I am forgotten
I am forgotten
Other urls found in this thread:
I'll never forget uli.
>uli got his life together
>you didn't
>He overcame his fear, got a gf and is living his life to the fullest extent
Here are some secret tips if any of you are in the middle of a Bubsy 3D campaign
>being too autistic to use any kind of cup or bottle more than once
Why was he able to get it together and Chris just fell deeper and deeper into his hole?
>reusing plastic bottles
enjoy your cancer
No one was there to enable his bullshit even harder.
You're comparing apples to satellites
potatoes* to satellites
>you'll never play Platform Masters
Chris is genuinely a bad person. A lot of people don't realize that ulillillia is actually WAY more impaired than Chris (he could never attend community college), but unlike Chris uli is actually semi self-aware, and understands both that he has serious mental issues and that his life fucking sucked and video games and fantasies ultimately weren't helping. So while Chris is playing Neptunia games and calling himself a CPU or whatever, uli just wants to swim in the lakes and oceans of the world.
>all those trees going to waste
What's he up to now?
Uli is much, much smarter than Chris, despite being more impaired. Chris is an asshole idiot
>uli just wants to swim in the lakes and oceans of the world
it sounds corny as shit, but this is unironically what this autist wants
Honestly going to kill myself because of this
I follow uli on facebook and wanted to blow my brains out when I found out he has a girlfriend
>tfw you're not a 10th as autistic as uli but won't ever be even a 10th as happy
>he has a girlfriend
Of all of the bullshit I see posted on Yea Forums this is one thing I can't believe without a picture, user.
i enjoyed his disgaea videos, they got me into the series
I miss his firework videos
>I'll dunk the camera under and show you
Was it kino?
Leveling his Wal-Mart stats
unironically based
based uli
based af
>(in increasing order of experience; the latter being a pretty much maxed out skill).
good taste tbf
Boy, what an unusual day for work, something you could almost consider a 3.5-sigma outlier. Out of everyone for cap 1, there were only 3 available for the entire day. Between some being on leave of absence and others calling out, it was literally just me and 2 others. I've seen a few rare cases of 5 being available for the day, but I've never seen only 4 being available for the day, let alone just a puny 3! Usually, there's around 6 to 9 on the cap 1 team.
Last time I saw him it looked like he was going bald, now he's looking stronger than ever. If he lowered his body fat and got /fit/ he'd look like fucking Thor
Fuck off with your eceleb trash
cringe desu
cringe and blue(#000080)water pilled
given all of the swimming he's going to be doing, I predict he'll be set in a few years
report this post
>ulillillia unfucks his shit before I do
both a good and bad feeling
lurk more
I mostly just miss his website and all the lost Q&As he did in the comments of his original YouTube channel
Good taste
Hes had a gf for a while now. If it's the same girl i read about then they been together for like 2 years now. He unfucked his shit big time user.
one of the few non shit flavored waters
He cute
Maybe if uli can, there's hope for the rest of us
I'm kind of legitimately sad that platform masters will never be fully realized, but if that outcomes comes at the cost of Uli enjoying his life then its okay.
This isn't normal to do?
His autism is gonna come im handy, give it like 2 years and he is gonna end up is some junior corporate position, 4 years after that and he will end up climbing the corporate ladder and making big money. Meanwhile everyone here who used to laugh at him is still only shitposting and living an empty life.
Uli looking like some WWE son bitch about to go for that world title.
Good for him.
Watch the video and ask yourself if it's normal.
Platform Masters was always going to be more interesting as an art piece than an actual fun game tho
>tfw Uli and even CWC are more mentally stable than Nintendo's badboy Etika.
What is uli's final form?
I don't know man, i graduated late last year and i managed to only get an unpaid internship. Then i suddenly get a call that my internship was lost because restructuring last month and now im unemployed, no friends, no gf, no money, still live with my parents. Things aren't exactly looking up you know.
Ulillillia has never been diagnosed with autism, he's obsessive compulsive
That's true. I guess I can always play the mental simulation version in my own imagination like our boy Uli did for the legit experience
Autistic eccentric genius CEO.
>CWC more stable than Etika
I don't care for Etika but this is fucking CWC, did you forget about his unclit or the cakefarts?
has anyone read the entirety of this book?
>tfw Platform Masters will be Epic store exclusive.
He doesn't have a girlfriend and has no expressed no interest in sexual desires or finding a mate. He seems to be happy just working at walmart and swimming.
Ok I dont go to those lengths and i only have this issue with pizza hut or tombstone frozen pizzas, but yeas if there is too much grease on a pizza i will take 4 paper towels and soak it up exactly as uli does in the very beginning. then I throw it out and that usually get it all. dont even need to put pressure just soaks up.
Dude whatever. He is still out there making it and living life, meanwhile 90% of the userbase in here just shitposts about videogames they never even played while crying themselves to sleep every other night.
