UNIST Thread

Time to rock

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Pass is vee
Will be too busy to watch KSB this weekend

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sry you two i only had time for one game.

I was just about to ask

yeah my friend wanted to duo on league. i just needed something to do until then

so uh this happened earlier today. first 2 I got washed hard, 3rd time i somewhat held my own.

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I'm going to miss the golden week sale, how long till this goes on sale again?

What's the lowdown on Seth

May 7th IIRC
Wait what

What am I supposed to be seeing here

how many people in lobby?

I bought this game very recently and am still trying to pick a main

I'm deciding between Orie and Seth

Hes an old school pro tekken and soul caliber player. hes a top 5 tekken guy as well

Ah, well there goes my complete unawareness of tekken showing.
I think Blue here killed Floe once upon a time.

Any Waldsteins or Merkava's join these lobbies?

Fucking hell, that's a win quote I've never seen before. Seth has two lines against Hyde, I never would have fucking guessed.
He's about disorienting the enemy with a shitton of cross-ups, fast movement, delayed projectile pressure, and if you're good enough unblockables.

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We've got two Merkava players while some people here sub Waldstein, at least for PS.

What hotels are you guys using for EVO? I'm looking at Excalibur but this flickering light is making it complicated for me.

My group is still deciding but we did stay at the Excalibur last year.

there's a couple of walds on pc, but they dont show up very often, but theyre really good

I see, I was considering maining one of them. Didnt realize they were hardly played in these lobbies.

kw: pclobby

I'm going to skip or close the lobby later when KSB is streamed, unless I got my times wrong.

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How was it? From what I've seen it looks nice and the walk distance is also good.

Pretty nice, had a decent buffet and there's interior walkways and a tram to get to Mandalay Bay.

Can't believe I dropped two easy confirms for the kill.

One of the Merkavas was a daily regular before his job got in the way, so the "merk" position was just recently open if you care about that sort of thing.
We had a lot of Walds back during EVO announcement hype where some Wald players came back but they haven't returned.

I guess I'm asking if you guys think it will go on sale during spring sale on steam

Cool, thanks for the info.

Oh, the orie player left


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All these colors and only 1 green

Time to get in some matches.

As an aside, do any of you listen to your own music while playing or is game OST good enough for ya?

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Meant to put in the post, I think I'm gonna give listening to music different from the game a go to see how it affects my performance.

In-game sound actually helps me time my delays better so I tend to avoid external sound when I'm fighting seriously.

I could see that being an issue if you've already burned the game's OST into your brain to that point.

It's been going on sale pretty consistently, same price usually too (20% off).

More about hearing the character's voicelines to help me actually.

Ah that's what you mean. I was referring more to the background music.

Sound queues are certainly important.

What a time to forget that 623A puddle is a low


My English is certainly off today.

I listened to the song in my title card when I was dueling Sairoux for escape from dark blue, but even when I listen to other music I like to be able to hear ingame sound effects so I don't wear headphones.

someday I'll fight you guys

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one of these days we're just going to have an entire lobby full of linne

I like to listen to my own songs but not having game audio will fuck with your play, humans react faster to sound than sight.

That Seth looks really cool.

this game is making me want to throw my controller through a window when buttons dont work

Actually I play eltnum currently

>this OST you picked for our duel
Pretty rocking. Do Kiseki games have the same composers as Ys? Those are the most games I've played from Falcom myself. Still need to get back on track to playing TitS eventually.

We could use more elts, looking forward to seeing you around

Friends want to play some kusoj. Sorry for not staying later and good games tonight everyone

A few more people seemed to have left too.

I think I'm actually gonna bench Vatista for a bit. I've been legitimately mad playing her lately which never happens to me in videogames period, much less a relatively chill game like unist.

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That's me. Every time I drop a combo, misinput, or mistime my traps.

