Video game movies

Will Detective Pikachu be the first one to break the curse of video game movies?

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You should know the answer by now

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Are we still pretending Angry Birds wasn't pure kino?

not op here, but i gotta ask, it was that good?

What is Postal?

The Phoenix Wright movie was fucking good.

Mediocre at best

>he doesnt know

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Naw, not really. It was a bit amusing if you put on your /pol/ goggles, but otherwise, it was a basic, run-of-the-mill movie for kids. Some of the jokes got a kick out of me, and I don't think it was bad, but I wouldn't say it was good either.

It won't get above 40% on Rotten Tomatoes.

No. But I will love it anyway just as I love the Mario movie.

>Ryan Renolds


I will say, I never expected Angry Birds of all fucking things to be the anti-refugee crisis movie.

He might be a golden god to normies, but he has fought against producers to preserve the roles he plays.

Mortal Kombat already did that. Fuck this yellow freak and his nigger movie.

No, that was angry birds

>voiced by Ryan Reynolds
It's going to be a by the numbers quip fest with vague references to po-key-mawn for general millenial audiences to go "I know that reference LOL"
It will have a bit of raunchy humor and et mediocre reviews, but nonetheless turn a profit qeueing the next anime adaptation as hollywood desparately searches for post-super hero content to rip off

As much as I enjoyed the shitposting I still belive it was a coincidence. That shit would’ve been picked up if it was intentional. What about the sequel will that be red pilled too?

this shit still blows my mind to this day.
I wonder if it was coincidence or if some dude was playing 4D chess


This curse is broken upon the death of video games.

What games do you honestly think could be adapted into hollywood films?

>movies, not content with ruining capeshit, have moved on to vidya
Do your worst, Hollywood, fucking bring it.

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Postal was faithful and a great film and if you disagree you haven't seen it or played the source material

I'm honestly going to go see Detective Pikachu, it seems a stupid movie that knows its a stupid movie


Nigger watch the movie, not just screencaps.
It's not a coincidence, it's a genuine very thinly veiled /pol/ movie that somehow got past censors who didn't notice.

What defines breaking the curse?

An Oscar

It will be average or slightly above average. That’s enough to get the ball rolling. If Mario bros is shit then it’s a fluke lol Mortal Kombat if it’s good too then we have a Nintendo cinematic universe on our hands

Has the ending leaked? Was the ditto shit real?

The first Silent Hill movie was pretty good.

Why would we continue to use that as the standard of if a movie is good or not when members on the committee have stated that real world politics heavily influence nomination choices? this isnt the golden era anymore

what ditto shit

theory that ditto is the main villain

Mortal Kombat was good though



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It already has.

Letting out of touch boomers be critics was a mistake

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angry birds was a decent for a movie, but for video game movie standards sadly, its probably the best one, jesus fuck i hope detective pikachu tops it fast

This one hurt to read

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So is true
Low scores come from boomers who have 0 idea about pokemon

This shit is going to be KINO for people who loves pokemon

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Boomer critics were a mistake.


Just read the review. It's a perfect movie.

Have sex

Hey, the first Mortal Kombat movie was awesome.

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Holy shit. Boomers should be gassed.

source me

It will make sales but it won't save anything. Just like all the capeshit movies.

>main source of any pokemon related thing say it's kino

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Tell me about more good english video game movies aside from MK.

>who don't know a Jigglypuff from a Charizard
You really REALLY couldn't have picked a worse comparison than this. I don't think a boomer could even make a comparison like this either, you genuinely had to have lived under a rock for the past millennium to do this.


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What's the problem? All I'm reading is that Pokemon may like it while non fans may not.

How retarded can you be that multiple named creatures confuse you? Did jurassic Park cause you to have a stroke

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The thing that pisses me off is that they never get called out for it. Reviewers can say the dumbest shit and they'll never rewrite their reviews after listening to valid criticisms.
Don't get me wrong, this could be a trash overcomplicated movie, but it's really not helping their case when their taglines make me wonder if it's a human or a robot that's writing it.

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That was a good read.

