2019... I am Forgotten. Betrayed. Ruined. Dead.
2019... I am Forgotten. Betrayed. Ruined. Dead
One fucking job, take the best parts of the previous games and combine them.
One fucking job.
God how'd they fuck up so badly.
It needed my boy.
I actually liked the squad mechanics in DoW II and boy was I fucking disappointed to learn that the only cover in DoW III were those retarded capture domes
so, how's the game now? did they at least added Modding Support for some well intended gentleman fix this massive fuckup?
I can't believe they signed off on an adaptation of an active tabletop game
Those space hulk ones don't count
I hope it sells a jillion units and they do killteam next
Then all figures come with a digital code like toys to life
No idea since Relic abandon it two years.
>Won Soulstorm
>Some how he had to follow another warboss to take a pointy stick.
What were they thinking?
All I ever wanted was an improved Dawn of War game.
And with the newest units.
try some mods
It gets better.
at least chaos is finally getting good models
Already did. Some are silly. Some make a few of the armies overpowered. Some just make the sisters look like they have as much bling as the Emperor himself.
The back arms look like they would look weird from any other angle.
Shit, wrong pic
I'm conflicted on the Dreadnought. I quite like the boxy look of the original Dreadnoughts but at the same time I like the longer legs.
Like the Contemptor Dreads.
I want an indirect control rts but with great simulation that allows for cool moments.
A mix of majesty, dominions and rougelike elements with randomly generated maps.
You have a few solar systems(that are generated each time you start a new campaign and their generation can be controlled) and you can play different sides.
You choose a planet to assault or defend that gets divided into many different segments with their own features.
you plan assaults and then each assault spawns a few key missions that are of crucial importance.
like spearheading some attack with a warboss or coming in to assist a critical point that is at a stalemate or establishing the initial foothold of a planet invasion.
so you can fight 1 or several key important small battles of a sector invasion or defence and also plan out the sector invasion itself in strategic terms that are played in slow real time with icons and flags on the planet itself.
The key important battles you choose to play are also not directly controlled battled but are also partially planned prior to the start of the battle but also allow indirect control of troops base building and hero unit intentions and focus..
The expansion would also include space battles and tie them with supply lines of troops.
The base game would include the major factions, space muhwins, orcs, eldar and tyranids.
I like the first game unit variety,morale system and the second game squad customization. But possibly the thing i like the most about the DOW1 and 2 is that the model and the battle effect. They look so good and reflected their faction so well. the 3rd game just so uninteresting with all the laser and flashy color.
I cannot say I agree with this color scheme.
My pleasure.
Thanks apothecary.
There will never be a true sequel to DoW
I remember reading the articles back then when they said they worked on a new game with combined features from 1 and 2 with microtransactions.
This was already a huge redflag back then, but we clung to hope ever forgetting that it is the first step on the road of disappointment...
The only thing that was needed was the proper cover system.
Then things could have been added in to make it into a good game.
The ability to customise the armies was a great idea that would have added flavor to the factions, even with only three, if they had not gone full retard with that concept.
Thought obviously bringing back the previous voice actors and sync kills would have gone a long way as well.