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if im gonna just fuck up all my shit tonight, id rather do it with gordeau rather than wagner. maybe will make me less angry

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Does PS3 & PS4 gave crossplay? I want to play with you guys, but almost nobody here plays on PC.



Yes. One of our best players used to play on ps3 only so he could dodge having to pay for ps+


PS3/4 have crossplay, but there have also been regular PC lobbies every thread since the Evo announcement so get the PC version if that's your preferred platform.

Falcom sound team does the music for all their games and they have multiple different composers. There's been some staff turnover over theyears for in house music staff, but the guy who composed Azure Arbitrator is still there. He composed Sunshine Coastline from Ys VIII for example.

Been months since I've fought icekin.
Time to see if I've improved at all when it's my turn

Cool. Guess I'll have to get on that game soon as well since I just picked it off Golden Week sale on Switch. Falcom games are all pretty fun adventures.

She's just a ton of work like all the time so UNI becomes like super serious business whenever I play her.

He certainly has rushdown plays down alongside proper CS timing on my mistakes, haha. Great stuff.

>||On switch||
I'm sorry you have to deal with that performance

On the plus side, I think it's less buggy than PC is (was? not sure if they've patched it out).

I swear I saw a third purple in the pclobby for a second.

>that perfecto


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The PC version is still a little bit fucky but it's been improved a lot. YMMV but you'll at least have a chance at good performance with the PC version.

>got UNIST while it’s on sale
>trying out Merkava and Waldstein since they were the two that interested me the most
>end up coming online with Akatsuki and absolutely destroying. Never had such an easy time with combos

I think I’ve found my main and it’s the character I least expected, but he is fun as fuck

This is why I'll learn Hyde soonâ„¢, I think his blockstrings are just autopilot that easily convert into combo on hit, and I can just press my buttons 1 2 3. Bonus points getting chances to mash the DP button liberally.

Didn't feel real.

Akatsuki absolutely destroys shitters because his close-range frame data is a bit obscene.

It's all fun and games until people wise up and learn that all they need to do is hold down back.

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Nice zoning in that one JK. Definitely got me second guessing my plays and throwing myself into your stuff.

I'm just happy I finally got a win off you.

i dont know what im doing anymore

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Who are you playing and what are you struggling against?

I already have to deal with that, I'll just have a more comfy time with Hyde :^)

wagner, and struggling with not being retarted and how the fuck do you get out of being zoned cause i cant dashblock for absolute shit

>that return perfecto

>214x > CS > grab
This bitch is fucking dirty

Practice dashblocking then.
Use button dash

Hnnnggg. At least I avoided the double P, hahaha.

If you have shield buff, you can 214[B] through a lot of stuff when getting zoned.
If you don't, FF will break projectiles.

Was about to say, this would be the time for phrumpf to be here to see icekin play.

GGs all. Might be gone for a while after this week but I'll try to keep practicing.

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I should go to bed actually.


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Farm some green squares, I'm sure they'll be around during the weekend.

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GGs m8. Best of luck on that training!

Stay for one match

I've found my new victory condition. You gotta pick Mika's song, and if you can survive until the classical music hits, today's a victory. There aren't a whole lotta victories.

Oh well, at least I went even.

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Got UNIST a couple of days ago thanks to you anons who recommended it. Played for 6 hours straight, had a blast and all i wanna do is get back at it.

Thanks anons this shit is cash money

Glad to know you're having a ball
Come fight us sometime

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I couldn't even do it. I'm eating ice cream, because today is now a bad day.

>Huolite got a yellow square
Nice. Congrats m8!

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lol the game usually just puts you in yellow by default once you're out of white

Huh I didn't know that, interesting. As far back as I can remember I started out as dark blue but maybe I just lost alot to get down there.

Thanks dude, I bet it means something good.
And here I was excited. Yellow can't be good, I've never won.

Yellow is in the middle of the road as far as ranks go.

It goes:

Light Blue > Dark Blue > Green > Yellow > Orange > Red/Pink > Purple IIRC.

ggs pc bros

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GGs brah.

