Can we all take a second to appreciate how Epic, EA, and Activision have made Ubi look like an absolutely based company?

Can we all take a second to appreciate how Epic, EA, and Activision have made Ubi look like an absolutely based company?

-Ubi sells most of its games on steam
-Works to build up it's dead/broken games (rainbow six/For Honor, probably more)
-Doesn't use super shitty microtransactions (I have over 50 unopened loot boxes in For Honor since I never even felt the need to open them).

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Greentext next time

nigger I'll type how I damn well please.

Constantly shills for itself on Yea Forums so they can fuck off.

You forgot
>applies the same cookie cutter design template across all their fucking games

shut the fuck up, marketer

they really are relatively better.

Odyssey, r6,division 2 are pretty fun

I haven't played an AC since Revelations since they're all the same shit, but at least it makes them money to make other things i guess.

They're C tier, which is pretty ok

Yes cause rainbow six is the exact same game as assassins creed, try to think just a little next time you type

>Ubi sells most of its games on steam
Literally pulled the Division 2 from Steam.
Literally pulled Anno 1800 from Steam.
Have started selling a TON of their shit on the Epic Store.
>Works to build up it's dead/broken games
Milking shit games with absolute jewtastic microtransactions is not a good thing.
>Doesn't use super shitty microtransactions
Yes they fucking do, in fact they're one of the worst fucking offenders.

Fucking kill yourself.

I guess Ubisoft is okay, despite turning Assassin's Creed into some kind of fucking RPG.
>Ubi sells most of its games on steam
Don't you need Uplay to play the Steam copies of their games anyway? I don't see the point of that. I'd rather just buy from Uplay directly.

In any case, Uplay is pretty based for giving me me Assassin's Creed III, Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, Splinter Cell, Rayman Origins, The Crew, Beyond Good & Evil, and Far Cry Blood Dragon for free. I mean, I still haven't played any of them, but it was nice.

They always take turns making each other look slightly less bad by comparison. I'm sure Ubisoft's just revving up.

>In any case, Uplay is pretty based for giving me me Assassin's Creed III, Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, Splinter Cell, Rayman Origins, The Crew, Beyond Good & Evil, and Far Cry Blood Dragon for free. I mean, I still haven't played any of them, but it was nice.
Oops. I forgot Assassin's Creed Unity.

I play siege daily with friends
Wildlands and division are fun in coop too
>20% off for playing games

>Ubi sells most of its games on steam
why would you buy their games there or even ebin for that matter?

>dude my club rules

Ubisoft has been p good lately, I agree OP.

>forces uplay on you despite already having drm

The only shilling on this website is for low budget weeb shit on steam that nobody would even know about otherwise. You think reputable companies would pay people to advertise here when they know the userbase is a bunch of broke autists?

Not that user but Origins/Odyssey are actually different from the formula they've been using for the rest of the series. Not a fan of all the design choices they made, but they are very much a huge change.


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Fuck off
Ubisoft kills almost fun game they come up with.
Shitty balancing
Skeleton crew
Taking a year to fix bugs or balance problems

For honor only gets balance updates every 3 months.

I mean I was interested in the story in the first few games. that's why I just got tired and annoyed by their later games.

% off for playing games
Fuck, you just reminded me I forgot to use about 350 of those fucking Ubisoft points before they disappeared.

Ubisoft are such cunts for making those things expire.

Ubisoft is shit, fuck off ubicuck.

oh, the whole "not as bad" excuse. The type people use to excuse shitty companies.
NGL, I was really hyped for Beyond Good and Evil 2. I trusted Michael Ancel to deliver on an epic project as he always did and fulfill his promise to not have online only single player. Now, it's fully online only, probably because of Ubi. Kicker is he had his differences with the publishers since Rayman 2. He tried to make sure the game wouldn't be a mess by implementing free roaming controls and succeeded. Now it's 2019, and Ancel is probably on his knees, doing whatever he can to get BGnE out by letting Ubi make awful decisions for him and compromising his vision. The company is fucked.

Fuck Ubisoft always getting the pass.
>selling 4 years of season passes for R6S instead of giving it a sequel that is a better game with more destruction physics
>all the E3 downgrades to appease console babies
>No Rayman 4
>No good Beyond Good and Evil Sequel
>Their games always dipping between 55-60 on my OP hardware for their games
>adding the no combat mode in AC games
>taking out the skulls in R6S out of the international version to appease China
>selling preorders on steam then taking the games off of steam
>Forcing me to run Uplay to play steam Far Cry 3 (was uplay even a thing when far cry 3 released?)
They're not the worst by far but they fuck up more than most

yea, but they are super progressive and they don't leave much room for creative freedom for developers

I didn't know this was a nintendo thread