Acceptable trash talk

Acceptable trash talk includes;

Get destroyed. Can’t believe you thought you were on my level.
That was some serious potato aim. Get wrecked.
Only reason you went positive was you spent all game camping. Try again, kid.
Cheap win. Come at me when you can actually drive without running cars off the road.
That sucked. Get good and then come back when your k/d’s over 1.

Going too far looks like
Get . Can’t believe you thought you were on my level.
Hey , that was some serious potato aim. Get wrecked, trash.
Only reason you went positive was you spent all game camping. KYS, kid.
Cheap win. Totally expected from a .
You suck. Get out of my country—maybe they’ll let you back in when your k/d’s over 1.

there you have it, Yea Forums. From now on I expect everyone here to follow the rules

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Potato aim
Isn't calling things potato as an insult a reference to retards? How did none of those clowns catch that?

All trash talk should be acceptable.

>calling someone a tard is acceptable
>calling someone a fag isn't

I'm gonna practice right now: Oh, flip off you mother flipper. I bet your K/D ratio isn't even above 1. Why don't you go take a course and learn how to play video games at your local community college? You have potato aim.

>Potato aim

It's not everyday you are there at Ground Zero to witness the birth of a new meme. I predict this one's gonna be BIG.

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Do they realize potato stands for retarded?

>That was some serious potato aim. Get wrecked.
that is offensive to the mentally challenged

>That was some serious potato aim. Get wrecked.
Isn't this a disability slur?

the guy who wrote this can't even count to potato

>the most cyber bullied kid in the world

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games cause violence and rape, they should all be banned and game developers should be imprisoned

It really is the logical conclusion.


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>It's okay to say "destroyed"

>It's not okay to say "wrecked"

fucking why???

Trash talk always sucks. Where's the fun in talking shit (usually with serious undertones once someone starts to get salty) when you can choose to just stop caring and have fun. Everyone I've met who goes all-in on trash talking ends up being seriously unhappy IRL.

Get raped idiot

So long as you can still teabag corpses then the world is fine. The only trash talk required is superior play. It's the easiest way to mindfuck somebody on the opposing team. Then, when the match is over, and you get that ranty personal message? Pure bliss.

>It's not okay to say "wrecked"
One of the acceptable examples says that though, what are you talking about

>somebody beats you at the game
>he throws in some friendly taunting
>you accuse the person who beat you of being salty

yeah that makes a ton of sense bro

Isn't that why games already have "mute" and "block" buttons? Don't they do the same thing, without telling people how they should behave?

Wrecked is in the acceptable trash talk, you stupid double nigger

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Can I say Pewdiepie's favorite word?

What about my favorite trash talk of all GET SHITTED ON

It's racist towards Irishmen

Cheap win. Totally expected from a ______

What's the actual quote?

>get wrecked trash

siamese twin

>That was some serious potato aim. Get wrecked.
Learn to read, retard.

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>Get destroyed.
I'm guessing the Minecraft jokes guy wrote this one.


Fortnite started the potato aim insult you fucking mong. It's literally a spray you can put in game.

>Getting bullied by fucking nobodies on the internet.
>Getting bullied in a fucking video game, period.
The only reason this is a big deal is because bitches started playing video games and they're not use to trash talk. There's a fucking cunt that cut her wrists because people spammed "WOW!" At her on Rocket League.
"Toxic" people aren't a problem, you worthless fucks need to get a grip.

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to be honest, i like the potato aim one

Somehow, I don't think I'm the mong for not knowing that. Congratulations Fortnite kiddie, you played yourself.

>agree to not say "nigger"
>say nigger anyway
>get banned

When the "lines you dont cross" make no sense and overlap everyone is going to just give up. This is literal fascist tactics on speech.

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You have to be 18+ to post here.

>Cheap win. Totally expected from a .

what slur did he use Yea Forums?

>There's a fucking cunt that cut her wrists because people spammed "WOW!" At her on Rocket League.

He's baiting, potato aim has been around way longer than fortnite

Trash talk is fun. Especially on mic, cause I get off on that shit. Tho it is annoying when you get screechers.

I really, really like this image

Good. It's about time that bastard children of niggers and spics learn some manners.

>resorting to easy sex/race insults
Why not be original and interesting with it?
Oh, right.

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Yes, but you can't expect hypersensitive retards to accept already existing reasonable solutions to overblown problems.

>slyly admitting everyone knows women & minorities are worthless

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Atleast on Valve games i can call people niggers and faggots

Not gonna lie, this book fucking ruled.

>This is a real cover for a real book

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>they know about KYS now
it has gone too far now, it must be stopped

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They're literally going to start banning people for saying maga

You need to learn to read, regard. The trash part was clearly removed from the acceptable trash talk. It is unacceptable to call someone trash as an insult.

Pretty much. There's a vocal minority who believe everyone should trash talk at all times and act like any measure against it is the end of the world. It's usually people who are unable to show affection or vulnerability. Look at the shitstorm over people facing repercussions for being racist and constantly hostile in Siege.

Imagine going back to 2008 and telling people they can't say faggot or nigger on Xbox Live.

how do they enforce this, snitches?

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Cheap win. Totally expected from Tim Sweeney

He's talking about this dumb cunt.

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trash talk is not viable in online platforms because the aggressors are not limited by physical/proximal intimidation and consequence. You shit talk a stranger, you better be prepared for the possibility that they and their friends are going to beat the ever-living shit out of you.

>"lmao fuck off you gay fucking faggot"

God I hope that cunt gets raped by a pack of niggers. stupid attention thot

it's very satisfying to report some sperg who's flipping out in chat and seeing them get banned. Some good schadenfreude. I report anybody who I find annoying in games and you can't stop me.

>tfw potato aim

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literally nothing wrong with that

>was arguing about the word wrecked
>try to change the subject to different word
Stop trying to jew your way out of being wrong.

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in the original C&H comic, doesn't Susie usually beat the shit out of Calvin for snowballs? Is that not empowering enough for the real Sinfest version?

Finally Microsoft kills themselves.

sideways for attention...

I remember playing Black Ops 2, and all the 12 year old Mexicans were the worst with the screeching and swear words. I'd love to know how they're gonna get that segment of the population in line.

ur a liar, lindsay

how is this acceptable, potato bros!? They can't just keep getting away with using us as an insult.

>telling mom on you is satisfying

I knew a girl who was a heroin addict that used to cut herself. If any of you have known any of these girl cutters in real life, you know this bitch would've been cutting her arms no matter what, Rocket League was not the catalyst here.

The ridiculous concept of a woman with a heart is breaking my immersion here.

have you tried getting good ?

