Is he the greatest video game protagonist of all time?

Is he the greatest video game protagonist of all time?

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Yes. Only people who will disagree are snoy drinkers who unironically play JRPG's.

>video game protagnist
You must post one first

Dunno about greatest but he's damn fucking good. I actually gotta give Rockstar props. I was pissed when I found out we wouldn't be playing as John Marston and everything I saw of Arthur Morgan seemed boring, he just came across like a scruffy generic tough guy. Even in the first few chapters I felt the same.

But boy was I wrong. So very wrong

Rdr2 should have beaten out shitnite

I don't know, I didn't bother finishing this game because the gameplay was so fucked up. If they had tightened it up even a little, it would have been a good game.

What a disappointment.

He's up there

I had to think about it. But yes. Yes he is.

You guys did exclusively use single action revolvers, r-r-right?

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>le gameplay is bad meme
Either you're a seething PClard or you played with auto aim on.

Gameplay is 10/10. Cope

It's a meme because it's true lol

Everything about the game is great, except for actually playing it.
And posting a video of someone who's gone out of their way to figure out how to make the game look good in spite of the bad mechanics doesn't really support your case.

Hes the best one Rockstar has written for sure

It's a meme because seething PClards (like yourself), can't stand the fact that you missed out on another GoTG material game on your $4000 Yea Forums browsers.

Screencap your copy with timestamp, i'll wait

>bad mechanics
What bad mechanics does the gunplay have exactly? It has everything you would want in a shooter,

Cover, dodge, free aim/auto aim, fuck load of weapons, weighty feel to every shot (especially shotguns). Stealth kills and it's all culminated with the great enemy AI that makes the shootouts look like this:

I've never understood complaints on the gunplay or overall gameplay. The gamelay itself is great. The problem is the repetitive and linear mission structure that sadly comes with all open world games.

Should I do side content before or after finishing the game?

He's up there.

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Do really think I'm going to do that? I browse Yea Forums from a shitty laptop and pretty much only play anything on a PS4. I'm not mad because I didn't get to play the game, I'm mad because it was a huge letdown full of time waster bullshit and boring missions.

It's not a game that I want to play after putting it down. In fact, I'm glad that I don't have to slog through the bullshit repetitive quests while trying to control a retarded horse and aim a gun through molasses.

I know you're probably a sophomore in college and you have nothing but free time to waste on bullshit games, and that's okay for you. I gave the game about 15 hours and I'm satisfied with that, there are other games to play that won't bore the hell out of me.

is red dead redemption 2 online at all popular like gta online is?

nope. not even close.

no one can top pic related, i guarentee it.

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This is

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Get some taste, OP.

Do you play FIFA, too?

>generic anime JRPG protag
>The dream changed my soul forever

Basically only used SAA and/or Schofield throughout the entire game


faggot underaged nigger you have zero fucking argument. The game is BORING, SLOW, and REPETITIVE.

Go SEETHE about being a non-idort on reddit nigger.

Attached: IMG_2821.jpg (2939x3205, 2.61M)

>complete another repetitive mission where you ride your horse somewhere, shoot some guys, ride back
>check to see how much story progress has been made
>less than 1%

fuck this game. i don't have dozens of hours to waste on this mindless shit

>tfw no arthur bf

>posting another link to some video that showcases nothing about how the game actually feels to play

How old are you? Be honest.

looks like rdr2 just got btfo

absolutely brainlet normiefag

>implying this game isn't normiecore shit

why did you respond to that post but none of the others making fun of you faggot?

Fanboys are still lingering round these parts, hanging on for dear life as their microtransactions-filled online dies. Their numbers are dwindling.

I feel really sad about RDR2. My girlfriend bought it for me for Christmas and I just didn't enjoy it. I feel like I should suffer through it for her sake, so she'll see me enjoying it. But I haven't been playing it since December and that was months ago, I think the damage is done already.

man scenematic mode looks pretty damn awesome.

I think the worst part about this game is how easy it is to get a wanted level.

It made sense in GTA, a little bit anyway. But to think that you could shoot someone way out in the middle of nowhere back in the Old West and then suddenly a bunch of lawmen show up to chase you down... that's just ridiculous. It really limits what you can and cannot do in the game without even being realistic.

That isn't Null Fifteen

Solid Snake is.

I wouldn't say that he's the greatest ever written, but Rockstar set a new standard for storytelling in this game. That's for damn sure.


Don't answer that.

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>lose my two best horses in a row due to instant death falls trying to navigate steep hills in chapter 6

boring fucking game couldn't even get this far in.

He's up there.

>not saving every morning and after every mission so you can savescum your horse back
Once it died while riding out of Saint Denis after doing Mary's mission. Had to do the whole boring mission over again. After that I became Lord Savescum

I should but at this point in the game I just don't care enough since I'm almost done and probably won't 100% it.

The plot is kinda shit but Arthur was likeable yes.

Fair enough. I had the white Arabian and didn't want to chance losing it

>plot is shit
The pacing is awful and there are a few issues but the bones of the story are quite good

> Wins every Best Game Character contest for the last 17 years except 2003 when he lost to Sephiroth

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He is for me. But it is a subjective question too. It helps that he is handsome too.

How? He's barely a character

let me guess. gamefaqs?

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1/10 try harder

but I love JRPGs and RDR2 user

That's not the MC from the first Saints Row, so no.

No. He is the same shit, tired, cliche bullshit character. WAH WAH ME NO WAN KILL PEOPLE NO MORE. Fuck him.

He subverts the silent protagonist trope since he's just as expressive as any other gaming character & talks in every cutscene, but Nintendo just mutes his dialogue so we don't here him speak even though it shows him talking to characters on screen