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Don't like Steve but I wouldn't mind

Being nice is no reason for me to accept your asinine and retarded sans/goku tier shitty meme character, refusteves.

It doesn't matter how you behave, your tastes are inherently repulsive.

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Not accepting garbage isn't exclusive to rosterfaggotry. Hang yourself you waste of oxygen.

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I think it would be better if everyone would just be nice and discuss their favorite characters like normal people

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>and discuss their favorite characters
But muh relevancy xd

Room for one more?

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Sure,Provide png pls

how about 4

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Xbox shills can fuck off and die
>b-but MS owns Steve and Banjo!
MS bought Steve and Banjo, they didn't create them, Steve and Banjo have soul unlike Master Chief

>hate of other peoples choices
Can you read?

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Crash is a lock.

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I don't care who gets in as long as it's not some stupid shit like Erdrick

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Make that five

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I'd like to gain entrance to your social club, please. I believe my hairdo is in order.

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>Brave is a reference to Braveheartless, a PS1-exclusive level for Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko
Oh shit, that's some 4D-chess levels of subtly. How would anyone figure that out?

>Hey Leon, wanna Smash? I'm recruiting right now
>No way fag

Personally I want both.

But I can't say that without a Stevefag or banjofag telling me otherwise.

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>Leon over Jill
no way fag

for PSABR2

At this point I would honestly welcome Chief. Better than another FE character.

Fuck off back to discord

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You give too much value to smash discussion and too little value to all else.

Hey now sweetie that's no way to treat a fellow banjobro

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