This is your brain on Steam

You're banned and I'm not, lol
If you get impotently mad about it, that just makes my erection stronger
Ironically, the report function is a powerful tool for griefing and trolling particular kinds of people

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>Rocket League toxicity caused that
>Implying her life is perfect without rocket league toxicity and she isn't just looking for an excuse

never mind that Calvin actually has stood up to Moe before
and he got shitcanned for it
and yeah, like when she acts like her eyes got knocked out and then takes a big fucking kick to his ass

>the most cyberbullied kid in the world
I mean he's not wrong, this book and his cult got meme'd on pretty hard


What does calling someone an aborted fetus and stating their date of birth must’ve been dreadful for all parties involves fall under?

>faggot slant-eyed nigger walling against me
>counter hack and win the game
>tell him to go get eaten by an escalator
felt good

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You incels have a lot in common with thots, you're all mentally ill. If only you all could see it.

Try harder tryhard

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Potato is another term for retard, I'm fucking shaking right now someone hold me

You completely misinterpreted 5he first guy, you dumb cunt. He was clearly talking about the word trash but I suppose your brainlet intelligence needed a third meme arrow in the post to point that out. KYS, kid

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crazy people rarely have the self reflection skills to see themselves objectively

nice newspeak xbros


I know you're lonely, but you suck at trolling dude.

Dominant women exist to be dominated.

>Only acceptable insults allowed
>Acceptable insults can be changed at any time
>You'll be banned if you didn't get the memo for any changes

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Wonderful news. Thank you Phil Spencer for keeping Xbox a safe place to play from bigots.

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Yeah, it was pretty realistic desu. For little kids it's even ground and girls would beat up boys just fine, no testosterone advantage yet. Then they would go cry to adults and get pity points lel

There's someone over my shoulder?

You and I both know the type of people who this applies to ain't in here, and they ain't ever gonna hear about these changes. The worst offenders are 11-18 year old kids. Try getting those autists under control, good luck.

Leftists are a cancer.

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might even say it's double good

There's only one Irishman here.

Why are you projecting?

Can't wait when someone launch game without fucked up censorship in chat.

Have sex

Call your father.

Are you okay?


commit sudoku

What's some acceptable right wing trash talk?
Apart from commie of course.

Those "going too far" ones are pretty weak.
Although I might start using "Get ."

Lol u mad?

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I would say it, but I will be banned again.

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Miss me with that gay shit.
Maybe you should play on a platform that's not designed for toddlers if you dislike bad words being censored.

Yep, he mad alright lol

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>Totally expected from a .
>You suck. Get out of my country

Tienanmen Square Massacre 1989

I play on an atari 7800. Is that a platform for toddlers or?

>You suck. Get out of my country—maybe they’ll let you back in when your k/d’s over 1.
That's really nice, lmao.

Tho i herd ogrewatch bans for that

dilate tranny

>being intentionally retarded

People will gang up on you for some reason in some threads.
If you see the "black characters" threads, which are just off topic nigger porn dumps, don't go in to call people beta nigger enablers, just report and hide.

I don't think it's write to call someone's aim potato. What if they're disabled or just less skilled than you? It's not fair.

double nigger

Get destroyed. Can’t believe you thought you were on my level.

Well, I also have a FM Towns Marty, but I'm too shy to talk about it. Is that a platform for toddlers or...?

Does this mean calling someone "trash" is not acceptable? Kind of sad because the only slur they had left was calling people shitty.

>You suck. Get out of my country—maybe they’ll let you back in when your k/d’s over 1.
I like that one.

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>look mom I did it again
Next time try not being disingenuous.

Imagine unironically having these images saved as "ammo" LOL. Back you go, thanks for taking the tour.

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Joke's on you I talk to girls AND fap to cartoons

"commie" is the chaddest of all insults.
I'd like to see "pinko" make a comeback as well.

I'm just trying to figure out which platforms are for toddlers and which ones aren't.

i wanna smooch bugs bunny

I swear it felt like I was reading something from a soccer mom's blog in 2004. Can we finally start labeling these for what they truly are and call them soccer mom games?

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Who the fuck names a boy that?

The unacceptable part was the profanity.

If I told Phil congrats on his transition because his trannie tits are coming in nicely would that be acceptable trash talk?

potato aimer here

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Get a load of all the potato aimers in this thread.

He wants to smooch you back cutie.

Imagine unironically having this image saved as "ammo" LOL. Back you go, thanks for taking the tour.

Been here since 2003.

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>literally soccer mom insults
>if there had been online voice chat back in the 90s this is what all the conservatives would have wanted

Jesus Christ horseshoe theory is real.

I sure hope so

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Is "have sex" acceptable trash talk?

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Jokes on you, I use a Resident Evil 4 chainsaw controller to play FPS. No way I'm a potato aimer.

Imagine unironically having this image saved as "ammo" LOL. Back you go, thanks for taking the tour.

>basically don't be a jerk

How is telling someone "that sucked" being any less of a jerk than telling someone "you suck"?


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Homosexuals are particularly spiteful of the mentally challenged because of a couple reasons:
1 They're even more of a protected minority, and it makes them seethe.
2. Most gays are very shallow and perfectionist, and so are repulsed by retards. They want everything glitzy and clean, even the people around them.

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Why can't there be like, R-rated voice chat and G-rated voice chat? Adults like to cuss and tell each other to get fucked. It seems kind of dumb that M-rated games where you blow each other's heads off being played by a group of adults doesn't want being used.

He's broken. One night here and he's shattered, this gotta be a new record

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I'll give you a hit: the ones with terms of service that dictate to you what trash talk is acceptable.

He's broken. One night here and he's shattered, this gotta be a new record

same here.

sometime I fuck my girl and Jack off to hentai later that night


At least soccer moms contribute somewhat to society by having children.

>Why can't there be like, R-rated voice chat and G-rated voice chat?
There is, it's called chat filters.
Most games used to make those optional.

But to be honest, nowadays, R-rated chat is called PC gaming and/or Discord.
G-rated is consoles.
This is what happens when you build a platform on centralization because you're a lazy fucktard.

Ok now you're just pulling my leg you potato aimer. I bet your K/D ratio isn't even 1.

yeah, 'potato' is a slur on downies.

Sega Master System?

Ummmm.... those "acceptable" ones are NOT actually acceptable, they're all clear cases of the toxic masculinity that pervades gaming and keeps people from enjoying it. Please Microsoft, reconsider your stance because no one, and I mean NO ONE should have to suffer from this kind of abuse while just trying to enjoy a game. I know many people who have had serious breakdowns from being talked to in this kind of way and it needs to stop already. Thank you for reading my advice and I hope you follow it :)

And downies is a slur on the Forrest Gump types.

Fag here. Either you're from San Francisco or you think Hollywood productions are a reflection of real life, because neither of those are even remotely true. Most gays are sloven, unkempt and generally lazy because they're the equivalent of single guys who are around other single guys with no women to civilize them or force them to clean their act up.