Man if Uli can unfuck his shit, then there's hope for everyone. We're gonna make it bros.
He outgrew vidya for all of us who won't make it ;_;7
He has an amazing head of hair. If he lifted and fixed his smile he’d be a solid 7 mayyyybe 8/10 he’s not an ugly dude for sure, especially by Kansas standards.
What a head of hair
Yes. I have first editions of both his books and I've read them all the way through
This is the funniest thing I think I have ever read. Where can I read the rest of the book?
uli's old website is still to this day one of the most craziest places I've seen on the internet.
dude that fucking manga was terrible
oshimi will NEVER reach the heights he did with aku no hana EVER
Those fabric cleaners are full of toxic shit to get all over his hands
Thread theme song
I remember a couple years back there was some screencaps of someone who hosted Uli for some kind of travel site, he seemed like a pain to be around. I mean it makes sense since he's mentally ill
You're the first user to know the reference even with image title, but yeah I enjoyed it all up until the end. Don't get me wrong I did enjoy it, but I thought it was gonna go crazy and instead it chose tame.
Turn that frown upside down, user. You see that list as a bunch of negatives, but I see at least a few positives in there: you have a degree at all, you still have you're parents, they're letting you stay with them. Focus on what you have, and build from there. You can do it user, I believe in you.
We're all gonna make it, brah.
His current series is pretty amazing.
know the reference? nigger i LOVED oshimi, i followed all his works and when i heard he was doing another longer manga after aku no hana i immediately looked into it and it started out really intriguing and cool
i even got friends into it
and it continually went the least interesting route
no mental anguish, not even any yuri shipping in the end besides some bait midway, mari doesn't even seem much more grown up than she did at the beginning. ironically the hikki who turned out to not be the mc that everyone with any sense stopepd giving a shit about pretty early on at all had more growth. it was such a damn disappointment and all my friends hated it too. and i felt so bad because i fucking loved aku no hana and i liked his shorter stuff too up to then. i heard he's doing some sexy vampire story or something too now, i'm never reading it because i have no doubt in my mind it's trash
He's a fucking Chad really
When I first found him he was a complete mess of a human, but he managed to turn his life around somehow. I'm really happy for him.
>Ulililia climbing the corporate ladder in Walmart
>CWC fired from Target
Ulillillia is definitive proof that the "staying virgin until age 30 makes you a wizard" meme is real.
Jesus fuck we need a new scale beyond based.
Chris got fired? What did he do this time?
What didn't he do?
I don't think he ever worked at Target, he's banned from there, he got fired from burger king or Jack in a box I believe
He was caught with his pants around his ankles with his dick in an Amy plushie. His arms were painted blue and he had a big red target painted on his back.
Took me 4 years after college to land stable, full time employment. Good luck because you've got a depressing couple of years ahead of you.
He did work at Target, but got canned due harassing costumers.
I can't find anything about it in the cwcki when was this?
He worked at a Wendy's for a week or two iirc.
It's different for every person, area, and major. I got a decent self-supporting job a few months out of college. The only advice that works for everyone is to just keep trying; I would never have got my job if I didn't send out a minimum of one application a day to anything that sounded degree-relevant..
>uli beat you at life
I know he worked at a fast food place and got banned for doing a Donald duck impression and making a kid cry
>the latter being a pretty much maxed out skill
Nigga is actually treating life like disgaea. Definitely still some tism there.
That sounds amazing
>uli just wants to swim in the lakes and oceans of the world.
The best thing about this is that he actually was AFRAID of water. But instead of letting it conquer him, he went out and made water his bitch by swimming in it all the time.
>reminder that Uli was never diagnosed with autism
He has obsessive-compulsive disorder. Chris is just an asshole who never learns and escapes into his autistic fantasies.
I remember hearing him say that he was working at Target on that 40+ min phone call with this kid pretending to be the dad of the girl CWC was into.
I'll post 3 and 4 if there's interest.
He was probably lying since he was banned from Target way before that Saga happened, he lied about a lot of other things during that call like how he was working out with soda boxes that were "50 pounds each"
Fucking proud of Uli... Wow.
I'm interested
>believes people can be summed up as "good" and "bad"
Why would he waste so many skill points maxing out Cashier?
I'd like the rest of the posts too
You're going to have to anyway if your end goal is maxing out life.
>this thread
pretty comforting desu. this board has changed so much (for the worse) and this made me feel at home for the first time in years.
>tfw uli finally implemented parallax scrolling in platform masters
I bet it's mostly older folks in here.
Post ages I'll start: 29
fuck im old
when the fuck is platform masters gonna be finished?
Does anyone have any insight to how he made the 3D effect in platform masters?
I understand he used some kind of script in GIMP and I think was basically saving hundreds of different background images at different scaled sizes to get that effect, although I'm not completely sure.
29 also and far worse off than uli with no will to change. fuck
Are you me?
raise your
>plus tip
to the sky.
