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based good guy hitler

he already is the good guy tho

>Epic is making a good guy look like a good guy

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China doesn't know what hitler is though

Wow, getting a vasectomy, what a cuck!
If I ever have sex for the first time (I'm 30 btw) I'll still be fully prepared to make a girl pregnant.

Reminder that The Holocaust was real

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WTF I love Epic now

>not wanting to fuck a trap

But hitler was the good guy

Why is he getting a vactesmy when he never gets laid?Prove it

Sequel when?

Hitler did nothing wrong
(((Gabe))) is a literal Jew and used even worse tactics when pushing Steam. Valve has done more damage to gaming than any other company. Why does Valve get a pass?

Hitler didn't steal Borderlands 3 from Steam. You know who did? Sweeny.

Because we love Steam sales.

hitler killed more white people than the bubonic plague

What sales? Even $1 is too much for a download license

What if the game is DRM free?

Hey man, I know you're like 16 and read up all your consumer rights knowledge on Yea Forums but owning the disc for a game never gave you full rights to the IP or the distribution of the media on the disc.
I know this concept is crazy to you, but you don't own the right to copy and sell something just because you bought it, you can make a rip off and sell that, but buying someone's intellectual property and trying to sell it as your own was never kosher

Actually as a consumer you have a right of resale which digital "purchases" are restricting by not tying it to a physical item you can resell.

Oh I agree with you there, you should be able to sell your license.
I jumped the gun and thought you were one of those super retards that believed that sharing your game disc was the same as uploading the game online to "share" with thousands of people you don't know as though it was the same thing, my b.