Is this worth playing?

Is this worth playing?
I keep seeing it posted here.

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Yes. The dungeons are blandish but the shopkeeping mechanic is fun (until it wears out the novelty)

extremely fun game
charme best girl

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Shopkeeping is actually pretty fun and the characters are charismatic. Sadly, the gameplay is pretty easy and dungeons are kinda boring. A flawed game for sure, but still somewhat enjoyable, and one that could definitely use a sequel to iron out a bit of the jank.

awesome game, 58hrs total on steam with it

actually extremely easy. there is a normal price for items. up the price like 5%. insta win the game now. you dont need to do anything else besides that to get the amount you need every week. buy armor and weapons and sell it at 5% mark up.

yeah its fuckin great

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I'll drink to that.

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OH WOW BRO, DID THEY JUST USE A INSULT? oh wow that so tops! omg I love insults so much. you KNOW its cool shit now.

Sequel where you play as Alouette making her own startup in a new city fucking when?

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MoƩ as heck. Very easy. Gets boring before it ends.

i think its short enough to finish the story without being burnt out of it but yeah didn't feel any need to keep playing afterwards

It's a very very good game
Well dungeoning can be a bit boring, but the rest of the game makes up for it

It's worth a playthrough or two, the mechanics aren't very deep but it's entertaining enough.

>9 years
What the fuck, guys, feels like it was just yesterday when it came out

>Being part of all dialogue
How horrifying.
The only thing she's good for is selling items to at 10x RRP

How have they not made a sequel yet?
Didn't it become super popular and make a ton of money when the English translation was released?

>i keep seeing this posted here
what time machine did you come from
can i go back

not at first, you'll have fun figuring out the prices for items and learning the combat and how to best utilize your adventurers and stuff
but then you realize that the game has very little to offer in regards to the dungeons which are 50% of the game and once you start getting the hang of selling things at the right price it too loses its magic
eventually it just becomes a chore without any enthralling gameplay, enemies dont get more cunning or interesting move sets, they just get more HP, DEF and ATK and maybe their color changes

it gets boring fast, once you kill your 100th roper you'll see what I mean

>He never went out of his way to make friends and unlock dialogues

i honestly dont consider that gameplay but you're right there is a fair bit of other stuff going on, it never really grabbed me obviously

>there's actually a Recettear 2
What the fuck Yea Forums? How come you never told me?

You shut your mouth with those lies.

What's going on in this thread?

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All the games from these devs are connected in someway, this is already a prequel to one of their other games I think. I played them all so long ago, I just remember a lot of references to each game.

Charme could use a good headpatting

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Will I feel like shit killing people in game

No because you can't kill anybody
Just monsters

I think it Alouette is a qt so it would be great

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I've needed something to play, and ya know what? I'm going back to finally finish it. Thanks OP

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>Charme best girl
Absolutely patrician taste

Is chantelise good?


It's alrightish, story ok, characters ok. Weak combat and the controls are pretty iffy.


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Absolutely, but always remember Buying Games 101: Wait for the next sale.
If you have made it through life so far without it, another two or three months won't kill you.

But it's already on sale for $5

That's decent. Get it.

Ecks dhee

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It's based on one of the worse economic systems, so an adamantly big no.