28 and I've been following Uli's internet antics since I was 16. I've never met him but I have some friends who have.
>It's different for every person, area, and major.
I always wonder what majors these people have to tell horror stories about trying to find a job post-graduation, considering I'm about to graduating with a geology degree. It scares me because I don't know if I'm fucked or not.
24. Only just starting to lose hope
Shit, it really is true then; you can never leave this place.
30, officially a wizard. It's not so bad.
24 but I started coming here when I was 11. I feel like most literal children just go to Twitter now instead of coming here.
The jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers.
>tfw when made like 3 review videos on /CSG/
>poured hours into editing and was pretty proud
>was told I sound like Ulillillia
>Other people tell me everything is great but the voiceover
>lots of compliments on angles/editing/lighting
I'm just too autistic to do a professional sounding voiceover. gave up.
>that feel when when
I lost it at 28. It's true what they say; overrated and you go back to feeling exactly as shitty as before. I should've waited to get wizard powers.
I did a geology minor and some research in college, I don't know geo majors who really struggled with work after school. A lot of them went to grad school if that's your thing. I think a lot of it depends on how much you liked geo - all the geo majors I knew lived and breathed geology, they were more dedicated to it than any other major program I knew
26. what happened to that documentary those guys were supposedly making about uli years ago? did it just fizzle out?
/csg/ as in chink shit general?
He couldn't take showers because he was afraid of water, he was never balding, it was just the years of dirt and the reflection of oils in his hair.
Only if you live with your parents with no job or money and spend all your day browsing Yea Forums and youtube and reddit and never actually playing video games.
Will we ever get a long documentary on the same tier as the banned one from YT that CWC got by GenoSamuel2?
Did you pay someone?
21, but I've been here since I was 12
>Meanwhile everyone here who used to laugh at him
Are you serious? Yea Forums never made fun of Uli. Yea Forums tried after Yea Forums found him, but they figured he was another Chris Chan, which they were completely wrong. Uli is immune to trolling. Even his ED page treats him well.
Paying for it doesn't count, you just lose your oportunity of wizard hood and still feel like a virgin at the same time.
I made a few reviews for chink bootleg consoles. It was fun and I'm good at video and graphic editing but I'm just not good at speaking without sounding monotone.
In your nine years did you realize that the jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers?
>I've been here since I was 12
I can't even imagine how fucked this site would make you if you were browsing while your brain was still developing.
>Ive probably been told to "have sex" by people who haven even hit puberty yet
Brain is developing into 20s. It fucked us all if at all.
OP here, 35
Tell them to 'bend over' you stupid faggot.
19 I pulled an All-nighter when I first learned about Chris and couldn't take my eyes off the wiki for days, it was like a car crash in slow motion, I couldn't look away
not him, but i discovered Yea Forums during jessie slaughter when i was 14.
i definitely would be a more confident "ignorance is bliss" type if i had never come here.
The jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers.
22 but same. 2010-12 were the golden years.
I've got bad news user....
>thread is mostly mid 20s to mid 30s
>thread isn't a complete shitshow
How do we replicate this regularly bros?
I'm 28 and more or less in the same spot. No job, no degree, no friends, no GF and never had one. Living with dad who pays the bills.
I've thought about trying to get a shitty wagecuck job, or working towards a degree, but it just doesn't feel like it's worth the effort. Like, it's difficult for me to imagine enjoying life, even if I manage to get a job or a social group.
I'd rather just go to sleep and not wake up. I know some people can embrace the struggle and emerge a stronger, better person as a result, but I can't see that happening.
I imagine if anyone found their way here when they were 13, they were already a lost cause and fucked beyond repair.
I think I would know, considering I've been here since I was 14.
The reason for your struggle is the jews. I'm not kidding.
link your channel i like weird shit
>In 2 years people that weren't alive when Yea Forums was created will be old enough to post here
>was here pretty much since the beginning
31. Started browsing in 2006. It has been a wild ride.
I've been lurking here since I was 13 when I saw the Zone-tan animation about Yea Forums 4ever, user
They can.
Can you fuck off and ruin one of the 30 other shitty threads and leave the comfy Uli thread alone
there's /vr/ but the topic is stale
What's your fucking point, jew?
your rent is overdue, goyim
Uli is a psyop, and you're too fucking stupid to even exist.
I'm a singular goyim, so I'm a goy. You can't even get your joke straight, you edgelord.
They don't even have the same mental illness. Also Ulillillia has a better personality and a more supportive family and friends.
normally I would say stay strong user, but you already seem defeated. sorry to hear that. got any aspirations or anything?
I nuked my old channel, but if you want here's my new channel. I'm planning on making some new content this summer. Bootleg games and console reviews and such. Just any weird shit that might warrant a video.
