What does a game have to have to get this rating

What does a game have to have to get this rating.

Attached: 1200px-ESRB_2013_Adults_Only.svg.png (1200x1624, 89K)

Other urls found in this thread:

esrb.org/ratings/Synopsis.aspx?Certificate=20955&Title=Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Director's Cut: PC CD ROM
esrb.org/ratings/Synopsis.aspx?Certificate=10017814&Title=Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered

Didn’t even know it was a thing


say....the word

Characters saying "fuck" a lot.

Porn level sex scenes
You don't see it cuz no retailer outside Japan would carry any Ao games

Sadism, ultra sexual content, and PC exclusive. Consoles aren't gonna touch as n AO rating after Manhunt 2

ESRB is a fucking joke.

Most are old games that you gambled real money with, but since online gambling sites are more common and don't need to be rated they're not around as much.

Really just interactive sex and extreme cruel violence will do it, like Manhunt 2 PC and Hatred.

name ten games that are actually AO

It needs to be problematic. People who make AO games are filthy degenerates (or MEN, as I like to call them) who should be driven out of the business.

Honestly it is. If I had kids I'd rather them play Halo which has no swearing and kill colourful aliens who bleed neon coloured blood rather than Uncharted where you kill humans and Drake is swearing non-stop. Yet Halo is M and Uncharted somehow gets away with a T rating

Basically needs to be a straight up pornographic game which is why most games that would get an Ao rating are unrated PC porn games.

It's usually reserved for porn games, but Hatred and Manhunt 2 were violent enough to get it.

Well, interactive sex was a requirement.
Since the remaster of Fahrenheit got an M, I don't know.

>Adults Only: Blood, Nudity, Strong Language, Strong Sexual Content, Use of Drugs and Alcohol, Violence.
esrb.org/ratings/Synopsis.aspx?Certificate=20955&Title=Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Director's Cut: PC CD ROM

>Mature: Violence, Blood, Sexual Content, Nudity, Language.
esrb.org/ratings/Synopsis.aspx?Certificate=10017814&Title=Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered

Really makes me think.

ESRB was an industry compromise to stop government censorship, and to that end it succeeded.

Attached: s-l300.jpg (209x300, 14K)

I remember that game lol, my cousins had it and I got to see titties when I was like 11

Attached: minna.jpg (1075x1475, 141K)

>Any game that guides users in the real world application of gambling techniques, or enables a player to wager actual money, will automatically draw an Adults Only (AO) rating from the ESRB.

Can we use this to give any game with lootboxes an AO rating? It would be nice to see the shitstorm.

>AO rating
>unrated PC porn games

I think there was an old GFW Radio podcast that talks about this a bit, specifically using Halo as an example, not sure which one. I remember Shawn Elliott specifically referring to them as muppets

Just like the Film rating system, It's mostly a way for them to have power/control over a movie/game.
keep in mind that there is no concrete guidelines for what make a game AO, and the rating board doesn't have to give no explanation to why they gave a game one rating over another. Add on that all major physical game sellers won't carry or sell AO games, it gives the rating board a huge amount of leverage and control over what they want games to be, and what games they want to push.

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Realistic and graphic deciptions of people being murdered

Ironic shitposting is just shitposting.

Penis in vagina apparently. Tons of M games have tits and the word nigger said repeatedly (rockstar shit).

Oh I guess anime games on ps4 with visible panties would get AO.

idk penetration or something

Show a little ass, apparently.

Attached: 1553666174410.png (595x829, 80K)

Man that would kill Mirco transactions overnight.
Maybe GTA V can get away with it but everyone else?
No way in hell Starwars battlefront is gonna be AO

How do rockstar get away with showing tits, penis and saying nigger constantly?

Except that only the PlayStation 4 version got censored and it applied to the European market too and it was removed but only from the American version.

