>game features “dragons”
>they’re actually wyverns
Why the fuck is this allowed?
Game features “dragons”
Other urls found in this thread:
here's a dragon
my dick farted today. let out this long razz and deflated. should i be worried? has anyone else experienced this?
>unique fictional universes aren't allowed to tailor generic fantasy races to fit their purposes
holy shit you need a Bang(tm) energy drink to reverse that retardation
>ancient medieval paintings feature "dragons"
>they're actually fat noodles with feet
Why the fuck is this allowed?
How will Bethesda sidestep who won the Skyrim civil war in Elder Scrolls 6?
1. Still ongoing at the time TES 6 takes place.
2. Cataclysmic event cancels the war.
4. So much time has passed that no one remembers for sure.
It was never about presenting them in a glorified or powerful light, also medieval artists sucked ass at depicting animals in drawings.
who gives a shit. they're going to release a newly minted cinema experience with a roleplaying facade and before any one figures out it's a shallow puddle they'll have made their millions. continuity is for nerds. you're not a nerd, are you?
wyverns are a type of dragon
That horse is alright
I think their imaginations were just shit
How do you pronounce Wyvern?
Imperials win or Stormcloaks win and Imperials launch a full out attack on Skyrim.
Stormcloaks are stupid, Imperials literally are trying to stop the deconstruction of the universe by the Thalmor.
Wyverns are the ugly niggers of dragonkind, and they are being grossly overrepresented in media!
>D&D definition of what dragons are is the only valid one
This is a crocodile according to medieval artists
>their imaginations were just shit
buddy, the medieval mind had no distinction between the imaginary and the real. their imaginations were so fucking tops there's an account of a guy who walked a special way at night so he wouldn't bump ghosts with his elbows. plebs "imagine" things, patricians live it.
The head is oddly proportioned but I think it gets the idea across
Why not?
the dragons take on the form of akatosh who is a time dragon and their "parent", what we think of as a "dragon" is not what these things are even though they have a similar physiology
these are time-monsters from beyond the stars
>user posts the same thread every single day
Why is this allowed?
You're right, we should jump ahead to the Renaissance, when art was at its peak, certainly the old masters would be able to better depict a real drag-
Okay because my friend was trying to convince me it's "wih-vern"
i say wih-vern
>drawing mammalian genitals on a non-mammal
so what the fuck's a drake?
what n64 game is this?
>Imperials literally are trying to stop the deconstruction of the universe by the Thalmor.
Then why the fuck did they bend over to the Thalmors demands and gave away territory which causes Hammerfell to secede from the empire and caused the civil war in the first place?
>b-but the empire would have been destroyed if they didnt take the big fat elf cock
Bitch please, the sandniggers were pissed the empire gave away their territory and fought on on their own for 5 more years and took their own territory back until the Thalmor were forced to sign a separate treaty with them. With the Empire they could've probably won but they pussied out.
me too
?Y r tha memes low effort shlock?
Educate yourselves about reality.
>Imperials literally are trying to stop the deconstruction of the universe by the Thalmor.
No they're not. No one knows this is a thing. It's a secret known only among the highest tiers of the Thalmor. The Imperials just think they're fighting against a foreign power.
The reason there's a lot of weird looking animals is because the artists literally never saw those animals. They had to try and draw these things based on the exaggerated and inaccurate accounts of travelers.
both wrong, it's wee-vern
A male duck.
given that dragons were just a misinterpretation of dinosaur bone findings, we should do away with them altogether and correct the literature that exists with new editions that better reflect our new findings.
>game features “gurbleburbleflurblederpderp”
>they’re actually rumbledumblefeepfap
Why the fuck is this allowed?
I mean, your typical European dragon has the body of a big cat, with the wings of a bat, so mammal balls aren't a far stretch.
Because the fucking elves were at Imperial City. If the Empire would of fought, they would of destroyed the White Gold Tower, a pillar of the universe. Sandniggers have nothing to lose.
Im sorry, I meant they are still planning to fight the Thalmor, and that the Thalmor are planning to undo creation.
that's not where dragons came from
That's what the babies are called
*retard sounding* that's not where dragons came from!
>game features "wyverns"
>they're actually dinosaurs
>game doesn’t have female dragons you can marry and grow old with
Completely killed my immersion
Wyverns are a type of dragon.
Also Skyrim was not the first Elder Scrolls game to feature dragons in it by a long shot.
There aren't enough different dragon types in vidya.
>Because the fucking elves were at Imperial City. If the Empire would of fought, they would of destroyed the White Gold Tower, a pillar of the universe. Sandniggers have nothing to lose.
They signed the treaty after taking the imperial city back and destroyed the Thalmors main force in Cyrodiil greatly weakening the thalmor which is probably why the Redguards were able to fight them on their own for years. And they still signed that treaty.
White Gold is already deactivated from when Martin Septim extinguished the Dragon Fires to summon the Avatar of Akatosh. The Imperials aren't fighting shit. They're imposing a "stalemate" in which they give the Thalmors every advantage and actively help them carry out their theological war on existence.
>Then why the fuck did they bend over to the Thalmors demands and gave away territory which causes Hammerfell to secede from the empire and caused the civil war in the first place?
Because unlike the Thalmor they had no way to predict how many forces the AD had left, the AD had destroyed all the intelligence apparatus and the legions were basically wiped out. If the war had continued there was a real risk the dominion would have rebounded.