Also I've never met a gay guy who objects to the word "fag".

lmao the agenda is so obvious seeing those examples of "going too far"

and Forest Gump types is a slur on Forest Gump

Ever since my best friend got raped I get pretty blasted over sexual threats. The others are just regular dickishness tho, M$ get fuckt

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>Cheap win. Come at me when you can actually drive without running cars off the road.
>tfw Burnout doesn't exist anymore

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Are we not even mad at this anymore? Literally every article is talking about how cute it is that microsoft is hip n trendy with the cute insults! god I fucking hate this so much

I said before, my experience is certainly not typical, but all the worst offenders I came across, on consoles anyway, are usually screechy voice sounding kids. Wait until Mommy's little angel can't play Fortnite with his buddies anymore. There's a shit storm on the horizon.

>But to be honest, nowadays, R-rated chat is called PC gaming and/or Discord.

Funny. The only time I've ever been banned from in-game chat is on PC games. I've been calling people faggots and retards on PSN for the last ten years and I've never been banned for it.

>Are we not even mad at this anymore?
We are mad. But what can we do?

Dude, kids nowadays are giant pussies.
He'll lie down and take it or beg mommy to buy him a new account like the faggot he is.

>using corporate approved trash talk
Just disable the voice communications if you're going to be faggots about it.

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>You suck. Get out of my country—maybe they’ll let you back in when your k/d’s over 1.

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Can still play Burnout Paradise Remastered. It's like $9.99 or less right now, and it's still fun. I know that's not what you meant, but at least it's something.

Sorry m8, console ports ain't PC games, PC games have dedicated community servers, and you usually get banned on those for being a faggot and/or a child.

>Also I've never met a gay guy who objects to the word "fag".
Not a fruit myself, but I know one and he's a hypocrite about the word. He calls other people faggots and all kinds of race slurs all the time but the second somebody calls him a fag he plays the bigotry card.

caught me off guard, kek

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>Getting offended on behalf of someone else

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i dont know but im still mad ;_;

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>That was some serious potato aim. Get wrecked.
Offensive to the mentally subnormal and the irish (same thing)
>Cheap win. Come at me when you can actually drive without running cars off the road.
Offensive to the developmentally challenged who cannot learn how to drive.
Tut tut, microsoft. You're nowhere near progressive enough.

>Then, when the match is over, and you get that ranty personal message? Pure bliss.
>constantly rail nerds in games
>wipe squads
>bm people
>never, ever, ever get hate mail. never.
>other friend who's not as good as me, doesn't talk shit, doesn't do anything to make others angry has received hundreds of hate mail messages over the past decade

fucking why

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>Acceptable trash talk
We're living in a clown world.

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18+ game
Characters swear and enemies talk shit
Saying fuck in chat is evil btw

Wait, they made a crazy castle4? I thought there was only two.


It worked so well the mods filtered it.

NPC also pisses off leftists.

>Dev once tried to convince me that simulating shooting gooks is A Okay but saying mean words to people online is bad
None of this makes any sense.

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>You suck. Get out of my country—maybe they’ll let you back in when your k/d’s over 1.

That's my go to line why playing tf2

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>play M-rated multiplayer game with loads of gore and murder
>go into multiplayer
>All ages Christian server! No swearing!!!

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I never hear trash talk, or banter of any kind. It's either people casually taking about their day with no regards to the game, or blind seething vitriol spewed at both teammate and enemy.

Welcome to disliking the left. You will now be called a /pol/tard by underage spergs on Yea Forums.

It's not offended for her, it's just reminding me of what happened to her which makes me sad. Offense isn't the issue.

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Oh man, the Angry Video Game Nerd has a treat for you friend. There's more than 4 of them.

>the absolute STATE of western gaming

Its so funny watching americans sit back and letting these commies destroy their nation

>americans, again, prove they can't handle the bants
what's next, trademarked shitposting?

Oh dont forget teens having sex is fine, showing celeb kids in bikinis is great, sex on tv? Wonderful
Sideboob in a 18+ game is morbid

Cant corrupt the young minds with that yanno but buy my skins and dlc

2008 Xbox live would have eaten these people alive.

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My shit hole country would eat them now
Saying faggot and nigger is normal and accepted here

Just a reminder that getting people banned is its own game

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Oh I get what you mean.

How do you know any of us are from America? Where you from? Did you just assume my nationality you hateful bigot?

I trully believe somewhere before trump announce he was going to run, that some incredibly insane thing happen that made us diverge timeline.
This is the zaniest timeline.

Sounds like you're really proud of that fact. Where would that be, Siberia?


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>normalniggers try to kick me
>don't get kicked because tf2 is the greatest game ever created
I love it
>playing on cuck servers

And remember, violence against women and children is bad.
Unless it's in Game of Thrones, in which case a little girl having her throat slit or getting crushed by a giant or being brutally raped is a-okay.

>get good
this pisses people infinitely more than just calling them faggot

America, outside of the two cancer centers on the coasts.

lmao I'll be sure to use "get raped" more often, just for you user

please don't take it personally

I hate this place
But it just shows how weak minded the new generations are
I remember people saying that would you jump of a bridge if everyone else is doing it?
And all the kids would be nah man das stoopd, now they would start crying and jump off so they can play who's the biggest victim

Man i miss when people didn't care
When you can call someone a nigger snd nobody cares the word isn't powerful
When you give it so much power thst saying it makes you hitler 2.0 you're creating problems where there arent any
Also dont forget racism isn't really a problem anyway but people who see ot in everything are racist towards everything

I'm more surprised people don't do this more often. Imagine having really annoying siblings or finding out someone you don't like plays online games with heavy chat censorship. You wait until they leave the room and sneak in and say "NIGGER" in the mic or chat and leave, then watch them get banned.

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did i ever say i was talking directly to you ? no you dumb faggot. And what i said was true. Big tech is anti free speech


as an australian how dare xbox think they can disable my culture
i'll call a shit cunt a shit cunt as much as i want online and if you ban me from your online services i will bring my consumer rights corporation down UPON YOUR SHIT CUNT

I still smile when i remember how the
Equal rights thing made some guys slap women back and they would instantly cry about it when just before they would hit guys
A friend once said
Can hit like a guy
Can take a hit like a guy

We truly live in a clown world

Really? I'm not. Most people aren't huge faggots like you.

Are you having a stroke

The proper, non-faggot version of that saying is "equal rights means equal lefts."
But don't let a white guy hear you say that, they get triggered as FUCK when you're mean to vaginas.

Almost societal, you could say.

Just create an adult mode or no children allowed.

