>"fifth largest economy"
>lowest quality of life in country
how does this happen?
>"fifth largest economy"
>lowest quality of life in country
how does this happen?
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Could it perhaps have something to do with the people that live there?
Because it has the best quality of life for rich people
This is what happens when you don’t embrace Trump.
The designated shutting streets in San Francisco certainly don't help.
Normally i wouldnt say this but go to >>/pol/
Corporatism* Capitalism is fine until businesses begin to consolidate power like they have around the world.
It's a hive of scum and villainy
Is there a connection?
Can't put my finger on it exactly....
Not hard to figure out. California has ports, and also Hollywood movies pull a lot of money, and also music. The high tech is also a big money maker.
The usual californian brainlet would tell you they have the largest economy because they have immigrants.
I see nothing wrong here
propped up by tech industries that feed the tax machine and employ people that can spend 4k a month on rent
once all those industries move to texas (give it 5 more years), you're gonna see california slowly collapse
Pretty much this. California is fucking beautiful but the people and government make it ugly
California has the highest and lowest quality of life in the country. There's just more people at the lowest than the highest.
video games
Overrun with communists and their enablers
population density
video game?
>Voted against repealing gas tax because reasons
>Voted for a bunch of spending so shitheads can get housing
>Voted no on prop 10 which would make it illegal for landlords it be kikes and keep upping the rent
>Voted for a prop to make animal cages bigger so we can pay whole foods prices everywhere
Just fuck my state up, family.
This. Capitalism is all about baseline profits now and people are so fucking brainwashed they accept everything that fucks them over because "lol business have to make money"
it's fucking commiefornia. Everyone their is fake and miserable trying to be somebody instead of just trying to be happy
Wealth gap.
>inb4 some nigger starts bring up race and IQ
Are the nazis doubling down on Yea Forums now that frenworld or whatever is getting nuked?
>Crush the left
Nothing wrong with that
california is wealth inequality at its worse. and since the poors outnumber the rich 100:1, it makes sense that the people who struggle to live every day in california would report a low quality of life. it might actually be the case that the reason it has such a low quality of life is because it is the largest economy, dominated by an absurd cost of living.
This has been common knowledge for years. A population that consists of
>starry eyed attention whores
>predators looking to exploit said whores
>gang capital of the world
>homeless capital of the world
>highest cost of living in the US
>tech giants
All in one state. And they all hate each other. On the plus side it has relatively nice winters.
thats why i will rather kill myself before going to work
It's because Whites are oppressing the People of Color to the point where it forces them to commit more crime shitlord.
great vidya thread
>video games
numbers propped up by hollywood and silicone valley. The reality is California sucks. The weather is objectively nice but subjectively i'm a coldbro and it's not for me.
>tfw voice actor ded
>tfw I am OP and working for a state producing online agitprop propaganda
>tfw know what time when most californian NEETS will be online on Yea Forums
>tfw my task is to demoralize them and make sure that all bystanders and lurkers refuse to buy Californian products from now on
Most places to live that aren't drug havens require 30-50k income to qualify
Most jobs in california refuse to pay more than 15k a year.
It's that simple. That's it.
diversity is our strength, this is the fault of capitalism, bigots
Who the fuck lists diversity, or lack of it, as pros or cons? There are benefits to a homogeneous society, just like there to heterogeneous societies. Diversity is not unconditionally a good thing.
>tfw want to move but own 30 properties in this state and can’t get out
At least I still have my millions. I should probably buy a helicopter and learn how to fly one so I can get outta here when I need to.
dominated by lefties and liberals that impose absurd policies and the rural hicks have no voice
Tons of poors, illegals, and the largest bum population throw the numbers. Working class qol ranks in the middle.
I went to San Francisco last month for work related reasons and I saw a whole bunch of homeless.
Is this a problem anywhere else in the state?
Hardcore leftists have more in common with the hardcore rightists than they do neoliberals. I didn't make the Diagram though. I'll probably update it to include far right/far left instead.
rent and housing probably a factor
Why did I move here? I guess it was the weather.
Because almost nobody can afford to live here comfortably.
It's a sneak peak into America's future: a small wealthy elite ruling over rootless mutts.
20K is an understatement, even line workers in wisconsin get 50 - 60K minimum, it's a dangerous manual labor job with prerequisite minimum education
vidya gaems
Californians literally can’t fathom a reality where 85% of their earned money is immediately invested in the landlords personal savings account
It’s actually funny to talk to some of them, because they literally refuse to believe rent isn’t as high elsewhere and believe it’s a scam sometimes
Really? That sucks. He had a distinctive voice that gave that character a lot of life.
homeless tend to congregate in urban centers so yes the problem exists elsewhere in los angeles and the like.
if california is the epitome of wealth inequality, then san francisco is the epitome of the epitome. san francisco's face should be the image of wealth inequality in every dictionary. a place where the richest of the rich live next to the poorest of the poor, where the creation of the latter is fueled by the existence of the former.
