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what about him

I liked MGS5 much more when it was just trailers

I've never been that hype before or since


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i'm still fucking mad

I gave MGSV another shot after being utterly insulted some months after release. I remember being the most hype I've ever been, and then the most disappointed I've ever been.

So yeah, I've been playing it again. I gotta say, it's impressive how good the gameplay is, smooth as fuck even if held back by the fact that you /have/ to constantly fulton faggots to motherbase. Aside from that, I'd say MGSV is the perfect Splinter Cell game. I can see myself recommending it to someone trying to get into the stealth genre, even if it pains to say that such recommendation must come with an asterisk, to not give a fuck about the story.

I will never not be mad about. I'm absolutely astonished people think Death Stranding is going to be good when it's directed by that hack.

Guess where Skull Face hid the bomb Miller. I'll give you one guess.

I think I would've liked it better in a different setting. I hate the brown on brown of endless desert everywhere. MGS3's jungle setting in this generations graphics would've been kino.

So its shit

MGS5 was the first MGS game I played
and I thought it was fun

The game would have been infinitely better if it wasn't open world, prove me wrong.

Thank you for your insightful comment.

If all other missions was like the first mission on the hospital it would have been the game of the decade, but then, it just throws you in the desert and says "fuck off"

I suppose that's true, the variety is lacking. Once you've played the like, 10 interesting levels from left, right, down and up there's not much to do. The side content is horribly shallow and boring. The biggest compliment I can give to MGSV is that it is fun to do those 10 levels several times.
I would call you a fag, but as someone that was really into the game, I can't. MGSV had me bitter for months, I couldn't blame a fan of the series of being unable to look past the shitty story, it's /that/ fucking bad.

Dude, so much this. That entire opening is one of the most memorable, visceral experiences in gaming I can remember. Then it literally slams on the brakes while it's going 200 mph. I can remember the opening so vividly.

I really loved MGSV but I'm not really a fan of the rest of the series so I wasn't so personally slighted by narrative failures. One of the funnest games I've ever played, so many ways to do the missions


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I hated MGSV but all the comfy threads leading up to it made up for it

If you wanna simplify the shitshow down until you come to that conclusion go right ahead.

It doesn't happen often either. A game with Metal Gear's pedigree getting released, first game on current Gen, game series everybody loves. That was such a huge deal at the time.

I agree with you. I'm not one of those people that thinks all linear games are inherently worse than open world games. The story telling structure and game experience they can craft for a player in a linear game could never be matched in an open world game, where every player shoots off in a million different directions after the opening. I would've preferred a linear game.

The hype that the trailers built was insane. The story looked like it was gonna be godtier.
>tfw phantom pain of the story we never got
You feel it too, don't you.

are you seriously saying kojima isn't a hack and it's all konami's fault?

What good games has Konami been releasing lately?

bomb in a womb

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>avoiding the question
please answer
I also hate konami but that doesn't excuse how fucking awful kojima is

Why are you replying to someone with that fucking spacing?

Not sure if this is an unpopular opinion but I thought MGS4 ruined the story so MGSV having less focus on story was for the best. The game needed more level variety and boss fights

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polar fucking opposites



yo what’s up travis

It still hurts. The game itself wasn't even bad, but it's one of the worst games I've ever played because of how much of a letdown it was.

Is that Travis Barker?