Bye Lizard bro.

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So is it just that I've been getting slapped by pinks so long it thinks I'm good? Am I the rabbit hanging out in the Lion's corner?

>kanji at the bottom mean weak and strong

I cannot fucking stand how long it takes in lobbies between turns. its so god damn long to wait

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>no CVO IW finish
I'm feel abit sad now losing that one, hahaha.

Damn, everyone I know wants to play Monster Hunter right now, but it's the UNIST hour. How do I tell my friends I'm betraying them for anons?


Which Monster Hunter?
If it's not FU/3U then they aren't really your friends.

Did the room explode or suddenly fill up

If they're your buddies they'll understand. Mine similarly asked me to play CSGO around the time I joined up tonight but I told them I would forgo it in favor of PS4 fighting.

Oh fuck, my connection died.
Well to be honest, I was going to end it in around 10 minutes since I need to be up early. You guys feel free to continue since there seems to be a decent amount of people left, I'll skedaddle and see you Sunday.

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You're right, they all think World's too hard as it is. I told them to buy UNIST, and they just laughed.
Yeah, where the hell'd it go?

Both maybe? I can't find it anymore either. I can make a new one if need be.


Made a new lobby

Threw up a second lobby, same pass.

Died, my connection just severed for a couple seconds.
You guys go on without me. This will be a last foreseeable early exit for the near future since I'll be done with early classes tomorrow and get my break.

Oh, thought I recognized your name Chunk, took me a bit to figure it out, you're indeed the Merk I've seen at my local streams.

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Now who do I join? Oh lordy this game gets harded by the minute.

I closed mine, thank you Sai for hosting

oh damn hey, do you go or just watch? I don't netplay much, just waiting for KVO top 16

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i just picked up the game a couple days ago, which online mode is better for finding matches, ranked or player?
i'm used to Xrd where ranked and world lobbies are totally dead and everyone just sticks to player matches

Nah, I just watched a couple of times. I've never been to a local before.

so ill just kinda rage quit there ggs pc lobby


Ranked is surprisingly okay. I do both

Anime fighters all thrive off of lobbies and they're obviously the primary way we play so it's exactly the same as GG
However, the massive influx of EVO bandwagoners have filled ranked matches on primetime and late at night before lobby time recently.

if you decide to come through feel free to say hi! I'm usually there biweekly, it's a trek for me to get there

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ggs dude. Stick with it.

Oh geeze, I'm getting Yuzu mogged real hard right now.

Dang, the punish opportunity completely flubbed. Oh well hahaha.

It's a bit of a trek for me too, I'm not sure if I'll go, it depends on my skill progression. Kind of feels like a waste of effort if I'm not good enough to do something like this. Don't know anyone to go with either.

GGs and thanks as always for the regular hosting! Til next time!

No problem!

you'll get better the more you go

Ah, shit I lost track of time. It's 2am now so I gotta dip. GGs PC dudes.

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I will, just gotta get good first.

Also does UNIST go any lower than the 20% that it is on right now?

Are you one of the guys for the romeoville local? I live only like 20 min away from it and would like to go, but I got a lot of other priorities right now. Are they still everyweek and is it alright even if I'm PC guy really?

there's plenty of friendly players at a lower skill level, and the higher dudes will always play sets. I'm in Durham but I work downtown, so I try to go after work when the stars align

That's the lowest Steam has gone down. You can go with G2A if you want cheaper keys.

I'm guessing you're playing on PS currently?

Inquiry for all you grandmaster Yuzurihas out there, are you playing on a stick? I'm a poor craftsman, and I'm looking to blame my tools.

Don't know about that, that's the problem. If I'm guaranteed to get significantly better to be able to consistently top16/32 majors, I'd probably do it. I don't want to sink so much time and money into something that I may just end up "ok" or "good" at. Realistically, some things I have aptitude for in life, and some things I don't, I don't know if UNI is something I have potential in.