I absolutely agree with everything you just said. Honestly, I think most day-to-day people are the same as they always been, it's just something about online communities and trying to please everybody, and being "everything to everyone". It's impossible. But they keep trying to water and water everything down, taking the fun out of it. There is nothing worse than being vanilla and bland. Boring and gray and monotone is where everything online is headed.

>t.bullied younger sibling

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You might be, if you can't understand what he's saying. Don't bully ESL-kun who does weird linbreaks.

i'm literally fucking like 4 girls at varying parts of the week right now, fucking christ have sex

Shit talking is half the fun... Why even play vidya then?

If anything, this is a chance to have people learn more passive yet still incredibly demoralizing banter. Play something like when a enemy teamkills, congratulate his aim, or when your foe dies to fall damage tell them to read Newton for survival sake.
The amount of seething is fantastic because you have not said anything bannable but you still are rubbing a lot of salt in the wounds and there is nothing they can do about it without admitting being mad.

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Types like a retard and has the viewpoints of a retard.

Deserves to be bullied.

>t. horrible older sibling

>adult mode
>full of children
>children mode
>full of adult

I can smell a potato aimer like you a mile away

Different translations for different languages

But fuck phone posting at 6am

I'm curious to see what happens when they ban everything and everyone from doing anything, will it all reset to a golden age of saying whatever you want or will they realize that especially in competitive environments shittalk is a viable tactic to make your opponent make mistakes

>the viewpoints of a retard
No he doesn't. His viewpoints are based and freedompilled, actually. He may have the body of a siberian, but he has the soul of an american.

The timeline split in 1941.

>being this melodramatic because you can't use slurs when playing video games.

this entire website is full of morons.

There's a difference between saying fuck and acting like a total retard saying it every word. Most servers ive visited ban it because dipshit 12 year olds think they're hardcore spamming it in chat

Why does every iOS filename always accompany an extremely homosexual post?

Those rules are primarily for the benefit of weak willed, thin skinned adults. Kids will just say whatever they want without regard to anything but their retarded friends.

Did you just tell me to kill myself? Ooohh. You're in trouble now kiddo. You really bit the big one this time.

Oh don't get me wrong the little shits who think screaming nigger nigger and team killing is funny should get beat the fuck up but most parents don't believe in saying no because positive reinforcement memes are great

Begone, euroslave.

Get fucked nigger

God damn user. I want to stand up and salute what you said. Shit was inspiring.

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It's because people like him try to imitate blacks in reclaiming the word "nigger/nigga". It's a lot like the futile effort of whores trying to "reclaim" the word slut. Slut will always have a bad connotation to it and will never not be insulting.

>violate EULA
>scream you're being oppressed by a 3rd party company

Attached: 1539146482647.webm (364x320, 684K)

>you can't use slurs when playing video games.
I actually can, and you know what happens when I get banned?

I make a new account or buy another copy, and I do it again.

And there is nothing you can do to stop me. The true pay to win.

Attached: 1507162541646.jpg (200x200, 14K)

What's the point of the mute/block button if you're going to punish users for communicating?

Attached: misery.jpg (211x192, 25K)

>who think screaming nigger nigger and team killing is funny should get beat the fuck up but most parents
Does this still happen? I stopped playing online years ago

I honestly don't know why most of you retards are arguing about this. Most of the Yea Forums users that I have run to in the wild never use their mics because they're incels. Too afraid to speak to anyone and just take whatever insults are given to them.

Attached: GVgiVuAQ_400x400.jpg (400x400, 32K)

one thing that makes me happy is that there will be a day where you die
it may be after me, but the day will still come
i eagerly await your response

Oh yeah? Well little did you know, I laid out my Reverse card. Tough break pal. This just ain't your lucky day. Heh.

Attached: 254378367367.gif (248x380, 1.5M)

>cheap win, totally expected of a nigger
microsoft knows how to do bants

Some of us are just invisible, user.

It's so easy to tell who the losers are who never had a friend or a big brother to teach them how to bantz and what male camaraderie is like.

No, it's not specifically retards. Anyone that looks dumpy like a potato can be called a potato. I used to call this short fat chick in high school potato because I came on her stubby potato toes and she screamed "spuds!" and never explained why. Also she looked like a potato from the side.


>Cheap win. Totally expected from a .
In my mind I filled the blank spot with NIGGER.

Attached: 1551999232308.png (344x315, 216K)

Meh, I'm black and I call people nigger all the time, even IRL.
And yes, hard R.
Only white people and yankee coons think there's a difference between nigga and nigger.
Northern coons make me fucking sick, wish they'd all die.

You weren't selected, user. I'm sorry.

I mean, lots of kids don't get to have a brother, or be popular enough/fun enough to get friends for more than a year or two at a time, I don't really blame some people for not getting it. I had to learn the hard way about this shit, it took awhile, and it was taught by people that hate me. Not every kid gets to grow up tough, or well adjusted.

Now this is my kinda nigger

Attached: 1548036414974.jpg (308x308, 40K)

Because no one (even sensitive bitches) wants to use the mute/block button. I figure that to the sensitive people, they wouldn't want the offender to continue shit talking them to the other people in chat when they can't hear them. So it's better to control what everyone can/can't say.
Pretty tyrannical, I have to say.

No I didn't mean it like that. I'm not into bullying people for something they can't control.

> t. 14 year old white boy

I maybe hear something like that once a month? Im from europe so you mostly get annoying muslims who play music and talk to their friend tru ingame voice because they dont understand better so i just mute them

I barely play MP and I still get hate mail at least once every 3 sessions. Are you playing U.S. users? We seethe over games like no tomorrow. I've gotten hate mail after losing a match from the 3rd highest player bitching about how I killed him with a shotgun at some point I didn't even remember.

>t. actual 14 year old boy

Didnt kids grow up calling eachother faggots and yelling insults at eachother's mums.
The fuck happened, is there that much onions in the water.

>There's a fucking cunt that cut her wrists because people spammed "WOW!" At her on Rocket League.

Did the roastie die?

>Also I've never met a gay guy who objects to the word "fag"
One of the funniest things I've heard was a gay friend of mine responding to something by saying "that's the gayest shit I've ever heard, and I suck dick for fun"

>git gud
Based Microsoft

>Get destroyed. Can’t believe you thought you were on my level.

Ableist and capitalist

>That was some serious potato aim. Get wrecked.

Extremely offensive towards chromosomally challenged people

>Only reason you went positive was you spent all game camping. Try again, kid.


>Cheap win. Come at me when you can actually drive without running cars off the road.


>That sucked. Get good and then come back when your k/d’s over 1.


Do better, Microsoft.

Yeah I'm in the US, so probably mostly matched with other Americans.