Don't forget
>those that can leave
>they proceed to vote for the same policies that caused the reason they left to begin with
Californians should be allowed to leave, but they need to be put into a quarantine zone, and only let the ones who vote sensibly to be able to move to other states.
It's like being massively over populated, having sky high living costs, and being filled to the seams with homeless, illegals, sjw wrongthink academies and the most degenerate filth to walk the earth makes for a poor place to live.
liberalism you mean
if the buildings were more run down and the sky was greyer and there were more pigeons around i could swear this was russia
Who the fuck owns the land in Cali anyways? How does one become a landlord? If neo-feudalism is the future, I wanna try and get in on that.
I'll tell you how
>be a thriving hub of technology, enterprise and trade
>large population due to historic past, climate/geography, and popular tourism
>decide to start taxing the living shit out of everyone to the point that you have no middle class, you either make 7+ figures of you suck dick for meth
>become the state embodiment of "do as we say, not as we do" i.e. try to pass a bunch of gun laws at the federal level because you couldn't get your shit together and just allow gangs and cartels to take over large swathes of city areas
>elect absolute fucking moronic heart string tugging partisan hacks (Dianne Feinstein, Jerry Brown, Kamala Harris etc.) because you're constantly one wall away from a Cyberpunk dystopia and just rely on power hungry cunts to say nice things on the television
>keep electing them because they keep telling you the other guy is evil, nevermind they keep doing shit that makes your state even worse and are basically liberals/progressives in name only
>turn up your nose to those filthy "fly over states" that you have to import resources from because your farmlands are shit and have barely any natural resources to sit your economy upon
>pretend to be democratic but when you don't get what you want, you just rely on your large swathe of advocacy judges who will write law and enforce it for you (Gay Marriage was actually voted down multiple times by the population so Cali gov just forced it through anyway)
>get insanely butthurt at states like Texas and Colorado for doing better with policies and politics that you frown upon because "MUH DECENT HUMAN BEING"
>have the objectively most fucked up state constitution that basically invites corruption and cronyism yet act like you should be a model
That's just to name a few
so it's basically a mini-Brazil but without favela aesthetics
sounds like shit
Are you implying there's something wrong in your image?
The guy on right could have became a millionaire singer/dancer, but he chose to be sexist and do "manly" stuff instead of learning any useful skills.
Maine is a very nice state. I met one faggot who lived there while i was assigned there for work and complained that Portland looked like mogadishu.
guy had clearly never left the northeast, i saw maybe 3 blacks the whole time i was there, and they were white collar faggots, the complete opposite of the sub-80 IQ niggers that i'm used to seeing.
>We accept E.B.T.
Is there anywhere in that area that doesn't?
Just sell before it collapses, you can move to Texas as long as you promise to not vote stupidly.
The average house price in America will probably not buy you a house in the poorest rural parts of California.
i don't get this. why do you righties have such a hard time admitting capitalism is the problem? we don't even have to look at california. we can look at the rust belt that was trump's largest electorate. they've been utterly ravaged by globalized economy and corporations chasing the cheapest labor. the very people you care most about, the white working class, are being fucked by the business owners.
>Ever game studio moves there
>tfw so glad I don't live in California
>pol complains about diversity
>America is still winning
Makes one wonder...
>voted against rent control
At least they got one thing right, too bad it won't be enough to save them. It would be fun to see how bad the housing market would get by adding even more shitty policies into the mix though.
Hey this isn't a video game
Trump capped local tax deductions at $10,000 per year.
Californians’ tax bills are sky rocketing.
>conservative propaganda outlet spews propaganda
More at 11.
Conventional milling like in that pic isn't dangerous if you're not a complete retard, or if there are minimal safety features. It requires 0 skill or intelligence and 20k starting is low, but not unheard of for it. Production line workers would earn way more because shit they do could easily be way more dangerous and difficult.
This thread is giving me deja-vu.
>get insanely butthurt at states like Texas and Colorado for doing better with policies and politics that you frown upon because "MUH DECENT HUMAN BEING"
I'm from Colorado. What policies are you talking about?
Of course it is.
if it's so difficult to live there , how come there are so many poor people living there?
you're telling me the welfare is paying 2000+ rent? I don't think so.