Guys I'm having a brainfart, remind me which religious minority killed JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the twin towers?
me as well. I remember when Yea Forums wasn't 90% loli and tranny threads, only 85%
We're all old enough to not give a shit about things anymore. I remember when I used to vehemently be against tripfags but now I don't give a shit. Or when I really used to be invested in console wars, don't give a shit. Or devs obviously shilling their games here, couldn't care less. Or reddit stealing our memes, who cares. None of it matters anymore.
I've been here since I was 14. I'm almost 29 now. Honestly, the Internet has become so edgy everyone feels like a Yea Forums user at this point.
>Liquid Chris is a Cancer research Doctor now and is in an unhappy marriage with Kasey
>"degreasing" pizza
Why in the flying fuck do you eat pizza then, mouthbreather?
Shit jobs are either great motivators to do better or just soul crushing. Sometimes both at the same time. As shit as wageslave jobs are, being somewhat productive and not having to rely on others for all your money does wonders for mental health and happiness. As much as I dislike my job, I'll take it over the spiraling depression that sitting around all day leads to me to.
If you've gotten to the point where you don't want to wake up might as well just try working at least. Stuff like part-time night shift tend to have lower standards if you have no experience.
You have become ambivalent to the world after being worn down by the gutter trash state of things set forth by the Jews. You have fallen for their plan and are too jaded to stand up for your personal conviction and the state and quality of your community.
I don't recall a vast majority making fun of him ever. Yea Forums has always been supportive because he was such a big contrast to chris-chan
Nope. I spent my youth playing video games and doing nothing else, just assuming something would "call" to me before it was too late. Didn't attempt to make any friends. Didn't do any extracurricular work or join any organizations. Just sat in my room and played vidya and browsed the Internet. Parents didn't care because I was still getting good grades.
Nothing called to me. There aren't any goals that I feel the need to accomplish. There aren't any careers that I think would be a good fit. There are no academic fields that interest me in the slightest.
All I can say that I "want" is some vague notion of happiness or contentment. Some arbitrary reason to stay alive. I haven't the slightest idea what could help accomplish this. Religion doesn't appeal to me at all. Hedonism alone isn't cutting it.
I just don't know, man.
it's bizarre, isn't it? over the course of a decade people online have become nearly just as retarded, edgy, cynical, and downright mean as the people who lurk here.
it's so weird. hard to find nice people online anymore.
it's true
>see ulililia for the first time years and years ago
>decide to shitpost about something I don't know: "why do you all care about this casual so much?"
>whole thread jumps me with ">uli >casual" type posts
>never make mistake again
How could you possibly know what it that you want when you intentionally shelter yourself from the information and experiences that would guide you to that decision?
What a chad
You're literally just a jew. Go fuck yourself, Chaim.
So it's basically pretty clear that Uli is trying to live his life as if he were in a video game, right?
>tfw start making a decent enough living
>Able to move into my own place
>Have basically everything I could ever want
>Still depressed as fuck most of the time
>Oldsmar, Florida.
I thought he lived in Minot, North Dakota?
Sounds like what you need is a heroin addiction
I just miss the Platform Masters videos. They were maximum comfy.
oy vey, I'm serious, go out, and just fuckin do something. go to a card shop, find some nerds, try talking to them. gamestop even. go where our people would be. you've been here for years, so I'm assuming you can brush off assholes like nobodies business.
just... do something man. I don't wanna sound like I'm pushing you to do stuff you don't want, but if you desire happiness, you've got to go fucking get it! and I know you've heard this shit your whole life. it's fucking true man. it's not all cynical bullshit. yeah, the world fucking sucks. but you know what? it only sucks as much shit as you let it.
tomorrow, go out and fucking do something user. apply for a job. find some neets. literally join a discord and try talking to people if that's all you're up for.
just. do. something.
You have basically everything you want. What is it that you need?
read the first paragraph
You're going to fucking die in the streets, you retarded jew.
I'll be 29 later this year. It's weird knowing I'm getting to that age where you start looking "old".
thank god i'm not losing my hair though
Happiness is the pursuit of happiness. The moment you decide it’s possible for you to start making even small improvements or changes, you’re already in a way better place.
Wagecuck jobs suck but it’s a good idea to save up money, and work makes meeting people a million times easier. Seriously, workplace is where most adults meet like 90% of the people they know.
Start working and saving cause you’ll need it down the line. It’ll help a ton with self esteem cause you’re forced to at least briefly talk to people - this part will really suck at first and it takes practice to become competent.
If it’s at least even SLIGHTLY better than your current situation then it’s a goal to aim for, and just having a goal can do wonders. Sounds like you dont have a lot to lose by trying like one application a day or something.
32 here, I have a steady job and I still feel like Ulli has his shit together more than I do.
23, the weird zone between boomer and zoomer, able to identify with both but neither. uli has just been interesting to me even though i didn't discover him until after his heyday
It didn't occur to me at the time that I was developmentally shooting myself in the foot. I was getting good grades in school, which led me to think I was on track for success in life, not knowing there would be more to it than that.