I just, I don't get it. I'm deliberately being as much of an asshole as possible, demolishing kids, doing things that people should be getting angry at and yet... they don't. But my friends just play normally, not even that well, and the other players/teams get absolutely livid at them. But not at me. It's never at me. And that makes me sad.

>you're literally paying a company for the right to use your own internet
>you now have to follow strict rules for speech in order to keep paying them money for what you already have
being a console cuck is fucking pathetic.

Whatever helps you sleep at night, coon.

my own mother heard me screaming the N word on XBL when I was 12, she gave me a raise in allowance and bought 20 lbs of tenders. Different times I guess.

I still call my best friend a fag and he still uses shitty mom jokes, it goes from childish fun to unoriginal and annoying to stupid and then when you complete the circle it becomes fun again

>that text that blends in wiith the background

Yes it is. Back when retard memes were popular they were highly associated with potatoes. Specifically because of this image, one of the original popular memes.
Ever since then it has been used to reference a retard, and like the others mentioned Microsoft missed it because their Xbox employees don't actually play games

Attached: 8474739.jpg (400x398, 25K)

>can't get people to hate you even when you're actively trying
You should become a lobbyist

IMAGE MACROS, thank you very much.

My thoughts exactly. It's about power, nothing else.

Man im so fucking sorry
The best and i mean it the best feeling in online games is when they get so mad the break down to a screaming mess or leave the game, the leaving part happens when you destroy them but the first one is so rare now it hurts

Because freedom is worth dying for. If you don't understand that, you're probably not American.

You guys must not play a lot of multiplayer games. Children today are still way, waaaay less cautious about bad speech and wrongthink than adults.

And me and all of my adult friends, some of whom are gay, some of whom are black, still sit in Discord chat and call each other hard-R niggers and faggots.

The solution to all this bullshit is to find friends who aren't, you know, fags. The final solution, you might say.

That's called growing up user.
When you have actual friends you actually spend time with or siblings that you've been around your entire life, you have no problem calling each other faggots or cunts or bitches or whatever because you realize that they're just words and they don't mean anything because you know you love each other.
The people getting offended by this dumb shit are women (let's be honest, they're always offended) and only-child losers with no friends who don't know what having a close interpersonal unconditional positive relationship is like.

>Didnt kids grow up calling eachother faggots and yelling insults
>at eachother's mums
No? Maybe the trailer trash did.
>The fuck happened, is there that much onions in the water.
Its the same shit has been happening for decades. Its just parents over blowing shit in media like they always do, the only difference now is they have social media on their side. Kids are literally copying what edgy shit they see on the internet. To quote a famous line "Parents just don't understand".

>The people getting offended by this dumb shit are women (let's be honest, they're always offended) and only-child losers with no friends who don't know what having a close interpersonal unconditional positive relationship is like.
I don't think children are any more supportive of censorship than Yea Forums. Let's be real, it's mostly Jews. They can't stand the thought of divisive words losing power.

Attached: 1533609723500.jpg (710x532, 52K)

Not him or american but i agree
When zucc was being questioned one congressman said that the free speech is something we have to preserve and that young people trying to destroy it are dangerous and will set the world hundreds of years back
That man, the old fucking bulldog looking grandpa is my hero
Free speech gives you the right to say anything and it helps both sides at the same time

>still sit in Discord chat and call each other hard-R niggers and faggots.
enjoy getting IP banned

Unless it's the freedom to tell you you aren't allowed to talk like that on their servers, then it's a horrible terrible thing that is the root of all evil.

Fuckin' Americans, man.
I don't watch this guy regularly but the few recommended videos I've seen have been pretty good, I think this one especially makes some very excellent points.

dios mio look at that FUPA

>potato aim
yet I bet they ban you for using the R word even though potato means the same thing as retard

>unless it's the freedom to tell others what they are and aren't allowed to say
We call that "oppression of the human right to free speech", euroslave. I told you that you wouldn't understand, and damned if I wasn't right

Well i only play siege with some friends so that could explain it

Thats pretty accurate but i have some female friends that are assholes too, fuck i talk to my sister with faggot and she replies with kys and it's great

You did a great job mom

Is she pregnant?

>I don't think children are any more supportive of censorship than Yea Forums.
user, that's not what only-child means.
I'm referring to grown ass adults with no real friends and no siblings who get offended by stupid shit.
Jews are not omniscient, they're not literally in control of these people, they're just fucking stupid and easily-manipulated by ANYONE.
It just so happens that Jews are usually the most manipulative.

Imagine making a post like this on a website like Yea Forums
Just fucking leave now. Reddit or gamefags or resetera or literally any other forum that requires account creation would undoubtedly server you 100x better than this website. Just fucking leave.

Attached: 1531700160802.png (300x300, 219K)

>You suck. Get out of my country—maybe they’ll let you back in when your k/d’s over 1.
I am use that

>I'm referring to grown ass adults with no real friends and no siblings who get offended by stupid shit.
Ah, gotcha gotcha. Yeah. Hypersensitive adults are fucking terrible. Absolutely awful to deal with. They're the living, breathing incarnation of
>no fun allowed

Don't forget when jack dorsey went on joe rogan and said using twitter was a human right, putting him in a highly awkward position when it came to all the politically motivated bans. I didn't follow the situation too closely but as far as I know, no explanation was ever given for this hilarity.

Neither oppression now is it free speech. You don't even understand the ignorant right you defend.

Fuck your freeze peach.

Female siblings can be a bit of a crapshoot.
My oldest sister is chill and fun as fuck, the older is an annoying bitch and my youngest sister is just a giant weeb.
Brothers are usually a much safer bet, the only way you could have a bad relationship with your brother is if he literally molested/raped/beat you.

>literally nothing personell kid
why are these corporations so out of touch?
don't they hire internet snowflakes for this type of shit

Attached: just not free speech.jpg (863x818, 68K)

I hated my sister until she hit highschool or end of elementary,shes a weirdo weeb but shes pretty nice and smart
I can only blame my redpilled mom for how we turned out and I'll be forever grateful

This is literally like replacing normalfag with normie. Normie makes you look like a fucking retard, in the same vein if you have to go "what the heck" instead of "what the fuck" just don't swear.

Yep pretty much
Corporate thinks they know better and that moves like this will attract more players than they lose because all the easily offended people and the twatter specialist will instantly become customers even though they are not fans or interested in anything they just want to complain

Leave, euroslave.

>i cant handle not being able to call someone subhuman and to rope themself every five second wherever i am!

How else are they going to fill their diversity quota?

>sister swallowed the bullshit about trump
>waiting in a pizza place with her one time before bernie was cucked by the dnc
>sister says she'd be really proud of me if I registered as a democrat and voted for bernie
>doesn't ask me if I know anything about politics, the candidates, or if I even care
>just tries to emotionally manipulate me for an insane socialist
At least it was funny when Shillary rigged the primary against him.

