a-Sonic to sift through.

Unpopular option, sonic heroes is good, shadow the hedgehog is alright and it's sonic adventure 3. Sonic 06 is alot like ET 2600, over hated definitely not the worst game ever made like people back in the day said. Sonic 3 and knuckles is the only 2D sonic game worth playing


Sonic the Hedgehog 3 on its own is good enough. It's a good game. It doesn't need the expansion. Its just bloat and filler. You're only missing out on the "plot", which doesn't even really matter all that much.

Sonic & Knuckles is a weak game. Its a weaker game on its own and its the weaker half when playing Complete. The levels suck dick. The only good one is Flying Battery Zone. Every other zone sucks dick. Lava Reef sucks dick, Sandopolis sucks dick, all of it. I seriously can't believe a basic ass level such as Mushroom Hill was going to be the original "midgame" point of Sonic 3, its a fucking joke.

>b-but muh Carnival Zone is ass

No, its not. You are literally brain deficient if you couldnt figure out the drum controls. Its a pleb filter. Its the longest level in the game and it is unique in that sense, because you have to navigate a bunch of shit while still having time for the boss. Also, every single track in 3 is god tier. The music goes to shit once you get to the Knuckles half. More isn't always better. Quality and consistency trumps having a dumb le epic journey stretching across a ton of levels. This isnt the fucking 90s anymore where youre some poorfag kid renting shit shit from Blockbuster and trying to make the most out of each hour sunk into it. Accept that the game was cut in half and they phoned in the 2nd part.

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mania and colors

Mania and adventure 2
This cannot be argued

>There's also not a shitty half-assed Classic Sonic
Dumbass. There's plenty of 2d sessions forced into the game just because people were asking for classic sonic again. In fact, more than half of colors is 2d.