Exactly what said, they're not supposed to be for anything other than self-regulation just like the MPAA

>in order to appease right wing activist busybodies like Evangelical Christians and helicoper moms
This guy's still stuck in 2005 I see.

If your game is on playstation anything close to nudity is AO.

Full penetration I guess, or just show a nipple or a paper cut if you're Australian.

>liberals bring politics into everything

I hate these niggers so fucking much.

>The ESRB was established in 1994 by the Entertainment Software Association
>As of November 2018, the following companies are members of the ESA: Take-Two Interactive

>A Rated M game can’t have Ass

Not on playstation. Only if it's 2D though.

What makes a right winger a moron? left wingers support a political party who makes policies that turn societies into criminal shitholes, homelessness, slums, and let people fall into terrible self-distructive lifestyles.

They sympathize with criminals, terrorists, and even rapists. Reason? because the news they watch inluences people's opinions.

Yet they think of themselves as morally superior. When you even mention the fact that black people are a small percentage of the population yet they cover a high percentage of crimerates, you're a bad guy that needs to have his life ruined and shamed at just for bringing it up.

How do you even hold conversations with them if they are just going to act like you're a evil asshole and want to kick your ass if you bring up facts?

They might as well be all locked up in an asylum.

Sony has always been prudish about blatant sexually arousing nudity as far back as the PS2 (judging by how the Guy Game is censored on the PS2 version).

Fuck of cali shill.


Hatred got it just by being edgy.

Most games won't bother going through the ESRB if they know it's gonna get an AO rating.
That's why porn games don't bother.

Brodeo reunion never ever
F, you farmer looking motherfucker

attractive women

The witcher wasn't AO though and it had straight up sex scenes

Were interactive like in Fahrenheit?

>murder good
>sex bad

>why are you calling me a moron, fucking terrorist and rapist enabler, you should all go into a mental asylum
This rating system wasn't implemented due to trannies being concerned that there aren't enough fags in video games but pseudo-conservative puritan watchdog groups who demonize fun

> stop government censorship
> support corporate censorship

"the market says that adult games don't sell, so we don't make 'em!"
> but no adult games have really been made to have a market and when they are made and released, no retailer will carry them or advertisements shown for them

Leisure Suit Larry: Love for Sail was a great adventure game, the "adult" content is hilariously overhyped.

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I sell propane

Except that GOG.com, GamersGate and Steam will stock them. And MangaGamer still sells decently.

Love for Sail was never rated AO.

>Love for Sail was never rated AO.
Because the censors never found the hidden full-nude scenes.

They had one a few years ago, I think they did it over Skype.
You don't think there'll ever be another one?

It was just frontal nudity. Even that sex scene of Larry with Captain Thigh wasn't that explicit.

I got 3 day bans for saying n*gger on Yea Forums
Fuck jannies, jesus

What year is it? Censorship from Christfags hasn't been a thing since the Bush era. These days the only calls to censorship I see is coming from trannies and feminists.

Elliot's a company man now, buried deep within Arkanes anus.
Bobbito proved his uncle right and is making for a great daddy, but other than that it's a life well wasted not do video game shit
Black Dragon, as Jeff Green goes by now, is content asleep his massive peggle-prong and bejeweled gem horde
Ryan Scott said it with some balls so hard his neck ruptured and his head fell off.
Anthony fully embraced being a disciple of nurgle after Nacho Libre failed.

Post link to Skype episode?

Here you go, friend. Hopefully it still works.

Wait a minute, that wasn't even the one I was talking about, there was one from 2012. I looked a bit more and found EVERY episode on archive.org. I linked to the one I was originally talking about.

myerstwitter leave!

Ah nuts, I was hoping you were talking about a more recent one. Guess I'll relisten to them tho, thank

I forgot this had the dramatic readings of the shitpant anime forums. Bless jeff


Good. You might actually have to use your brain and evoke use of the English vernacular instead of saying "n-n**g(a) " every other fucking sentence like they do.