Literally triggered

He really did not expect his website to spiral out of control like this, so he's trying to wing it. No matter whether you use Twitter or not, everyone can agree it was a much better place several years ago when it was more about posting meaningless shit, and significantly very little politics.

Attached: 1518430334202.jpg (200x200, 10K)

I'm Irish and this offends me

>I cant handle blocking people who call me subhuman and tell me to rope myself so the establishment must protect my feelings!

Attached: 60548266.jpg (512x288, 25K)

>tfw actually using those trash talking methods gets people more mad than just calling them a retard

Attached: 30158DE8-BB13-4597-A3D7-4D61B62A9FC7.jpg (1882x1057, 193K)

No shit retard. Did you think this post was clever? He already clarified that he doesn't get offended or turn into an insane social justice warrior, he just gets uncomfortable because of a life experience. You have triggers too, you just don't want to admit it.

Literally triggered

I've really got to watch this one of these days

except people literaly breed their children to behave this way irl and will even make bots to incite this too

Literally no different to smashing your controller

Yes, seeing retarded people and people who project an air of false bravado triggers me. We all learned something today.

gays have fought back but the retards haven't (too dumb)

What the fuck are you talking about?

who names their daughter Mackenzie?

>You suck. Get out of my country—maybe they’ll let you back in when your k/d’s over 1.
This is fucking gold

Attached: how do you do, fellow kids.jpg (1200x800, 162K)

The single ? Is literally the most blood boiling insult known to man .
I don't care what anyone says I will always be fucking mad


We are proud to announce our new tools for managing your online experience, we have finally found the solution for toxicity in chat, as soon as patch 1.4.2 hits you will be able to click on the specific person and block them effectively muting them so they cannot interact with you!
We know this is incredible and we will continue to work on this revolutionary feature and improve it as we go, currently we are considering putting a option to turn on profanity filters and even disable chat in general but these will take some time to research and implement.

Dev team

Attached: 1253972828046.jpg (320x240, 17K)

WOW can't believe Microsoft approved this but ok...

Attached: 1466763807526.jpg (800x600, 134K)


>Get out of my country
Gonna start using this.

Attached: 1513035423401.gif (265x207, 1.17M)

Isn't this a little over the line?

Attached: 1466759969568.jpg (720x960, 324K)

>ridiculous amounts of violence is okay
>but don't say naughty words even they we know you're adults

Incredible on how we tried so hard as a society to try to overcome the moralist standards from older generations just to full circle back into baby-care and protect any feeling from our precious little childrens

Get fucking raped tranny subhuman of an OP

unless they actually consider "ass" profanity, then this dude actually didn't break the new rules lmao.

>Only white people and yankee coons think there's a difference between nigga and nigger.
Well, that's mainly because buttblasted niggers have made people think it's that way


Do you not know what a coon is, nigger?

>3rd party company
>free speech
Did you read the terms and agreement? You can't be this retarded. Facebook will flag you too if you act out of control

someone who wants a slut daughter that's who

to be honest, no.

well now you do porch monkey

This is what I need in my life

Attached: BTFO.png (789x595, 137K)

microsoft's target audience isn't idorts looking for exclusives, it's underage that feel brand loyalty towards xbox and want to play all their multiplats on it. it will never have games again.
their publicity plan is to pay for exclusive ads and reveals for multiplats. make really generic commercials for games like DMC and final fantasy that show nothing about the game and then tack on "all the best games are on xbox one" for the last two seconds of the ad.

Every day, I pray that people like you never get into gatekeeping positions where they have power. I pray that the world stops spinning on this clown-tilted axis. I pray. I hope.

Trying to act like an adult vs. Actually being one

if only other games were still that based.

I just heard someone say "Shut up you fucking loser."
I need to know does this fall under the trash talk guidelines or am I allowed to get their money stolen over this?

Just wait until 20 years from now and the children of all these Zoomer stiffs grow up and sex drugs and rock n' roll is the new rebellious norm. I can't wait.


Attached: Xgod.jpg (3000x3000, 1.7M)

Huh, I thought he was calling them Irish.

Cheap win. Totally expected from a NIGGER

But I'm sure they'll never flag you, because you're a good little corporate bootlicker, aren't you?

>all that shit that's also on PC
>even gaylo is being ported to PC now
xbros... it's time to let go

>switch and ps4
>exclusives only
>multiplats only

Attached: face6.jpg (446x725, 77K)

That she's hurting herself says more to me that what's going on is that she has an issue.

Of course there are assholes online, we know that, but there's always going to be someone or something to hurt one's feelings. If she's gonna hurt herself over that (and to get attention as cutters seem to do) she has deeper issues that need sorting with real help ASAP.

>This picture again

You seriously wanna do this again? Super Lucky's Tale? Sea of th-... you know what, forget it. You already know.

You ever met a girl that was a cutter? They will find any excuse to do it. Anything. You already know, this girl would've sliced herself up whether she ever heard of Rocket League or not.


Women are like attention crackheads.

>You suck. Get out of my country
Aren't we playing online?

Attached: 1487549801893.png (697x534, 562K)

>playing game with spics
>one says he's an illegal immigrant
>tell him to get out of my country

this is a good thing. Yea Forums always complained about not knowing what was allowed so now you do. no excuses for racism and profanity now.

wow theres a lot of missing ps4 exclusives.

and look at that xbox console-exclusive list... nobody wants to play any of that shit.

lets be real the xbox one is a failed generation. Sure it currently has the best hardware on the .5 generation and sure it has backwards compatibility which is great but it has no gaems.

Attached: eckbock.png (308x776, 86K)

Seething faggots.


>Hey , that was some serious potato aim. Get wrecked, trash.
Literally try to defend this, ResetEra.

You mean the report button? Yes it works. Never used mute/block because it's important to get retards banned.


You're the one coping, manchild ;))

Have sex.

i went on the Anthem subreddit last week and they were all upvoting a screencap a person took of someone telling them "you should buy monopoly instead because at least you won't die straight away", not because it was funny but because it hurt the person's feelings and made them not want to play and more and such a message was an injustice and "ruins it for everyone"

>Get wrecked
Umm sweaty this is highly problematic. I'm literally shaking rn.

>Come at me when you can actually drive without running cars off the road.
Ah I see they have played plenty of Forza.

How do I spin it?

it doesn't matter whose side they're on, they're always completely unreliable.

>i went on the Anthem subreddit last week

Attached: 1528559349640.png (533x358, 421K)

Honestly better to not talk to them, theyre not worth your time or effort.


>I get pretty blasted over sexual threats
>get fuckt

Attached: lpx4tay6zpk21.jpg (831x799, 55K)

>E for Everyone
but hasn't every videogame rating put in a big ol' online content may for at least the last two gens?


