World of Goo is now free on Epic Store

Stories Untold is the next free game.

Attached: world of goo epic.jpg (1639x589, 114K)

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God I wish steam did this. Even psn, Xbox and Nintendo do this. This is what happens when you take 30%

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Would recommend! Fun casual game to play when you only have a little time on your hands

Are you retarded? Steam already gives away free games just as often as Epic does.

>This is what happens when you take 30%
You mean just like Sony/MS/Nintendo? They don't give out free games they give """""free""""" games that are included with their online subscription, try harder shill.

I already bought it on Humble Widget, thanks for the patch Epic.

it's called the f2p section you poor nigger

What's funny is Epic has a massive audience of Fortnite users, and barely a fraction of them bother downloading any of the game's epic makes free.

shut up, steamdrone

>Steam already gives away free games just as often as Epic does.

There hasn't been one since they gave away those lego games

They cost money afterwards

Nice argument faggot. Your just mad I called you out on your lies.

>psn, Xbox and Nintendo
which you have to pay for with your online sub. Icing on the shit cake.

>absolute throwaway trash games after Witness, Subnautica and Oxenfree

What's the point if it's just $3 crap

If you have any self respect whatsoever you would never buy a single game on this shitty launcher or even install the launcher in the first place.

The only acceptable answer one could give me to having it is simply not being made aware how trash they are yet

I got Subnautica for free. Can't complain.

am I supposed to thank them for giving me a 15 year old indie game for free?

Why is this allowed?

You paid with something, just not money.

yeah, people like you are why lotsa devs are abandoning steam in favor of epic


because epic pays their influencers on social media more than hiro pays the board mods to keep them out

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World of Goo is over 10 years old and has been available for free and dirt cheap countless times. Is this supposed to be their Steam killer?

>God I wish steam did this.
They do.

They don't have a free game every two weeks, because they aren't desperate for new users, but I've probably gotten more free games from Steam than from Epic. I've also gotten free games from Origin, Uplay, Humble, and GOG. The only thing special about Epic's free games is that they're doing them on a regular schedule. That won't last forever, and when it stops, you probably won't see another free Epic game for a while.

nobody is abandoning it though, most of the games are coming to steam a few months after the epic release, the only one that has was literally bought out by epic

Attached: cup.png (712x517, 262K)

>Is this supposed to be their Steam killer?
No and how say it is?

>There hasn't been one since they gave away those lego games
But that's wrong you retard.

I'm not him but is there an accurate list of free give-aways on the Steam store? I'm just curious to see if I missed any recent ones. Most of the free games I've gotten from any store (Epic included) are shit, but I feel a compulsive need to add every free game to my account anyway.

Name them. I watch Steam giveaways like a hawk and there's been dick all

They gave away Super Meat Boy, another 10 year old game - they've had dud giveaways, but so has Steam.

Attached: d5c.jpg (625x626, 40K)

I'm not him, but I'm looking at this page now:
Looks like the first episode of some silly indie game is free right now:

Before that, the most recent non-DLC giveaway listed on that page is KHOLAT from a couple of months ago, but it's still more recent than the LEGO games from four months ago, which were actually Humble Bundle giveaways.

For one thing, Crusader Kings II was given away free last year (that's how I got it), and there's been plenty other titles since that I can't remember by name.

Thanks Chang.

KHOLAT yeah that was the last one - now Steam hasn't given out shit. They used to give them out like candy, now they don't.

Yeah you just proved my point CK2 was a great giveaway (forgetting all the DLC) - there's been mostly stuff on HB like Dirt and LEGO, but yeah, it's been fucked the last few months

And what exactly is "people like you" someone who's not a corporate bootlicker? The original post was outright false information all your doing is making vague general claims with no argument or counterpoint.

What happened to Yea Forums
When did it become reddit 2.0

Well, if you want some free games, there are a bunch on GOG.

I think most of these are always free, with the possible exception of Gwent. Didn't that cost money before? I don't know.

>Epic gives out a game for free that I own multiple times, all for free

>This is what happens when you take 30%

I thought they only take 30% when the game exceeds some million number of sales

>that I own multiple times

Can't blame Epic for you buying Subnautica

Imagine installing a chink botnet client.

2014 happened.


m00t literally uprooted mods who had been on the side for a decade or more, and replaced them with SJWs, some of whom were directly in circles with Anita Sarkeesian and Zoe Quinn.

He got salty about Yea Forums calling him out on being an actual cuck, so this was how he took his revenge before leaving entirely.

are these added to your library forever or only available free for the 2 weeks?

I wanted to play UT so I had it installed anyway

Still playing Subnautica and Slime Launcher

I guess those were previous freebies?
maybe I should download this epic launcher.
getting bored of Diablo 2.

You can collect them without installing EGS here

Though you will need to install it to play the games obv

>World of Goo
Wasn't this shit a Wii launch title

thanks for the tip, have a comfy bonfire pic.

Attached: Otaku Bonfire.jpg (986x1000, 232K)

Also if you have problems with the site and adding them to your account, it's your adblocker/noscript and you need to white list the site

>You don't need the client to claim the games, but you do need the client to play them
Then what's the point in claiming the free shit if you don't want to use their fucking launcher?

Attached: 1552623547186.gif (250x300, 1.56M)

For when I finally have a game to install it for, I'll have a nice list of games to play.

Attached: my egs list.png (1158x730, 39K)

Two possible reasons.

>no intention of ever using Epic because Steam provides a better service to consumers
>Epic keeps buying exclusives with Chinese-government-funded Tencent money until Steam goes out of business
>oh fuck, I guess I need to use Epic to play PC games now, at least I have a small collection of games they gave away for free in 2019.
>no intention of using Epic client unless they actually update it to be as fully featured as Steam
>it's unlikely but somehow they manage to stop bribing game publishers long enough to update their shit
>the client isn't trash anymore
>maybe now I'll play those games they gave away for free in 2019

P much

Why do the Chinese specifically target Yea Forums to shill Tencent and Epic? Can't they go anywhere else?
六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989

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