Guess I'll call it a night too, so ggs everyone

why does this feel like an iceypost

Icey doesn't tend to blame his controller.

I'm not fully aware of what that is. Do you think Yuzu is fundamentally designed for fightsticks? Holding some buttons requires a PSP-level claw, and it kinda hurts.

As someone who sometimes plays yuzu and hits yuzu combos, I play on pad and feel no problems with it.

Try remapping your C button to R1 or something.

Just remap the buttons to shoulders or something. It's essentially like playing a stick then, except you use an analog instead.

You're telling me it WASN'T the tools? Shit.

Unless you're playing MK or something it's gonna be a safe assumption that everything was designed with an arcade stick/button layout in mind
Not that any of it can't be done on a pad but it's usually not going to have a few awkward quirks with the default layouts. If you're doing stuff with negative edge then remapping the main attack buttons to the shoulder buttons is probably going to make it easier

It's alright. Yuzu is just as hard on stick

>except you use an analog instead
i don't get how anyone could find an analog stick easier to use than the d-pad for fighting games

I use the analog stick for my DS4. It's just how I learned to play MVC3

They made the older-sister-type girl with a cute stomach a hard-as-balls character. Who sinned that I deserved this?

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The hard part of playing Yuzu isnt the combos
It's dealing with pressure when your best reversal option is VO and your 5 frame A moves have really bad range. Being a real yuzu god is all foosies and defense.

The collective group of waifufags from across the genre who dickpick characters and pretend to play them/suck at them but boast that they play the game.

Kept falling for the bait into your divekicks hahaha. Hope I can fix that impatience on my part next time around Dia.

I think I've dick picked most of my characters. Oh no, how am I gonna explain to my family that I play Dragunov?

You can learn defense by playing UNI at least. Learning Yuzu pressure and confirms is learning Yuzu. I don't think any other character has as much possibilities as Yuzu does in stance, and confirming off 6x is pretty disgusting.

Her b's are on the slower side, and 2b is short ranged to boot as well. Her C's are her only particularly notable poke out normals.

This game having an extreme abundance of legwear (my favorite) in all styles worked out because I can't dickpick when I like all of them.

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It's pretty crazy when you think about it.
Even winning 100% of the time in an 8 man lobby with a 3 win limit you average like what, 12 matches an hour?

I knew speccing into midriff this hard was a bad idea.

Fighting squish wasn't as suffocating as I imagined it to be.

Just make a 2nd lobby and see if anyone else is interested (Most likely, yes). I've seen it happen like every other day for PS and PC rooms.

I'm still pretty new is a rainbow skin like this real?

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It was an April Fool's joke

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Seconding this. I will happily join if you make a second lobby, as I hate waiting as well

With that alarming display of lacking skill, I'm gonna dip. Maybe my retard pals have graduated to whining about rathians by now.
Thank you for taking the time to beat on me, and sorry I'm not a better opponent.

>anons in this thread with the opportunity to become real life training partners
This shit makes me smile and hope user sticks with the game.

Don't beat yourself up over it m8. You'll get there if you're consistent with practice and showing up! I was garbage for months before I got halfway decent myself.


you gotta fail your way to success

Whew lad. That was a nice finish.

ggs everyone. Taking a nap before the lobby wa a good idea, even if I did oversleep.
It comes with time. It took a lot of beatings before I started winning against the regulars, and now I'm a pink square off of wins in the lobby. Just keep at it, that goes for both of you new guys.

GGs broski. Til next time!

>dropkick right into the IW
Welp! Hahaha.

The fuck? What is an icy post? How do I post?
I never blame anything, I only complain about Enki.

It's twenty after four. I'm going peace out. GGs.

GGs m8.Probably gonna close it at 1:30 over here anyways actually haha. Til next time!


GGs UNIST bros. Those were some pretty great fights.

Also nice back and forth there Lamp. Was fun to fight the tiebreaker in the end.


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