They don't need post superhero content because capeshit is here to stay

>still having any trust in the oscars after open up your eyes didn't get a best original song nomination

I'm gonna be forward with ya dont see a raimi Spider-Man tier vidya movie happening till another 10 years from now. 5 being the most early. Hollyjew is ran by out of touch fossils who became big in the 70s. To them,vidya is that Atari their kids played. Nothing else nothing more

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Any sane person wants to slap the shit out of shinji, get in the fucking robot you crybaby.

you sure got him

>even critics can recognise the oscars as a joke
Remember when the academy of motion picture arts and sciences was a respected institution.

The assasians creed movie was kind of strange but decent. I am mildy disappointed there will be no sequel.

Oscar boomers don't even fucking watch everything in the categories they're supposed to be voting for. Especially for animated films or films aimed at a younger audience. They go straight for the first Disney or Pixar movie they happened to watch because they went with their kids or grandkids. Anything remotely Japanese might as well have not existed to them.

You think Jurrasic Park is the only source material for dinosaurs?

I think it's just a test, they establish the Pokémon World, and if the people likes the movie, they are gonna exploit main series games.
Im between more Kanto Pandering with a Red/Blue movie or even going full normie with an Ash movie.
He coule be the new Harry Potter, each year a new movie where he fights a league/mafia group or a furious Legendary pokémon who is bad because it has a thorn in its paw.
Then do a dark 'adult' one with Champion Lance.
Until that Ash grows and then do a crossover.
Don't Know if they play well his cards they could do great shit, Falcon, Captain Marvel and Spiderman couldn't carry more fans thay RDJ and Evans.
It's Warner time.

Reminder that the opinion of movie critics is not important.

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Oh boy, more shit in the theaters! Can't wait!

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Long time Pokemon Anime fan here who follows the anime and news around it very closely.

They can't do Ash in live action since 1) Ash isn't allowed to age, he has to continue on doing his job alongside Pikachu of marketingthe games, 2) He isn't allowed to win. If he were to get his first league win in a Live Action movie it would be the biggest fuck you that would kill the anime dead which can't happen.

At best we'll get Red or a knock off Ash but with a different name. Ash has a job to do, there's no way he goes live action outside of references until the anime itself or his story comes to an end.

What is it about the DP movie that makes you so angry?

>At best we'll get Red
Which would be a billion times better than getting Ash anyway, fuck the anime for the reasons you described.

How did we get to a point in time where fucking Joe from Serebii is actually the best source/review for something related to Pokemon?

>I think it's just a test.

This. They are testing the waters to see if a full blown Pokemon movie will work. My guess is if this does well they will do some sort of a remake of The First Movie since its pretty clear from the trailers they are planting those seeds (the Mewtwo lab/pods etc).

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There's also Derrick from Gamexplain:

He's also a shill like Joe, but he's a big Pokémon fan and actually played the game so he can be trusted with rating the movie in comparison to it.

To be fair while Joe probably isn't wrong he is likely biased towards being overly pleased with the movie, considering he was brought out to the movie by Warner Bros to see it and the better he's seen in their and TPCi's eyes the more better for Serebii in general.

I thought Warcraft was passable. Prince of Persia is the only decent vidya movie to date tho.

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Wreck it Ralph was pure kino though

>I have not watched Evangelion
He gets in the first fucking episode

Why do people actually want their favorite franchises to get MCU'd?

Half of Warcraft was passable

It's not even that. What you're witnessing is dragging a whole film down because of something negligent. While at the same time probably praising another film which fails at everything but because it made you "clap" you give it high marks.

Close some fucking tabs, you freak.

Ralph isn't a videogame frachise movie retard. It had guests but that's it.
Pokemon on the other hand...

>wanting to make a successful pokemon movie
>with a black lead actor
were we monkey paw'd?

His acting seems fine, so I don't see the issue.

Why do you want pokemon movies anyways? Are the games not good enough?

