Opinions on Dreams for PS4
Opinions on Dreams for PS4
How do I play the beta. And I want it to come out already.
You pay 30 bucks for early access. They give you the full game when it's out.
I'm making a crappy jump quest level
Now that the Japanese have it I'm looking forward to what they create.
I think its stupid desu and I'm all for being creative idk the idea of it just rubs me the wrong way
Just imagine the porn
not sure why they wouldn't put on pc
>I think its stupid
>I'm all for being creative
>idk the idea of it
>just rubs me the wrong way
user what
>Hair modelled that good
Damn Japanese
It's like they just want it more.
Game engine the game is too deep to keep a big audience
i'm getting Mega Man Legends flashbacks for some reason
>animated fingers and a nice face
>meanwhile this was the best I could manage
I'm seething, but glad to know such nice models are possible
Is that Mordred?
Yeah but
>couldn't do her hair well at all
>Face head shape gave me a hernia
>couldn't figure our why it wasn't letting my color her shoulders from red to skin
Life is hard
it has 2 years before the servers shut down but it really looks like a fun engine to mess with
I sold my PS4 for a switch so slight regrets but not really going to say I'm missing much when what's out there is a PE remake and some other vidya parodies.
I'm going to give you super retards a pro tip: Watch sculpting videos like these.
There's a fair amount around.
>it has 2 years before the servers shut down
Yes I'm sure they'll shut down dreams before LBP on ps3
what was that engine on xbone that only lasted too short of time? Project sparks? yeah i want Dreams to have years but i'm simply expecting what typically happens eventually with these online games.
Cool but link one for dreams
Who was the studio behind project spark and for what platform? Yeah no one knew nor cared
>Link one for dreams
Kareem's your man
how disengenuious. it was a competent console engine when i saw it. Dreams and it was no comparison. it's all the same dispite you own which console. same with Nintendo and it's Mario Maker.
No matter how good you are at something, some Japanese autist will do it better.
Nice english pablo
still disingenuous. man it's like the meme about Snoyboys are true.
My opinion on Bowsette
>Mario maker
>implying they're anything like dreams
One was a bing Bing wahoo maker and the other looked like fable maker.
I'm an idort nor was I console warring
Joke's on you, user guro is my fetish
But in all seriousness this is super impressive. People are learning the tools fast.
This shit is suppose to support VR too right? Based Japan save me.
Hey, like anything, the more you do it and the harder you try, the better you'll get!
I also go on reddit for frog memes. Where do you go? /r/Yea Forums? /r/frens?
i didn't see anything dreams delivers that's ultimately unique other than presentation. and since sparks is dead i can't compare.
the way it all sounded, m8. it's nothing personnel.
Name one other console game that allows you to create 2D side scrollers, 3D platformers and action games, FPS, music and videos, sculpting and creation sharing seamlessly
user... I know this is bait but You don't honestly believe what you're typing. It's obvious You're just basing your assumptions off of what you've seen since you've not played either of these games.
game maker's. if only it a more window's style. I seen it before just not like the presentation of Dreams.
I'm surprised you know how to start up your PC
>this much effort
>based ESL retard still can't be fucked taking two seconds to ask a native speaker if what he's writing is correct
i'm drunk not dumb. and I don't hate dreams or snoy i just have some doubts to the length of the server.
I got it off of a drawthread in Yea Forums.
It's not that hard if you already know Maya/Max/blender
H o w
Can you even create non-Nintendo content in this "game"?
Is that yours or...
It's mine, I know the ways,
Everything turns into bing bing when you click save
Expansion where you get anal vored by Dexter's mom when?
>dexters mom's asshole has a warp zone
>it takes you to the bowels level
A reminder this was made because Bowsette showed up at the exact moment a cross-board IRC/Discord coordinated shitposting event was happening and they were getting annoyed that Yea Forums wasn't paying attention to them.
I only requested because of how pissed off I was seeing Bowsette fucking everywhere
Why isn't this on PC? This seems like a PC exclusive on a console for some ungodly reason.
>this kills the moderator
on PCs you have real game making tools.
Because people would just pirate it.
Because no matter how good it is it would be far better with a mouse.
That Dede is horrifying
she's always that horrifying except if you see her in fucking spin off MMOs or porn.
Good thing it has grids, mirrors, nudge supoort etc to help you get something perfect
where is her ass
So will this make me actually be able to 3D model decently or am I going to be able to make only horrendous shit and make Dreams be another "look at what other more talented people did: the game"?
that depends on how talented are you with your gyro-sensitive PS4 controller.
