

Attached: Alucard walk.gif (176x200, 36K)

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I'm interested in this.

post the nigga walking with sotn sounds

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I'm looking forward to Bloodstained
What about you guys?
I know it won't happen, but I really want Konami to port Harmony of Despair to Steam
Or at least for the Unity Project to come back

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I’m requesting that day off work. It’s my most looked forward to game this year.

>What about you guys?
I was disappointed with it at first, but I'm glad that the devs listened to feedback and used it to improve the game. Although not mindblowing I can see the effort they put into it and it paid off.

HoD is the worse in the series by far. there may have been, like, one or two cool rooms, but the overall game is trash through and through

I thought it was a lot of fun to play an actual Castlevania game together with friends
The grinding could get p bad though with the rarer items

Still cautiously optimistic about Bloodstained, honestly, but I like that they listened to feedback. Still lowkey think it would've looked better as a sprite based game

As for HoD, yeah. In a dream world I'd like to see it be ported to all the main consoles and steam with crossplay between them, but I'll accept just Steam. I really miss Jankvania, though. Albus was fun as hell.

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Coming through! Where's the bathroom in this damn castle?!

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We may be thinking about different things, I misread your post as Harmony of Dissonance. I haven't played Despair.

I wish Konami would give the 2D games remakes like Rebirth got. Something to bring the sprites to current standards. I hate how Castlevania sprites has characters with no features on their faces. No eyes, no mouth, no nothing.

I just want more Castlevania damn it. And no, I mean GAMES. That shitty cartoon written and produced by politically correct losers where Trevor Belmont is an alcoholic over swearing manchild who doesn't beat Dracula was embarrassing. Everything about that garbage makes playing Castlevania Simon's Quest a better way to spend one's time.

was the psp remake of rondo dumbed down? i 100% it but trying the tg16 port of rondo they included in the psp version, im getting my ass handed to me so badly

Attached: Soma Soul Strut.webm (1194x1200, 177K)

>HoD is the worse in the series by far
That's a laugh.

Simon's Quest is an actual good game with the right patches.

It really needs an official re-work like getting rid of the stupid invisible floors and superior translation as well.

Started playing symphony of the night yesterday, is there a point to the two-handed weapons? They just seem like a more annoying to use version of the one-handed sword

The retranslation patch adds an ingame map taken from the manual, it's a huge improvement to see where you're going.

There's like three weapons that absolutely blow the fuck out of everything else so don't worry about viability, use what seems fun.

It's there if you want to use them. Much like everything else in Sotn.

casual filter coming through

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More like the casuals delight. Just throw fire at him

I kinda wish they had included Rondo of Blood instead of Kid Dracula in the upcoming Anniversary Collection.

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>Still lowkey think it would've looked better as a sprite based game
I'm pretty sure that's what everyone thinks

some shanoa

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Where the FUCK are the GBA games roms online?

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You have no soul


Have sex

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>he doesnt back up their roms when nintendo asperged out of the nets

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I didn't get play SotN until after the Nintendo tantrum and now I'm fucked

I played sotn and it’s fun but I hate all the backtracking nonsense

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He isnt walking, he's fucking jogging.

Ur welcome

a friend an I replayed rondo on tg16 and no it's just hard af sometimes compared to the ones before it. Not impossible, but definitely needs patience in some areas more than others. It was hard playing Rondo after playing DraculaX

Like another dude said, theres like 3-4 weapons which just break the game, if something seems fun just wield it and dont worry

Do a naked run bro, it's really fucking difficult. Getting past the Colisium took all my might. And savestates. And Soul Steal, but you can only use two of those per boss fight.

>he doesnt know how to play janklevania

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3 is the best classicvania. Even the US version is good and actually fixes some of the original bugs (though added difficulty and bullshit aside, famicom 3 is still better because of the vrc6)

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Alucards walk cycle will always look like he is walking through a wind storm, to me.

Skimpy Knickers was way too tedious, although the music was fantastic. My favourite track would be

This is how I walk when I want to show women who is in charge

Attached: powerwalk.gif (94x136, 10K)

best ITT

Beat this game in 1988 knowing nothing you now know about gaming and no internet. I dare you.

Google Vimm :))))))

Honestly, I wish you could still play games that way.

>You're forced to read a guide
Hello retard

Same. I know that feel.

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OoE is my favorite castlevania

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You know exactly what I mean, dumbass. Games are no longer shrouded in mystery. Anything and everything is found out within a day.

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I don't know what you mean you retarded fuck, given I've been playing games, modern games, without a guide. You're honestly retarded if you read a guide and blame society for it

The castlevania discord has it. You only have to ask them.
I made a Backup on Mega for personal use.
Why did it disappear anyway?

>modern games
am I supposed to be impressed that you can follow a straight line

Thanks u a tru baller

Ok now I know you're baiting
Here's your last (You) absolute retard, ruin more games for yourself by looking up a guide and blame everyone else. I guarantee you're the kind of guy who goes "These teams!!" when you lose

>janklevania is still dead
10 man rooms were fucking fun
the guy had to stop the project and the servers went down. it was either DMCA'd or life issues came up. iirc another group was trying to revive the project but I haven't heard a damn thing about it

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I want to rub my erect penis against Shanoa's bare back and cum on her tattoo

I'm genuinely not, you just aren't good at following conversations. Like the original post said, play a game in 1988 with no prior knowledge of gaming, gaming culture or the tropes of the industry. But no, you just keep spouting about MUH GUIDES

You got your last (You). I'm honestly saddened how you ruin games for yourself, it's such a great experience to find obscure stuff on your own

Fuck. This is spoopy.

fug don't remind me, I had lot of fun with you fagots but now nobody from here seems to play anymore
I literally was reading about how the project was going and so far a new team is making another Unity version and the current version is dead and only receiving balance patches

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Except you aren't. There is a guide for it online.

>A mere 8 seconds loop of this is legit a good piece of music

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Damn he literally can't comprehend finding stuff on your own and exercising self control. %100 he's an amerishart

that reminds me, did they fix the glitch with blood charlotte? I remember the base game nerfed the cost of heal so that you couldn't have infinite MP, but you could get around it by using the Ankh accessory or something like that

No, you're just being willfully ignorant.

yeah, ton of glitches were fixed, also the one where the host couldn't get some loot in higher difficulty

He's obsessed, holy shit.

no, you hang up first

Do you need help learning how to reply to a post directly? It's sort of how they do things around here.

>Newfag doesn't understand why I said he's getting no more (You)s
Is anyone even surprised he's obsessed with guides

Who are you talking to?

Are you alright?

>Posts that exact time apart
Vampire Killer or Bloody Tears?

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Nah, you're just obsessed.

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I hope bloodstained flops
As usual 2D>3D

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I'm interested in this.

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Heart of fire.

Based schizo user

I'm interested in this

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Well... hellooo beautiful.

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I have played every Classicvania and Chronicles is my favourite Classicvania.

It looked fine to begin with and now they just turned the brightness and contrast up to make it look colourful to appeal to autists.


castlevania threads are SO much better without the obnoxious netflix shills and tumblr trannies trying to start shit every other post

posts like this won't draw them out or anything.

I miss when Maria was an opai loli

>I miss when Maria was an opai loli

Maria is basically easy-mode in Rondo of Blood for the PCE.

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Wicked Child

Really? Didn't she take more damage than Richter?