>But my friends just play normally, not even that well, and the other players/teams get absolutely livid at them
Because your friends are garbage enough that it's frustrating to actually lose to them. When you just get smashed by someone clearly good it's whatever, when you're getting fugged by someone who seems like crap but everything keeps going wrong somehow you are platinum mad.

bro i go there to see the bleating of a collection of saps who bought a game that was obviously going to be shit from the first announcement, getting madder and madder about the devs abandoning it.
you missed great laughs because you're so scared of being caught looking at a site

I see they omitted git gud. That's great, it's the only thing you need anyway to make these thin-skinned homosexuals fall apart.

Attached: Ssh.png (600x546, 414K)

she just tried to think of something catchy to say to make people think there's more to her tweet than wanting attention for cutting herself. don't make me post the gym duckface pasta.

Very true words

>being a shit talker is "acceptable" as long as you don't use the no-no meanie bo-beanie words

what planet am I on?

A so.y based planet

Did you just call me a potato? Excuse me? Potatoes are the best thing ever (french fries, mashed) and if you're using that as an insult then it's not working

>Get destroyed. Can’t believe you thought you were on my level.
>That was some serious potato aim. Get wrecked.
>Only reason you went positive was you spent all game camping. Try again, kid.
>Cheap win. Come at me when you can actually drive without running cars off the road.
>That sucked. Get good and then come back when your k/d’s over 1.
This sounds like some ass annihilted sperg wrote it.

WOAAH how about a little heads up next time guy? I almost sliced myself on that edge holy shit.

What about )

>That was some serious potato aim.
Hah, as far as I know the potato thing spurred from the down syndrome girl advice demotivator circa 2007 I can count to poatato".
Glad it's subvertly acceptable. This is what happens when Chan culture seeps across the Internet but people don't understand it.

>bong falseflagging
we don't give a shit about mentioning potatos because we've thick skin unlike you sissy cunts.

If Rocket League is doing that to her why doesn't she just stop playing? Seems like any game is never worth that.

>Brush Script

You sound mad

>Hulk Hogan was a big endorser
>Got in trouble for saying the N word

Attached: piccolo.jpg (1280x720, 86K)

Are you seriously implying that your shitty little acronym was ever a Yea Forums thing? Fuck off.

>entitled millennial
Society lives and breathes rules. You will never be above that.


Attached: toxic.jpg (857x205, 67K)

>the site's real

Um sweaty, I'm about to turn around 360 degrees and walk out of here for that little remark

Attached: toxic2.png (1328x239, 60K)

Potato is an insult to Irish people.

Nice dude, did you just go look up a random old meme on know your meme to try and look like you're not new as shit?

wrecked = raped

What's know your meme?

that too
this but unironcially

>playing on consoles
These faggots need to kill themselves.

>gay friend of mine
You are a faggot.

Humans live and breathe passion. You will never be able to censor that.

No because he said "no homo" when they first met, so it's all good.

Totally dude. Just look at how they put those rules in place about illegal drugs, and now no one's done drugs since like the 1970's. Great point user.

You signed an agreement that you would agree to the rules and you violate it and complain? Are you an idiot?

It's not though. Irish people don't get offended over this. There's such a disconnect between any living Irish person and the famine. Nobody cares just like how every Irish person in their 20s now doesn't give a bollocks about the troubles. British people have just invented this "insult" so they have a sick burn to toss at any Irish people they come across because they're still ass annihilated they're no longer relevant in the world anymore. Then when the Irish person ignores this weak 'insult' they claim that its because it's totally pissed them off.

Why is bong humor always so weak and effeminate

What kind of a traitorous taint are you? Is your dad a lawyer for Microsoft? I bet you're the dude who told on the cool kids for smoking cigarettes behind the gym. You little snitch.

>most incarcerations are drug related
Your point, user? Seems like violators are getting punished. You break rules, you are punished. What's hard to understand about that?

Too bad McCarthy didn't get YOU

Sounds like NPC talk to me. Are you afraid of authority? Narc ass narc.

Yes, every violator who has ever done any illegal drugs has been punished. Even the rich people, the poor people, young and old, everyone. And it's always meted out fairly too. Wow you are full of great points today.


>sign agreement
>act like an entitled shit when you're called out violating it
Play a different game then.

Attached: 1556173576234.webm (720x336, 2.44M)

Guess who's going to die alone after playing single mother to several half-lings from different men?

Just call people fagtards and it'll balance out into a neutral term.

Literally virgin vs chad

>Greight Beight One Thousand Eight

Attached: 1386515011224.png (535x466, 182K)

My go to phrase is
>Ooooooooooooh get fucked on!
Is that too much of a (((sexual threat))) for microsoft?

>There's a fucking cunt that cut her wrists because people spammed "WOW!" At her on Rocket League.

>oooh get raped on you nigger cum guzzling faggot tranny

What a save!
What a save!
What a save!
What a save!
Chat Disabled for 3 seconds

"I want a strong and healthy nation."

>they reduced the number of times you could crouch, wave, or spam lines in overwatch
Quit playing after that. There was no point in playing other than to make people mad and that just made it harder.

DSP finally killed someone

My smile and optimism unironically gone

Nice shot!
Nice shot!
Nice shot!
Nice shot!

Attached: oxikwn0t2fqcvm56dxwy.png (800x448, 376K)

"Equal rights, equal fights"
Rolls off the tongue better.

this but unironically

I cent aim fer potatoes

>Get [sexual threat] you [homophobic slur] [racial slur]. Go back to [racial slur]-istan you [profanity] [ableism]. Commit sudoku you walking abortion

How is she getting bullied playing Rocket League? People keep picking "what a save" over and over?

>all those replies
>not remembering it when it happened
>not thinking he's swimming in millions and vagina and probably animu girls
you fools. this guy will wreck your shit. GET DESTROYED niggers

>Get destroyed.
>Wow potato aim. Get rekt.
>Try again, kid
>Come at me when you can actually play.
>Git gud
>Get fucked.
Toxic. Muted and reported.
>That was a cheap win.
>You only won because you were camping.
This game is all about camping; go back to CS or whatever other twitch shooter hole you crawled out of.
This is why text chat should be disabled at all times, ESPECIALLY all chat.
There is no reason to use all chat at all. You could say gg at the end of matches, but from my experience this would sound too sarcastic because matchmaking is such a bad concept that you will rarely ever actually have a 'good' game.
There is more of a shitstorm at this point over actual griefing like TKing. Most people have realized there are multiple ways to mute everyone else and have done so. The direct consequence of this is that the majority of my games have only one other person out of four that will make any attempt to communicate with the rest of the team.
When you realize most of team communication is not useful callouts but is actually them just flaming each other, things get really quiet when people who have nothing nice to say actually say nothing at all.
Worse yet, many use out-of-game VC, so those who might've actually given call outs just feed them to their one friend instead of the team.