Silent Hill

>Caring if a human character is a nigger or not in pokemon of all things

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Not them, but I personally wouldn't mind more movies if they were other original stories set in the Pokémon world, especially if they were allowed to do stuff regular Pokémon games can't. Detective Pikachu is already a good example since the game itself was very atypical for a Pokémon spinoff, I'd love seeing more original concepts as movies even without a game to adapt them from. I don't think straight adaptations of the main games would work (too long, too many characters and not enough focus on plot to really work without cutting huge chunks of the journey), but some of the other spinoffs could work too, such as Pokémon Ranger.

Because the world needs another mcu!

breaking at least half a billion. Prince of Persia is the only one that came close if Pokemon can't do it nothing ever will

This. Mortal Kombat is still the best vidya movie.

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Mortal Kombat came out like 20 or so years ago my dude

they are really bad, you know?

I really like game explain because they don't stretch their videos out to be 10 minutes like all the other vidya channels do.

>more time at the gym
>pokemon go reference
how the hell do these people get a job? How out of touch are these people they don't know that gym's have been part of Pokemon since the beginning? You would think a writer for something called indiewire would be hip on the most successful media franchise ever.

Clearly you haven't seen their analysis videos

OR, since we already have twenty years and twenty movies of Ash wandering around the world, they decided to do something different for once.

Imagine being a nazi furry with a waifu.
Go outside

>main character has an estranged cop dad
this is a rare example where shitting a character actually makes more sense than the source material

There already is a few good video game movies and this one is probably not going to be one of them.

haha i get it so funny haha

>Using /pol/ makes you a Nazi
>Implying /pol/ isn't raided daily and the target of sjw's
How new are you? And what is your Reddit username?

Jesus the shilling for this movie really kicked into overdrive after the Sonic fiasco.

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At least Sonic's fun to talk about, its probably too late to fix unless they get more money

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That is great review. Nice.

The first was pretty good, but the second one was just fun to watch the trainwreck.

I fucking hate normalfags so much.

It's already reviewing terribly

I just finished seeing it here in Osaka.
It's pretty ok, It starts off pretty slow but the CG actually looks good. Pikachu has the soul of the kid's father, who is Ryan Reynolds

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Forget Ash - what we need is a PMD movie, or one set in that universe.

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Max Payne was good.

that movie was dog shit

Those memes about Pikachu being his dad were true?

By out of touch boomers who know nothing of the source material except hurr durr pokemans go to the polls
means absolutely nothing

So is the Mewtwo actually Ditto?

based redditor

It's so weird that they refused answering that plot point in the game leaving it open for a sequel but they seemingly do in the movie, though I'm glad for it if that's the case.

>that spoiler
So, just like the game it's based off of? Everyone already knew that

Yep. Mewtwo is able to merge the souls of humans and Pokemon
No but the big bad's assistant is a genetically modified ditto

I love how we're not allowed to talk about anything without someone screaming about shills.

Any post-credit scene or some shit?

After the credits is a trailer for the CG Mewtwo Strikes Back movie.

>you will never have your lunch delivered by Braviary

Also is that really how big Braviary is?

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1.5m/4'11''. It seems to be about as big as the crane's cockpit so it should be just about accurate.

That's fucking hilarious. What the hell, now I actually want to see that movie.

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Is Meowth in the movie?

My negro.

MK did it so well they later changed Kano to be Australian in the games too.

Oh, I'm sorry, was I disturbing your discussion with my random post that you can easily filter and hide? Go ahead and talk, but don't even try to deny the all the painfully obvious plugging for this movie going on.

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But look at the guy, if he's six feet tall then that bird is like seven or eight feet if he was standing normally.

>if you talk about anything new or upcoming then you're shilling! SHIIIIILLLLLIIIINNNNNG!!!!
Did you go into the MK11 and DMC5 threads to shit yourself stupid, too?

I didnt see one.


I hadn't noticed the human. Then yeah, the Braviary is bigger than normal.

Why is the bad guy doing bad evil things? Is it just a lust for power?


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The founder of the city is the big bad. Basically he's crippled by some disease and his love for pokemon was all a ruse. His goal was to mindlink with mewtwo and fuse the souls of the citizens with pokemon. He wants people to evolve to a greater version of themselves.

I'm not personally calling you a shill, autismo. I'm just saying that there is obvious shillery afoot. Now hop along back to that wonderful discussion you were apparently having that somehow got sidetracked by my post.