I was just stupid and naive and didn't realize it until it was too late and it felt too hopeless to change. Sunk cost fallacy and all that. I thought "fuck it, I can't change at this point, might as well embrace NEETdom and hope for the best."
Turns out the best of NEETdom isn't really that good (at least in my case).
You're all government agents trying to get anons to dox themselves. The thing is that the jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers, and you will fucking die along with the jews, Agent Faggot.
Haven't tried any "illicit" drugs, but I was recently prescribed ketamine off-label for treatment-resistant depression.
Shit trips me out, but it's hard to tell yet if it's the "miracle antidepressant" people are hoping it will be. I'm extremely doubtful, but we'll see.
that's Special Agent Faggot Johnson to you
amphetamines are the most miracle antidepressant there is
of course if you use them like that by the time you figure out you had a soul all along it's gone
Sometimes it's not about the final goal, it's about the journey.
try getting a part time job. it will get you out of your room and give you something to do besides fester alone.
>you too, lil nigga
turning 29 soonish
>too late
Are you a boomer or what? It not too late; you are, again, actively preventing yourself from seeking what it is that you wish for with bad excuses. The sad part is is that you know it, and you hate it, but you won't stop. I know exactly how it is because I've been there. Get out more, really. You don't have to jump in head first.
is right. Even if it's something small you have to work your confidence up. Wake up, take a shower, and go for a walk. Don't bring headphones to drown out the world around you or distract yourself with your phone. Starting with something as simple as a walk for the sake of taking a walk is good for getting into the idea of doing things to break your ingrained routine. The more you go out, the more you can start to branch out and do other things.
2006/2007 were the golden years
and it was never 'good' but wasn't as bad
post on /vr/
I wish he would still at least tinker with it during his free time.
Post favorite CWC covers
Thanks, guys. I can't make any promises because I'm an unreliable sack of shit with no discipline, but I'm gonna try to look into a part-time job. I need to break this FUCKING CYCLE goddamnit. FUCK.
They know. Shut it down.
where have the years gone
I remember a post made about 6 or 7 years ago (I think?) by an user who was just like me, his life was exactly like mine.
There was only one user who replied to him who pretty much just went "lol how the hell did that happen?".
I desperately wanted to respond to that user who was so much like me, but I didn't, I didn't have the courage because of how ashamed I was and still am.
All these years later and he's the only person that i've seen who I could relate so easily to and I wish I could go back and tell him that he wasn't so alone, that there was someone just like him out there.
Whomever you are, where ever you are user, I wish nothing but the absolute best in life for you.
you too friend
Its ok, im in a better place now. Hope you doing good bro.
The jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers.
Look into stocking or other back-end work at corporate retailers. Minimal experience required or expected and you won't have to interact with customers much. Also don't expect to hear back from 90% of your applications, the majority of places will contact you if they're slightly interested. Just don't let the complete lack of response from most companies get to you, as disheartening as it is, it's just the way HR operates.
Did he have brown hair, brown eyes, about 5'10, average build, plain tee, blue jeans, smudged glasses and hasn't washed an about 2 days?
Threadly reminder that Uli's got game
I'm still trying to kill my bad, self-destructive habits, but otherwise things are going well. Just gotta make more money and learn how in the FUCK to meet new people. I go to concerts semi-regularly, but otherwise all my hobbies are indoors. Approaching strangers at events is still beyond me, even when I can hold conversation easily.
For those of you guys that feel lost n' shit, I'd really recommend trying to find some way to 'create' something in your life. It could be fucking wood carving (I genuinely recommend this as a hobby), music, tabletop games, anything that gives you a way to develop and express yourself. I see happiness in life as experiencing shit and creating your own shit, or at least finding some sort of release, even if it is just talking to others about those experiences.
That's what gets me, the whole job application and interviewing process. All the damn forms you have to fill out, psychological questionnaires, asinine interview questions, the whole damn system just nauseates me. Oh, and tailoring a resume+cover letter for every damn application.
If it was as easy as everyone's boomer dad makes it out to be, then I would have a lot less anxiety about getting a job. Even a sack of shit like me would probably have a job by now. These HR fucks just make you dance like a trained monkey for the most mundane forms of work.
link the post, maybe he'll see it
Count your blessings.
t. 33 year old.
The upside is I'm numb to my failures in life so I can't really feel horrible again. Not giving a fuck really is the key to happiness.
Working at a nuclear research centre.
I just wanted to play video games...
Dude I just submitted my shitty 1 page resume online and got a call back a few days later. Now I work full time as an inbound CSR for a major international company. It's not a bad job and the people there are great.
It’s horrible but everyone has to deal with it. Do a bare minimum of one a day and you’ll get it eventually.
Unless you're applying to positions asking for specifics qualifications then tailoring your resume or bothering with a cover letter is a huge waste of time. As for interviewing I have no fucking clue about what advice to give. I have shit social instincts but every job I've had I was offered the job on the spot after the interview. I'm pretty sure about 80% of it is just your attitude.
