KH3 took 6 years full time to make after people waited 13 years for it and it sold under 5m...

>KH3 took 6 years full time to make after people waited 13 years for it and it sold under 5m, less than FF9 sales which is the lowest 3D mainline FFs sales
>XV took 3 years to make full time and sold over 8.4m, higher than any other FF did in the same time period from launch and is outpacing them by 2 years too.

Nomura shills BTFO

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kh3 had an infinitely smaller budget


barry is based and so is the show

No it had a way bigger budget and way more CGI too, KH3 had 6 years AAA budget, XV had only 3 years AAA budget.

KH3 cost more than FFXV
KH3 started in 2013, it's coming in 2019, it's been in development that entire time. Actual gameplay was shown in 2013 at D23 and they ported all the content they made on luminous since 2013 to ue4 in 2014. That's still development. scenes from 2013 and gameplay segments from 2013 are in the game even if they redid them completely, that's still development.

In comparison versus had a literal CG trailer in 2006 and no actual "game" even existed until like 2010 when they started doing versus properly, even then from 2006-2012 they only had 20~ people doing shit in their spare time.

Average salary of game dev in Japan is 57k. 20x57000 = 1,140000 for 1 years dev time budget, 1,140000 x 6 years is 6,840000 for 6 years dev budget for what versus had.

XV didn't get 200 internal devs until 2014, it had 300 devs only in 2015 with 100 of those outsourced cheaply to China and an extra 100 from Malaysia/vietnam added in 2016 also all outdourced.

Their salaries are 5k a year in malaysia and 11k a year in china, and 1k-2k a year in vietnam, all less than 1/5 the average 57k salary of Japanese devs.

So even if you say 100 of them from Malaysia/vietnam were getting 5k that's only 500k budget for 1 year of them, since they were on for 1 year that's only 500k dev budget
And with the 100 at china with 11k is 1.1m in 1 year, with these chinese devs on for 2 years so that's 2.2m dev budget for that
2013 had 100 people so 100 x 57k is 5,700000
So 2014 had 200 people internal in Japan
So 2014 57k x 200 = 11, 400000 for 1 year dev budget, times that by 3 is 34,200000, add 2013 budget is 39,900000

add to that the total in 2015 and 2016 for outsourced devs is 2.7m, so the dev cost is 41m for XV. That's rough estimates but based on facts

Just for reference FF7 cost 45m dev budget

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Adding to this

Even if you were to combine any cost of versus to XVs budget (which it isnt anyway since versus costs were written off in 2012) that only makes the full dev budget around 47m from 2006 to 2016.

FF9 cost 40m dev budget
FF7 cost 45m dev budget
FF12 cost 48m dev budget
FFXV cost 41m dev budget, plus 6.8m for versus for 47m dev budget combined

XV sold 6m in 1 month a full $60 so it made $360,000000 in its first month, covering any dev costs easily including versus. We also know for a fact that the budget for XV was nowhere near as high GTA/Destiny level which was confirmed by tabata.

Now look at KH3, 2013 to 2019, even if we say it's just 5 years full time with 100 devs that still has it at 57k x 200 devs that still puts KH3 dev budget in the 50m range.

Even if you were to go into advertising budget it still has KH3 having more because of those concerts, KH2.8/0.2, backcover, bunch of new CG stuff, a billion trailers, the May event, skrillex and utada, far more billboard posters and signs, way more tv commercials, etc

kh shill are you OK?

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>Barry has been making KH3 hate threads all day
Imagine being barry

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That is NPD so only the US not worldwide, it's also only talking about dollar sales which were all primarily from launch, not units sold. Fuck even KH shill sites have to spin their shit to make it look more successful than it is. KH3 stopped selling in February.

Nice to see you KH shills still spout your boogeyman.

KH1 sold over 6m
KH3 is still under 5m sold, that headline is bullshit

>Barry thinks KH3 failed.

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friendly reminder that...
>kino hearts 3 is the best-selling game this year
>ffxv is an enormous flop that lost $33 million, got tabata fired, and got cancelled before it could be finished
>nomura is going to make the real ffxv, verum rex, and it will be a massive critical and commercial success
the absolute state of xv-kun.

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>XV took 3 years to make

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I can't believe Barry unironically fucking obliterated all of the nomurababbies itt

this doesn't matter

Barry is so fucking based

KH3 did fail
Random articles that only talk about NPD only which is not worldwide is literally nothing

I mean, probably? Not OP but surely the final product is the result of the third or fourth reset.

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>Barry responding to himself ITT

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KH3 is not the best selling game of the year, it only had the highest dollar sales at launch in the US because of all the special editions it had which add to dollar sales count, not unit sales
FFXV made over $360m during launch while KH3 didn't, and XV didn't lose any money nor was that 33m anything to do with XV, it was only for Luminous Productions in April 2018 onward and nothing from before that, meanwhile the XV mobile game made 30m in November alone and over 300m in 2018 which recouped any Luminous Productions loss instantly anyway. and tabata left on his own to start his own company which he already did, and even hasegawa from kh1/kh2 joined his new company. XV already came out in 2016 and got better reviews and sold more than kh3, while only the bonus 2nd round of non canon alt timeline DLC from 2019 was cancelled while the canon prequel 2019 DLC released already, meanwhile KH3 is full of cut content, cut critical, has to finish itself with gaps explaining shit like how xion came back through an overpriced dlc, cancelled kh0.5 and made 0.2 instead which were cut from KH3 itself, cancelled the KH cartoon
meanwhile rectum cux isnt even a real game its just some retarded shit only inside gay KH, and now hamaguchi took over as codirector on ff7r because nomura is so incompetent
The absolute state of KH kun

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It started on Luminous in 2013 and came out in 2016.

>kh shill has to post open critic which doesnt have all the reviews because metacritic btfo him

Fuck off, Barry.

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More like you are spamming your boogeyman meme again because everyone hates kh3

Cope KH turd.

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>because everyone hates kh3
Only you're autistic enough to keep making KH3 hate threads when most people who do dislike it just call it cringe and move on to playing literally anything else.

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But you're the only one autistic enough to defend KH3 while spouting some boogeyman. Funny you post jobhan one of the worst DBZ characters.

Either barry,retarded, or just that fucking new

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[email protected]
ar***** (aranea)
You want to keep motivating me Barry?

Just fucking do it, that retard isn't going to learn any other way.
Reminder its been 6 YEARS

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Do what? Figure out the exact hotmail address? That's just what I figured out with a minute or two so far.
I guess I could keep digging but whatever. Others can do it if they're even more annoyed than I am.
His email is the one and he has an alt at hotmail.