You actually need skill go make good shit, yes
t. now has 30 hours in it and has made dog shit
If you don't put a lot of effort you'll never be able to make something like from scratch. The whole point of the early access is get enough creators to make remixable content so that casuals can just use remixes to avoid all the hard parts.
How long until people get in trouble for this sort of thing?
Like eventually some autist is going to remake Ocarina of Time or Mario Sunshine or whatever and Nintendos gonna get upset,right?
What happens then?
Waiting to see the guy who made little big deadspace get in trouble
Are you saying it's a piece of shit?
Also, daily reminder:
Do you realize that Dreams allows for FBX and OBJ imports?
>named captain shadow
>play as a dumb do-
Based Bowsette
First one I've seen that looks like it actually might be a fun game
I love it. The fact that no one makes money from this means nearly everything comes from a place of passion. To top that off, it's a community of different sorts of artist coming together and creating a huge library of assets that are all free for anyone to use as they see fit.
MM has always been good about having trust in their community to create cool shit and I appreciate that.
Do they go out in manga? The anime end was kinda dissapointing.
How is this effect achieved? Is it treated as loading into a new area so the illusion of it being bigger on the inside can be pulled off?
Haven't started it yet but I've been meaning to. I doubt they do officially go out because of the nature of the story but what do I know. Im sure the manga does keep going after the anime so it's possible
That's because dreams doesn't really deliver anything. It's up to users to make something out of the tools. The other games give you a base game to work off.
Why should dumb phone posters with a jannie vendetta ruin other shit happening on the board? It was already an unimpeded thing on Yea Forums, they didn't have to fuck over Yea Forums's fun just to piss jannies off.
Status quo autism is the worst.
that's the same with all engines tbfh. when it comes to these create-em style games only i would say 1% give their all with the tools while 99% varies.
You know what would've been nice? Since this is a sony first party game it would've been cool if they asked devs from other first party games to do something in dreams and upload it. Imagine if the GR2 team made a cute kat model, or if the R&C team made a few weapons that people could use.
Dreams has a l l of the logic worked out for you with their settings out in the open to tweak. I know damn well it's not the same for natural game development
Maybe they'll do something closer to the full release.
i want to get a second PS4 just for dreams and to enjoy it's strange logic into game creation. you should see now why server life is a concern, i maybe want to wait a year or two if dreams is still considered the top of the genre.
Honestly these webms are giving me hope about the full game
LBP had toooons of DLC for other IPs. I don't think Dreams will get that treatment. No matter how much you customized in LBP, it was still LBP with no doubt about it. Dreams feels far more open and has less of a solid identity
I think adding in other IP objects would be over looked. Little character reference Imps would be nice tho
Your life seems to revolve around it.
Personally I've nutted much more to ECM 2
ps4 has KBM support, pretty sure they can implement it (LBP 1 had it iirc)
Everything I've seen from it is garbage and the waifushit doesn't help.
that's what happens when you give the tools for people to make their own things. 5-10% are worth paying attention to, and the rest of the 90% are pure garbage.
>that picture
>devs creste this very artsy engine, pushing this dream like artful experience
>incels make minecraft clones and figurines
What series is this?
A guy recreated an area from Silent Hill 2 just to learn how the tools work
neat. i was watching someone make a model the other day and they couldn't make hair. how did you make the hair flow that nicely?
it's good yeah...
wow how exciting... for real I'd just love to walk around some really beutiful scenes
With tons of branching paths, shortcuts, and environmental story telling? Good luck user!
No, literally just interesting environments, I don't think dreams gameplay will compare anyway
Can you import music and other assets to this game?
It shouldn't be too hard to make an option in the dream surfing shit that says something like "PlayStation showcase".
I've played a few levels that had literally music from OoT ripped out, so there must be some way to import music.
there's a way but it probably involves using an inferior mic to re-record audio from your source into your PS4.
There was a level with literally marios wahoos from SM64, ba audio and everything kek so yes
Import artworks?
I hope load on thermometer logic goes down once they have improved the improved animation system as alex said on the last stream. Otherwise every game will feel incredible short or just be a movie.
Yup, I'm working mostly with the audio editor. I'm creating everything with Dreams but I prefer to play my irl bass lines
well done user
>that fixed camera furry RE dream
wasted potential.
They call it "Dreams" because those who think the game will ever be finished are dreaming
>Thinking it won't be finished when it's nearly done and up for purchase
can you literally sell your dreams?
i mean ok that's fine but i never picked that up from watching the beta.