>discovered Yea Forums when I was 13 I'm 23 now
Ten years on this site and from that I went full animoo faggot, then to watching ponies to then fapping to them. Then discovering /pol/ becoming full natsoc, then after a few years of that crashed into the blackpill became a successful trap taking cash from older perverts from the middle east. I'm currently trying to stop trapping, I wonder where this site will take my mental health next.
Either way don't allow you're kids to brose such a place, I'm just thankful I'm self aware so I can keep everything on the downlow and not become a lolcow.
funny thing is most people get jobs by knowing a guy who knows a guy, boomer dad is just a fucking retard whose dementia makes him forget this
walk in, give the boss a nice firm handshake, and already be on first name terms because you played football with his son
How much do you make?
>Came to Yea Forums as a bitter Autistic semi-incel teen
>Now I'm 23 (And have gone from right-wing to left-wing as fuck)
I try to leave but I always find myself back here somehow.
literally me proably.
pics or gtfo
I'm too much of a brainlet to read Ulis holy scriptures.
Surveyor positions with a Parks branch of the gov't seems like it shouldn't be too difficult to obtain. Seems comfy too.
27, got a gf and almost done with my degree. I guess I kind of unfucked my shit as well. Still dont feel happy or fulfilled though.
>Still dont feel happy or fulfilled though.
welcome to life
Enough to upgrade my PC by this coming month, though it's soul sucking work wouldn't recommend it. I lucked out on genetics so face matches the body, so that really helps as they're willing to pay more if a face is attached.
why the fuck does knuckles' fur colour have an alpha channel? is he a ghost?
Couldnt you just make a few image sets and resell them to different people?
Or is it more of a repeat customer funded endeavor?
You have to do something productive to achieve fulfillment, something you have to have responsibility for. Getting a degree isn't that, but you'll get there.
34 lvl3 wizard. Way past the lost all hope stage but can't muster up the courage to end it, plus I still have fun occasionally and now just go to music festivals to feel alive for a day or two. Do have some things in the works but having lost the ability to feel hope most things feel like going through the motions. I both love and hate this place but it's not like I have any choice given that we're here forever and it's my only contact with the world. Thanks for reading my blog, this is the most I've talked about myself for about 20 years.
Repeat customers, I could do it that way but the risk is too high and the less faggots buy off me the safer I am. Plus repeat customers want certain things so where one wants the anime girl/boy thing another just wants short skirt lacey shit no extras.
>back in 2007
>making fun of uli on Yea Forums but in a fun way because he was pretty cool
>uli has his shit together and i'm on this shit website crying everyday
>all this autism
Kill yourself
28, glad to see the board isn't as young as I thought.
one watched anime, the other didn't
guess which one put their shit together and which one became a malformed tranny
Been here since 2007.
Have gone through stages of NEET and living on own then back with parents to NEET. Mix in random girls.
I feel like I'm half normalfag half NEET failure, and I'm currently heading back to the latter.
Interesting. How much do they pay? If I shaved everything but my hair I can look pretty passable but it would be useful information if shtf.
It's NA bedtime. The children need to be up for school tomorrow or mom will freak.
Uli made something of his life while I just sit here, on the computer, for 12+ hours a day, living a broken and fractured life. But you know that feel too, don't you Yea Forums? Please tell me you do. It's lonely down here.
I used to watch his sonic adventure 2 streams with ~40 other Yea Forumsirgins
was extremely comfy
When I'm working and going out with friends and have a girlfriend I wish I was NEET.
And when I'm NEET I wish I was working towards something and wanting relationships.
I've decided that modern life is just total shit and humans are maladapted for it for the most part.
Did the documentary of his ever come out?
>looks like a WWE superstar
>overcame his mortal fear
>Treats real life like a video game, measuring experience and skill points
25. Life gets better form here right?
im in the middle of getting an engineering degree. the good lord gave me debillitating autism so instead of grinding in jrpgs i may as well grind equations and dab on the normies
i dont really want a gf, but i'd like a big family. but women dont want families until they hit 25 or so and im not dating a 25 year old lol.
Depends honestly on how much they're willing to pay, I amke around 50 every two weeks which that on top of having a job already gives me burning cash. If I decided to expand I could probably make more, you've just got to find the rich kind of client who doesn't give a fuck.
An into in how to find these people are usually starts off with the client saying "I could buy you [insert sexy item]" you say sure, get it sent viva gifting service a thot wishlist is good, you use that item and produce a set of photos for them as that's the entire reason they wanted you to have said item.
Eventually after chatting about life and just getting to know each other the faggot in question will say "I could help you out" you act brash but eventually agree.
what I recommend is if you're in europe go for US clients and if you're in the US go for european cliental. That way it's safer and you never have to have to worry as at any point you can disappear without having to lock your doors at night.