>Bitch please, the sandniggers were pissed the empire gave away their territory and fought on on their own for 5 more years and took their own territory back until the Thalmor were forced to sign a separate treaty with them. With the Empire they could've probably won but they pussied out.
Hammerfell won thanks to the AD being too strained and inexperienced in desert warfare and to some legions operating unofficially to support the hammerfell army.
Hammerfell didn’t face the full power of the Thalmor, though. Their whole goal was to split the Empire; they never really wanted that useless desert. They probably only left token resistance against the Redguards to purposely be defeated to fool retards into thinking the Empire fucked up more than it had. Retards like you.
without using google can either of you blowhards even name one Thalmor general?
Imagine getting anally raped by all three of them lol
>game features "dragons"
>they're actually noodles
Um, the fuck?
Nope. Infernal City, which takes place after Oblivion, mentions that the White Gold tower is still a pillar of the universe.
Peanus Weanus
It was their retarded Christian way of viewing the world, you can't really blame them
Why does the cockatrice have a dragon head? Isn't its defining feature a chicken's head?
General Chaos.
Dragons are an amalgamation of our simian ancestor's major predators - big cats, large birds, snakes - that memetically existed in the minds of people all around the planet. Every ancient civilization you look at, there's always some variant of supernatural giant reptile, be it respected and deified like Chinese Long or South American feathered-serpents, or feared like the European dragon and Greek Hydra. People didn't see dinosaur bones and invent dragons as a result, they saw dinosaur bones and went "yep, definitely dragon bones"
Sorry image is flipped, Clover does that.
>game has dinosaurs
>they breathe fire for some reason
>never realize that this doesn't make sense until much later
If it's a fat noodle with feet that's a lindworm.
that little green bitch who leads the reptites talks about how lavos influenced the reptiles evolution so they became smarter and more advanced
it's not too far a stretch to think being around lavos for so long gave them other side effects as well
It's a different planet so anything goes
>buying shit in a post-apocalyptic future with gold coins from a lost civilization
Wyverns are dragons, you autist, they're just inferior to the four legged kind.
The meme is actually based on british heraldry which uses various terms for dragon to describe a specific body type to make it easier for the artist to draw it right.
DND, looking to fill up their monster lists basically used it to define different dragonkin.
user, the piece you're looking at is "St. George and the dragon". It's a common scene depicted numerous times in medieval and renaissance era painting, and the dragon is often depicted as either wingless or only 2-limbed.
The point being made that your autism about "wyverns" and "lindworms" has very little basis in actual European mythology, you know, where dragons came from.
>First line is literally the characters saying "I don't actually Know"
So this says literally nothing?
Dragons came from snakes. Almost every word for dragon across various cultures can be traced back to some old word for snake or something associated with snakes (I.E venom, snakes being unable to blink, hissing)
dragons existed in many mythologies outside of the european sphere well before these cultures spread to each other
Here is your dragon, boyo
Y'all know that dragons are supposed to be demons right? The medieval and renaissance painters never made the dragon st. George fought look like a traditional dragon is because all depictions of demons back then were perverted and distorted. They never drew them traditionally.
>They never drew them traditionally.
Which tradition were they ignoring? Earlier dragon iconography was literally just snakes, like the Romano-Dacian Draconarius standard
This sounds amazing, Tell me more and where I can read more?
Of course the character doesnt fucking know. Its the author's way of confirming theories. Towers being pillars of reality was a MK thing until this and ESO.
Ah yes, the classics. So much better than the trash we have today.
Cool, did they also never see joints, eyes, feet, claws, the sky, grass, ears, eyebrows, or the difference between day and night?
Like every thread with the slightest mention of elder scrolls it devolves into a lore argument.
My favorite from these medieval, early post-medieval, is the sheep that grows as fruit.
This thing on the right is an Italian according to medieval art
>Yea Forums wants realism
>artist draw a real a Italian and not one of those JoJo trannies
>Yea Forums complains
>game of thrones has become the most popular fantasy fiction
>it depicts wyverns and calls them dragons
>the entire world's perspective of a traditional dragon will be lost in time
>not just the fact that it has four legs, but their intelligence, sentient thought and wisdom
Revisionist garbage. Dragons are iconic antagonistic creatures that represent that which men hate and must destroy in order to better oneself. Dragons should always strictly be evil or at least neutral mindless creatures that only exist to destroy or as an apex predator.
Any changes to this tried and true formula just results in cringe. The only people who like that shit are furfags.
Nah, that's normal once you've been on Yea Forums for too long.
If I made a game, I would have dragon's and call them wyverns to trigger the fuck out of you autists
Refute me
I'd call them Dynosaurs. Spelled just like that. It would be a very subtle kind of upset.
What if it's just a dragon that lost two legs? You're being awfully judgmental
"hnn they're wyyyvernnns nghsfdfs" *nerd voice*
Crocodiles look like they were spawned by Satan himself. If I were a serf during the middle ages and I saw a croc, I'd shit my pants and scream dragon.
this is from GOT
no forefoot and clunky.
it is also wyvern
this is the dragon
I want to fuck dragons and wyvers!
Yes, that's exactly how they are supposed to be in TES.
>game features "dragons"
>they actually bear the head of a cock