You can't lose if you didn't set up a losing codition. I mean, sucking your own dick must feel great but come on.


Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 81K)

>Get good and then come back when your k/d’s over 1.

Potato aim is highly problematic because it belittles our slavshit brethren.

Friendly reminder that you are not as innocent as you think you are and the world you wish to create can be easily turned against you.

It's not a matter of IF you slip up.
It's a matter of WHEN.
Especially when the definitions of OFFENCE are constantly changing.
And I WILL be there to report you and ruin your life and watch your own socialist beast maul you to death.

Did you honestly believe you were going to be immune to the world you created?

Attached: 1526110059737.png (1000x531, 93K)

>i've been on the internet since 2012

>linking to shortfatotaku
>the retard who pretended to be a mute, autistic girl for half of his career

Attached: laughing cowboys.jpg (582x406, 36K)

>he was told she was raped because she wanted attention and he immediately bought it

get penetrated without consent

I personally don't think it is or should be legal to ban a paying customer from accessing and using game servers because he said bad words. If anything he should be put in servers with others lime him, and yeah keep using the agreement terms but that does not make it right to do. You paid for the game, blocking access should constitute a refund if you can play anymore.

it's about the continuation of no one actually owning anything anymore

>Twitter leftist fags report news about white nationalist
>they get muted for a while
>they get absolutely assblasted amd surprised thinking the are above the rules they themselves demanded.
>they have been warned time and time again.

It's actually hilarious and sad at the same time.

People who are unironically toxic are usually funny. But sometimes they're legit retards who got triggered and will autistically spam swearing over and over, they're neither funny nor deserve the chat to be available to them. It's like comparing a good joke to animal noises children make which they think sound funny.


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When you can't debate the message, attack the messenger

So mute them. What's the big deal.

Who said it's a big deal? If you act like an underaged retard and it's not even slightly entertaining - I'll just report you and move on.

Sorry user but you lose all credibility and respect when you're a sperg of that calibre. I dont listen to people that cant contain their autism.

Yeah okay faggot, if you say Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo is a bad anime against I will fucking end your life

>Get good
so git gud is officially acceptable trash talk
i guess the liberal games journalists will have to git gud now

something i wonder about the people that get super upset because someone called them a faggot online, what do they do when they face genuine hardship in life? immediately commit suicide?

The topic name itself shows that the messenger is retarded, there's nothing to debate because his opinion doesn't have any value to begin with.

>Get out of my country
Who the fuck even says this? It's a video game, not a neonazi rally.

Why does IRL bullying get such a free pass while internet trash talking make you literally the devil? I'm pretty sure IRL bullying is more likely to create a shooter.

Or you could turn the game off and do something productive instead of cutting yourself and showing your weaknesses and insecurities to the world on Twitter

Attached: How The Fuck Is Cyber Bullying Real.webm (852x480, 2.28M)

americans again ruining something with their stupid puritan morals.

It's all about getting the moral highground user

bullying and trash talk are too entirely different things.

Well you make a big deal out of it, reporting and not muting. The only one acting like a child is the one reporting for hurt fefees you should only report on suspicion of hacking anything else is bitch behavior. Because the mute button exists.
Seems more like you just don't have any rebuttals, take away his persona and image and put the arguments on a piece of paper if it helps you. But what you are doing is dismissing a conversation because you don't like the person speaking, but in reality you don't like their ideas.
Sure thing tranny, because men don't face hardships and aren't being blamed for literally everything bad in this world. Men cannot be left out , it's totally fine to make fun and berate men, ostracize them from society and then say oh gee where did all the good men go, when just a false accusation can absolutely destroy your life. You are just incapable of discussing the topic because you are a part of the problem. Thinking that the opinions espoused have no value shows that you didn't even engage for a second and dismissed everything because you cannot give one counterpoint to the situation of the problems young men are facing, from suicide to being left behind in doctrine filled schools to rising expectations. Obviously to you it's trivial but what he is saying is absolutely true , it is happening and it is a problem.
You must be part of those faggot professors that accepted Mein Kampf as feminist rhetoric, and claimed that it's not good enough that it needs to be harsher, men in chains wasn't good enough for these people.


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hello le old user

Obviously because the internet is where these fucks have control. Remember that bullyhunter stunt?? Remember that and how it was framed as a female only issue, not one guy being a victim, only women, even doe males face more harassment online than women. But it's ok because we need to protect wymyn


But why?
You can mute racists ,how is that a point of contention?

Who are you calling a nigger you lint licker?

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Excuse mua , le french toast is receist against le french peple.

>Tech companies now actively monitor and enforce exact guidelines on how rude you can be to each other over VOIP in video games

I keep screaming but god doesn't answer

Between Sony prudes and Microsoft babysitting the next gen is going to be a clusterfuck

The best shit talking is GG EZ. Guaranteed to make the opponent rage and then you can report them.

Not only that, but as leftist screech harder and harder, the rules will get tighter and tighter, to the point where even saying hello will be seen as white nationalism, we already know OK is not ok. Just give it a couple of years, we are getting there, remember the word filter in bf5 beta?? You couldn't say white.

Hourly reminder that Xbox Live has an automated enforcement system that is patented by the US government

Is Xbox the most soulless console at this point? Even their trash talk is soulless.

Wht the fuxk you said you faghot what ggez I'll kill you motherfucker poece of shit fuck your mpther sideways by s freighttrain

That sucked. Get good and then come back when your k/d’s over 1.

Newspeak is coming.
War is peace
freedom is slavery
ignorance is strength

hang yourself dickhead.

That's bullshit.
>Automated enforcement system.
>Friends and I say absolutely vile shit all the time.
>All have our OG xbox accounts over ten years old, none of us have ever been banned.

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Wow, it really was made by the US government!

Yes. With a happy, healthy heaping of cinnabon.

who cares about nazis being censored besides nazis? whine more

See for yourself

Attached: Screenshot_20190503-043541_Brave.jpg (1440x2960, 1.29M)

It wasn't nazis that got censored, it was the supposed journos, reporting news, and twitter flagged that, the journo was surprised because obviously he is a good bootlicker commie scum and shouldn't be flagged for reporting the news, but Twitters algorithm doesn't know the difference between a news article containing the words white nationalism and a white nationalist posting propaganda.
If you support censorship you are literally nazi tier retarded bruh, what is wrong with you.

>Try again, kid

Um, that is actually a pretty problematic slur against people with age dysphoria.

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What kind of name is McKay?

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Isn’t this that femdom girl front Idolmaster?

>Most cyberbullied kid

In terms of mentality, I think CWC takes that honor.