This. I don't have any hobbies and any I've tried aren't interesting. Everything feels black to me. I'm dead inside and there's no going back.
I have. It's really a hard slog to read through with all the technical jargon for something that's ultimately forgettable, but at least I enjoyed the novelty of an obessive-compulsive's literature
I have incredibly horrible taste in women. It's probably my severe lack of social skills growing up from the autisms. Every single time they end up fucking insane with BPD or severe depression. Honestly the red flags are there from the start but I'm so desperate to escape the NEET life that I go for it with blind fury. Don't be me.
>I have incredibly horrible taste in women. It's probably my severe lack of social skills growing up from the autisms. Every single time they end up fucking insane with BPD or severe depression.
I am saying this as a guy who has intentionally stayed single despite everyone in his personal life totally bewildered that hes still single. Thats not really a problem with you, you're just describing 99% of the female population who isn't in relationships.
The average single woman is a huge wreck of a person.
sometimes I wonder if video games played a part in this
i've always been in the camp that vidya isnt that bad for you, just a fun hobby... but, growing up i didnt do a lot because i wanted that immediate dopamine rush from video games. i had no friends because i had video games. all i wanted to do was play video games. now that i'm 28 i feel like i've blown my dopamine receptors out from video games and have some sort of condition.
i think it comes down to hedonism, it's all i did in my youth and my brain developed around it. now i only get happy in tiny short bursts, or from drugs.
Well, that's true, but I choose to pursue it knowing that.
At least you have friends.
I miss him, but it's for the best
>see a thread with broken anons
>tons of posts I can relate to and insightful replies
>scroll past all of them not paying attention
>too afraid to connect to someone's post and to deal with my problems so I just ignore it entirely
You might have a mental problem or you might be normal. Its hard to tell because 99% of guys in relationships are constantly stepped all over by their BPD gfs.
If you're an actual man around women, they leave you to find a beta doormat who wont tell them no.
Life in the modern, cucked western world really sucks for young men. But life gets easier as you get older, if I could speculate, long term testosterone exposure makes the adversity you constantly face in this nightmare clown world, more tolerable.
Neat. I'm good with opsec so the prospect of getting found out I wouldn't be too worried about. I feel like I would use the opportunity to gather info on the clients who are likely too horny to consider good opsec and use it to my advantage. But hey, thanks for chatting.
Uli is a Yea Forums legend, he will never be forgotten.
Dude you're anonymous, say whatever the fuck you want. I once pounded a chubby trap in the ass on my way home from work because I was salty about a girl I was seeing. I went to prison for 2 years for robbing a drug dealer in his own home. This is all true and I couldn't care less what you think because this thread will prune soon and you have no idea who I am.
They absolutely did, largely for the reasons you mentioned. I was addicted to them. Nothing else felt like it was worth doing when I could be playing vidya instead. All those different worlds, different forms of gameplay, different stories to be wrapped up into... Why do anything else?
Vidya is the ultimate form of escapism. The ultimate distraction. But the ride always ends at some point; you can only deny reality for so long until it all comes crashing down.
>by Kansas standards
Kansas is not as redneck as you think it is
I imagine lib art or social science
most people i know that has even shittiest business degree can easily land a job as long as they are actually trying
t. unemployed business grad
It's fun once you learn how to lose yourself in reality. And I don't mean in a become an NPC sort of way either.
As a native of Seattle & having spent a decent chunk of time in Kansas (lawrence, topeka, and overland park), it absolutely fucking is, dude.
Reminder that he wrote this extremely autistic walkthrough for Jak 3
>tfw autistic too
>need special glasses to prevent overload from light
>sometimes punch myself
>cant always speak properly due to communication problems
>dont know how to talk to people because I cant read social ques
>cant talk to people because they all went to college and got jobs while I worked a job handed to me by some agency for autistic people
Despite that
>have a normal girlfriend that other people have pointed out being ridiculously hot for someone like me
>she is accepting and helps me calm down or listens to me when Im freaking out
>plays vidya with me and got into vidya with her
>her brother is autistic and we've become good friends, dude freaking loves CRPGs and we often play Diablo
And recently
>we've been talking about kids, and while I'm scared of what my kids might turn out to be due to the fact that autism is inherited, might make the jump
>we live together since a short while
>intimacy is a bit of a problem sometimes but I've been getting better with things like kissing and hugging
Uli isn't autistic, he had OCD. I can see how you might confuse some of those behaviors though. Nothing wrong with that
>I have incredibly horrible taste in women. It's probably my severe lack of social skills growing up from the autisms. Every single time they end up fucking insane with BPD or severe depression.
I know this feel.
