>phase 1 is a fucking unplayable mess and the worst boss fight in the series
>phase 2 is a complete easy joke
What did From Software mean by this?
Phase 1 is a fucking unplayable mess and the worst boss fight in the series
>haha I will be wrong on purpose to get replies
anyway here's concept art showing the fires you put out in Farron Keep have the 4 Lords on them
Damn that pic is sick too bad the area really doesn't feel like that
Oh wow never noticed that. Cool shit.
I want to read the Dark Souls III Designs Works book somewhere online. Anyone got a lnk?
Can you tell me how dodging two swings and maybe some stupid thunder attack and then running to the head and hitting it three times and then repeating that process is "Unplayable" or harder than the second phase?
Are people absolute retards or just memeing about the first phase of this boss? I refuse to believe people can bet hat retarded. I refuse.
Hey OP you literal disgusting subhuman I want you to reply to my post here
reminder that dark souls 3 sucks and anything that isnt DeS DaS1 BB and Sekiro are complete garbage
>Be eldest son and favourite child of Gwyn, a god of war, and a veteran of the dragon wars
>Inherit all of Lordran, undisputed ruler of the world
>Give all of it up and abandon your people and family so you can live with some dragons
Was he actually retarded?
he was a God of War so it's not surprising he would favor living weapons of mass destruction that could be tamed, bred, and used to conquer
"What did X mean by this?" threads should get you permanently range banned.
But the dragons were weak losers, he should know this because he killed so many of them
the dragons were powerful as fuck
>We knights fought valiantly, but for every one of them, we lost three score of our own.
Nameless King being an expert on defeating them doesn't mean they weren't hard to deal with or that he didn't see the potential in training them and utilizing them for his own purposes
>We knights fought valiantly, but for every one of them, we lost three score of our own.
But in the end, the gods won and the dragons still lost. And if the ancient Wyvern, and phase 1 of the king fight is anything to go by, they kind of suck
This entire boss was incredibly easy. Then again, i'm pretty fucking skilled with Curved Greatswords, he probably would have been harder with a rapier, maybe Lucerne.
there's still
>Guardian Dragon
>the other misc wyverns that appear in all three
even fucking Lothric had dragonrider knights because they knew how good they were in war
>Left his hot sister
He’s a dumbass, he had it all
Okay that’s a fair point. But he’s still stupid for leaving Lordran to hide in the mountains instead of just bringing them to Anor Londo
What? The first phase is really predictable and incredibly easy. Just bait it's sweeping breath and smack its head.
Who are the people in the bottom right one?
Four Kings of New Londo
> be living in the golden age
> ruled by powerful but fairly chill everlasting dragons
> stuffs might be boring but comfy, plus your family all have superpower
> your dad starts a war with the dragon
> his allies include some spooky skeleton spreading disease and raising the dead, bunch of lesbian thots with CHAOS magic, and a seething deformed dragon incel.
> your father is not quite normal himself, forcing your little cute brother to cross dress and have tendency to genocide entire nations of peole
> these are the supposed new lords of the new age if they attain victory over the dragons
Yea no wonder nameless king fucked off to help the dragons.
>phase 1 is a fucking unplayable mess
What did OP mean by this?
Don't you only need to put out 3 of them? Which one is not used?
he probably had the camera on, which notoriously bugs the fuck out on phase 1
The one with Seath isn't used in the final, only Nito, Izalith, and 4 Kings
Dark Souls 4 confirmed
too bad it's just a setpiece that got rearranged at the last minute
Lothric had dragonrider knights because it was founded by the nameless king. That's why the queen has gwynevere allusions, there's a statue of the kang himself as the sunlight altar, the dragonslayer armor was there, and lightning urns exist
So then what does that make Ocerios in relation?
He could have married the nameless king's daughter? Incest happens among gods but there's not much indicating it going on in Souls.
Perhaps a prestigious archive scholar (one of the pillars of rule)
Also check out the cathedral knight shield, which shows up in the cathedral of the deep (way of white) and consumed king's garden (lothric)
It's pretty much spot on the king of the storm.
However, both Oceiros and NK got dragon obsessed, so who knows. Plus he got shuffled around with Gundyr and who knows what else.
Gundyr might have originally been their idea of a king, but shit got changed too much for that to matter. Remember there are big Pilgrim tree monsters flying in Lothric instead of winged serpents, the final build story is completely different.
I thought the Cathedral of the Deep used to be about tending the flame, not the Way of White
wow good thread now die nigger
Cathedral is an extension of WoW, note that aldrich the saint goes to irythyll/anor londo, with pontiff who leads there (darkmoon blades, darkmoon spears, gwyndolin being the last god), and the whole order is corrupt now
also the talismans of duel and undead hunter were Lloyd's which is way of white, though Carim and Morne took over from Astora/Thorolund (See: Eygon and Irina).
I looked it up, apparently the Archdeacon set mentions it explicitly
>Holy Garb worn by Archdeacon of the Cathedral of the Deep.
>A sign of the Way of White's highest rank.
>Of the three Archdeacons of the Deep, one stood over Aldrich's casket, with hope that he would return one day.
Yeah, thanks man. I've done more comprehensive breadcrumb trails through it all before but it's pretty much spelled out ingame. The only thing that's not clear is if the Cathedral is devoted to Caitha or who in particular, and why we might find Caitha's chime in Lothric.
maybe caitha was NK's spouse and got SAD when he left
Given that Gael is praying to the statue of a woman that's covered up by an altar and he refers to her as "Goddess of the Forlorn" it might be Velka
I played the entire game without a shield and he only took my six tries
I don't understand how people had so much trouble
I almost think the cleansing chapel is for velka, much like side altars and shrines to less relevant causes in real life. It would fit with the purging sin angle, and carim is known to have associations with velka so paperclipping her in with the way of white would make some sense. Though we have a statue of her in the settlement gutter and perhaps TRC so who knows
More like based.
Revenge for dragon genocide
The entire game is a complete easy joke.
>dude warps lmao
>bonfire every 5 mins
>curse doesnt cut your max hp in half
>cant get stun locked due to pvp babies crying
>roll has stupid amounts of i-frames
>can have up to 70% equipment load and still fast roll
>cant get lost because game is linear as fuck
>bunch of OP weapons with stupid movesets
It's like Dark Souls but for inferior people.
They meant "you are an overleveled coward"