I think he means the games within dreams, I sincerely doubt most people are going to see their projects through to the end and we're going to mainly see a lot of shit that's like those "VIDEO GAME REMADE IN UNREAL 4" where it's just a big area to run around in/just a shit ton of proof of concepts with no actual product utilizing it.
Sorry, it's not my creation.
Just like rpg maker.
RPG maker at least gave us SOME stuff, but I don't feel like Dreams is going to give us a lot, if anything at all.
that you'll never be able to play or download because of Sony's prudishness. Dreams devs said you can't even make stuff that would be considered M-rated without it getting taken down.
There's one thing I fucking hate from this generation and it's this trend of launching thing but not really launching it. I've been waiting years for this to come out until I finally lost interest and it turns out they launched it already? Then you check closer and it's a kinda-launch. At least you're not charged premium price for it like the scums in EA do, but I'm fucking sick of this garbage trend. Either fucking launch the game or don't.
everything i seen dreams was to give people was all made by other people. so it's completely creator dependent.
might be because this it's a Media Molecule creation.
You give me somthing my fren
Sculpting feels so fucking bad with a PS4 controller.
I had huge doubts about it but after seeing the titty physics I might need to get a PS4 now because I want to relive LBP1 and 2
it's shitty butt farts
All the autists from LBP2 community have grown too old to time sink into making levels.
This game will birth a new age of dedicated autists, user.
Their is already plenty of neat shit they havent shown in the early access showcases. Mostly tested game mechanics and demos since the full game will have more features so most shit might get wiped by then.
You're right, but that's intentional for the most part.
seems like littlebigplanet 2 moon but on steroids. I want to pick it up but I've never made anything good and would probably just play a few levels and get bored.
>Steve Bigjobs
>Stephanie ravens
Oh man, I spent way too much time playing that game and hanging out with creators.
nice endgame reference
I don't know if you do it this way in dreams but this is one of the best ways to do it in most engines
Damn PCfags still shit up every discussion of nonPC games, huh
Why are dreams threads so full of thirsty portbeggers? I thought Sony only made movies bros
Because Sony shouldn't hold good games hostage. They can keep their movies, but games shouldn't be exclusive to a single platform and they're the worst for doing this. Do you see other consoles stealing games like that? Thank fuck Yakuza and Persona have finally broken their Sony slave chains.
This is a first party Sony game, they didn't "steal" anything. Much like gravity rush which has also been the target of portbeggers lately
they shit up discussion of games that get a PC port even worse. just look at dark souls cancer community since the PC port, yakuza too
i dont have this but it seems every creation posted has dim lighting. is there any example against this?
He got power ups and everything? Damn.
This litte dog has to be the best plataforming character made in Dreams yet.
Koi wa Ameagari no You ni
Anime & Manga
Most of what gets posted are characters created in the default space/lighting. There are plenty of options for customizing lighting when you need to.
Can't wait for them to patch in a control scheme that doesn't require me to use the gyro controls in the ps4 controller.
Also holy fuck move controllers and playstation camera are expensive.
Some one call me when Team Buddies is remade in this shit.
Project spark and mariomaker consist of pre-made assets and a much, much simpler logic system.
Dreams allows you to sculpt your own models from scratch and has logic tools as powerful as actual professional game engines (excluding actual scripting in lua or something like that)
Its really no comparison
I assume I can make my own characters from scratch by using ball joints, right?
this has been a good year for me.
LABO and now this.
its so boring making things in their intended environment but better to do it in a video game.
maybe having limitations makes it more fun.
Nope just some jabroni
Could Sony take bowsette and put her in a game, I doubt Nintendo has a patent on her. Not that Sony would.
it is from the devs. Another dev ED I believe did the topdown shooter level against spiders with the jetpack.
More ettes, please
It is a guy from media molecule, but it's his personal creation he's doing in his spare time.
He doesn't even have a games development background. He was a personal trainer who media molecule hired because he made cool levels in little big planet
look him up:
How does the early access work? You pay $30 then when the full game you just get it? Or do you have to pay another $30? Also it’s not like a beta where there’s scheduled periods you can play, right?
>you will always be a reposting frognigger
lmao what a loser perma virgins
Yeah, there's a bunch of different kinds of joints like ball joints, stretch joints, string, pistons, bolts, etc
They can be tweaked to limit where they can move (so your character doesn't bend their elbows backwards), add friction, define if the linked objects will collide with eachother, and loads of other stuff
always funny seeing talentless low IQ peasants laughing at people putting effort into something and improving their skills
You get the full game for free when it's launched
There's no schedule, its fully unlimited. There's just no story and only a few dev made demo levels.