Decent women rarely seek out decent and respectable men. Decent women have mountains of insecurity issues and would rather shack up with whoremongers or literal tards than respectable men. Respectable, upstanding men intimidate women because they are extremely, extremely terrified of being judged. As absurd as it may seem, if you're a deadbeat, abuser, retard, you actually have a better chance of landing a sweet and caring woman, than a hardworking and successful, fit man. Because women are that insecure (and also fucking stupid)
Use your experience being autistic to teach your kids how not to be as autistic. Like how people with no fathers or good parents become the father or parents they never had. Use your life as a tool to give your children the life you never had.
Yeah, women are incredibly insecure.
Native Kansan here. It's really not unless you're out in the middle of fucking nowhere.
This, Ullillillia is a genuinely good person who can recognize his faults and Chris is a narcissistic shithead who blamed his failings on everyone else.
People who say being a good person gets you no where are wrong.
Personality is also independent from intelligence.
He only has himself to blame.
You can't see it because you're from there! Kansas is hilariously rednecky, even the nice parts. To be honest its not bad and only really on an aesthetic level, the people there are just as friendly as they are anywhere else, just very visible to people from outside the region
This is ridiculous. Most women don't want to date autistic men because they have difficulty providing for themselves and interacting with society. A man's "niceness" is not her first priority, nor should it be.
does anybody know what shirt this is?
There's a massive spread of demographics in Kansas. Topeka is a ghetto. Overland Park is just a suburb. Lawrence is a college town filled to the brim with basic white kids. Leawood is filled with rich kids. KCK is somewhat ghetto, but not nearly as bad as KCMO. Only in the tiny country towns will you find the bumpkins. Even there, they don't even speak with a heavy accent like you'd expect from the Bible belt states.
Im 22 and discovered Yea Forums at age 12.
Honestly i was a lost fucking cause then, but I make decent money now and am decent in social situations compared to then and I think I would have killed myself if not for Yea Forums. Yea Forums made me an absolute monster of a child but I was bullied a lot and needed a friend. I turned back on the bullies and became one of the most despised but feared kids in the school, I remember stabbing someone on my bus with a pencil for calling me a faggot and smashing 2 kids heads together for some reason i forgot. I also remember when I got sick of a girl bullying me i squeezed her ass. She left me alone after that.
This was all in middle school at like age 13. You guys fucked me up and I wouldnt have it any other way
Platform Masters is the game he was making.
Here are my top three Classic Ulillillia videos:
#1. 5 secrets of level 2 in Bubsy 3D youtube.com
This is basically the quintessential uli video, and I think it was my first exposure to him. Everything about this video exudes that Classic Uli charm, from his obsession with an obscure old game nobody gives a shit about which is often considered to be objectivey terrible, to the bizarre audio mixing where he entirely separate the game audio to the right channel and his commentary to the left channel. Something about the way he speaks, his intonations are endlessly amusing to me. The way he says "you might be wondering" about some insane facet nobody would ever even notice. If you were only ever going to watch one ulillillia video, it should be this one.
#2. Knuckles on Ice Caps Mountain (and BG secrets) youtube.com
I feel like if the Bubsy video is the quintessential "uli plays a 3D game" video, this is the best example of him playing a 2D game. And there are certainly some people who could disagree with either of these assessments, his 50 Oddities in Spyro 2 is another contender for the 3D side, and some would argue his elaborate Tails Killing Machine videos would be more appropriate High Octane Uli content. But I think Knuckles on Ice Caps Mountain, complete with it's little MS Paint title graphic created by uli, is a better representation of why he's so drawn to these types of games, specifically the Sonic games, and one major reason for that is the high quality background art and its parallax scrolling, a concept he seems obsessed with and much of the development time of his own game Platform Masters is just tinkering with the backgrounds and blasting past them at extremely high speeds. He did very little actual level design, spending much more time working on the background elements of his levels.
#3. My first 30-inch pizza youtube.com
If I were to paint a more well-rounded profile of uli's gaming habits then the logical choice for the third spot would be one of the many, many RPG grinding videos. But frankly those are all *extremely* boring so I decided to go with another well-known aspect of uli's personal life which has received quite a lot of attention: his relationship with pizzas. I won't go too in depth on the history of uli's dietary habits but to put it mildly, uli eats a lot of pizza. For long stretches in his life it's essentially the only thing he ate, and he's very particular about the way he eats it. He always gets cheese pizza (he doesn't eat meat of any kind) and he always religiously goes through a rigorous and thorough de-greasing process which takes up multiple napkins. Another reason I chose this video is because his brief but awkward phonecall to the pizzeria highlights his awkward social interactions with others. But obviously the real reason I chose this video is because the ending is so fucking funny that it still makes me laugh. Just start watching the video from the five minute mark and finish it and you'll see what I mean. The smash cut to the eaten pizza and the way his voice changes and he actually sounds fatter kills me every time.
Im not saying most women will prefer to date heavily autistic men. But most women will choose heavily autistic, promiscuous whoremonger, deadbeat loser who doesnt work, or abusive anger issues- over a decent and respectable man.
i never used the word niceness either, I used decent and hardworking. Qualities of a good husband and father