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Even then it's hard to tell. I watched Gravity completely confused on why it was being praised after I saw it, and apparently people liked it because of MUH SPECIAL EFFECTS. What is with the use of CGI that makes people disregard anything else about the movie? I remember Avatar being absolutely terrible yet people kept going to it for the special effects.

He's clearly tan

Dont get your hopes up.
This is literally a 20 second clip of an informational video about the city that the main character watches on the train

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Yeah it's just a cameo of the Kamen Rider that voices Tim in the Japanese dub of the movie

>cameo of the Kamen Rider
Which Kamen Rider?

Are you all being ironic? Or do you really rate films proportionally to how many pop culture references they contain? How fucking young are you?

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The issue is critics complaining about a movie without knowing its source material.

>Ash isn't allowed to win
Why have we been put on this earth?
Just to suffer?

Leave it to Shantae fans to have zero reading comprehension

Pokemon 2000 already did.

It's true though. Sometimes I wonder why movie critics are a thing.

Zoomers live off shitty pop culture references, they won't understand you.

The anime movies aren't video game movies.

Because they're probably the same people who love the MCU

That's literally the opposite of what the review is saying though. He's dragging the film down because it's slow in "wit" and coherence. The "something negligent" here is seeing Pokemon in the real world

Idk, it personally bugs me. I don't want to have to watch every single movie to be able to understand what is going on, it's nice for a movie series to be its own thing. One thing I don't like about cinematic universes is that a popular character may start appearing in 70% of the movies. That shit gets old real quick, yet normies never seem to get annoyed with it, just look at Iron Man.

I don't want MCU but would prefer something along the lines of the MonsterVerse, where a small hand picked really known monsters get picked for films then later on meet to fight it out for the top dog position.

>3 seperate movies focusing on 3 different Trainers
>the fourth is the 3 of them entering the same Pokemon League and meeting for the first time

I can see some potential there. You set the three movies in different regions and give them different motivations for pursuing the title of champion. Sprinkle in some legendaries and a character arc about steeling their resolve. Then you up the intrigue by including a villanous team causing problems in the trainers' journeys.
Then when the big finale comes the villain's plans come to fruition during the Pokemon League and our three protagonists must act together to save the day.
The only problem is how to you get people to see the same movie three times? Oh wait, they're already conditioned to watch the same movie a dozen times, thanks Marvel!

Was it autism?

He'll solve pizzagate

Mortal Kombat never happened?

Ghost of Mars is pretty much a doom movie and the Doom movie with then the rock is poppin. Sonic the hedgehog will be a funnier moive than The pikachu one because that pokemon moive is gonna be so safe and stale becasue Nintendo doesn't want another Mario Bros movie (another poppin movie) normies can't have fun they expect everything to be as deep as the the Dark Knight

>Nigger protagonist
It's shit.

Pikachu is a mouse user

Christopher Lambert is the best Raiden who ever lived and should've been the basis for all the games moving forward, they fuck Jax gonna do against the Highlander

There were already a couple fairly competent Pokemon films, so no. Sure, at best, they're pretty much dollar store Ghibli, but that's still not too shabby.

Is it hard to be kino for 12 year olds?



Drive. He's too big for Rider now, and just keeps getting bigger.

and what did rodents spread? thats right the BLACK plague

As long as those 12 year old grow up to be film majors who can justify that the movie is KINO, then yeah.

I enjoyed it a fair deal, yeah

Silent Hill was a great video game movie
Fuck you, there is no sequel.

I doubt it will have much in the referential humor because the Pokemon world is very different from our world and wouldn't really have the same pop culture. Pokemon in general usually tends to avoid pop culture references (though not always). I wouldn't expect much raunchy humor either. The movie's rated PG. Nintendo would not allow them to go too far anyway.

>he won't make an appearance in Zi-O
Boo. This is totally Decade's fault

It's a little sad, though, because he actually loves Rider a lot and does want to return for Zi-O.

Leave videogame movies to me.

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The video game story yes.

Uhh did anyone watch Blood Rayne and Electra the movies? how did they compare to the video game narratives?